I really can't control myself

Chapter 1867 Next scene

"I saw with my own eyes that the greatest hero was bewitched by those demons and became a slave of darkness. It would not be possible to seal these demons, and it would only make Akara's sacrifice in vain." Deckard Kane here said, then he is indeed I saw it with my own eyes. The dark wanderer they are chasing now is like this. The other party obviously wants to seal the devil in his body, but he is corrupted by the devil and becomes a slave of darkness.

"Ah, yes, yes... Old man, you are right, you can handle it here." Linton waved his hand.

"Huh? I..."

"I said, just raising objections without giving a solution is like being a hooligan, you know? You said not to seal it, okay, what are you going to do with Andariel? You can give me a solution." Linton pointed to the other side. Ruinrui said, "Although this thing has been beaten so badly by me now, she is not dead yet. She will be alive and kicking again in a while. What are you going to do? You can't let me watch her here, the dark wanderer over there. Who will take care of it?”


"I do." Deckard Cain didn't know how to answer yet, but Akara suddenly stepped forward and said, "Women should also unite and fight for their own destiny. If the world needs me, I will To step forward, even if it means giving my body.”

"Akara." Deckard Kane next to him looked at Akara in surprise.

"Although I may not be able to suppress the power of the devil, I should at least be able to control her temporarily in my body. In order to purify the curse of this land, please let me do this. I have long said that I am willing to do this. Do anything." Akara said confidently.

"If that's the case, please let me come." Deckard Kane here suddenly said, "I am also willing to be the sealed container."

"Kane." Akara also looked at Deckard Kane in surprise.

"Okay, there's no need to argue, just come and do it casually. It's just an experiment anyway." Linton said, "Theoretically, this seal should be easier to use than the one you have. As for your seal, it's not a seal at all. It has a direct soul." If you insert a stone into your face, it can be sealed. To be precise, it is more like active combination. We are using professional sealing techniques here, okay? It shouldn't be a big problem."

As he spoke, Linton waved directly to the ruins in front of him: "All things will lead to heaven."

With a "boom", a black figure broke through the mound in front of him and rolled and crawled in front of Linton. When everyone took a look, they almost didn't recognize that this was Andariel just now. The opponent's body was already twisted in various ways at this time, his head was rotated 360 degrees by the blow, his neck was twisted into a knot, and his limbs were damaged in various ways. However, the other party was still alive as expected. He fell to the ground and looked towards Linton with an angry look on his face.

"Human, don't think you have won. I, Queen of Pain Andariel, will soon tear you apart, and you will live in fear forever." Andariel said as he fell to the ground.

"Just because your slap was slapped like this, if you look at it from a slightly different angle, do you think this threat is really useful to me?" Linton looked at Andalil and said, "You know how to fight with you? The biggest difficulty is how to save your face? Can we not always ignore the facts in our conversations and just talk about imaginary situations. If you are so weak, can you show some face? Okay? Please ”

"Is this really an intelligent creature?" Aizen walked over and said, "It doesn't look like it has a brain."

"No, it's quite confusing for demons to actually engage in conspiracy. For example, the three demon gods took the initiative to have conflicts with the four demon kings. They said they were exiled by the four demon kings, but in fact they took the opportunity to invade the sanctuary. And then Diavolo The initiative to be sealed by the Dark Soul Stone is all a conspiracy, which shows that these demons actually have good minds." Linton said, "Now it seems that these guys are so mentally retarded..."

"It's just that I was blinded by my arrogance." Aizen continued Linton's words.

"Yes, yes, you are very experienced here." Linton said.

"I am your team member now." Aizen said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Every time you stop, your temperament is there. I'm not used to treating you as a team member, so I can't help but make fun of you." Linton said.

"Let's seal it first." Aizen said with a smile.

"Seal?" Of course Andariel here also heard it, but he didn't seem to be very afraid. "A mere human would also like to..."

"Demon Sealing Wave." Before the other party could speak, Linton suddenly pushed out with both hands. Andariel on the ground suddenly felt a strong squeeze. His whole body quickly shrank into a small ball, spinning while being squeezed by this powerful wave. The power sucked it over. She also wanted to resist, but it seemed to be completely unsuccessful, and she quickly lost control of her body.

Under Linton's operation, the ball here quickly flew to Akala's head. Although Akara here has never seen such a sealing technique, he also knows that the time has come to meet his destiny. With no intention of resisting at all, he folded his hands in a prayer pose, waiting for this moment to come.

Soon the small ball here fell and entered Akara's body directly. She also immediately felt a huge dark aura and strong negative emotions pouring out of her body. But before she could start to resist, Linton came directly in front of her and clasped his hands together.

"Four Elephants Seal Converging into a spinning black sign, it slowly became quiet.

"Akara!" Kane next to him immediately came up and asked.

"I'm... okay?" Akara here looked at her abdomen in surprise, and then at her body. The dark feeling just now seemed to have completely disappeared, and she didn't seem to feel anything abnormal. place.

"Is this a reminder of valuables? There is also a location display, so convenient?" Aizen next to him also came over and said, yes, Andariel, who was sealed at this time, had obviously lost consciousness, so a system prompt appeared. Found valuables.

"Sure enough, we found the right ones." Linton said, "The demons in the Burning Hell are indeed the targets, and the ones in the High-level Heaven must also be the target."

"Let me try uploading it here?" Aizen said.

"Oh, come on." Linton didn't care and directly asked Aizen to do it.

Aizen quickly touched Akela, didn't know what he was studying, then quickly let go, and then touched again. This time Linton also got the hint.

"System prompt: Team member Aizen Sosuke uploaded valuables successfully and gained 1.37 million points."

"How many?" Aizen asked.

"Can't you see it here? Yes, it's useless to see it." Linton said, "Come to think of it, let me tell you, you don't have any idea."

"Just for reference." Aizen said.

"1.37 million." Linton said, "If you must refer to it, it would cost 2.111 million points to purchase your A+ level spiritual pressure."

"Can you get so many points just by killing such an ant?" Aizen nodded.

"After all, there is still a big gap between your spiritual pressure and real good things. For example, I still have something worth one billion hanging in the store and I can't even afford it." Linton said.

"Is there such a thing?" Aizen was curious.

"Have I turned into a Saiyan before and shown it to you?" Linton asked, "If I can get the God of Creation here later, I can turn it into a Saiyan and show it to you."

"You said before that there are six more demons like this. If they are all worth this amount of points, if you calculate it this way, even one billion is not so out of reach." Aizen said.

"It's not like there are easy points to earn in every world, and the main reason is that my current job agency bonus is relatively high. At that time, I only had more than 100,000 points as a captain with you," Linton said.

"With these points, isn't there any reward mechanism for us team members?" Aizen asked.

"If you are an explorer, you will get a share, but as for the aborigines... I really haven't done much research here. Anyway, it seems that the people who work for me are quite voluntary." Linton said.

"The word aboriginal...is very interesting." Aizen said with a smile.

"Are you going to study the issue of remuneration?" Linton asked.

"No, just curious." Aizen said with a smile.

Linton knew that Aizen must have some thoughts, but since it was the first time to start work now, he probably wouldn't mention it for the time being. Again, Linton didn't mind what Aizen had in mind. After all, if this guy didn't want this, he wouldn't be called Aizen.

"Do you still have any problems here?" Linton looked at Akara and Deckard Kane and asked, "Andariel has been solved. The next one is... Duriel."

"Durrell?" Deckard Cain was stunned for a moment, why was Duriel the next one? "Has it also come to this world?"

"The destination below is probably Lu Goin." Linton did not answer Deckard Kane, but continued.

"Yes." Deckard Cain nodded, "The purpose of the Dark Wanderer should be to release his brothers, King of Destruction Baal and King of Hatred Mephisto. According to records, the place where Baal, the King of Destruction was sealed, is The deep desert near Lugoin City is known as the Tomb of Tarasha, because it was Tarasha who sealed the demon with his own body. And now the Dark Wanderer must also be looking for Tara Tomb of Xia, we must go there to stop him.”

"I don't know if it's finished over there. It would be quite troublesome to catch up." Linton said.

"What?" Deckard Cain asked.

"It's okay, let's go." Linton said.

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