I really can't control myself

Chapter 1821 Surrounded

The Elf Sword Master Vikastor was the first to rush back to the Elf King City because he received the highest rescue call from Elf Queen Aryan. As mentioned before, the saints enshrined by various countries will generally not take action. Unless there is a saint-level war, or when facing a crisis of national annihilation, such a level of summoning order will be used.

Aryan is now using this summoning order because the current situation is really terrible. She didn't find the two saints, and she also knew that the two saints went to the scene of the incident to investigate, and then... lost contact. All three garrisoned saints had lost contact. What happened there was beyond her reach at her level. All she could do at this time was sound the alarm.

All the saints worshiped by the elves who received the contact will rush back as soon as possible according to the agreement. Saint Vicaster was the first to arrive, and of course he was the first to know the situation. There is not much to say. St. Vicaster immediately contacted the Holy Association. It was obvious that this was not a situation that he could solve alone.

The person who arrived from the association was Linton's old acquaintance, Toliman, the executive director of the Holy Association. When he arrived, six saints from the elves had already returned to the royal city. Together with him, there were seven saints in total. Level, it is considered a terrifying force in the entire continent.

After understanding the situation a little bit, Saint Toliman here frowned. No matter how he thought about it, there was a high probability that something happened to the three lost saints, but the question was what happened. He couldn't imagine what happened. What's in the woods outside the city?

It's not yet certain that it must have been an encounter with an enemy. It's also possible that something like an ancient magic circle trapped the three of them, or that the three of them were sent into some strange space and couldn't come out. It's not like this has never happened, it's just very rare. However, several saints are more willing to believe in this situation. Otherwise, it is difficult for them to imagine what it is that can make three saints lose contact silently.

Now if you want to know what happened, naturally you can only go and see the situation first. There are currently seven saints present, and this kind of combat power should be able to cope with most situations. However, just in case, Saint Toliman launched an emergency summons signal. Simply put, it is to summon all nearby saints. This is not limited to saints who must be worshiped by the elves, as long as the surrounding ones receive the summons signal. All the saints came to gather. Of course, this gathering is not mandatory, but Saint Toliman is the executive president of the association after all, so he will usually come.

However, Saint Toliman did not wait for everyone to gather, and still prepared the seven of them to investigate. They also told Queen Aryan that the saints who had been summoned did not need to follow them. They should gather here first and wait for the investigation results of the seven of them. Of course, the reason why they were anxious about them was that Saint Toliman was worried that he would not be able to come back. ,in case.

After explaining this, Saint Toliman set off with six saints. Before reaching the target location, everyone was already on alert. The forest below was silent, and because of this, it seemed even more eerie.

"President Toliman, there is a human being below." Several people were observing the situation, and St. Vicaster suddenly spoke to Toliman. Saint Toliman looked down and was stunned for a moment. There is indeed a person below, standing just where he can see it in the middle of the woods. Saint-level eyesight is naturally very good. This is someone he knows.

"That's the Sword Master of the Human Empire, Linton Meloway." Toliman said.

All the saints frowned, they had just heard of this name. Yes, the Queen of Elf had told them about the situation before. The cause of the matter was because the human swordsman Linton ran to their military camp and said that he wanted to evacuate the people, so Saint Joramo rushed to the military camp, and then... One person lost contact, and then the two people who were looking for him also lost contact. If we investigate further, Linton is the cause of everything. It was already very suspicious, but now the other party appears here again, in the territory of the elves, at the scene of the crime. This...could it be said...

However, Saint Toliman also considered other situations. For example, Linton came here after receiving an emergency contact from him just now, but found something wrong here on the way and started investigating. It is also possible that these things have something to do with the Church of Cthulhu, which is why Linton appeared here. In any case, Linton waved to them from below. Does this mean to invite them to go down? Let's go check out the situation first.

Saint Toliman began to land, and the several saints next to him naturally followed. As soon as he landed, Toliman was about to ask about Linton's situation, but suddenly his expression changed and he instantly entered a state of alert. Yes, after getting closer, Saint Toliman had noticed something was wrong, mainly the smell of blood in the air, and this smell was also present on Linton.

Silently looking to the side, it was obvious that the few people next to him were all saints, and they all noticed. But they were on the alert for Linton even earlier than Saint Toliman. Saint Toliman was still subconsciously trying to defend Linton before. After all, the two of them were familiar with each other. Other saints from the elven race were immediately suspicious.

"President Toliman, you are leading the team again this time. You are quite busy. The Second Sons Alliance over there also needs to investigate, and the Church of Cthulhu also needs to investigate." Linton said while already moving towards Coming over here, one of the saints suddenly drew his sword. When several people nearby saw him taking out his weapons, they also took out their staffs and swords, as if they were ready to fight. The only one who has not yet drawn his weapon is Saint Toliman.

Linton stopped here. To be honest, he didn't know where he was exposed, but it didn't matter, as long as these people came.

"Sword Master Linton, why are you here?" Saint Toliman asked.

"Why do you think it is?" Linton said with a smile.

"Did you kill them, Joramo?" The person asking the question this time was St. Vicastor. Although Toliman is the executive president, the Holy Level Association stipulates that the relationship between Holy Levels is still equal, and There is no rule that others cannot interrupt when the president is speaking.

This question was a bit straightforward. Everyone looked at Linton here, waiting for his answer, or quibble. However, Linton's behavior was also very strange. The first reaction of the other party was a sigh of disappointment. He took a breath and said, "I want to play with you for a while longer. Why are you so alert?"

"I asked if you killed him?" St. Vicaster asked again in a louder tone.

"Are those three friends of yours among them?" Linton looked at St. Vicastor and asked, "Then... yes, so what?"

"You..." St. Vicaster took a step forward after hearing this, obviously ready to take action directly, but a sword was placed in front of him to stop him.

The person who stopped him was Saint Toliman. The other saints of the elves didn't know Linton's strength, but he knew it. He has always been afraid of Linton, because he was afraid of the current situation. This guy is not easy to mess with. If possible, he doesn't want to have any conflict with Linton. He had acted quite friendly with him before, but why did he suddenly become like this?

"Why?" Toliman asked.

"Don't you understand?" Linton spread his hands and said, "It's because of the 'why' you asked. In your opinion, I have to explain to you, right? This is why I want to attack you. The reason. You... who are you, dare to interfere with my affairs, are you... too courageous? "

Saint Toliman was stunned for a moment, and the six people next to him had already taken action. Yes, as a saint, this kind of ridicule is unbearable. Since entering the saint, I have never met anyone who dared to ask them what they are. They were originally ready to take action at any time, so naturally they couldn't bear hearing this, and started at the same time.

Four of them rushed towards Linton from left to right, and the remaining two were obviously preparing to cast spells from a distance from left to right.

The speed of the saints is naturally very fast. In the blink of an eye, the four people who rushed up have arrived in front of Linton. At the same time, the two mages behind have also prepared magic shields on their bodies and are ready to chant magic. Everything happened in an instant, which shows the abilities of several saints. However, Linton simply raised his hands.


Saint Toliman, who was standing there, still hesitated for a second. He didn't know whether to stop a few people from taking action or follow along. This was of course because he couldn't judge Linton's strength clearly. He knew that Linton was the strongest in the mainland, and had seen him take action several times, but he didn't know exactly how strong he was. He would definitely not hesitate in a one-on-one challenge, but there were seven saints here. , Linton is so provocative, does he have the confidence to defeat seven of them?

However, just for this second of hesitation, the next moment he saw a completely different picture. Saint Toliman was not even sure what he saw, because in the last scene he saw six saints preparing to surround Linton from all directions, and in the next scene, Linton suddenly appeared in front of him. In front of me, then...

"Puff puff..." Six heads suddenly flew up, a large amount of blood spurted out, and six headless corpses fell to the ground.

Saint Toliman here turned pale and took two steps back, keeping a little distance from Linton in front of him. At the same time, he subconsciously touched his neck.

"Don't be afraid, it hasn't fallen yet." Linton said with a smile.

Toliman really didn't know what happened, but when he saw Linton's smile, the first reaction in his mind was... run.

His body did indeed move like this. He turned around suddenly, accelerated in an instant and flew backwards, sprinting away.

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