I really can't control myself

Chapter 1859 A few days

A few days passed quickly. In these few days, it could be said that big things happened every day.

Linton is now basically certain that he must have accelerated the plot of this world, or because he discovered the actions of the final BOSS and was noticed by the other party. In the past few days, the other party has been committing crimes crazily.

The first things to happen were Bledou from Turkey and Heracles from Greece. The two of them obviously already knew that they were being targeted, and Kiske should have warned them before. But the two of them did not choose to find someone to protect themselves, but directly chose to do it themselves.

These two were originally fighting robots, but now they are both wrestling stars in the robot world, and their positioning can be said to be somewhat similar. Facing the criminals who were targeting them, both of them took out their combat equipment and actively prepared for battle. Hercules here even asked someone to bring out military armor.

But even though they had made preparations, they still couldn't escape their own ending. After a fight, the remains of the two men were found near the battle point. The shapes of the corpses were similar to those of the previous deceased, with something like devil's horns inserted on both sides of the head.

Within a day of each other, Epsilon in Australia was also attacked by the enemy. But what is surprising is that Epsilon's strength here is amazing. After a battle, he actually repelled the enemy without being injured. Instead, he injured the opponent and damaged one of his arms.

However, despite the fierce battle between the two sides, Epsilon still failed to see through the opponent's situation. The opponent really wanted to have the ability to control tornadoes. During the battle, he was always hidden in the huge tornado. Even a high-performance scanner could not judge the opponent's situation. It could only be known from the shattered arm remains. The opponent is a huge robot, and it does have devil-like horns.

Being injured by Epsilon's counterattack should be an unexpected situation that the final BOSS did not expect. It is now known that Dr. Abra is the mastermind behind all this, and the giant robot temporarily known as Pluto is supposed to be the "killer" he controls.

I originally thought that the killer robot was injured, and the BOSS could finally calm down for a while. However, what I didn't expect was that on the same day, someone had an accident again, and this time the person in the accident was actually Kisk.

Before, Kiske knew that Dr. Huffman, who made him, was also being targeted, so he returned to China to protect Dr. Huffman, while Linton stayed in Japan. It's just that Linton didn't expect that just a few days after returning, Kiske's direct person would be gone.

On the same day, Kisk suffered two attacks. The first was an attack by members of an anti-robot illegal group, who used small cluster cannons to attack Kisk. However, Kisk's fighting power was amazing. Although he was injured after being attacked, he still withstood the attack and arrested the prisoner.

However, before he had time to make repairs, Dr. Huffman was immediately kidnapped, and the other party asked Kiske to rescue people by name. Of course Kisk knew it was a trap, but he went anyway, and was attacked a second time by another small robot with the same cluster cannon weapon. This time, Kisk did not resist.

The good news is that the kidnapped Dr. Huffman was eventually rescued by other police officers and was not killed. Kisk's sacrifice was indeed valuable.

So far, seven of the world's most powerful robots have been attacked, and six people have been killed, including the protagonist Astro Boy. The only one alive is Epsilon, who has repelled the enemy. He is now protected. As for where the protection is, Linton may not know. It should be some secret place, a safe house.

Of course, Linton just listened to these things. He... didn't care what happened to these robots. Even if something happened to Kisk, he wouldn't have any big reaction, because now, he is just waiting for time.

Yes, I already knew that the final BOSS was actually designed by Dr. Tianma, and Dr. Tianma’s design information has actually been obtained and uploaded. In other words, Linton has already obtained the seven highest-performance robots and the final BOSS information, so there seems to be nothing left that he wants.

Exploring Linton really didn’t know how to push it, and could only rely on the system to give points, so Linton actually decided to go back directly after the minimum exploration time of ten days was up, otherwise he really didn’t know What else can I do? I have everything I can get.

This mission is really impossible, so Linton can only try to change the map to complete the mission. He is really unfamiliar with this world and has no ideas. In short, I came here and got a lot of valuable points. It was not in vain. It was just a delay of ten days. It was not an unacceptable result. There was plenty of time to complete the task.

Now Linton lives directly in the Ministry of Science, and no one comes to evict him or anything like that. I don’t know whether it was the European side who said hello, or whether Dr. Ochanomizu helped me, but no one came to ask about it.

Of course, there is nothing special here for Linton, but Asuna has been communicating with Dr. Tenma on some strange things in the past few days. Maybe it's an interdimensional level technical exchange? It was just an exchange, and Linton didn't get any hints about the new valuables.

Asuna's communication with the other party was obviously purposeful, but she didn't get any valuable information. After all, not all skills can be considered valuable. Linton didn't believe that Asuna didn't get anything else from Dr. Tenma in the past few days. Robot-related technologies, it’s just that those technologies don’t count.

Linton still doesn't know what the specific scoring criteria are. It must be related to the plot or something? But Linton didn’t know the plot at all.

In short, apart from the uncomfortable waiting these days, Linton had nothing that was beneficial to him. This was why he decided to go back as soon as the ten days were up.

What makes Linton very strange is the situation on Epsilon's side, or to be precise, on the side of its designer, Dr. Howard. Didn't Linton ask him to hand over his photon energy technology before? He promised that if he handed over Linton, he would be resurrected completely. Linton had no intention of breaking his promise. This was not too difficult.

However, the strange thing is that the other party didn't come to Linton at all, which obviously knew where he was. You said Epsilon went to seek refuge, couldn't he come and find it himself? The other party just didn't come, but now the other party is still in the form of the reincarnation of the dirty earth. Isn't this uncomfortable? Not in a hurry?

This is a bit confusing to Linton. What on earth did this guy do? However, what Linton didn't know was that Dr. Howard had already begun research on himself. Linton was not a scientist and had no idea how crazy these people were. To be honest, they didn't care at all how they were alive. What he was curious about was why he was able to survive. What was his situation now? Before he understood it, Dr. Howard didn't want to care about anything else.

Isn't he worried about his current situation? He really wasn't worried. It is said that if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. Now Dr. Howard is not even afraid of killing himself. He just wants to know what is going on. As for what he had agreed with Linton, he had forgotten about it after entering the laboratory. Even when his subordinates told him that Epsilon was attacked, he didn't bother to care. He ignored everything and studied himself first.

Of course Linton knows where Dr. Howard is, but if the other party doesn't look for him, he certainly won't take the initiative to look for him. Anyway, Linton will go on his own when the time comes. What happens to Dr. Howard next.

After staying in the Ministry of Science for a few days, there was only one day left before Linton returned. Linton had no intention of doing anything here, so he was going to wait until the last day and go back directly. However, the arrival of a person at this time surprised Linton a little.

The other party came to Linton on his own initiative, and of course not the final boss, Dr. Abra. The other party really couldn't find him. He didn't know where he went. He was probably no longer in Japan.

Linton was not very familiar with the man he found. He had only met him once, but he had lived in his home. Yes, this person is Kisk’s robot wife, a female robot named Helena. Linton didn't expect to see her here.

According to human standards, this Helena should be considered a widow now. Linton was a little strange about the purpose of the other party looking for him. Maybe he heard from Kiske that he could do time magic or something like that, and he was looking for him to repair his husband Kiske?

However, the other party did not bring up such a thing. It seemed that she just chatted with Linton for a while, and even talked about her visit to the scenic spots in Japan in detail today, which made Linton somewhat unclear about her purpose.

"Speaking of which, how did you get in here?" Linton asked suddenly. Helena never mentioned the important point. Linton was a little tired of waiting, so he started to ask directly, "This is the Ministry of Science and Technology, and ordinary people can't come in. Yes. I don’t have much of a role here, so I shouldn’t have this option when visiting..."

"I am..." Helena was about to say something when a person next to her walked into the lounge and interrupted her.

"She was invited by me." The person who spoke was Dr. Pegasus, whom Linton had not seen for a few days. Although the doctor had been conducting experiments with Asuna, he had never met Linton.

"Did you invite her?" Linton turned to Dr. Tianma and asked, "Why?"

"Because she is here to deliver the key key." Dr. Tianma said, "Astro Boy, wake up."

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