Seeing the huge ball of light flying towards him, Majin Buu naturally panicked. Although he had never seen this move before, his instinct was already calling the police.

However, the current situation was obviously unavoidable. Majin Buu had no other choice and no time to make the best choice. He moved his hands forward, and a purple light shot out from his hands, trying to block the flying energy bullets. .

However, this was obviously in vain. The light hit the vitality bomb with almost no reaction, and it could not even slow down the speed of the ball. The vitality bullet broke through the light all the way, but continued to fly straight in the direction of Majin Buu.

Finally, the vitality bullet hit Majin Buu's face. Majin Buu couldn't avoid it, and he hugged the vitality bullet forward with both hands, seemingly trying to force the thing back. But soon Majin Buu was pressed into the ground, and he kept retreating.

"Ahhhhh...kakakakakaka..." It was still the strange cry, but at this time, Majin Buu seemed to be struggling. At this time, all the energy in his body seemed to have been concentrated, and he was using all his strength to resist the huge vitality bomb.

"Use more strength!" Seeing that Majin Buu here was holding on for a moment, Vegeta, who was injured and fell to the ground, shouted anxiously to Linton.

"Use force?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "How to use force? You can throw this thing, how can you use force?"

"Huh?" Vegeta was stunned by Linton's words. Did Linton really just throw it out and not continue to use more power after that? Anxious Vegeta immediately shouted: "Push with your breath!"

"Can this still be pushed?" Linton really didn't know, because in his impression, the vitality bomb only needs to be thrown out. Does it need to be pushed later? After all, it is a skill learned in the system. This is the first time Linton has successfully used it, and he is completely unfamiliar with it.

After hearing Vegeta's words, Linton really wanted to try to see if he could push. However, just when he was about to take action, a loud shout suddenly came from the front.

"Ah!" As Majin Buu shouted, something unexpected happened. The energy bomb here was actually pushed back by the opponent and rushed towards Linton.

"What the hell? Brother, are you cheating? Where's the plot kill?" Linton was stunned when he saw the vitality bomb flying towards him. Of course, there is no need to panic. It’s just about playing basketball. I have unique experience and even made a game ball. Now that the other party has fought back, Linton will fight back again.

Just when he was about to take action, Linton suddenly froze, as if he remembered something, and his whole movement froze. There was obviously no time to think about the current anxious battle situation. The next second, the vitality bomb hit Linton's position directly.

There was a "boom", a white light flashed, a huge explosion, and the light directly engulfed everyone present, including Sun Wukong and others who were also affected by the aftermath of the explosion, and were all blown away.

Although the Kaio Shen Realm is protected by magic and is very strong, it is a bit unable to withstand such an attack. At this time, the entire planet was shaking, as if it would crack at any time.

Vegeta was also thrown away by this huge explosion. This huge force made him unable to resist at all. His whole body was flying around in chaos, and he didn't know where he went. But soon he felt someone push him from behind and pick him up.

Vegeta subconsciously looked behind him, and his first thought was that the person who caught him should be Linton, because Linton had done this before, but when he turned around, he realized that the person who caught him was Sun Wukong. The other party should have found his aura and moved over instantly to catch him.

It wasn't Linton who made Vegeta panic for a moment, because just now he also saw the energy bomb being pushed towards Linton by Majin Buu. Could it be that...

"Where is Linton?" Vegeta anxiously began to search for Linton's breath, "No... no breath..."

Yes, he couldn't feel Linton's breath at all now, but when he searched for Linton's breath, another breath appeared.

The smoke and dust were slightly blown away, and following the scent he found, Vegeta saw Majin Buu still standing there. The opponent's body was still in tatters, but when Vegeta saw him, Majin Buu's body twisted and recovered again.

However, the recovered Majin Buu was breathing heavily this time. Of course, he also saw Vegeta and Sun Wukong, but he had no intention of attacking and stayed where he was, as if he was resting.

It was obvious that Majin Buu was also a little out of strength. The energy bounce back just now consumed almost all of his strength, and even his regeneration became slower at this time.

Vegeta also saw that Majin Buu was out of strength and wanted to get up, but he found that he could hardly move. If Sun Wukong hadn't been supporting him from behind, he probably wouldn't have been able to stand.

"Damn it..." Seeing the other person resting there, Vegeta couldn't do anything. Looking at Sun Wukong behind him, he estimated that his situation was similar to his own. He had just been severely injured by Majin Buu, and he probably didn't have the energy to continue fighting.

"Errrr...hehehehe..." At this time, Majin Buu here was still panting, but he suddenly laughed. Although the laughter was strange, Vegeta and the others could understand his expression at that time. This smile just means that I have won. He probably also searched for Linton's aura, and couldn't find it at all, so he naturally thought that Linton was dead.

"Don't get too happy too soon, you guy!" Vegeta yelled directly, "Linton! Linton! Where are you guys?"

Vegeta shouted loudly, but there was no response. Vegeta was a little desperate at this time. Did he not expect that he would be defeated in the end? Based on the current situation, Majin Buu will definitely recover faster than them. He must have thought so too, so he will regain his strength now instead of coming up to harvest them.

"Damn it! Come out!" Vegeta yelled again, "I'll call you uncle!"

With a "boom" sound, a silver beam of light suddenly shot up into the sky and penetrated directly into the sky. This sudden situation made Vegeta and the others look over.

At the bottom of the light beam, a figure slowly appeared in their sight. At this time, Linton's whole body was exuding silver light, his hair also turned silver, and his body was surrounded by fighting spirit.

"What... is this?" Even Vegeta had never seen such a form before. At this time, a powerful and calm breath swept through everyone's heart. For a moment, Vegeta felt that his whole person seemed to have calmed down. , probably the feeling that he was unable to resist at all and could only stand obediently. It was so powerful that he didn't want to resist at all.

"Oh oh oh, it's done!" Linton's voice came at this time, obviously feeling like nothing had happened, and he seemed to be very happy, "Is the ultimate intention skill really to be triggered in a special way? I, TN, should have thought of it earlier.”

Yes, Linton suddenly remembered the situation when Battle Ji used her Ultimate Intention Kung Fu. At that time, Battle Ji suddenly used the vitality bomb skill that he had not bought at the time. The vitality bomb seemed to be particularly weak and was beaten by the opponent. After coming back, the next moment, Battle Ji directly activated the Ultimate Self-Intention Kung Fu.

At the moment when his vitality bomb was knocked back, Linton saw a familiar scene and suddenly came up with this idea. How about he tried following the battle girl's teachings. Anyway, it should be impossible for him to be killed by this vitality bomb.

Sure enough, the moment he was hit, Linton seemed to suddenly have a feeling. Following the feeling, a peaceful artistic conception wrapped around his mind. The next second, he seemed to naturally enter the state of freedom and ultimate intention. This is probably because his strength has arrived, and everything suddenly falls into place.

"Sure enough, I am awesome. I just said that I learned it sooner or later." Linton was indeed very happy. After studying for a long time, he finally learned how to use the ultimate freedom skill. To be honest, he had to thank Majin Buu opposite him. The other party worked so hard, and finally gave him a hand. Without his help, he didn't know when it would be done.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard it." Linton looked at Vegeta and said, "Don't worry, I told you, uncle, I am invincible. Do you think I am invincible? I just say that all these fancy things you are doing are useless. , it’s better for me, the ADC, to carry everyone. Everyone, lie down, I’ll take the lead.”

"You guy!" Vegeta felt a little dumbfounded. It really seemed like he didn't have to worry about this guy at all.

Linton turned to look at Majin Buu, who seemed to be shocked at this time. He didn't know whether he was surprised that nothing happened to Linton, or he was surprised by the aura that Linton was exuding. The other party remained stunned until Linton had already walked in front of him, and then he barely reacted.

"Little dwarf, to be honest, I don't want to kill you. After all, you have helped me a little." Linton lowered his head and said. Majin Buu is really short in this form, so he must look down. , "But with your arrogant attitude, how can I let you go? You are still thinking about how to defeat me? This in itself is an insult to me, do you understand?"

"Hiss... Yiyiyiya..." Majin Buu here bared his teeth and shouted at Linton several times. I don't know what he meant, but judging from his expression, he probably meant that he was very unconvinced.

"I heard that you can't be killed, so let me verify whether you are immortal or not." Linton said, looking back at Vegeta, "If you don't want to die, leave this planet."

"You..." Vegeta was about to ask what he meant, but Sun Wukong beside him immediately nodded and began to prepare for teleportation.

Linton suddenly touched the ground with his foot, and his whole body instantly bounced up, facing the ground, and clasped his hands together: "Immortal Majin Buu, the Kaiojin Realm protected by magic, right? Let me see if you can stand it. Hold on to this shot, and the turtle...sends...qi...gong...waves!"

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