I really can't control myself

Chapter 1949 Consumption

A beam of light directly cut through the sky of Kaioshin Realm. Majin Buu here was hit directly in the face, and his whole body was directly penetrated. The upper body completely disappeared, leaving only two feet in the air.

"Very good." Sun Wukong here said directly when he saw this situation.

"It's useless, that guy will regenerate." Vegeta here has obviously experienced this situation in the previous battle. After thinking about it, he said a little louder: "It was the same when he fought with me just now. , that guy is very good at delaying time, and a war of attrition will be very troublesome."

Vegeta's slightly raised volume was of course to remind Linton, and Linton did hear it.

"Have you gained experience in fighting Saiyans?" Linton raised his forehead. Seeing that Majin Buu in this form has lost the ability to speak and has become more like a beast, he is actually an intelligent beast. It seems that the combat experience from the previous form has been inherited.

After fighting so many Saiyans, from Son Goku to Vegeta to Son Gohan to Gotenks, he probably discovered the weaknesses of the Saiyans. Yes, Saiyans actually have weaknesses. Of course, it's not the tail, but battery life.

As for the transformation of Saiyans, every transformation seems to have the inherent attribute of "extremely high consumption". Starting from Super 3, almost all transformations after that are extremely expensive.

It is true that these transformations are a bit too powerful, and they are probably restricted settings. Of course, Linton did feel this. Isn't it because the magic value was falling? It was quite fast. It was indeed very expensive to maintain the super blue transformation.

In comparison, although he was being beaten, Majin Buu's regeneration consumption was obviously much smaller. This guy probably understands this. He had used attrition tactics when fighting Vegeta and the others before, and now it seems that he wants to repeat the same tactics on himself.

Sure enough, in the next second, Majin Buu's feet turned directly into a ball of pink, then twitched and immediately returned to their original shape. He even made a face at Linton naughtily. Although he didn't say anything, it probably meant something like "your attack is useless to me." Of course Linton understood.

Of course, the meaning of this provocation is also very obvious, which is to let Linton take more actions and spend more. Now Majin Buu probably has judged that Linton's current transformation is really strong, and he is not an opponent for the time being, but it doesn't matter. After consuming a wave, he can find his own opportunity to fight back. In fact, it is still very tactical.

Although Linton is indeed a Saiyan, he is not as stupid as other Saiyans. But the opponent's provocations can be ignored. The opponent's constant rebirth of shameless consumption tactics really needs to be studied how to deal with it.

"Find an opportunity to destroy him completely with a single blow!" Sun Wukong from behind suggested to Linton, "Although the opponent can regenerate, as long as all his cells are eliminated at once, the opponent will not be able to regenerate."

Although it was Sun Wukong's naive suggestion, Linton really wanted to try it. One thing Sun Wukong is right about is that Majin Buu was destroyed in this way in the original work.

While thinking about it, Linton also put his hands together forward, and then pulled them back to start accumulating power. This was obviously the starting point of the turtle style Qigong wave.

Obviously Majin Buu knew this trick. Before Linton here could finish charging up, Majin Buu opened his mouth and launched a verbal attack at Linton's position.

With a loud "boom", Majin Buu's attack first hit the position where Linton was standing, and the power of the explosion was considerable. However, this Kaioshin's planet is indeed relatively solid. Otherwise, it would be like the Earth. Vegeta with 18,000 combat power could easily blow up the Earth at that time, but the giant ape that Sun Wukong had just transformed wreaked havoc in Kaioshin's world. For a long time, it just destroyed a lot of terrain. If it were the Earth, it would have exploded long ago.

Majin Buu's attack blasted a huge hole in the ground, but Sun Wukong and others were not worried about Linton's safety. This kind of attack should not be able to hurt Linton. The opponent's purpose was to interfere. It's just Linton's accumulated energy.

Sure enough, the smoke dissipated, and Linton's figure gradually appeared, still standing there. Although the clothes on his upper body were blown to pieces, he seemed to be fine, and he still maintained a state of accumulating energy. The energy in his hands had already accumulated to a terrifying level.

This time, he really resisted the opponent's shot, and Linton was indeed a little injured. But he can also heal himself, so it's not a problem at all.

"Turtle...pai...qi...gong..." At this time, as Linton accumulated strength, the ball of light in his palm became more and more obvious. Probably feeling the power of this blow, Majin Buu, who had always had a mean expression here, also showed some fear and vigilance, obviously feeling that he was in danger.

With his eyes fixed on Linton, Majin Buu here was obviously observing Linton's movements with all his strength. However, just before Linton shouted the last word, his body suddenly disappeared with a "swish". This sudden situation disrupted Majin Buu's preparation. When he heard Linton's words The sound came from his left side.

"Wave!" Yes, Linton used teleportation flash to send waves to his face. He just saw Majin Buu's movements obviously to avoid his attack, so he did not charge up his own power, but was observing Linton. A sudden movement determines the direction of dodge. But this sudden flash to the face wave, no matter how fast Majin Buu reacted, it was too late, and of course he couldn't avoid it.

This time it really hit Majin Buu. When the opponent turned his head, the turtle style Qigong wave was already heading towards his face. Although he had learned teleportation instantly before, learning was one thing and using it was another. With Majin Buu's current proficiency, it is impossible to teleport out immediately within this reaction time.

He was about to be hit by the light wave, leaving Majin Buu little time to react. At this time, it made an action that surprised Linton. He waved his hand and suddenly chopped off his long braid.

This action was really extreme. In the next second, Majin Buu was completely engulfed by the golden shock wave. Of course, Linton's Turtle Style Qigong still traveled through the entire sky, sweeping across the universe, leaving nothing behind, including the hit Majin Buu.

Although this blow seemed to be very effective, Linton didn't have to wait to know that it was not successful this time. Yes, he was surprised that Majin Buu here actually knew how to separate part of his body first, so that even if most of it was destroyed by Linton, it could still be regenerated.

Linton really didn't have high hopes before. This was not the first time that he had used super-blue turtle Qigong to blast Majin Buu. Linton had done that before when they first met. He thought he was dead, but he was not reborn right away.

Linton tried it again this time, but he didn't expect that this guy had gained experience. This guy's combat IQ is indeed much higher than what he shows, and it's really easy for people to misunderstand him.

Sure enough, before long, another large group of pink material gathered in the air, and then began to condense into the human form of Majin Buu. But this time is different from last time. After rebirth, Majin Buu didn't behave so relaxedly. He didn't make faces at Linton like last time, but stared at Linton with anger and caution. Judging from his breath, it seemed that he had consumed a lot.

Majin Buu's durability is naturally not infinite, and he will collapse if his physical strength really drops to a certain level. In the original work, Majin Buu in this form also spit out Fat Buu, and Fat Buu had changed for the better at that time, and he also fought against this Buu. Although it took a lot of time, he was defeated in the end.

The bodies of Buu on both sides should be of the same nature. Although Buu in this form should be stronger and more durable than Fat Buu, it will eventually be exhausted, as long as Linton insists on attacking.

But the problem is, Linton didn't last that long.

After the turtle qigong wave just now, Linton looked at his magic value. After a few simple activities, almost half of it was consumed. This super blue is indeed a bit mana-consuming. Similarly, the mana consumption of the turtle qigong wave in the super blue form is not the same as in the ordinary form, but increases exponentially.

"Maybe this is really not enough? This... I can't imitate him and act bad." Linton said that he can get back to blue after being beaten, but he is here to show off, and he can't lose his strength casually.

"For such an immortal guy, how about using a seal?" Aizen's voice came from the direction behind him, giving Linton advice. It is true that Linton used seals to deal with those unkillable demon gods and other things in the previous world, but this time he also said that they could not be used.

The best demon-sealing wave currently available to me was learned from Dragon Ball World, and people here might be able to resist it. What's worse is that there are also tricks such as anti-demon sealing waves. Linton really doesn't know how to deal with it if he is beaten back.

And he also said that when the power reaches a certain level, the Demon Sealing Wave may not be able to seal it at all. As for the sealing techniques learned in other worlds, there are quite a lot of them from Naruto and the God of Death, but they don't look like they can be applied now. Look at this guy from Earth. Does it seem like he can be trapped by skills like the Four Red Flame Array?

"If you can use vitality bombs, you should be able to deal with this guy." At this time, Sun Wukong next to him suddenly said.

"Vitality bombs? Do you really need to use fixed skills to defeat the BOSS?" Linton really nodded. After all, Majin Buu was defeated by Vitality Bullets in the original work, so he still needs to use Vitality Bullets?

"But the earth has..." Before Sun Wukong could finish his words, a voice suddenly sounded from his ears.

"I have a solution."

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