"I don't believe it. This is not true." Tyrell said immediately, "In this case, the confrontation between us and the devil would be meaningless."

"It's meaningless." Linton said, "The confrontation between angels and demons is just your instinct, but in fact it is just an eternal meaningless battle. The light becomes stronger and the darkness illuminates becomes deeper. Angels and demons This is the relationship between demons, and the eternal war for tens of thousands of years has proven this."

"How could it be meaningless?" Tyrell said with some disbelief.

"Of course some people saw this, so Sanctuary was born, wasn't it?" Linton said, "Tired of these meaningless battles, angels and demons joined forces to create this place. This is The first step has been taken, and the ultimate goal of us humans, who emerged because of the birth of Sanctuary, is to end this meaningless struggle that has lasted for thousands of years. Here is...as the Nephalem, my sacred mission."

"The mission of the Nephalem...?" Tyrell suddenly felt a little shaken.

"So, I...the real King of Nephalem will put an end to all this. Whether it is the burning hell or the high-level heaven, they will all be wiped out in my hands." Linton spread his hands and said, "For the sake of you For the sake of being a good person, I will not engage in any conspiracy with you, but I will tell you clearly that I will blow up your whole family, and give you time to go back and inform your companions, and prepare for the war. I will visit the high-level heaven in person soon."

"As for things in the human world, you don't have to worry about it. These demons haven't seen the situation clearly yet. If they cooperate with your high-level heaven to fight against me, they still have some brains. Unfortunately, brains are a good thing, and they don't have them. . Or you can take the initiative to cooperate with these demons..." Linton said.

"How could I cooperate with these demons?" Tyrell said immediately before he finished speaking.

"In order to survive, don't live in poverty." Linton said.

"We, the higher heavens, and humans should not be enemies!" Tyrell said.

"What kind of relationship should that be? The relationship between pets and breeders?" Linton asked, "For us humans, there is no difference between the angels in the high-level heaven and the demons in the burning hell. They treat humans with the same transparency. Arrogant at heart, Tyrell, you like humans and respect humans, but if you touch your conscience, are people like you the mainstream in the higher heavens, or are they regarded as alien beings by the angels?"

"Since ancient times, whether it is a high-level heaven or a burning hell, the attitude towards human beings has always been this way. As long as humans have a little power, their first reaction is to suppress this power, and they must not allow humans any chance to develop, by modifying the world Stone, they continue to suppress humans, just because they don’t want humans to rise, because they feel the threat of humans, they are afraid, afraid of being on an equal footing with humans, or even being surpassed by humans who they regard as insects, because... deep down they feel that they are Humanity should be looked down upon," Linton continued.

"However, where there is oppression, there is resistance. I... am the reflex that combines all human inhibitions. The moment I was born into this world, whether it is a high-level heaven or a burning hell, I will return to dust. , the earth returns to earth, this is the will of this world. Unstoppable, irresistible, I, now that there is a great catastrophe..."

"How...could..." Tyrell here took a step back in a daze.

"This is a torrent you can't stop." Linton said. "It's funny that those demons are still busy with the invasion plan. Of course, telling them is useless. After all, in their eyes, humans are just It's just an insect, how can it threaten them? Do you think so? Andalil, I will let you go back and inform Baal and the others now, do you think they can believe it?"

"Impossible." Andalil said, spreading his hands.

"Don't worry, I won't really exterminate all demons and angels. Anyway, just don't stand in the way of human development. Angels and demons may become endangered species and establish a protected area or something like that. Seeing as you are so obedient, I will definitely keep you, and maybe you can be paired with Tyrell," Linton said.

"Huh?" Tyrell was stunned for a moment.

"It has been confirmed that there is no reproductive isolation between angels and demons, and the children born are all humans. There is no threat at all. It can also help humans expand the abundance of the population. It is a very useful tool." Linton said, "In short, we will match each other in the future. The demons and angels who match up can be kept, and the singles will all be killed. It’s such a happy decision.”

"Sure enough, they are still as unhuman as ever... So humans, as the product of the union of angels and demons, can be so selfless that angels feel admiration when they shine, and they can also make demons feel fear when they do evil. Is that so?" Andariel asked. .

"That's a good summary." Linton nodded, "In short, the matter has been notified to you. Regardless of whether you accept it or not, go back and talk to your brothers. I remember his name is Angel of Courage Imperius, right? Tell him, I know this guy is very reckless and doesn't take humans seriously. He is the purest angel family. He will definitely understand once you talk to him. If you don't believe me, you can also look at him. reaction, please think again about why I want the higher heaven to perish."

"I still think what you said is completely wrong. Whether it's the devil's plan or what you said, I will stop it!" Tyrell said, he was already feeling a little angry.

"Just telling you clearly means that I don't mind anyone stopping me at all. If you want to stop me, feel free to do so. If I tell you clearly like this, I am declaring war on the high-level heaven. Of course now...you... The state makes me too lazy to take action, so I might as well go back and prepare properly," Linton said.

"I will prove that you are wrong." Tyrell was indeed seriously injured and basically had no fighting ability at the moment. Of course, it was impossible to start a fight with Linton here. After saying this, Tyrell's body slowly rose up, and then a light appeared from above, shining on him, making his body disappear quickly.

"OK, the plan was successful." Linton also smiled slightly as he watched Tyrell disappear. Yes, I can still feel the location of the mark. The location of the mark is naturally where the high-level heaven is. Now Linton can open the door and drive directly to the high-level heaven. Most of these angels are squatting at home. As long as Knowing the location of the opponent's hometown, you can basically take them all... except for the guy Malthael who ran away first.

"It looks like a conspiracy has succeeded." Andalil said next to him, "Sure enough, the purpose is not as simple as declaring war in person."

"If the devil understands me better than the angel, I will feel very uncomfortable." Linton said.

"Now, I really admire you, human being. You are powerful, evil and cruel..."

"Hey, is this a compliment?" Linton said.

"Now there is another hypocrisy." Andalil said with a smile, "Don't be angry, I am indeed praising you, because in my opinion, these are your advantages."

"So you know why I want to kill you devils? I really don't know how to flatter you." Linton said, "Let's go back and treat your brother to a big dinner."

After saying that, Linton also opened a portal directly next to him. There was really nothing in the ancient tomb here, and a door also opened directly into Lu Gaoyin City.

"Some special teleportation magic." Andariel commented as he walked through the teleportation gate. There is teleportation magic in this world, and there are even scrolls, but Andariel still feels that there is something special about the teleportation magic used by Linton.

"What do you want to do with that idiot Durrell." Seeing Linton not answering, Andariel changed the subject and asked.

"Didn't I say I'd leave it to you?" Linton said.

"I can't deal with that guy in this situation." Andalil said.

Linton didn't answer, and directly put a hand on Andariel's body: "The Bagua seal, break it."

A burst of black text suddenly flew out of Andalil's body, which made Andalil stunned: "You have unlocked the seal? Aren't you worried that I will betray you immediately? You probably don't trust me that much."

"It just doesn't matter." Linton told the truth. The reason was very simple. Linton already had the points on Andariel, so what if Andariel really ran away? Or are you worried that Andariel will be unfavorable to Linton? Is Linton afraid? It would be a good thing if she cooperated. If she really didn't plan to cooperate, Linton wouldn't worry at all. He would just give her another beating.

"You are really... bold." Andalil said, "So what are you going to do with this guy?"

"As I said, just lick the entire underground tunnel clean." Linton said.

"What if he doesn't cooperate?" Andariel asked.

"So you said you are a devil and you have a way." Linton said.

"If he refuses to cooperate, I will drag the entire underground tunnel with his intestines. You won't mind if he eats them all." Andalil asked.

"Leave it to you." Linton waved his hand.

Andariel left directly with Duriel's sealed bottle. Linton was not worried, because Duriel had already obtained the points, so it was not a big problem for people to run away.

The reason why Andariel was sent away so quickly was because Linton saw Aizen coming next to him, and he came with someone. Linton looked at the handsome man in a white robe who was following Aizen, and asked, "Who is this guy? Where did he come from?"

"My name is Jehain. He is said to be a king, and he is probably the lord of this city." Aizen said, "He is very simple and has no defense against me. He is living in fantasy now."

"Why did you bring him here?" Linton asked.

"The box you mentioned has been obtained. Although you mentioned the location of the remaining two items, you don't know the specific location. It's better to ask someone to help you look for them." Aizen said.

"Show me the box first," Linton said.

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