I really can't control myself

Chapter 1869 Cooperation

The situation is like this. Although the nights have been very tragic these past few days, the situation in Akala during the day is actually very normal. Although she also had some memories of her death, she was a good person. Akara didn't think she was really dead or anything. He just thought it was the various painful erosions caused by the devil sealing her body, trying to corrode her. the spirit of.

As a senior nun, Akara's will is still very firm, saying that although it is painful, she can endure such pain as spiritual practice, penance or something like that.

She really didn't know how tragic the situation was at night. Deckard Cain and Warev, who were watching, felt a little unable to bear it just by looking at it.

Just like tonight, Linton dragged Akara's feet towards the direction he saw when he set up camp during the day. As he walked, he said: "I chose it specially during the day. It seems to be a mud pit where wild beasts often hang out. I've seen it. Apart from mud, it's full of poop made by wild beasts. I'll definitely die if you press your head in it for a night. Suishang, congratulations on becoming the first demon king to be drowned by Shi. Don’t worry, this will not be recorded in the history books. After all, you demon kings also want to save face..."

"Let me go..." Andariel here used Akara's hands to forcefully grab the ground, but it was obviously of no use. His hands grabbed the ground and dragged out a long nail mark.

"Come on, be good, it's here..." Linton said with a smile on his face, "You know what's even more interesting is that when time starts to cycle, you can eat it and spit it out, and enjoy twice the sourness at the same time. Cool……"

"Let me confirm first, I am the devil, right?" Andalil said desperately looking at the mud puddle in front of him.

"Yeah, who robbed this from you? I, Nephalem, do I need to do something else with my identity? You said I'm a devil, aren't you belittling me?" Linton said, "Come on, come on, big man Lang, it’s time to eat SHI.”

As he spoke, Linton pulled Andariel's head and pushed it into the mud puddle ahead.

"Wait... wait, you said before that you wanted me to help you invade the Burning Hell, right?" Andariel said.

"No, no, no, I just want to see you eat SHI now." Linton said.

"In the final analysis, there is no enmity between us, right? I killed those nuns. You should have nothing to do with them, right." Andalil said quickly.

"But you seven demon kings are all on my list..." Linton said.

"I'll help you find them." Andalil said quickly, "Although most of the power has been sealed, you can still sense their location. You want to find them too, right?"

"Uh... Although it's true, it doesn't conflict with your eating SHI. I'm going to treat you to eating for one night today. You still have to do a good job for me. If it falls into my hands, you can only cooperate. Well, can you still go to heaven?" Linton said.

"After all, this is using your human body, can't you just be a human being?" Andalil said.

"Isn't it too much to ask for so much? After all, you are just a prisoner..." Linton said.

"Nephalem are always human, can't we devils do such things?" Andariel said.

"So...it actually makes some sense." Linton nodded, "In that case, we will definitely be able to catch your brothers and so on in the future. I will leave this work to professionals like you, deal?" "

"Deal." Andalil nodded quickly.

So Linton took Andalil back to the motorcade and began to introduce the results of his treatment to Deckard Cain and Warev: "It's cured. From now on, Akara will not be sick at night."

"Uh..." Deckard Kane looked at Andariel next to him.

"I'm fine." Andalil said seriously, "I am the high priestess of the Sisters of the Blind Eye, Akara. Our goal now is to stop the devil and save the world."

"This is definitely not okay." Deckard Kane couldn't help but say.

"Dirty old human man, I said I'm already cured!" Andalil yelled directly.

"Look..." Deckard Cain pointed at Andariel and said.

"Although there are some deviations in personality, it doesn't matter. You understand and you can fix it?" Linton said.

"This shouldn't be a question of whether it can be cured or not, and it's not as simple as a deviation at all." Deckard Cain said.

"Anyway, as long as you can help us deal with the demons," Linton said, "These small problems don't matter."

"I should be glad now that you are still a human being in our world, right?" Aizen said next to him.

"You should be lucky that I drew the world on your side quite early. Now that I have drawn it, you are probably the one in line." Linton said.

"I understand, so you have never been a human being." Aizen nodded.

The next day, Akara woke up and suddenly found that her body seemed to feel a lot more relaxed. There seemed to be no nightmares last night, and there seemed to be less whispers of demons in her ears.

"So you can see if it's cured." Linton said, "Now it's just that his personality becomes a little worse at night. It's not a big problem, right?"

"What does it mean that the character will become bad?" Akara asked.

"Uh... this..." Deckard Cain next to him said that he didn't know how to say it before, but now, it's better not to know.

Of course, did you say that Andariel was completely convinced? Naturally, the words of such a demon cannot be fully believed. Andariel, who tried to escape that night, was caught directly by Linton through the portal, and once again experienced the despair of being dismembered by five horses throughout the night. Linton said you are lucky, the cesspit is not that easy to find, but I can take a detour for you.

Fortunately, this desperate journey finally ended on the second day, because they finally reached their destination, Lu Gaoyin City. This is a city located in the desert, surrounded by desert and yellow sand. To be honest, it was a miracle that there was a city in such a place. Of course, Linton also discovered that the ground near the city was a little different from the real desert. There should be underground rivers, otherwise the city would definitely not be built.

Think about it, according to the situation in the game, Lu Gaoyin City not only has underground water, but also underground channels. There is a huge sewer system under the city. It seems that there is indeed no shortage of water. But the current situation in the city is definitely not good, because when Linton came here, he saw two serious problems in the city.

The first problem is the smell. As soon as I entered the city, I smelled a strong odor, the kind of odor emitted by rotten rivers, which could be smelled throughout the city. Because of this sewer problem that Linton only remembered. This is obviously something wrong with the city's sewers. Of course, Linton also thought of something. Currently, the sewers are full of demons. The first mission in the second act of the game is Cleanse these demons.

The second problem is...the problem of the sun. Yes, as soon as we arrived near the city, the sky suddenly turned dark. When I looked up, I saw that the sun had been obscured by a strange black cloud, and only a small amount of light could shine through. This reminded Linton of another mission in the game, which was related to the sun.

While thinking about it, several people had already entered the city. Warev has been doing business on this trade road, so the guards here still know him. As for Linton and the others, because they looked like normal humans, the guards didn't pay much attention after looking at them for a while and let them pass.

At present, the guards have to deal with the awakened demons and demonized monsters outside, and there is no time for serious questioning. Just when Linton and others entered the city, there were still many demonic creatures trying to invade from the north gate, but of course they were beaten back by these guards. It can be seen that the current situation in Lu Gaoyin City is very bad.

After entering the city, the first thing to do was to find a hotel and settle down first. However, what I didn't expect was that when Warev brought a few people to the hotel where he often stayed before, he discovered that the hotel was actually on fire. Empty. Yes, the entire hotel was completely burned to ashes, with only a few charred pillars left. After asking the people next to me, I found out that there was a fire in the hotel three days ago, and it was the kind that suddenly got up for no apparent reason. The fire was so big that it didn't even have time to put out, and it ended up like this.

Of course, hearing this, Linton said it was good news. The fire in this hotel was actually started by the Dark Wanderer, which means that he has already arrived here, and it was three days ago. It is estimated that Barr has escaped by now, which is of course a good thing.

Before they could finish asking about the fire in the hotel, someone else came over to talk to them. Perhaps seeing Linton and the others asking about the hotel from nearby people, a woman in a black robe took the initiative to come up and said that she was the proprietress of the hotel, named Atma, and that her husband and son were both in Sanya. She was burned to death in a fire a few days ago, and she is currently looking for the criminal who set the hotel on fire.

Seeing that Linton and the others seemed to be adventurers, Atma expressed the hope that they could help, and she suspected that the murderers were the monsters entrenched in the sewers, because the sewers seemed to be occupied by a group of monsters recently, and all those who entered the sewers No one came out alive. The guards were busy defending against the demons outside and had no time to take care of the sewers, so she asked mercenaries and adventurers for help.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that our lady will drink up all the smelly water in the sewer alone at night, and lick it all clean for you." Linton patted Akela next to him on the shoulder and said.

"Huh?" Not only Deckard Cain, but also Atma across from him looked at Linton in confusion.

"I won't." Akara whispered here.

"Uh... why did you come out during the day?" Linton saw that the other person was Andariel and said strangely.

"Is this daytime?" Andalil pointed to the blocked sun in the sky, "The dark atmosphere here is very strong, and I can also feel this dark impulse."

"Then you don't even have to wait until night?" Linton said.

"I can still feel the breath of my brother, Duriel." Andariel continued.

"Uh... you should really thank your brother for showing up in time. Let's go and ask him to clean up the underground tunnel." Linton said.

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