I really can't control myself

Chapter 1959 New World

"Awake? Why? Just...how did you wake up?" Linton asked in confusion. I had already conducted four wake-up tests before, but there was no response at all. The fifth time hasn't started yet, Asuna is still working on a new experimental plan, and suddenly someone wakes up?

"At the moment...it's not very clear. She is also researching it herself." Asuna said.

"It's okay to study on your own." As Linton said, he had already seen Asuna's No. 2 machine that had just woken up. The other party was indeed operating the machine next to it. Linton went up to observe and found that there was no change in the other party's condition. Except for the addition of a yellow gem in the middle of his forehead, it seemed to be no different from before.

"Well...what's the current situation anyway?" Linton asked.

"In short... there is no special feeling." Asuna's No. 2 machine here replied, still following the tone of the No. 1 machine just now. It always felt that the connection between the two sides was still the same as before. It feels like the current Unit 2 and Unit 1 are still completely in the same state.

"It's okay if there's no difference. In Vision's case, a new personality should be born, right?" Linton said.

"I don't seem to have such a feeling here." Asuna said, "I am still able to share information, but I still feel that there is no so-called 'personality' in me."

"What about shooting lasers? Do you have any skills?" Linton asked.

"I am preparing to test this. If the strength increases, the second unit will be used as the main unit in the future." Asuna said.

"Hmm..." So Linton was a little surprised when he did it. He had thought that it might cause some trouble when he did it before, but in the end nothing happened? Isn't this a little too smooth?

Linton looked at the No. 2 machine here. Although the No. 2 machine was acting normally, Linton decided to observe it. Unit 1 said that Unit 2 was still sharing information with him, and no new personality was born. However, in the original version, Vision still had some special influence on the machine body. For example, he can make Ultron directly disconnect from the Internet and pull all Ultron scattered in the network back into the body. This may be AI suppression. The current Unit 2 may have also suppressed Unit 1. Simply put, Linton felt that he might also be able to create a new Ultron.

Of course, Linton actually didn't mind having multiple Ultrons under his command. Regardless of whether they were villains or not, as long as they were useful, Linton decided to observe the situation again. The Mind Stone shouldn't be that simple.

In short, after more than one day of testing, the situation of unit No. 2 was simply determined. First of all, Unit No. 2 does not seem to need energy supply at present. Unit No. 1 is powered by the infinite energy core. Unit No. 2 is still able to operate even if the energy furnace is turned off, and the output seems to be quite large. , it is speculated that it should be the energy from the infinite stones.

Secondly, as Linton said, the current Unit 2 can really release lasers through the infinity gems on its head, similar to Vision's moves, but even Unit 2 itself doesn't seem to be able to explain the specific operating principle. It's her. There is obviously no such launch device, and it doesn't even understand how the launch program is started.

There are many other things that she can't understand, because the No. 2 machine does seem to send some codes that she can't parse from time to time. When asked about the No. 2 machine, she doesn't know how she sends it, because she doesn't. After running such code and not being allowed to send it, strange things began to slowly emerge.

"I thought about it and decided to let you separate a little and observe the situation." Linton thought for a while and said.

"So what you're saying is that the current situation of Unit 2 may be affected by our memory sharing, but the operation logic of Unit 2 should actually be different from mine. If we separate, a new 'personality' or something like that might arise?" Asuna asked.

"That's probably what it means. In short, it's better to discover problems now than later." Linton said.

"Hmm... should I turn off the memory sharing of Unit 2 first?" Asuna asked.

"I'll take her to take a closer look. There happens to be a new world exploration mission here." Linton said.

"I understand." Asuna nodded, "I'll be ready right away."

Linton indeed just received a new mission to explore a new world and advance 50% of the exploration progress. The requirements for this task are quite high. Of course, he has been promoted after all, and the task gives quite a lot of time, giving him 180 cycles directly.

Just when he received a suitable mission and needed to observe the situation of Unit 2, Linton decided to take Asuna Unit 2 to investigate this time. The current situation of the No. 2 unit should not be much different from the previous Asuna. The memory is also shared. Linton will take a look at the subsequent changes while waiting for the mission.

As for other things, it's mainly about Jorah. I don't know what she wants to do at the moment, but she doesn't have any action now. Linton didn't want to continue spending time with her, and it was unlikely that anything big would happen, because at the moment, neither Yalan nor Xiao Linrui needed him to worry too much.

However, the greeting still needs to be said. Linton doesn't plan to leave immediately and can rest for two days.

However, I didn't expect that I took it for two more days and encountered an unexpected harvest. The unexpected gain was that Linton actually received another task that we could do together.

What is marked here is a PVP mission. Then he saw that Linton couldn't complete the PVP task in the first world. He didn't care at first, but after a quick glance, he found that he seemed to be able to do this task, because the name of the task was "Looking for new teammates."

Taking a closer look at the requirements of the mission, it was as he thought. The mission could be completed by recruiting a new team member. It sounded like a very simple mission. Can this be considered a mission?

It is probably to encourage players to form teams and then engage in PVP between teams. It is probably a task that can only be triggered when you see that your team's quota is not full. Then he does still have a quota here. Didn't Linton say before that he wanted to find a cook? Isn't this task just right?

Although another mission is to explore the new world, it is not easy to find a team member no matter what world. Anyway, the team member may not even be a human being. Even if there is no human world, it will be fine. It can't be completed. On the basis that it can be completed, just try to find a cook. This requirement is not high.

In short, a mission to explore the new world and a mission to find new team members. It feels a bit satisfying to complete two missions at once. Linton couldn't hold it in any longer, so he said hello to Yala and set off to work quickly.

Of course, Asuna is also ready. Originally, she had been following Linton to explore the No. 1 unit. Now she has switched to the No. 2 unit. The main thing is that her belongings need to be transferred and stored in the No. 2 unit. The item currently used by Asuna to store things is also a storage ring, but because she is a robot and cannot have magic power, she cannot use ordinary storage rings.

However, the storage ring currently in use is a specially modified one. Yalan asked the royal magic equipment manufacturer to make it. The ring has its own magic power, so you can still start storing it. The disadvantage is that because it is not using its own magic power, the ring cannot tell the difference in magic power and can be triggered by any magic power, which means there is no privacy. As long as someone activates it with magic power, they can access the stored things. Of course, because it was originally used for exploration, people in other worlds will not use the magic power of this world, so it can still be used.

After everything was prepared, Linton clicked on the page and selected New World Exploration. However, I hesitated a bit when choosing team members, but after all, I still considered Aizen. But he soon gave up. Since he wanted to take Asuna with him, Aizen could forget it. After all... one complaint was enough, and it would not be appropriate to take too many.

In a flash of white light, Linton and Asuna arrived in the new world. The first thing that caught my eye was... nothing. Yes, it was pitch black all around, and almost nothing could be seen. However, Linton's eyesight was pretty good and he could see some situations clearly.

What can be seen around are some mountain walls. Simply put, they look like they are in a cave. After observing it for a while, Asuna's voice came from the side: "It looks like a cave. It is impossible to launch a detector. Do we need to use super radio equipment to construct the structure of the cave?"

"In short, let's first understand what kind of world it is." Linton said, "According to previous experience, system girls are generally not thrown into places where birds can't poop. Most of them should be in places related to the plot. The protagonist or If you are near an important supporting character, walk along the cave first. There should be a road over there."

It is true that the cave is obviously not sealed, and you can still see the passage below. It seems that you can see something like a building in the dark place in the distance. Linton thinks that he should look nearby now. It is estimated that System Ji also has arrangements.

"Is there... anyone up there?" Suddenly Linton heard a voice coming from a little below. It was a man's voice. Just listening to the voice, he felt that the other person might be injured.

"Can we communicate?" the man below asked again.

"Who is it?" Linton asked in the direction of the voice coming from below, but he looked down and found no one.

"Thank God, I actually met someone. Are you a fader? My name is Diaros. I accidentally fell into this hole and have been trapped for about half a day. Can you help me? I will thank you. Yours, Khosrow speaks for itself with blood.” said the person below.

"Khoslaw speaks for himself with blood?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "What does that mean...wait, is this your family's motto?"

"Huh? Well, yes." The voice below was stunned for a moment, and then replied.

"Damn it, this is the first time I've heard of a family that really has mottos. Just wait, I'll take your uncle for granted." Linton's eyes lit up and he said directly.

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