I really can't control myself

Chapter 1900 World Stone Hall

"Human, do you dare to go against the great King of Destruction?" Barr here understood Linton's meaning. "It seems that you are capable of destroying this fortress, but I... am the King of Destruction. Baal! The strongest and greatest demon god, now that the World Stone has fallen into my hands, I have become the true master of this sanctuary, and no one can go against my will!"

"So the battle here is to talk about your abilities with your mouth, and then show that I am more confident than you are, so I win, right?" Linton said calmly, "I am not very good here. I can understand your stupid logic, but I will also teach you the logic of ordinary people with normal IQs. You will only know who is stronger after fighting. Do you understand?"


Just when Barr was about to say something, Linton, who was standing dozens of meters away from him, suddenly disappeared and appeared next to Barr the next second. The opponent's speed was so fast that Barr had no reaction at all, and he didn't even see the opponent's path.

He couldn't help but think too much, because the next second, Linton's fist was already imprinted on his face. Barr suddenly flew out and flew in a straight line to the mountain wall next to him. With a loud "boom", Barr's whole body crashed into the wall.

"You see, it's just like what I said. No matter how much you brag that you are the tallest and strongest, in fact, even if you get punched, you don't even know your mother. From our human point of view, you are completely embarrassed. But you are a demon, and I don’t know if you will feel embarrassed. I guess as long as you demons can win with your words, it doesn’t matter how a person is beaten." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Roar!" A terrifying cry sounded, and Barr climbed out of the cave with his four feet on the mountain wall. At this time, his face had an angry expression, and he was obviously irritated by Linton. .

"It's... easy to guess. All the demon gods look like birds. I don't quite understand why the demon dragon has seven heads divided into cards. It's not necessary. The characters are completely duplicated. No wonder he died so quickly. ...Oh, no wonder they merged directly into one." Linton nodded.

As he was talking, something like a tentacle had already rolled up Linton. There were indeed many strange things on Barr's body, such as worm-like squirming organs, everted muscles, and exposed... The skull, anyway, all the uncomfortable elements in horror movies can be seen on his body, probably to show that these demons are a collection of fears.

However, the actual King of Fear is Diavolo, the King of Destruction. Diavolo does not have these strange parts on his body. Instead, he looks quite normal, and his appearance looks like the product of a cross between a bear and a dragon. I don’t know if the nickname was reversed during the design.

Speaking of Linton being entangled here, the tentacles tightened directly in the next second, and a huge force came from the tentacles. It seemed that the tentacles probably wanted to wrap up the person to death like a python preying. Of course, this is completely impossible to have any effect on Linton. With this level of strength, all Linton has to control is how to prevent himself from laughing.

Barr probably also saw that it was impossible to squeeze Linton to death. He retracted his tentacles. This time, he probably wanted to throw Linton away or crush Linton to death. However, the tentacles here suddenly stretched straight, and Linton's body did not move. It was obvious that this force could not pull Linton back at all.

"Is the performance over?" Linton looked at Barr and said, "So strong! So annoying! He is indeed the King of Destruction who fights with his mouth. If you use more force, I might be blown to death by your mouth."

"Ha!" Barr's face twisted in anger, his hands flashed red, and two beams of light shot out in the direction of Linton while swimming, directly hitting Linton who was still wrapped in tentacles.

With a "bang" sound, the light hit Linton and launched an explosion. For a moment, blood splashed everywhere. The sudden situation caused Anya, who was frightened by Barr's momentum, to panic and shouted anxiously in Linton's direction: "Mr. Linton!"

Anya shouted while taking out her battle ax. She also hated her own cowardice now. She obviously came here after making up her mind to fight, but when she really faced Baal, the King of Destruction, she He was so frightened by the other party's terrifying aura that he didn't dare to move. After all, she was just a woman who had only temporarily assumed the position of clan leader, and she was not as strong as she thought.

She even blamed herself a little now. She should have rushed forward when the battle just started. Even if she couldn't help, she could attract Barr's attack and create opportunities for Linton.

It was too late now. Seeing the violent explosion and splashing blood, Anya roared angrily and was about to make a jump slash, but was stopped by Aizen next to him.

"Calm down, Mr. Linton should be fine." Deckard Cain next to him also advised, "You will only be unhelpful if you go up now, right Mr. Aizen."

"What I mean is that he is having a great time right now. If someone steals his limelight, he will get angry and destroy the world again." Aizen said, "Didn't I already arrange your work before?"

"My job?" Anya asked.

"Although I don't know the specific meaning, just call 666. It should be a particle of praise." Aizen said.

"But..." Anya was about to say something, but the blood mist that exploded on the field dispersed, and Linton was still standing intact. It is true that the explosion just now caused a large ball of blood, but this naturally has nothing to do with Linton. What was blown up was Barr's own tentacle holding Linton. With this little attack power, Linton didn't take it seriously at all.

"It's okay to just blow yourself up. 'If I can't kill you, can't I kill myself?' That's what you mean." Linton nodded, "As expected of the devil's logic, rigorous!"

With a "bang", before he could finish his words, a figure fell directly and hit Linton. Yes, Barr had no intention of continuing to argue with Linton. He suddenly jumped up and jumped towards Linton. At the same time as it fell, four feet pierced towards Linton.

Barr's four feet are a bit like insect feet, wrapped in a hard exoskeleton. The actual hardness is also very amazing. It is not a problem to casually penetrate human armor and make a hole in a human body. Of course, this still didn't work on Linton's side. Linton grabbed one of the legs and ignored the other three, letting them stab him. In fact, there was no movement at all.

Linton grabbed the foot and was about to twist it off directly, but when he was about to do it, a red lightning suddenly struck behind him.

With a "boom", lightning flew. It must be said that the force of this blow was quite strong, and the impact caused Linton to collapse. I had seen this type of lightning attack before when I fought Mephisto. It seems to be the most effective attack on Mephisto's side. It seems that every demon can do it?

However, Linton just spun around in the air and landed easily on the ground. He looked back at his previous position, and was a little surprised to see... two Barrs.

Yes, because of what he saw and heard, Linton had already felt in advance that another person appeared behind him, but now he saw that it was another Barr who appeared. This looks like a skill like the clone technique. While Linton was watching, Barr's body swayed, and with a black light, a new clone appeared next to him, and this time it became three.

"Uh... you are... the Lord of Shadow Stream?" Linton looked at the three Barrs in front of him, "If you had it to do over again, you would... forget it, it scared me so much that I almost sang a song."

"Human... you have successfully angered me. I will make you feel the deepest despair." At this time, the three Barrs in front of them said at the same time.

"I'm familiar with you. That's what your two brothers said too." Linton nodded.

"What? Did you kill Diavolo and Mephisto too?" Barr was stunned for a moment, but felt that Linton was not lying casually. The fight just now made him feel that this human being was indeed capable and very powerful, even stronger than himself before. If Diavolo and Mephisto really lost to him, he would really believe it.

The reason why I say it is his previous self is because he is different now, because he now has the World Stone. The World Stone contains powerful power, so although he feels that Linton is difficult to deal with, Barr still has no worries.

"My brothers will not sacrifice in vain!" Barr roared again, and then suddenly waved his hand, and a magic circle appeared on the ground. This magic circle was at Linton's feet, but Linton had no intention of avoiding it, and he didn't stop him at all. He was even a little curious about what kind of magic circle this was.

Of course, he knew it soon, because with a burst of red light, a large number of demons suddenly appeared in the magic circle here, directly surrounding Linton inside. Obviously this is a summoning circle to summon these demons to help fight.

This large group of monsters really come from all kinds of monsters, and there are a few of them that are very big, and they should obviously be elite types. Barr also waved his hand directly: "Calanso, Akem, Bartek, Fanta, kill these humans to prove your loyalty!"

"Yes! The Great King of Destruction!" I don't know who answered. At that time, several monsters near Linton rushed towards Linton.

"It's just a summons. I can do it." Linton had no intention of taking action at all. He also pointed at the group of soldiers and said: "Aizen, Deckard Cain, Andariel, Anya, kill these demons for me. Prove your loyalty!"

"This is not a summons, right?" The next moment, Aizen had appeared next to Linton, but he didn't see how he drew his sword. But the surrounding soldiers were instantly separated from their upper and lower bodies.

"King to king, general to general, you deal with this wave of soldiers, and I will deal with Barr." Linton said directly.

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