I really can't control myself

Chapter 1886 Gathering

Linton's move really shook the two angels, not only Tyrell, but also Imperius here. The other party is actually just? The Sword of Judgment didn't want to judge him, so who were they? Are they the real sinners?

Imperius was hit so hard that he even forgot to dodge when Linton pinched him, and the next second, a hand passed directly through his chest.

"Uh..." Imperius made a somewhat painful sound, and subconsciously swung his sword to slash Linton in front of him again. Of course, the result was still the same. The radiance of the Holy Feather passed directly through Linton's body. Still didn't cause any harm.

"Why? I don't believe it!" Imperius shouted with a hint of anger, regardless of his injuries. Of course, he is not asking Linton. Perhaps he is questioning the Holy Sword of Judgment, or asking the sky. It is clear that justice should be on his side. These guys are the villains who invaded the high-level heaven and killed the angels. Why not? Judging them, Imperius is really in chaos at this moment.

"I don't admit it! I don't admit it!" Imperius roared angrily, but the next second, Linton smashed him directly against the wall next to him. Before he could react, Linton picked up the opponent again and slammed him into the ground next to him.

"Stop!" Tyrell here couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to help, but he was too seriously injured and half of his body was gone. He was lying on the ground unable to move at all, so he could only shout to Linton.

"It's not that you guys really don't have a faint setting." Linton originally wanted to try to see if he could directly get the points from these guys without using the sealing technique, but now it seems that it's not that simple. These people don't have physical bodies in the actual sense. If they are really blown up, they will probably turn into light and disappear. There won't be anything left. It seems that they can only be sealed.

Seeing this situation, Linton could only start to take out the bottle, but just when he was about to take action, something like a streamer suddenly flew from the side and directly rolled up the person who had just been severely injured by Linton and fell to the ground. Imperius, then yanked hard and snatched the person away.

Looking along the direction in which the ribbon rolled back, Linton saw two figures. One of them is an angel wearing a white robe with streamers hanging on his body. His figure is obviously female. Needless to say, this is the angel of hope, Auriel.

There was another angel not far behind her, wearing a gray robe and having bright silver wings. Linton could probably guess that the other angel was Israel, the Angel of Destiny.

The battle here has ended like this, and sure enough, these two people can't sit still. Of course, appearing here now saves Linton a lot of time in looking for people. What Linton expected was for them to show up. The most troublesome thing was that they ran away. After all, these angels may really be made of light, and there is no breath in their bodies. They really can't be traced without marking them.

Just after Imperius was reeled back, Linton could clearly see that the injury on the opponent's chest that had been penetrated by him was healing rapidly. Even the damage to the armor is being repaired. This is probably because what looks like armor is actually part of the angel's body, rather than something to wear.

In short, it is obvious that the ribbon-like thing of the hope angel Auriel has similar healing abilities. In fact, Linton was not surprised. Linton knew this Auriel mainly because of another game from the same company that had been on the road to success, and in that game, Auriel was a nanny.

Relatively speaking, the Angel of Destiny Israel Linton following her is really not very familiar. Although he has appeared in the game, he seems to be a mysterious guy.

"Are you okay, Imperius?" Auriel spoke here, and her voice was indeed much nicer than those of the demons. This should be what most people think a real angel should look like, like a combination of love and beauty, sacred and elegant.

"This guy! This human being!" Imperius here still yelled a little out of control. It seems that the blow just now was really not small. This guy still hasn't understood the situation and is still in chaos.

"Calm down, Imperius!" Auriel here raised her voice slightly. Miraculously, her voice was like a calming spell, which directly dispelled the chaos in Imperius's mind. After being called out like this, Imperius suddenly sobered up a lot.

"Auriel, Israel..." Imperius finally saw the person coming, but immediately said, "This human must be eliminated! He is the embodiment of evil!"

"You are so eager to label me as a criminal. The more anxious you are, the more you doubt your own 'justice'." Linton said with a smile, "Imperius, you have broken your defense. .”

"Shut up! You villain!" Imperius roared.

"There is no need to explore justice here. You invaded the home where we live, and we fight to protect the high-level heaven." Auriel next to her said unhurriedly. Her words were better than the open-mouthed "Justice" next to her. "The Sinner's Imperius is much more organized, and the gap in IQ is clearly visible.

"I'm not here for your homeland, nor for occupying land." Linton spread his hands and said, "I said it from the beginning, I'm here to destroy your angel clan, and I also asked Tyrell to bring a message to declare war on you. After it passed, no one took it seriously."

"Then we are fighting for our own race." Obviously Auriel must have heard Linton's speech before, so she didn't bother much about why Linton destroyed the angels. Probably she also felt that Linton At least there is no logical loophole in the excuse I made up. Light and shadow coexist with each other. When destroying demons, angels must be destroyed at the same time. The theory is too perfect. Auriel doesn't know if these words are correct, because they angels and The devil has been fighting an eternal war for tens of thousands of years without any results. This may be the reason.

But because of this, their angel clan will be captured without mercy? Destroyed with the devil? Anyway, Auriel will definitely not accept such a result. As the Archangel of Hope, of course she cannot accept such a desperate ending. There will always be another way. The way to eliminate the demons and allow the angel family to survive at the same time is called hope.

At the same time, Israel, the Angel of Destiny next to him, stood silently, standing out as a taciturn person. But even though he couldn't see his expression, Linton always felt that the other person was observing him.

"Auriel, we must deal with this guy." Imperius next to him was as reckless as ever. Of course, he was also anxious, because while they were talking, the battle was still going on next to them. Thousands of angels in the sky are surrounding Aizen over there. The ratio of the number of ten thousand to one is so exaggerated, but the actual fighting situation is that Aizen is dealing with this large number of people very calmly. The angel seemed to feel no pressure at all. As the angel guards continued to fall from the sky, Imperius couldn't be more anxious.

Auriel is still very awake now, at least much more awake than Imperius next to her. Ignoring Imperius's words, Auriel's first step now is to rescue her brother, Tyrell.

Now Tyrell fell at Linton's feet, half of his body blown up. The situation was very bad. Auriel probably also knows Linton's strength. If he wants to fight against such a monster, he must gather all his strength. In short, let’s pull Tyrell up first and then talk.

Linton was indeed very relaxed. While confronting the angels here, he still had time to look up at Aizen's situation. After all, he really didn't care about the actions of the archangels. But the moment Linton raised his head, Auriel took action.

The white streamer suddenly flew out, like a long white snake, twisting in the air and then shot directly towards Tyrell at Linton's feet. Of course this is not an attack, but the same desire to save people as before.

Linton also instantly understood Auriel's plan. As a wet nurse, she really wanted to nurse the whole team first. This was really a very qualified treatment.

While thinking about it, Linton also stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the long white snake that came from the air. However, what he didn't expect was that the streamer caught here changed its direction instantly. Instead of rushing towards Tyrell on the ground again, it immediately wrapped around Linton's hand and wrapped it around Linton's hand continuously. A few turns and then fixed. After a burst of light, the ribbon here suddenly turned into a chain, locking Linton's right hand. And on the other end of the chain, I was naturally in Auriel's hands.

"Are you aiming at my hand from the beginning?" Linton quickly understood that the other person was aiming at his hand at the beginning, and was not actually trying to save people. This was a calculated reaction. I have to say that Auriel is a bit smart, or she actually has a lot of combat experience.

Linton's guess was correct. Auriel actually had a lot of combat experience. She was not a nanny who only knew how to heal in Linton's impression. She had participated in hundreds of thousands of battles in the Eternal War, and she had Not doing logistics, but being on the front line every time.

At the same moment, Tyrell at Linton's feet also disappeared. Linton looked at the Angel of Destiny Israel next to Auriel in surprise, because Tyrael, who had disappeared, was now held in his hands.

"Excellent cooperation." Linton couldn't help but praise. Israel and Auriel didn't communicate, but they cooperated at the same time. It was probably a tacit understanding developed by fighting side by side for hundreds of thousands of times. As for how the other party took Tyrell away from Linton's feet...

"Did you just use time magic?" Linton asked with interest.

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