I really can't control myself

Chapter 1854 Attacked

"Why is this guy Kisk so valuable?" It was the second day after arriving in Japan. Linton had just woken up, and Asuna here had just finished uploading the last valuable item in her hand.

The current five valuable technologies are all provided by the EU. What is strange is that, except for the information on Kisk, the points obtained by the other four information are all between 300,000 and 400,000, but The information on Kiske's side is worth 1.13 million points, which alone is almost as much as the other four people combined.

"Maybe it's because of the technology of this ZERONIUM alloy." Asuna here said, "After all, the most valuable thing in this world is technology. Maybe it's because the technology content of this alloy is relatively high? Although several other robots have very good performance, High, but not that special.”

"Is it special? Does it have unique skills?" Linton said, "The remaining two, Astro Boy is the protagonist, should be more special. Does the Australian Epsilon have any special skills? "

"I have checked. Epsilon is the only photon robot in the world. It uses a photon furnace as energy. It should be quite special." Asuna said.

"Photon furnace? What is that?" Linton asked.

"You can think of it as solar energy with a relatively high conversion rate, that's pretty much it." Asuna said.

"Is this something special?" Linton held up his forehead, "Then... okay, if it was originally worth more than 300,000, I was too lazy to go to Australia to pick up those points. Now it seems that I still have to get it... "

"On the other hand, the protagonist Astro Boy... doesn't seem to have any special skills," Asuna said.

"Huh?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

"Indeed, judging from the information currently disclosed in the online world, there is indeed no particularly noteworthy technology on Astro Boy." Asuna said.

"He is the protagonist." Linton said.

"Are you going to try to invade and view internal data?" Asuna said, "There may be some hidden technology or something like that, but because this world is a technological world, it is still a little difficult to invade their systems. Well, currently I am facing the world My code programming skills are not very proficient yet.”

"You try it first." Linton said, "I always feel that it is not difficult to get them to hand over valuables. What is more troublesome now is the technology of the final BOSS. Now I don't even know who the other party is. I guess That’s Dr. Abra, he needs to target the person first, at least meet the other person first.”

Just as he was talking, Kiske came in from outside. Since they were all sent by Europol headquarters, of course they were arranged to stay together. Kisk's room was right next to it, but Linton really didn't understand why he had to specially open a room for the robot to get stuck.

"Something happened." Kiske said urgently when he came in.

"Dr. Abra ran away?" Linton asked.

"No... something happened to Astro Boy," Kiske said.

"Astro Boy? What happened?" Linton asked.

"He...is dead," Kiske said.

"What?" Linton and Asuna both looked up at the same time, "Dead?"

"Yeah." Kiss nodded.

"Huh? Huh?" Linton was stunned for a while and didn't come back to his senses. "Are you sure you're dead? You're not mistaken. This guy is the protagonist. He was still alive and kicking yesterday. After sleeping all night, tell me he's gone. ?”

"What happened this morning," Kiske said, "just in the morning, an unregistered robot wanted to attack Dr. Ochanomizu. He first killed the guard robot and triggered an alarm. Astro Boy arrived in time to save people, but the other party Instead of taking action, he told Astro Boy and Dr. Ochanomizu that Dr. Ochanomizu’s daughter and grandson were in danger, and asked Astro Boy to rush over to save them.”

"It's a trap," Asuna said.

"Yes, but Astro Boy rushed there immediately. He must have been attacked there and then killed," Kiske said.

"What was attacked? A robot?" Linton asked.

"It's a huge tornado, I don't know what it is," Kiske said. "Dr. Ochanomizu's daughter and grandson are not in any danger, just slightly injured. The only one who got into trouble was Astro Boy. What they told the police was Astro Boy. Fighting a giant tornado and then collapsing."

"Huh?" Linton really didn't know what to say. After all, he had seen the huge tornado in person, so he could understand it. But the question is why Astro Boy died. According to the plot, it should be the protagonist who solves the final BOSS. If something goes wrong, it won’t be his turn. Several other robots died first, and finally the protagonist appears to save the world. Right.

"The butterfly effect I caused?" Linton looked at Asuna and asked.

"It's possible." Asuna nodded, "Maybe the protagonist here originally had to practice a level or something, but our appearance caused the enemy's attack order to change, and they attacked the protagonist first."

"Then the world is over, isn't it? The protagonists are all gone." Linton said.

"As for the robot, it should be repairable," Asuna said.

"Isn't there a saying that robots in this world are dead after they die? Are there any repair technologies for the technologies you analyzed before?" Linton asked.

"No, the electronic brain technology in this world is quite special." Asuna said, "It is a technology similar to human brain simulation. It is completely different from the structure of our robots over there. There is indeed something like 'death'."

"Is it too late for me to snap my fingers now?" Linton asked.

"That depends on your backtracking time." Asuna said, "Before, you basically backtracked instantly. Didn't you say that after purchasing to limit its breakthrough, your adaptability to various gemstones has improved? Have you ever specifically calculated how far back you can go?"

"I haven't tried it at all." Linton finished and looked at Kiske, "How long has this guy been dead?"

"Astro Boy?" Kisk really couldn't understand the conversation between Linton and Asuna, but he could still answer the question, "It happened about an hour ago."

"It took an hour to get the message to you?" Linton asked.

"The Japanese police did not cooperate actively with us," Kiske said. "Dr. Ochanomizu did not notify me to help when he was in danger."

"If you save a piece of yarn in an hour, grass will grow on your grave," Linton said.

"Dr. Ochanomizu is still trying to save her now..." Kiske said.

"Wait, what's going on?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Dr. Ochanomizu is trying to save him? Didn't he say that the person died?"

"Robots don't have breathing and heartbeats. The word death is just borrowed from humans." Kiske said, "At present, Astro Boy's electronic brain has lost all signals and reactions, which is equivalent to human death, but it is not There is no example of a successful restart, so Dr. Ochanomizu is probably trying to wake Astro Boy. According to human terms, he is trying to wake him up by suspended animation."

"Uh... that means he wasn't beaten to pieces?" Linton asked.

"Yes." Kiss nodded.

"Tch, I thought it was the Montblanc kind of death where the whole robot fell apart. It's just that the electronic brain didn't respond. It was a fake death, right? That should be fine. The protagonist would definitely be able to scream." Linton said.

"Are you sure?" Asuna said next to her, "This is the butterfly effect caused by us."

"Uh..." Linton was really not sure, "Anyway, let's go check out the situation first. Can you go?"

"I have made contact here. After all, we are here to assist in the case. This matter was definitely done by the serial murderer. The Japanese police must also cooperate." Kiske said.

"Where is he?" Linton asked.

Soon, several people returned to the headquarters of the Ministry of Science and Technology, where the attacked Astro Boy was sent for rescue. When Linton and the others arrived, they just met Dr. Ochanomizu who came out.

"I...can't save him." Dr. Ochanomizu said directly.

"Huh?" Linton, who had been so confident just now, was immediately confused by these words. "Really dead? Impossible."

"But I haven't given up yet." Dr. Ochanomizu immediately said firmly, "If it were him, he would definitely have a way to save Astro Boy."

"Him?" Linton and others were stunned for a moment, because they really didn't know who Dr. Ochanomizu was talking about.

"Astro Boy's biological father, the genius scientist who created Astro Boy..."

"Wait...wait a minute, Astro Boy was not the robot you made?" Linton was suddenly stunned.

"Uh..." Dr. Ochanomizu looked at Linton strangely, as if this wasn't common sense. It seemed like no one was hiding who made Astro Boy. Why did Linton think he made it? Woolen cloth.

"Dr. Tianma?" Kisk next to him reacted. It seemed that he knew about this.

"Yes." Dr. Ochanomizu nodded, "He is a real genius. If it were him..."

"So that means that the design information of Astro Boy is actually in the hands of this Dr. Pegasus?" Linton asked, "Well...it's a good thing to ask...where are the others?"

"He...has left the Ministry of Science. I am contacting him, but I haven't contacted him yet. However, if he sees the news about Astro Boy's accident, he should come back immediately," Dr. Ochanomizu said.

The news of Astro Boy's attack was indeed not concealed. Linton saw a lot of news reports on his way here.

"It seems you don't have to worry so much. There are rescuers." Linton nodded.

"What's his current situation?" Kisk asked next to him.

"Astro Boy?" Dr. Ochanomizu sighed, "My abilities are limited. The artificial neural control system, artificial right brain, and information transmission system are all normal. I also reprogrammed the logic device, but now...he is I couldn’t wake up and I didn’t know why.”

"Wait a minute, the situation you described seems a bit familiar to me." Linton said suddenly.

As I told you before, a family member suddenly fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. The situation was very dangerous. I spent the previous three days at the entrance of the ICU. But the operation went smoothly, and now the patient has been transferred back to the general ward, which means he is out of danger. However, there are still a lot of things going on at home, so I still can’t guarantee updates in the near future. I can only try to spare time to write, and I ask for your understanding.

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