This door seemed to be opened by Duriel himself, so of course the person it was looking for should be Andariel. It is estimated that the other party is also curious about why Andariel appears here, but this can help Linton solve a lot of troubles, otherwise Linton would have to study how to break the seal.

Since the other party cooperated and opened the door, Linton would definitely not be polite to it and walked directly into the portal. Naturally, Andariel here had nothing to hesitate and immediately followed in. Only Deckard Cain here was stunned for a long time. Why did he clearly feel that what he said should be right, but he was the one who couldn't keep up with the rhythm? Woolen cloth?

Of course, he didn't hesitate for too long and quickly followed in. Although they know that there may be a fierce battle waiting for them inside, and there may be some traps, but now is not the time to think so much, they must prevent the dark wanderer from breaking Baal's seal.

There is a dark space inside the portal, with only a little light coming from nowhere around it, and most of the location is completely dark. But even though they couldn't clearly see the situation, as soon as they entered here, a wave of malice seemed to entangle the three of them. It was obvious that they seemed to be targeted by something, and it was something very evil.

Deckard Cain's reaction was the most obvious. He subconsciously raised his staff and pointed it at the dark position ahead. But he actually couldn't see anything, and he didn't know what was in front of him. His alert state was just fear, because there was definitely something terrifying watching them in the darkness.

"Andariel..." Suddenly a terrifying voice sounded. It sounded like a male voice, but it was unusually low and terrifying. It was quite similar to the voice of Andariel in the previous demon form. Of course, Andariel now used Akara's body also made Akara's voice, otherwise Linton would definitely not be able to stand that strange sound.

"Why are you here, or... in this form? Who are these two human bastards?" The voice in the darkness should obviously be Duriel's, questioning Andariel. The tone was not polite, although both sides They are both demon kings, but the relationship between the demon kings is not that of loving each other.

"In Lower Linton, the strongest Nephalem, known in the world, slapped Andariel to death..." Linton took a step forward and said proactively.

"Celebrate! Blessing time! The most benevolent! The most good! The most high! The most powerful King of the Nephalem! Andariel is defeated in front of him. He is the ultimate king who knows the past and the future. So far, history has begun. The final chapter." A figure appeared behind Linton, naturally it was Woz who helped announce the curtain.

"Huh? Huh? Who are you?" Deckard Kane next to him was immediately confused. Who is this person who suddenly appeared? But before he could ask, Woz disappeared in a blink of an eye after finishing his report. After all, he was just a celebration device and had no other function.

"Andalil...what is going on?" Durrell asked Andalil again. Although Linton didn't know what was going on, Durrell didn't care at all. In his opinion, a small human being had no qualifications to talk to him. Duriel didn't care what Linton meant, so he wanted to question Andariel.

"As you heard, I was defeated by this human being and now I am sealed in this body." Andariel said.

"So you brought him here because you want me to help you? Hahahaha, Andariel, you are too stupid. Do you think I will help you? I will torture you well and use your power Devour them all and you will become my food!" Duriel said with a laugh.

"I'm not surprised." Andalil spread his hands and said, "I'm relieved to hear you say that. I promised this human before that when he catches you, I will torture you for him. After all, this is a demon. I will do my job well and make you feel the pain."

"Hahahaha, you said this human being..." As he spoke, a huge body suddenly appeared in the darkness in front of him. This is a complete monster. The lower body is like the body of a huge insect, the upper body is a deformed body, the arms are two huge blades, and the body is covered with various sharp horns. Just looking at it made people feel the terrifying appearance. At least Deckard Kane behind Linton was frightened. Just looking at the terrifying appearance of the opponent made Deckard Kane's legs weak.

"You actually lost to such a bastard." Durrell looked down at Linton. The sizes on both sides were completely out of proportion. In front of Durrell, Linton looked as small as a bug.

"So you demons all have the same personality, right?" Linton turned to look at Andariel and said, "Copy and paste so you don't feel too impersonal?"

"I really don't want to be compared with such an idiot." Andariel said, "He is also the number one idiot among our demon kings."

"Andariel! You are simply looking for death!" Duriel roared angrily.

"This guy just said that he was a Nephalem." Andariel suddenly said.

"What is that?" Durrell said disdainfully.

"Arrogant and ignorant..." Andariel said.

"And he is weak." Linton added, "He exudes a weak aura all over his body. He is really... too weak. How did he get into the Seven Demon Kings? It's just a matter of chance."

"You pissed me off, human! Die!" It was obvious that Durrell couldn't hear such words. He didn't take Linton as a thing at first, but now he really pissed him off. Raising the huge blade on his right arm, Durrell slashed Linton's head with one blow, obviously intending to cut Linton into two pieces.

However, the next second, Linton just raised a hand, put his index finger and thumb together, and pinched it lightly, directly pinching the blade of Durrell's command. The force of this blow was only the impact of the aftermath. The force made Deckard Kane next to him unable to stand, but Linton didn't even sway at all.

"What?" The abnormal situation made Duriel stunned for a moment, but the next second he immediately started to exert force, and tried to cut down with his right arm. However, not only did the blade fail to cut, Duriel Suddenly I felt a lightness in my body. I lowered my head and found that my whole body was actually starting to fly.

Yes, Linton pinched the opponent's blade with two fingers, and then lifted him up. Before Durrell could recover, Linton made a little move and gently lifted him up. Dump.

There was a loud "bang", and Durrell's huge body suddenly flew out and hit the wall behind. After a huge shock, sand began to fall on everyone's heads. Linton looked up and saw that the cemetery was indeed underground and a little unstable.

"Oh oh oh, as expected of Duriel, the King of Pain, he actually forced me to use two fingers. He is indeed a powerful demon. You should feel honored." Lowering his head, Linton continued to look at Duriel and said.

"Ho ho ho ho!" Suddenly Durrell let out a beast-like roar, and then his body accelerated violently. This is quite strange, after all, the opponent's body is so huge, but the acceleration is really amazing. In an instant, the other party came to Linton, waved his hand again and looked at Linton's side.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and Deckard Cain behind him felt that the surrounding air was shaking. However, looking forward, Durrell's huge blade was stuck in Linton's side, and Linton was still standing. On the spot, looking at his expression, he seemed to have no feeling of the force of the blow at all, and he didn't even bother to lift his hand this time.

"Sure enough, you still haven't eaten? It doesn't matter. I have prepared a sumptuous dinner for you..." Before Linton's SAO finished speaking, he suddenly felt a little cold on his left arm. He lowered his head and looked at it. A layer of ice began to spread along his arms.

It seemed that Durrell's attack had some special effects of ice, but Linton only felt his arms were a little cold, not to mention frostbite. The fact that the automatic battle was not triggered already explained everything. In the eyes of Battle Girl, this was not considered an attack. It was probably just like someone pressing a piece of ice on your hand, just like a joke between friends.

"If you want to eat, all you need is your mouth." Linton ignored the spreading ice and reached out to grab the blade. Durrell naturally found that his attacks seemed to have no effect, and he slashed towards Linton with his other hand.

In Linton's opinion, this was actually quite cooperative. He raised his other hand again, grabbed the blade on the other side, and then suddenly spun and somersaulted on the spot. He held the blades of the opponent's hands with both hands while rotating them towards both sides. One pull.

There was a "tearing" sound that made people feel numb, and green blood splashed everywhere. Durrell's huge right hand blade was torn off by Linton, and his left hand was also twisted in a circle.

Before Durrell could scream, Linton suddenly jumped on Durrell's head. He pushed down with his right hand and penetrated Durrell's Tianling Cap with his bare hands. He grabbed what was probably the opponent's skull. Lift the opponent's entire body up in the air and throw him over his head in an unscientific way.

As mentioned before, Linton didn't know when he acquired the ability to throw people out of the air. Anyway, this skill is quite useful. Without blowing people into ashes, the damage output is fairly stable.

It's just that although the throwing skills are quite cool, this place can't withstand such an impact. The vibrations around it are more obvious, and more sand and stones are falling.

"If you keep playing like this, this place may collapse first." Seeing Duriel falling in front of him, Andariel first said to Linton who landed next to him.

"Are devils afraid of being buried alive?" Linton asked.

"What I'm using now is not my own body." Andalil said.

"That makes sense... Where are the Tyrells? Hurry up and help repair the building." Linton turned to the surroundings and shouted.

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