I really can't control myself

Chapter 1918 Negotiation

Everyone suddenly understood, how could they still not understand? Preparing a gift? In one year, I don’t even know whether the elves are there or not, so who should I give the gifts to?

What Linton said was to send the delegation back and find an excuse that was difficult to refuse. You elves are so embarrassed and still want to hold on to the defeat. Linton is here to help you, giving you enough face to see if you can still pull your own face down and sue for peace.

"I see, this was my mistake." Of course, Prime Minister Tyrard here immediately understood what Linton meant, and immediately stepped forward to cooperate, "It is true that we lacked etiquette in this matter. It is because I, the Prime Minister, did not consider it. Zhou, I will prepare the mission and gifts right now. Please rest assured, Master Sword Master, I will definitely complete it as soon as possible, not within a year, but within ten months."

"Oh, you are the Prime Minister." Linton forgot about the person again. Although Tyrad looked familiar, he couldn't remember his name for a long time. "Well, I'll leave this matter to you. It's all Let’s finish it. Is there anything else? Let’s call it a night.”


"Wait!" The elf messenger here couldn't wait any longer and shouted quickly, "Wait... Since we are already here, we don't need to worry too much about etiquette. Let's talk about the peace talks first. .”

"No, how can you care about this?" Linton said with a smile, "The elves are a superior race, right? You have no objection to me saying that."

"Uh...well..." Although the elf messenger has noticed that something is wrong, he can't deny it, because if he doesn't admit it at this time, even if he talks about it, he will be drowned in the saliva of the people after he returns.

"So if you take the initiative to talk, wouldn't it be a mess between superiors and subordinates? Is this okay? If this gets out, both of us will be embarrassed, right? So don't worry, go back and wait, we will organize a mission here immediately It’s okay to go to your elves to negotiate peace in person,” Linton said.

"But at this time..." the elf messenger said.

"I think one year is about the same. After all, our human race is inferior in national strength. We are not as good as your elves. The ground is full of treasures. We are poor. It will take so long to put together a gift that satisfies you. The time. The ten months mentioned by the Prime Minister, I feel suspicious, but let’s see how he performs, just wait and see.” Linton said.


"Wait a minute, are you worried about what will happen to the elves in ten months? No, no, don't you think your great elves can't even last ten months? Think about it, The elves are so great, how could the things you imagined happen? I am embarrassed to tell you your guess, because it is really a joke. The elves will last forever for thousands of generations, do you understand?" Linton said.

"Pfft..." The 70-year-old Prime Minister Tyrade next to him couldn't help laughing.

"Master Sword Master, are you deliberately trying to embarrass us?" The elf messenger here was not a fool and said in a low voice.

"How do you say this? I haven't said a word of disrespect to the elves until now. But you, as the envoy of the elves, discuss the current situation on the premise that the elves will be exterminated within ten months. In itself, you are disrespectful to the elves. It's a blasphemy against your own race," Linton said.

"Lord Sword Master, your army is slaughtering our elves on the battlefield wantonly. I can't see that you have any respect for the elves at all." The elf messenger also said directly.

"Hey, even if they are slaughtered like pigs and dogs, their souls are still noble, right? But what you are doing now is trampling on their noble souls. According to the peace you want to make now, The elves are about to fall from the altar. So... do you want to die a noble death or live like a pig or a dog? Choose one." Linton stopped acting and said directly.


"Choose one. The fate of the elves is now in your hands alone. If you want to talk, answer my question now." Linton said, "I advise you to think about it carefully, not only for the sake of The living elves and the dead elves all died with proud souls. Once you try to survive, you and they will become pigs and dogs. The reputation of the dead should be carefully considered before you answer. .”

This question really stopped the elf envoy directly, and he was speechless for a while. Although as the envoy of the mission, he can represent the entire country during the mission, but this kind of decision that determines the fate of the entire clan cannot be taken by him alone.

For a time, this issue was no longer an issue in the previous peace talks. The elf messenger was not unaware, but the uncomfortable part was that Linton did not follow his ideas at all. Of course she knew that the elves were now at a disadvantage in the negotiation, but originally this kind of negotiation should be a process of bargaining and wrangling between the two parties. However, Linton directly showed that he wanted to cancel the negotiation from the beginning, and then forced him to make a choice. , this actually means that if you don’t choose, I will cancel directly. I will not negotiate any conditions with you at all. I will give you a plan and you can decide whether to accept it or not.

"I...can't make the decision. This is not something I can decide." The momentum was too strong, and the elf messenger here obviously couldn't bear it.

"Can't you make the decision? Are the elves' envoys here to make fun of you?" Linton chuckled.

"I'm here for peace talks. What you said is not something I can decide at all." The elf messenger here probably cared a little about Linton's contemptuous laughter and said immediately.

"Then who can make this decision?" Linton asked.

"Such a matter can naturally be decided by our great Queen." The elf messenger here immediately replied. She said this mainly because she felt that she could not make progress now. She was worried that Linton would continue to force her on the previous questions. If she did not answer the question well, she would probably cause trouble for the entire clan. She was a little confused by Linton, so she just came up with the Elf Queen's excuse to give them some relief.

To put it simply, it means that if you go back and ask the Queen, you can delay the negotiation process a little and have time to think of a solution. Originally, negotiation was a tug-of-war process, but the ambassador was relatively experienced in this aspect.

However, Linton naturally has no time to spend on this kind of thing. He can just play with the elves for a while to calm down his mood. Are he really going to negotiate with them? Linton just wanted to see some jokes.

"Queen of elves, right?" Linton nodded slightly. Before the messenger here could react, Linton stretched out his hand and opened a portal directly next to him. Linton pulled inside and grabbed Aryan, the elf queen here.

At this time, the Elf Queen is still in the Laitina Fortress on the front line. This is really the last fortress of the elves. There has been no news about the situation in other cities outside. After the last elves' troops retreated here, they were surrounded by the human army, and now they are trapped here.

Of course, thanks to the fact that this fortress is really strong, the human commander here also tried to attack several times, but he caused a lot of casualties on his side. He just couldn't get in. The city was high and the walls were thick, so there was no attack. Point, there really is nothing you can do.

Of course, the elves will definitely be trapped to death if they continue like this. There will be no supplies at all. Although the human army at the door is also very consumed, but if they can detach their troops to rob other elven cities, they will be here. There is really no way, and there is no news of reinforcements. It feels like waiting to die here.

Under such circumstances, the elves quickly sent envoys to negotiate with the humans. Of course, the person they were looking for at the beginning was Marshal Scram over there, but Scram didn’t want to have anything to do with them. The failure to capture the city was due to his dereliction of duty as a marshal. Besides, he didn’t have the right to stop the war. If he says he won't fight, he won't fight. You go to the Queen and tell him.

However, he still sent someone to deliver the Elf envoy to a nearby teleportation array, which is what Linton saw now.

At this time, the elf queen Aryan was really anxious and had no choice. She had already looked for many reinforcements, but all the letters asking for help fell into the sea. No news came back. I don’t know whether it was because these people didn’t respond or whether it was because they didn’t respond. The message being intercepted by the human race, she now only hopes it is the latter one.

However, in fact, the human race has not intercepted so many messages. The fact is that no force dares to intervene now. This time the human race's army was too strong. They fought as fast as they wanted. The 340,000-strong army was dispatched directly. In one month, the elves were defeated and even the main city was wiped out. This was the effect that Linton wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Now they understood the powerful strength of the new empire that integrated the three human countries.

Under this situation, they could only express sympathy to the elves, but saving them... was impossible. Don't say they don't want to provoke the human race. Judging from the current progress of the war, by the time they pull up the troops, the elves will probably be gone, and they have provoked a big enemy for nothing.

Aryan's expectations will eventually be in vain, but that's all she can hope for now. Although the human race has been under siege most of the time these days, they will still launch attacks from time to time. It is not a full-scale attack, but a tactic equivalent to dragging down fatigue. Although Aryan can also see through it, there is no way. There are many people in the human race and they can take turns to play. There are only so many of them, and they must go all out every time to block the attack.

Despair and fatigue had tortured the Elf Queen to a terrible state. However, just when she was frowning and thinking of a way, a hand suddenly appeared in the void, grabbed her fate's neck, and pulled her thousands of miles away. The capital of the human empire.

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