"Just..." Linton was just about to make a standard taunt, but before he could speak, the temperature of the place where Malthael fell in front suddenly rose sharply. Looking up, a strange blue flame appeared on the opponent's body and spread quickly towards Linton.

"This is...a somewhat familiar skill." Linton said that the familiarity was mainly because he had seen it when he was fighting BOSS. Back then, this skill was quite a headache when playing games, but now that he is actually fighting it, it...is comparable to playing games. Much easier.

The moment the blue flames came to Linton, an extremely exaggerated red fire burst out from Linton's body, and the pillar of fire shot straight into the sky.

"How dare the light of fire compete with the blazing sun?" Linton said as he began to draw his sword, "Everything in the world is turned into ashes, and the blade flows like fire!"

In an instant, the blue flame, which was extremely fierce just now, was suppressed by the red fire, and retreated in the direction of Malthael. However, the red flames did not directly engulf Malthael. Instead, after suppressing the blue flames, they directly surrounded Malthael in a circle. After all, Linton had no intention of actually burning him. .

There is no point in burning him directly. Even the archangel will not die. If he is really burned, he will be resurrected by himself after a while. It’s just unclear how long it will take. In the original plot, Tyrael blew himself up by detonating the World Stone, and it took him 20 years to recover. Linton didn't know if Malthael had the cooldown time for resurrection, but he couldn't wait that long.

Linton doesn't know the sealing spell of the dark soul stone, and he doesn't bother to buy it. The previous one was transferred by a tool made by Jordon Kule. Anyway, he beat the opponent to half death and sealed it in a bottle and took it back to Jordon Kule for transfer. That's it.

At this time, Malthael here was already surrounded by flames, and he seemed to be seriously injured. Linton was preparing to resolve the battle when the fortress next to him exploded with a loud bang.

Linton turned his head, and a huge black cube appeared in the middle of the nearby fortress. It was obviously Aizen's black coffin, which directly exploded the entire explosion. The soldiers inside should be in danger.

Sure enough, in the next second, Aizen, with a calm step, had arrived near the battlefield.

"The familiar Hajime." Looking at Linton whose whole body was covered with flames, Aizen seemed to be a little nostalgic and said, "It's been a long time since I saw old man Yamamoto liberated."

"Is it over there?" Linton asked.

"There are still some things... I'm too lazy to clear them out. It's about to end here anyway." Aizen is probably paying attention to the situation outside, and he doesn't know what method to use. Reiatsu induction? Spirit son exploration or something like that?

"Okay, then I'll get it done right away." Linton nodded, and just as he was about to take action, Malthael, who was surrounded by flames, suddenly stood up.

Only the right half of the opponent's body is left now. The punctured part looks like dark blue cross-sections. It is obviously not flesh, and it is not clear what the body is made of. However, it seemed that he could still move. When he stood up, he was not holding a weapon, but holding the dark soul stone that had fallen in front of him.

"The hellish power of the Dark Soul Stone! End all living things in the universe, including humans!" At this time, Malthael suddenly raised the Dark Soul Stone high and shouted to the sky.

"Uh... I always feel..." Linton didn't know why, but he always felt that this scene seemed familiar. Then the next second, Malthael suddenly exerted force, and the Dark Soul Stone in his hand was directly crushed by him with one hand. .

"Huh?" The sudden situation made Linton stunned for a moment. Although Linton had uploaded the angels and demons sealed inside, he still wanted to synthesize the God of Creation. Wouldn't it be impossible to combine them if they were crushed now? Yet?

But the next second, the broken Dark Soul Stone fragments did not fall to the ground, but floated directly in mid-air. Before Linton could react, the fragments of the Dark Soul Stone suddenly accelerated and rushed directly towards Malthael, but entered his body.

"He looks like he is absorbing the power of the Dark Soul Stone." Aizen looked at the situation and speculated.

"Oh, that's it. No wonder it looks familiar. This is a change of stage." Linton said with a slap on his palm.

"Doesn't this matter?" Aizen asked.

"Isn't this... just right?" Linton subconsciously felt that he had to take care of it, but soon he thought of something else, "We originally wanted to collect these angels and demons to form the God of Creation, but we only need one Masai Hey, now that the other party has absorbed the power of other demon angels, why not just synthesize it in his body? It will save us the research, right? Now this guy will be directly transformed into the God of Creation, right? Theoretically speaking, yes That’s right.”

"I see." Aizen nodded, "But as far as your theory is concerned, is there something missing?"

"Huh? What's missing?" Linton asked.

"Is it missing some synthetic materials?" Aizen asked.

"How is it possible? Isn't this all together... Uh..." Halfway through, Linton suddenly seemed to remember something, "Wait... Hey, you wait first, you wait first, Malthael , I haven’t filled up the materials here yet, and there is one more material that I haven’t added yet, please wait ten seconds.”

As he spoke, Linton quickly opened the portal and pulled it inside. Akara, who was possessed by Andariel, was pulled out directly.

Being suddenly pulled here, Andalil also looked confused. However, her attention was quickly attracted by Malthael, who was transforming in front of him. After all, he felt the powerful dark power and light power gathering on each other.

Yes, the poor material Aizen mentioned was Andariel. All the souls of other angels and demons have been sent into the Dark Soul Stone, but Andariel has not been sent in yet. Didn't the other party still display it at the exhibition before?

This is not because Linton is causing trouble, nor is it because he has forgotten, but Andariel has indeed helped a lot before. Linton said that she is really useful and will not use it until the end.

Originally, he didn't plan to synthesize it here. After bringing Malthael back, he gathered it all and dealt with Andariel in time. But he didn't expect that Malthael suddenly crushed the Dark Soul Stone. Andariel didn't have time to put it in.

"Is that Malthael?" Andariel is still a little confused about the current situation. She naturally knows Malthael. They have fought against each other countless times during the Eternal War, but she doesn't know what the current situation is. Why was the other party in this state? He exuded a powerful aura that made her feel scared.

Subconsciously, Andariel felt that Linton suddenly pulled her here to fight against a powerful enemy, because the Malthael in front of him had now absorbed a large amount of the power of archangels and demons, which was really terrifying. Andariel forced herself to calm down, and was just about to calm down and face the enemy. Unexpectedly, Linton next to her grabbed her and suddenly threw her towards Malthael.

"Swallow this one too!" Linton shouted directly in the direction of Malthael.

"Huh?" This confused Andariel, but before she could figure out what was going on, Malthael punched out suddenly, hitting Andariel who threw Linton over. You flew out.

Yes, Malthael has undergone some changes at this time. First of all, his body that was injured before has now completely recovered. The left half of the body has grown again, and the body is stronger than before.

In addition to the fixes, there are other changes. Four pairs of wings grew out of his back again, this time directly changing into a six-winged form, and his body also began to change from blue to gold.

Linton guessed it was because although this guy had absorbed the power of the devil, he still had more angelic power in his body. After all, all five archangels are in his body, but the power of the seven demon kings lacks Andariel, so his body shape may be closer to that of the archangels.

At the same time, Malthael's body also began to grow larger. Although his previous body size was one size larger than that of ordinary humans, it was only about 1.5 times the size at most. But now the opponent is estimated to be 5 times the size of a normal person, and looks much stronger at this size.

But what Linton cares about is not how strong it has become, but that the other party has not completed the fusion. Not only did it not fuse with Andariel, but it also knocked her away.

"No, brother, I'm not harming you. You are only one Andariel away from the God of Creation, you know? Be good, can you melt her quickly?" Linton said a little anxiously.

With a "boom", Linton was answered by an extremely exaggerated golden beam, which swept directly over Linton's position and instantly pulled out a huge ravine several meters wide on the ground. It was a bit weak compared to the one just looked at. attack, the effect of this attack is very scary.

However, although the effect was astonishing, after the light swept over, Linton still appeared in his original position. Moreover, he didn't pay attention to the previous light attack at all, and his focus was not on Malthael's attack at all.

"Fuck, can this melt again?" Linton asked anxiously.

"The Dark Soul Stone is also broken. He should have absorbed the power of the Dark Soul Stone. Now his body may be the new Dark Soul Stone." Aizen also calmly analyzed beside him, "His body should be able to seal Devil."

"Is there still hope?" Linton asked.

"You can try it." Aizen thought for a while and nodded.

"How?" Linton asked.

"Uh... I don't know." Aizen spread his hands, "Try to force it in, what do you think?"

"Well...it's done." Linton said that he had no choice but to give it a try. "I'll open his mouth. You go pick up the materials next to him and drink him down directly."

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