I really can't control myself

Chapter 1844 Awakening

"I see. Although the room was damaged like this, there was no trace left..." At this time, Linton was in a high-end hotel in Dusseldorf, which was naturally the location of the second case.

Yes, Linton and Kisk arrived in Dusseldorf very smoothly. They were quite peaceful along the way without any disturbance. Even when they landed, they didn't meet anyone to greet them. It was as if no one knew they were coming. generally.

Linton didn't know whether the group was scared or whether the meeting hadn't ended yet. Anyway, no one cared about them, so Kiske continued to work on the case and soon arrived at the scene of the crime.

Although he rushed back from abroad, it was only more than 3 hours before the crime occurred, and the search at the scene was still continuing. The scene was an ordinary hotel room, where the victim came to attend a promotional meeting for a robot bill. The room is now in a mess, as if some wild beast has run rampant in the room. Not only the furniture, but also the walls have been destroyed with a big hole. However, under this chaotic appearance, the interior is surprisingly clean.

The forensics department of the police station is still collecting information everywhere, but so far, no fingerprints other than the victim's have been found in the room, nor are there any other people's hair or body fluids left in the room. It seems that no one has been there at all. , or to be precise, no humans have ever been here.

Of course, for this kind of search, Kiske only observed for half a minute after arriving at the scene and got the results. It is estimated that the scanner scanned it and analyzed it immediately. This indeed improved the detection efficiency a lot. However, it seems that he is not very popular among police officers, probably because of his robot identity.

Therefore, Linton was not very popular with the police officers present. This was not because they knew anything. That kind of thing was obviously not something that these police officers could know. The main reason is that Linton came with Kiske, so if he is excluded, of course he will be excluded as well.

It didn't stop them from investigating the case, but even if they found something, they wouldn't tell them. So far, no one has talked to Linton. It seems that there are two groups of people who are in charge of their own affairs. But Kiske must have been used to it, so he didn't say anything and just took care of his own investigation.

"It seems that the murderer is indeed a robot, so this is... a series about the rise of robots?" Linton looked at Asuna next to him and asked, because if it is this type, it will be a bit similar to the world of Terminator. There seems to be a trend now in which robots cannot bear the oppression of humans and begin to awaken and rise up to resist.

"Westworld kind?" Asuna asked.

"Westworld...?" Linton touched his head, "I haven't watched that one either. I've heard of it. Do you know the detailed plot?"

"I don't know, I don't know the master very well either," Asuna said.

"No, is your master too..."

Before Linton finished speaking, Kiske, who had just run out for some unknown reason, came back.

"What clues did you find?" Although he began to doubt whether it was a robot awakening, Linton still followed the script of the detective drama and continued to walk first, so he was not in a hurry.

"Shortly after the incident, there was an assault on the police in the cordoned off area below," Kiske said. "One human police officer was injured and another robot police officer was killed. I just went to handle that case."

"Is it related to this case?" Linton asked.

"No, there shouldn't be." Kiske said, "The prisoner has also been arrested."

"I..." Linton held up his forehead, "Even if the world is about to be destroyed, you still have to help the old lady cross the road, right?"

"I just want to send the memory chip of the fallen robot police officer back to his home." Kiske took out something that looked like a USB flash drive and said. This should be the memory chip of the robot here, and it should be in a unified format that can be used by any type of robot.

"Send him back home? He still has family?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

"Many robots now imitate humans and form families," Kiske said.

"Oh oh oh, it's becoming more and more like a robot awakening episode." Linton nodded, "That's because if humans kill him, his family will go berserk and then take revenge on all humans, right?"

"..." Kisk looked at Linton, then shook his head, "No."

"Why are you so sure? Didn't you just say on the plane that there was the first case of a robot killing a human being eight years ago?" Linton said, "That one is called...Blow 1..."

"Blow 1589." Kisk said.

"Yes, it's this model. Isn't there a robot that has awakened?" Linton said.

"That was just an example. It should be a procedural error. There has not been a second such case in the past eight years," Kiske said.

"Hey, this kind of situation usually spreads immediately after the first case. Since the awakening process has appeared, it means that this way is feasible." Linton said, "I think it should Many robots are on the verge of awakening, and this large-scale event will break out sooner or later."

"..." Kisk looked at Linton a little speechless, and didn't know how to refute, because the first case did exist.

"Have you never wanted to kill anyone?" Linton asked suddenly.

"Of course I didn't..." When Kiske said this, his whole body suddenly shook, as if he suddenly got stuck.

"Oh oh oh, something is wrong." Of course Linton noticed this situation immediately.

"I haven't." Kiske came back to his senses and said immediately.

"You obviously had an expression just now because you were thinking of something. You must have done that before." Linton said with a smile.

"I can control my expression, don't forget I'm a robot," Kiske said.

"No, no, no, there is definitely something wrong with this. Didn't you say you can't lie to others? Did you really not think of anything?" Linton asked.

"I... didn't remember anything." Kisk said, "My memory is not wrong."

Although he said that, he really didn't think of anything now, but something suddenly seemed to appear just now, and Kiske himself was a little confused.

"I probably understand. You are definitely the protagonist." Linton suddenly said, "The awakening should have started with you. You are definitely the one who will shoulder the banner of destroying mankind. Asuna, are you right?"

"It's very possible." Asuna nodded next to her, "Do you need me to teach you some techniques for destroying humans?"

"She is an expert. This little broken ball can be destroyed just by playing with it." Linton encouraged.

"My mission is to protect and help humans." Kisk said seriously.

"Okay, understand, I'm on the verge of awakening. I haven't fully awakened yet. I'll wait for you to show off." Linton said, "It must be that the plot hasn't arrived yet, and you must still have some experience. Let me think about it, it's usually the lover who is killed by humans. Death and the like... This kind of show usually shows that love can transcend all similar themes. Do you have someone you like?"

"I'm a robot," Kiske reiterated.

"Then you have no feelings?" Linton asked.

"Our emotions are modeled after humans," Kiske said.

"Hmm... I don't believe it. No matter how you look at this plot, it is the direction of awakening. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now, don't worry. Just wait for the main plot to happen." Linton said.

"Anyway, although I don't know what you are worried about, I'll just take you to have a look." Kisk said.

"Worried? I don't know what you misunderstood. What did you want to take me to see?" Linton asked.

"You said his family would take revenge, and I was about to send something over. Let's see how his family reacted," Kiske said.

"Oh... that's okay." Linton really wanted to see if it was a robot awakening episode. Anyway, it would be good to see the robot's reaction. He might not know what the plot would be. "But what about this side?"

"I've seen what I need to see. The murderer...may be a robot." Kiske said.

"Look, what did I just say? Am I awakened?" Linton said, "How do you explain that the murderer is a robot?"

"This... I'm not completely sure yet," Kiske said. "Although there are no biological traces left at all, such technology may be possible. I need to ask experts for their opinions."

"You really don't want to give up." Linton said, "I bet on the Robot Awakening episode. You will probably be the protagonist, and the leader of the robot resistance is scheduled."

"Let's go." Kisk didn't know how to make Linton give up his strange conjecture. He really didn't think about anything like resisting humans, and he couldn't kill anyone...right?

Yes, when he thought of this, it seemed that some piece of information suddenly flashed in his mind, making Kiske stunned again. He had no idea what was going on. He could not find this memory fragment after a careful search. He was a robot, and it was not like humans who would forget things. It was absolutely impossible to forget what was recorded, but what happened just now flashed What was that scene that passed by?

While thinking about it, he also drove Linton and Asuna to an apartment a few streets away, which was the home of the robot police officer who died today. There is an ancient model of robot at home, which is the wife of the robot police officer. This model looks very ancient at first glance. It looks like a steel tank, let alone a human.

However, it has all the functions it should have. Not only did she accept her late husband's memory chip, but she also asked Kiske to insert the chip directly into her reading slot, probably to read her husband's memory.

This request was somewhat unexpected, because for a robot, these memories are so unnecessary. But just when he was hesitating, Linton of course quickly encouraged him. He wanted to see if the robot could awaken by inserting it into his deceased husband's memory card and start killing humans.

Then, an accident really happened.

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