I really can't control myself

Chapter 1945 Decisive Battle

Aizen didn't finish what he said, that is, he didn't say what his guess was. But it was obvious that Linton probably knew what was going on on his side. I have to say that this guy is really smart enough to be troublesome, but again, Linton is not worried about anything, because he doesn't need to compete with him to see who is smarter.

"Now that we have succeeded, let's go back quickly." The Kaioshin here urged anxiously, "If you let that guy do whatever he wants, things will become irreversible."

"System prompt: The detection rate of this world has reached 100%. Due to the completion of the detection, the danger level of this world has been reduced, the level of the automatic combat system has been reduced, and the automatic combat has been turned off."

"System prompt: Because you completed the exploration of a world, you will receive a reward of 5 million points."

"System prompt: You have completed a task. You can submit it at any time and view it on the task page."

Just as Linton was about to speak, a lot of system prompts suddenly popped up. Linton glanced at it and discovered that it actually indicated a 100% detection rate.

This was really sudden. Although I came here to take on a 100% exploration mission, I didn't expect it to pop up at this time. It seems that Linton is standing here doing nothing, and Aizen is also next to him, so it is increasingly unclear how the detection level increases.

"Done?" Aizen next to him obviously also received the system prompt, and looked at Linton with some surprise and said, "The decisive battle here doesn't seem to have started yet..."

"I have encountered a similar situation before, and I have never quite understood how the detection rate increased." Linton said.

"So there's no need to occupy this world?" Aizen said.

"Huh? What were your plans before?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

"Then...since the mission has been completed, do you still care about Majin Buu?" Aizen asked.

Aizen's words are indeed correct. Linton's system task has been completed, and the task of finding a gift for his son has also been completed. Now he can indeed go back at any time, but he is already here, so naturally he has to finish the fight. Let's go again. After all, although Majin Buu has been defeated before, that form of Majin Buu is considered the weakest Majin Buu form, and it was fought by Battle Princess. Now that the exploration is completed, Battle Princess will not come out. Trouble is done, it's time for a good fight.

At this time, the Kaioshin next to him became anxious when he heard the conversation between the two. He didn't know what the mission they were talking about was, but when he heard Aizen asking whether it was okay, could he still ignore it? So he quickly said anxiously: "What are you talking about? If we don't care, this guy will destroy the entire universe. He already destroyed many planets 500 years ago. The purpose of his birth is to destroy everything."

"Don't worry, I didn't say I don't care." Of course Linton had decided to finish the fight and said directly.

"Then let's leave now, okay?" Kaioshin was really anxious, mainly because Linton felt unreliable, so he should quickly let him deal with Majin Buu.

"Let's go." Linton really didn't want to delay anymore, so he waved his hand to the side, and a portal appeared. After passing through the portal, Linton came directly to a wasteland.

When we got here, the place was already a mess. It was obvious that a battle had taken place here before. The ground next to it was full of large holes. There were also obvious ravines swept by light. Many nearby rocks were also smashed into pieces. It was obvious that it had just happened. Caused.

The position where Linton opened the door was naturally next to Vegeta, and at this time he had already seen Vegeta, still fighting next to him, and the person fighting him was naturally Majin Buu.

Looking at Majin Buu here, he has indeed transformed. The one who was still chubby when I saw him before has obviously lost weight successfully now. Not only that, he is not in the form of ordinary Buu. He is also wearing some familiar clothes. It is not known who he absorbed after absorbing it.

After looking around, Linton probably guessed the situation. Because according to Aizen, Vegeta, Trunks, and Son Wuten went to fight Majin Buu as soon as they came out of seclusion. However, the only one who is fighting Buu now is Vegeta. Kes and Sun Wutian have disappeared. Judging from the current situation, it is most likely that he has been absorbed by Buu.

Looking at the battle situation at this time, Vegeta has become a Super Saiyan, but it is just an ordinary form, not even Super 2. Judging from his condition, his injuries are obviously much more serious than Buu's here, so Majin Buu's side should have the upper hand at the moment.

On Majin Buu's side...it can only be said that there are not too many injuries. After all, this guy can regenerate and resurrect, and the speed of recovering blood is much faster than that of a Saiyaman. He is probably still full of blood after the fight. If this continues, Vegeta may be eaten alive.

Originally, it was Majin Buu's attack round at this time. He was attacking Vegeta with a set of combo punches. Although Vegeta raised his hands to defend, he was a little embarrassed. However, Linton's sudden appearance seemed to make Majin Buu panic. He gave up the attack and jumped back a big step to distance himself from Linton and Vegeta.

"Did it scare you?" Linton said with a smile.

"You did show up." Majin Buu calmed down his mood a little, and then said to Linton. Linton's appearance at this time was also expected by him, but he was still a little panicked.

"Bah..." Vegeta took a breath from the continuous attacks and spit out a mouthful of blood. However, the look he looked at Linton not only showed no thanks, but also a hint of displeasure.

"Now it's a battle between me and this guy. Do you want to interfere?" Before Linton could speak again, Buu here said first, "Or do you want to deal with me two on one together?"

Majin Buu's meaning is actually very simple. He must first absorb Vegeta and then deal with Linton. His plan was almost successful. Seeing that Vegeta's side was almost taken down by him, he certainly didn't want to find another opportunity at this time, so he also directly provoked Linton with words.

This simple method of provoking... well, it's really useful for Saiyans. Linton really didn't care, he just looked at Vegeta beside him: "Do you want me to take action now?"

"Leave this guy to me, don't interfere!" Vegeta said so, which was not beyond Linton's expectations.

"Then...leave it to you." Linton spread his hands and said nonchalantly. Although Vegeta spoke forcefully, Linton felt that this guy was probably going to lose again. I don’t know if this is Vegeta’s fate. Whether in the original book or now, it seems that this guy has really never won a few times, except when he was able to win against Frieza’s gang of soldiers. In the end, the BOSS must be solved by Sun Wukong.

"Ah ah ah ah..." At this time, Vegeta here also directly raised his energy with all his strength, obviously preparing to start the Super Saiyan 3 state. Although Linton had just arrived, he could probably guess the previous battle situation.

Trunks and Son Goten must have fought Majin Buu first, and Vegeta probably just watched the show but didn't do anything. The two little ones probably used the combination method to become Gotenks as in the original work, but in the end they were absorbed by Majin Buu without fighting. At this time, Vegeta took over and challenged Majin Buu to a duel.

It is estimated that Vegeta also transformed into Super Saiyan 3 at the beginning, but he did not defeat Majin Buu. Since Super Saiyan 3 was very depleting, Vegeta couldn't hold on anymore, and was then counterattacked by Majin Buu until he was like this.

If Linton hadn't come, Vegeta would probably have found a way to regain some energy and then find an opportunity to counterattack. But if Linton appears, Vegeta will definitely not be able to bear it anymore, so now he has transformed into Super Three again, probably preparing to use his last breath to fight the opponent to the death.

Sure enough, Vegeta quickly entered the Super 3 form, sprinted forward, and rushed directly towards Majin Buu. Unfortunately, the attack was not successful. Majin Buu quickly counterattacked and kicked Vegeta away again.

Linton looked at the situation and realized that the current Majin Buu was indeed very powerful. After all, this has swallowed up many people, such as Son Gohan and Gotenks, who can provide him with a lot of strength bonuses, and he can actually face off against Super 3 Vegeta.

Of course, the main reason is that Vegeta here consumes too much, and this is the end of his strength. Linton saw that the other party was already panting just by changing his body. It was considered a forced three-level move, but it was indeed too forced.

"Why don't you go up and help?" Kaioshin's anxious voice was suddenly heard next to him.

"Why are you following us? The earth is very dangerous. Go back to your own planet quickly." Linton didn't waste any time. He directly picked up Kaioshin and threw him into the portal next to him. The portal closed, and only Linton and Aizen were left here.

At this moment, the battle between Vegeta and Majin Buu was over. After all, Vegeta was still in Super 3 state, and he and Majin Buu struggled for a while. Both sides took a lot of blows from the opponent, but Majin Buu didn't react much after being hit a few times. Vegeta didn't react very well. The movements here became slower and slower. After a while, the golden light suddenly disappeared and became normal.

"Are you out of strength?" Majin Buu smiled, "I already know the weaknesses of you Saiyans. This is my strategy. Become my food."

As he spoke, part of his body suddenly liquefied, directly wrapping Vegeta in front of him, and then quickly swallowed him whole into his body. Then Majin Buu's body suddenly deformed, his clothes changed into a shape somewhat similar to Vegeta's just now, and his facial features seemed to have changed slightly. It seemed that he had completely absorbed Vegeta.

"What a powerful force!" Majin Buu laughed wildly and turned to Linton, "It's your turn, you bastard, I will definitely kill you!"

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