I really can't control myself

Chapter 1847 Suddenly

"Do you know Astro Boy?" Kiske didn't expect Linton and Asuna to react so much. Of course he also noticed that they had no reaction at all to the first few names, only when they finally mentioned Astro Boy. The two of them suddenly felt surprised.

"Is it actually Astro Boy?" Linton raised his forehead, "So... what story is Astro Boy telling?"

Of course, Linton asked Asuna next to him, but Asuna also shook her head slightly: "I know the name, but the master didn't tell me what it was about. It should be the kind of person who has heard it but I haven’t seen it yet.”

"Hey, isn't your master a homebody? Can you read everything carefully?" Linton said.

"So you too?" Asuna asked.

"I've been guessing for a long time about some kind of detective story, mechanical awakening story, spiritual energy recovery story, but it turned out to be a Zi Gong Xiang story?" Linton raised his forehead, "Wait a minute, this is a Zi Gong Xiang story, it should be."

"I don't know. I heard from the director that he should be a pretty famous fan." Asuna said.

"It's indeed quite famous, but I haven't seen it at all." Linton said.

"Um... do you know Astro Boy?" Kiske next to him asked again.

"I didn't expect that I got the wrong protagonist." Linton looked at Kiske here, "But this guy really looks more and more like the protagonist. I didn't even suspect that I got the wrong person. He didn't set directly on the sun. On Ben’s side, this guy should be a relatively important person as well.”

"The murderer who wants to kill all the high-performance robots should be the final BOSS. So it should be a plot where he first kills the other six robots, and then finally challenges the protagonist, only to be killed by the protagonist." Asuna guessed.

"Is the plot that simple? After all, it is a very old animation. There were no routines at that time. In other words, the current routines were created at that time. Anyway, just follow the simplest guess. ." Linton said.

"Are you looking for the protagonist?" Asuna asked.

"Of course I want to go." Linton nodded. "Although I feel like I don't remember the plot of this show at all, I might be able to remember something when I meet the protagonist... After all... I don't know what I am doing. When and under what circumstances did I watch this show?”

"Let's go, there's no time to waste here." Linton also said directly to Kisk next to him.

"Where are you going?" Kiske had finished asking, but he didn't know where Linton meant he was going.

"Riben," Linton said, "Since we already know the target of the other party, let's talk to them quickly, maybe we can find out why the murderer is targeting him."

"It's not yet certain that Bullock 1589's speculation is true." Kiske here said as he walked. "Although the first victim, Montblanc, was indeed one of the seven high-performance robots, the second victim was But he is a human being, so the target of this serial murder case is not necessarily..."

Before he could finish speaking, Kiske suddenly received a communication. He pressed a finger to his ear, and then it was obvious that he had answered a phone call. But after a few dozen seconds, his face suddenly became serious again.

"What's going on?" Linton asked when he saw the other party put down his hand.

"The third case happened just now," Kiske said. "The victim was... No. 2 North."

"He must be among the seven robots I just heard about." Linton said.

"Yeah." Kiss nodded.

"Then it's confirmed this time." Linton nodded, "Let's go to Japan."

"I'm going to Scotland right now," Kiske said, "to check out the situation at the crime scene."

"Then go ahead. I'm going directly to Japan. You should report to the superiors and ask them to prepare the flight and arrange the entry status." Linton said.

"You...won't you go to Scotland with me?" Kiske asked.

"If you have already found the protagonist, you should meet with the protagonist first." Linton said.

"..." Kiske hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Can I report this to my superiors?"

"So I asked you to contact me," Linton said.

Kisk naturally contacted them, and of course he was given the task of keeping an eye on Linton and Asuna. It can be said that for the people above, Linton's incident is far more important than the serial murder case. After all, the serial murder case over there killed two robots and a human, but Linton's case is It penetrated the entire mountain range in an instant and changed the terrain of the entire Europe. Which troublesome point do you think?

Kiske went to communicate for a few more minutes, and then came back quickly: "My boss, Director Sherron, wants to talk to you, is that okay?"

"Take it." Linton nodded. Kiske here also quickly opened his hand, and a holographic projection-like head appeared on the top of his palm. Appearing in front of him was an older European face with a straight face and a double chin. He should be the superior Director Sherron whom Kiske mentioned.

"Hello, I am the Director General of Europol..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Linton interrupted the other party directly: "I need to go to Japan to help me arrange a flight. It should be completed within an hour. By the way, help me arrange an identity."

Linton's main purpose is to contact the protagonist in a normal way to see the situation, and not to go to Japan and fight directly with the opponent. Again, destroying the world will not do him any good, only harm. . Even if he doesn't know the plot very well and hasn't made a plan yet, he still has to try to advance the plot. Otherwise, even if a world war starts and the earth is blown up, he will still be floating in the universe. It takes 8 days to return, and the mission has not been completed. I have to go to a different world and start pushing the exploration speed again. This is not looking for things on my own.

Obviously, Linton's attitude of assigning a task made Director Xie Lun on the opposite side very unhappy. Humans are not like robots who can hide their expressions casually. Of course, Linton also saw the other person's little frown, but Linton Don't mind either.

Of course, Director Xie Lun here will definitely not explode directly. After thinking about it, he said: "I can arrange the flight for you, but as for the identity issue, can you explain who you are..."

It's obvious that a day has passed, and these people still haven't figured out where Linton and Asuna came from. This is a normal situation, and it would be strange to find out. Director Xie Lun obviously wanted to find out more, but Linton didn't want to spend more time on him: "It's your business to arrange it. If you can't get it done in an hour, I can ask Dussel first." Dov was completely destroyed, and then he went to a random country nearby and asked them to help them issue a certificate. I think they should be very willing to cooperate by then."

"No, you..."

"Actually, wouldn't it be a good thing for you that I take the initiative to leave Dusseldorf? If I were you, you would be willing to send me away first." Linton said, "What if I am too much of a threat? If someone is planning to attack me, Dusseldorf will become the main battlefield. Do you think this is a good thing?"

These words hit the nail on the head. Director Xie Lun originally considered this, so he immediately agreed to the flight, just to get this troublesome guy out first. As for the inquiry, he naturally had orders from above. As the chief of the police station, he was of course tasked with investigating Linton.

"Can you arrange it? I have one hour for you to think about it," Linton said.

"I'll contact you right away." Director Xie Lun here thought for a while and said. Obviously he agreed, and he should be preparing to convince the people above.

Regardless of what was discussed there, Linton arrived at the airport in a car not long after. The flight here is ready, and Kiske also goes to Japan with Linton. Yes, he had just received the mission, and he still followed Linton and did not go to Scotland.

Kisk was obviously not very comfortable with this order, but as a robot he certainly couldn't disobey the order. At this time, his apparent mission was still to investigate this case, but the director also made it clear to him that monitoring Linton's situation was more important.

Of course, Linton doesn't mind that Kisk will follow him. Currently, he is representing the Europol headquarters in Japan to handle the case. It should be relatively peaceful to contact the protagonist Astro Boy in this way.

Not long after, Linton boarded the plane again. After a little inquiry, he found that the world here should be more technologically advanced. The flight speed of the plane was slightly faster than what he remembered, but it would also take 11 hours to reach Japan. In this case, it would not arrive until tomorrow morning.

Linton looked at the situation of this flight. It was a direct charter flight. He was the only human on the entire plane. Others including Asuna and Kisk who were traveling with him, and a dozen others who looked more like humans. The flight attendants are all robots.

Because it was a chartered flight, Linton and the others naturally flew first class. It is true that the environment in the first class cabin is not bad. There are small private rooms, whether there are other people or not, it is actually quite comfortable.

Linton was planning to take a nap, wake up in the morning, go to Japan, and then find the protagonist. But I didn’t expect that there would be a lot of things happening during the flight.

For example, when he was lying in his small private room watching a small TV to kill time at night, a sudden system prompt made him sit up.

"System prompt: Successfully uploaded valuables and obtained 180,000 points."

"Huh?" Linton sat up in confusion, asking... what did he do?

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