I really can't control myself

Chapter 1897 Rotation

The opponent knocked Tarik away at once, causing Korik to be stunned for a moment. What I mean by following behind really means following behind, because Korik was also in mid-air at this time, and he was following the previous tower. Leike took off, and the two of them performed jump slashes towards Linton at the same time.

This jumping slash is a commonly used starting move by barbarians. Not only is it easy to get the upper hand, it is also very powerful. But Korik didn't expect that Linton could take the blow from his companion so easily. Although he was a little surprised, he was not timid at all. He fired the bow without turning back. Korik was very good at jumping and slashing, and the key point of this move was... the momentum of moving forward.

Raising the two-handed spear in his hand, Korik gathered all his strength and slashed down towards Linton's position. At this time, Linton had just knocked away Tarik. Under normal circumstances, not many people could react to the jump slashes of two consecutive people. At least Anya, who was watching the battle, was sure that he would not be able to catch it, let alone In terms of strength, there is not enough time to react.

Of course, Linton's reaction speed was obviously not that of ordinary people, and he had no intention of evading at all. When the opponent charged him head-on, he resisted him head-on. Just now, he received Tarik's attack head-on. Here, Kolik also chose to meet it head-on.

He crossed his hands and raised them up, facing the spear knocked down by Kolik. With a "bang", several cracks appeared on the ground where Linton was standing, but his movements did not change in any way and he stood firmly. Where.

"Awesome..." Kolik here couldn't help shouting. He has a rather heroic character. When he meets a master, he will praise him regardless of whether he is an enemy or not. Just a compliment, the movement in his hand was not slow, and he couldn't hit it with one blow. Just as he was about to change his move, Linton suddenly grabbed one of his hands, and then pulled him back, as if the equipment was pulling him all over. Throw people out.

Linton's action was mainly caused by the third person behind him, an ancient barbarian named Madoc, who was doing the same action as Linton at this time. At the same time as the two people in front jumped out, Madoc did not rush forward together, but took out a throwing ax from his waist. The barbarians are also good at throwing skills. The throwing weapons they use are not like the spears used by Amazons, but flying axes. Just when the two people in front jumped in front of Linton, Madoc's throwing axes were also ready. Take action.

However, what he didn't expect was that at the same time as he was throwing his ax, Linton grabbed Kolik and jumped out in front of him, and with a sudden swing, Kolik was thrown towards him. As mentioned before, Linton was facing them head-on. The opponent was in front of them, and Linton also met them head-on. When the opponent threw something, Linton also threw something.

It was too late for Madoc to stop, because Linton's movements were one step slower than him. The next second he threw the ax, he knew that the blow was going to hit his companion.

Sure enough, Korik was hit by a flying ax as he flew out of the air, piercing his abdomen directly. Of course, his men continued to fly towards Madoc. Madoc's first reaction was obviously to catch him, but a huge force came from the next second. Madoc couldn't withstand this huge force at all, and the two of them flew out together with Kolik in his arms, and there was a loud noise. It hit the mountain wall behind.

"Drink!" A loud shout from the side attracted Linton's attention. This shout had a special appeal that made Linton subconsciously turn his head and look over. The barbarian's war cry also has a meaning and contains some special power. Of course, it was purely a subconscious reaction that Linton was here.

"You yelled so..." He was originally going to complain, but when he turned his head, a huge red spinning top flew directly towards Linton. Linton recognized the opponent as Tarik, who had just been knocked away by him, but... why did he spin so fast?

Of course, Linton also knew that this was Whirlwind, one of the skills of the barbarians. To be honest, this skill was still very familiar. After all, it was a walking skill in the third generation, and it took an entire afternoon to complete the secret realm. But everyone understands the truth. The thing in front of me is moving a little too fast.

Linton even found it a bit amusing. Looking at Tarik spinning close to him, Linton twisted his right hand forward in the air, and a green light flashed on his body. Tarik, who was almost turning in front of him, suddenly began to spin in the opposite direction. , while turning and retreating. After retreating to the position where the opponent called before, Linton twisted to the other side, so the opponent turned towards Linton again. After twisting it several times, the Tarik in front of me turned around, which was... quite fun.

He was indeed preparing to play well, but the top in front of him suddenly made Linton feel a little confused. At this moment, the two people next to him also stood up. They probably noticed something was wrong with Talik who was milling around here. Although they didn't know what Linton did, it was obviously him.

This time, no throwing weapons were chosen, and the two of them rushed directly towards Linton, one from the left and the other from the right. The attacks of the two men were indeed quite powerful, but Linton didn't give them much chance this time. Before the opponent's attack could reach them, Linton directly grabbed the necks of the two men, one on the left and the other on the right, and pulled them apart. The person picked it up and held it in his hand.

Carrying the two of them, Linton took a few steps forward and happened to be in the path of Talik, who was still spinning. Soon, the blade of Talik, who was spinning here, swept over. He rotated and swept past the two people. It has to be said that the power of this whirlwind is really not small, and a large number of wounds instantly appeared on the two people who were scraped.

The two wanted to struggle, but they were completely unable to break free from Linton's hands. Then, before waiting for a while, Tarik, who had just turned around, turned back again, and the same thing swept across the two people's bodies again, and another burst of blood burst out.

Of course Tarik can see clearly here, but the problem is that he can't stop now. He has entered Linton's time loop. Now he can only turn around crazily and scan several times in a row. After that, the two people in Linton's hands were chopped and covered in blood. Of course, the resistance of the two people became smaller and smaller, and soon there was no movement.

Then a flash of light flashed, and the two people in Linton's hands suddenly turned into light and slowly floated to the table next to them. Then the light gradually transformed into the original statue. It was obvious that the two people were sent away and returned to the form of the statue.

The trial was almost completed, and there was only one Tarik left on the field who was still spinning wildly, unable to stop at all. Linton looked at Tarik, who was still spinning in front of him, and snapped his fingers. Tarik suddenly seemed to lose his strength and fell to the ground while spinning.

"Huh... ha..." Maybe he turned his head a little, and Tarik, who fell to the ground, even felt confused about his direction. Before the other party could react, Linton followed up with a kick. Tarik took off on the spot, spinning and flying out of the range of the mountaintop platform, and flew down the mountain in a tooth-to-tooth posture.

Linton waited for a while, and a ray of light returned from where Tarik fell, returned to his original stand, and regrouped into a statue.

At this moment, the sky altar in the middle suddenly emitted a ray of light. This blue soft light quickly shot towards the fortress gate in front. The stone gate, which looked very solid, seemed to have touched some switch. It retreated inside, and then slowly began to make a "rustling" sound. "The friction sound.

"The fortress gate has been opened, and the trial has passed." At this time, Anya beside him came back to his senses and said. I have to say that Linton's performance was too relaxed. Anya didn't even have the courage to challenge the three barbarian ancient warriors. But on Linton's side, Anya even felt like he was having a little fun.

"Just that big windmill just now..." Linton obviously wanted to comment on the feeling of the battle just now, but before he could say anything, Deckard Kane behind him suddenly took a step forward and spoke first.

"Without further ado, Barr has been in there for who knows how long. There is a strong dark atmosphere coming from inside. It is estimated that it has been completely occupied by dark creatures. We must act quickly." Deckard Kane said.

Probably because he has been with Linton for a long time. To be honest, Deckard Cain now has some understanding of Linton's personality. If nothing else, what Linton said next was definitely very rude. Deckard Kane looked at Anya next to him. The current tribe leader of this barbarian was right next to him. Linton was pointing at her and scolding her ancestors. It was better to interrupt Linton quickly.

"The back and forth just now is indeed..." Aizen next to him suddenly spoke at this time.

"Can you deal with Baal's matter first and discuss the reversal of the issue later?" Deckard Cain quickly interrupted again. Aizen next to him was really no different from Linton sometimes.

"Oh, he's anxious, he's anxious, but why are he anxious?" Linton asked a little strangely.

"Baldu is already eroding the World Stone, okay? Can I not be in a hurry?" Deckard Cain said, "Let's go in quickly, okay?"

"Yeah, now is not the time to talk about anything else. We must stop Barr quickly." Anya here didn't seem to notice the smell, but she felt that Deckard Cain's words were right, "I will lead the way, although I didn't I have entered the interior of the fortress, but I also know the situation inside.”

"So there is another huge underground maze inside?" Linton asked.

"Yes, the interior of the fortress is intricate and intricate. It's not an exaggeration to say it's an underground labyrinth." Anya answered honestly.

"Then don't worry, I'm best at dealing with underground mazes." Linton said while raising his feet, "Sesame..."

"Wait a minute!" Deckard Kane, who was next to him, suddenly seemed to understand something and shouted quickly.

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