I really can't control myself

Chapter 1826 Exhibition

"It's useless. I've already said that you can't lie to me." Xiweier here looked at a lot of information in front of her. "I can see through your plan. You are planning to give me false information to hinder me." I won’t believe this information, all you have done is useless.”

The human marshal Scram sitting next to him looked at Linton with admiration. These are the real confidential information of the human race on the table, and they are all true. Linton arrived so suddenly that Scram had no time to prepare any false information. He was so anxious that he was breaking out in a cold sweat. What if the information was really seen by the elves?

But now he was relieved. It turned out that Linton had already joined the elves and people would not believe it, so they would not take it seriously and thought it was fake. Although this strategy sounds easy, Scram is panicking to death, while Linton doesn't feel panic at all. He is still far from Lord Linton.

"No, you really don't want to read it? I'm kindly giving you the information..." Linton said.

"Don't try to deceive me." Xiver said, "Send me back immediately."

"Okay, anyway, I've put the information in front of you. It's your business if you don't read it." Linton said, "If you go back, wait a little longer. I'm going to have a meeting here. It doesn't matter to you. What is the loss? Even if you think it is fake news, fake news is still news, and you can do more information analysis, at least it will be better than you don’t know anything now."

"I just hope you abide by your agreement." Xiweier was too lazy to say it. She had said this sentence several times that she would not believe. If Linton insisted on continuing his ridiculous deception plan, just go ahead. She didn't believe it anyway. Now it is better to think of a way to let Linton send him back. Or should he pretend to believe a little, so that Linton thinks he believes it, and only by sending him back can he mislead the elves and make it possible for him to go back?

Xiweier decided that Linton was lying to her anyway, and was just considering whether to pretend or not. While he was thinking, many human officers came in one after another from the big tent.

They had heard about it, but no one could figure out what was going on. You said that Linton asked them to hold a war meeting, which they all understand. Although Marshal Scram is theoretically the highest commander in the legion, no matter what the theory is, no one dares to question Linton's order. Fight however you want, that's fine.

But the problem is that you can’t understand it if you bring an elf to the meeting, and this elf may actually be the general of the elves, Xi Weier. How is this... acting? I don't understand.

"Everyone is here?" Linton didn't know if everyone was here. Anyway, the big tent was basically full, and he didn't plan to wait any longer. "Then let's start the combat meeting now to determine the combat process against the elves. .Marshal Scram, please first report on the current battle plan."

"Uh..." Scram glanced at Sivir who was sitting next to him. Linton asked him to report the war plan. Of course there was no problem, but the elf next to him... suddenly he understood something. False information? But is it too obvious, or half-truth and half-false...

"Hey, it's a meeting, what are you doing?" Linton urged again.

"That... is, sir." Scram thought for a while, stood up and walked to the map at the back, and said, "Our current plan is to divide the troops into three groups, one from the north, and enter the Great Wall through the corridor in the northern part of Vikla Mountain. To the west of the forest..."

There was a "bang", and before he could finish a sentence, Linton slapped the table directly, interrupting Scram and startling everyone in the tent, including Xiver.

"What idiotic plan? This is your level as a wartime generalissimo? Have you ever studied the art of war?" Linton said unhappily.

"Uh..." Scram was really confused. Of course, he also knew that this plan was really full of loopholes, because this was not their plan at all, okay? This temporary fabrication was probably not good enough, Lin Suddenly angry.

"You think so, General Xiver, I'm waiting for your guidance." Linton said.

"Huh, you underestimate me too much." Xi Weier also said here, "Do you think I will believe these plans you made up? You really want to confuse us, but are you humans making up too impetuous? A few. Divide your troops and enter the great forest from the corridor in the north of Mount Vikra? That is the habitat of large monsters. If your army goes anywhere, we don’t need to send troops to defend ourselves and destroy ourselves. Do you think I will believe such a ridiculous plan? ?"

"Did you hear that?" Linton said.

"Remember it, sir." Scram nodded, "We haven't found this information yet."

"Are you trying to trick me?" Xiweier pointed at Linton and said.

"What cliché, you are here too, what did you remember, did I ask you to remember something?" Linton said, "Don't you understand yet? I mean, even this stupid elf knows your rubbish battle plan. , don’t you feel ashamed?”

"Huh?" Scram was stunned.

"..." Xiweier was also confused for a moment, feeling that she had been deceived accidentally and had been tricked out of information by Linton, but suddenly what happened.

"Since ancient times, dividing the troops has been a taboo. This should be a matter of common sense. I don't care how many ways your plan is divided, but you just said you want to divide the troops. How stupid is that?" Linton said, "We have 340,000 troops here. Is there any chance of losing if you slap the elves in the face flatly?"

"Uh...that...sir, actually this is not our real plan..." Scram felt something was wrong and thought for a while before saying.

"What? Are you planning to deceive me? Are you not planning to reveal the battle plan to me?" Linton asked.

"No, sir, of course I won't hide it from you, but this...isn't it, the enemy's general? You are not..."

"What does it have to do with her? Didn't I ask you to report the battle plan?" Linton said.

"But this way our plan is not to be caught by her..."

"So I ask you, if our plan is known to the elves, will we not be able to defeat the elves?" Linton's plan suddenly made everyone in the tent stunned for a moment, and then they looked at each other. Scram was also stunned. Yes, they seemed to just think that it would be detrimental to them if the enemy knew the battle plan, but... would they lose?

"On our side, a 340,000-strong army slaps the opponent in the face head-on. With a strength advantage of more than 4 times, we can't beat the opponent head-on, right? Even if the opponent knows all our battle plans, what next? What plan do we need? Is it a strategy? Even if we can't defeat 340,000 people, we still have the combat strength of more than 200,000 other legions. We haven't even started wartime mobilization yet, right? Now there are so many soldiers who want to sign up to join the army that we even have to do a lottery. Is there something wrong with what I said when you can kill the elves just because of your national strength?" Linton asked.

"That... is no problem, sir." Scram here nodded.

"What do you think?" Linton looked at the generals below, but no one responded immediately, as if they still had questions, "It seems that there are still questions, then I will show you what is going on here with the elves. Bar."

As Linton spoke, he asked Xiver next to him: "I asked you before, do you elves think you will lose in the face of a huge human army? Do you dare to answer it again now?"

"Why don't you dare? You can't scare me. We, the warrior of the elves, have no pressure at all to deal with five of you weak soldiers from the human race." Xiver said immediately.

"Did you hear that?" Linton said, "At first I thought this guy was just insisting on saying this to save face. But then I looked a little closer and found that she really seemed to think so."

"You underestimate us..." A general was so angry that he was ready to curse on the spot, but as soon as he stood up, Linton pushed him back with "Sit down!"

"You have also heard that even the general of the elves made this judgment. As you can imagine, no one in the entire elves has any doubts about this matter..."

"So the elves will definitely confront us head-on. After all, they think they can win." Skram's eyes suddenly lit up and he said.

"That's right, so you don't need to think too much about strategies, just a head-on decisive battle." Linton said, "Does anyone here think that we can't defeat the elves with four times more troops?"

"Um... I'm afraid the elves are all fools." I don't know who said this suddenly, and there was a lot of laughter in the whole tent. Of course, because Linton was there, everyone didn't dare to laugh openly. , all holding it back.

"What do you mean? You weak humans can't possibly be a match for our elven army, no matter how many they come, it will be the same." Siver said immediately.

"I heard it." Linton said, then looked at Scram next to him, "I can write down this sentence. Do you understand why I brought her here?"

"Anyway, the elves don't believe us, so it doesn't matter what we discuss." Scram really understood now, "My Lord brought her here just to... conduct an ape exhibition."

"This is a good word." Linton nodded, "In short, the elves are so stupid, everyone must forgive them. These people hide in the big forest and have no contact with the outside world. People are stupid. How long have they not been with each other? Other countries went to war.”

"I remember it was more than thirty years ago," Scram said.

"You obviously don't have much strength, you don't know the difference in national strength, and you think too highly of yourself. Everyone, our human race has fought hundreds of wars in the past thirty years, right? You don't even have the confidence to fight this kind of rubbish. ?Really?" Linton spread his hands and said, "I'll ask again, who else has any questions?"

"No, Lord Sword Master!" Everyone said in unison.

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