I really can't control myself

Chapter 1806 Meeting the Enemy

Although this shot was very powerful, it was of course impossible to cause any harm to Linton. After the blow, Linton was still standing where he was, with just a little more gravel around him.

"Of all the Quincy, you are the one who looks down on me the most." Linton dusted himself off and said, "Do you think you can kill me with a stone? What do you think? At least the Soul King's left hand can't. He should inherit a little of the Spirit King’s IQ.”

"Left hand...no...name...I...my name is Penida...Pakaja, not the left hand of the Soul King, I am a Quincy..." Pakaja here suddenly spoke, However, the words he spoke were a bit stammering, word for word, as if he had just learned to speak, but after speaking, he suddenly started to become somewhat fluent again.

"Forget it, let's not waste time, my TN is actually talking to a hand." Linton held his forehead.

"You are...the enemy...the enemy's words...are all bad words, you are...the enemy!" Pakaja suddenly became excited for some reason. As he spoke, the cloak on his head suddenly started to move. After swelling and squirming inside, the entire cloak suddenly exploded, and a huge hand appeared.

Yes, the entire shape of Pakaja is a palm. The "human body" we saw before is the wrist part, and the head is a huge hand, but there is a huge eye in the palm of the hand. This eye He also has double pupils, which is somewhat similar to Yhwach.

As Linton was watching, the palm of his hand suddenly opened its five fingers and pointed at Linton. Something black appeared on the fingertips and spread toward Linton's body. Because he knew the opponent's abilities, Linton also knew that these black things were Pakaja's nerves. Through these black nerves, as long as they touched the opponent's body, they could connect with the opponent's nerves and even directly control the opponent's actions.

Of course, Linton probably wouldn't have any effect on him. After all, his nerves couldn't turn outside. As for the nerves in his body, could this guy pierce his own skin?

"Amaterasu." A red light flashed in his eyes, and the black flames struck directly at the black substance extending out on the opposite side. The moment it came into contact with the black flames, Pakaja here clearly let out a scream. It was quite painful to pull out the nerve and burn it with fire.

Sure enough, Pakaja immediately retracted the black nerves, but Amaterasu's flames did not disappear, and burned along with the other party's retracted nerves.

Unexpectedly, Pakaja's reaction here was quite fast. The nerve line that was ignited here immediately broke in the next second. He should be able to cut off the nerve line at any time as he has complete control over the nerve line.

"Unexpectedly, he has some fighting IQ, or fighting instinct?" Linton nodded, but his reaction was quite fast. Otherwise, if Amaterasu ignited his body, the opponent would probably be in trouble.

But at this moment, Linton seemed to remember that the opponent's abilities included regeneration and splitting. But after thinking about it, it seemed that the Quincy he met before could be reborn, resurrected, reborn, etc., and it felt like he was about to be destroyed. It’s the master’s inherent skill.

When I think about it, the Hollow also has rapid regeneration. This world regeneration is probably a popular skill. That is to say, the reaper has to treat himself in pain.

However, this ability is really a bit troublesome for Linton. Faced with this kind of regeneration, the easiest way is to just burn it to ashes. This is not very difficult for Linton, but the problem is that he will be blown to ashes. It can no longer be uploaded. The contradiction between the two is the most troublesome part for Linton.

If I remember correctly, the Pakaja in front of me is considered to have a relatively strong regenerative ability among the Quincy. It can regenerate when it is turned into a puddle of mud, and it can split into several pieces. In the original work, it also gave Nirvana a headache. It's been a while.

"If you hit me with a rock, then I'll hit you with a stone too." Linton thought of this, suddenly clasped his hands together, and before the other party could react, he suddenly took a step forward, "Earth Explosion Star!"

After thinking about it, Linton chose to use the sealing technique to solve the problem directly. He really didn't want to waste too much time with one hand. At the same time as the hand was pressed out, a large number of surrounding building fragments suddenly began to gather towards the middle with Pakaja's body as the center.

Although the ground of the Spirit King Palace is not soil, it seems to have nothing to do with it. The battle with Valkyrie just now caused the surrounding buildings to be basically flattened, leaving only some ruins. A large number of gravel fragments gathered towards the center, and soon formed a huge gray sphere. .

Of course, Pakaja here reacted immediately, but he didn't know what skills Linton used. At first, it just casually smashed the rocks gathered around it. Those larger pieces were directly smashed into powder by its blow, but it didn't suffer much damage.

However, it probably mistakenly thought that Linton was really using the skill of hitting him with rocks, so its attention was focused on the large pieces of debris flying over. It didn't stop until its body was surrounded by a lot of rubble. I reacted, but it seemed it was too late.

Yes, the Earth Explosion Star technique is definitely useless for breaking stones. Even if these stones turn to ash, they will gather together and wrap you up. This is a very difficult technique. Otherwise, Sasuke wouldn't have used this technique to seal you. Nine tailed beasts.

Pakaja should have understood what Linton wanted to do, but he understood that the tricks and the cracking tricks were different. He really didn't know how to crack. The black nerve threads emitted from his body were inserted into the stones surrounding him. But this was of no use. There was no way to break the stones, and more and more fragments gathered around them.

"Pakaja...is...a Quincy..." Saying this, Pakaja here once again created a bow from his hand, held it with two fingers, and even pulled it with the other one. The movement of the bow is obviously the Quincy's basic skill, Holy Killing Arrow.

There was a loud "bang" sound. It must be said that the power of Pakaja's sacred destroying arrow was not small. One arrow was shot and caused a big explosion. It did explode some of the stones wrapped around him, but it was shattered. The stones quickly rolled back again, and with the large amount of stones coming from the surroundings again, the entire package of Pakaja was directly submerged.

There was another loud "bang". At this time, Pakaja's entire body had been wrapped into a ball. It could no longer be seen from the outside, but it was obviously still trying to get rid of it inside. Linton looked at it. The ball is shaking, but there are no signs of damage.

This gray ball also grew bigger and bigger, began to rise alternately, and continued to expand the scope of absorption. Although Linton did not use the Moon-level Earth Explosion Star, he was still at the level of Six Paths. This Earth Exploding Sky Star can probably be pinched to the size of a meteorite.

As more and more clods of soil were wrapped around him, Linton gradually stopped hearing the movement inside the clods.

Such an exaggerated situation can of course be seen from the Lingwang Palace. At this time, only Hasward and Ishida Uryu were left guarding the door of the Soul King Palace.

Looking at the huge rising earth ball, Hasward's expression was not very good. By sensing the spiritual pressure, he probably knew that Pakaja should be inside this earthen ball. He could still feel the opponent's spiritual pressure fluctuating up and down, but it was slowly getting weaker. He should be... about to lose.

In the other direction, Nakluvar's spiritual pressure is obviously fighting against Aizen. It can only be said that... there is little hope, because Aizen's spiritual pressure is very stable, there is no change, and it feels like he is not exerting any force at all, while Nacrovar's spiritual pressure is very stable. Croval's spiritual pressure also fluctuated significantly, and it felt like he was about to lose again.

Now the members of the Guards were probably defeated, and Hasward had a headache. This is not to say that he cares about these Guardsmen, or that he feels that the plan cannot be completed without them. In the invisible empire, His Majesty Yhwach is the most important. Others, even the personal guards, can be abandoned casually, including myself, for His Majesty.

The only headache he has is that these personal guards did not delay enough. His Majesty is still absorbing the Spirit King, and it will take some time. Originally, these personal guards existed to delay time, but they did not complete the task, and now he is the only one left. .

As for Uryu Ishida next to him, Hasward has never trusted him. He even thought that the other party would take action at this most dangerous time.

Yes, the Guards will be destroyed soon, and His Majesty is still in seclusion. In Hasward's opinion, this is the most dangerous time. Currently only you can stop the enemy. Note that Hasward thought about blocking. He never thought about wiping out all the enemies. His only goal was to delay and wait for His Majesty to return after absorbing the Spirit King.

Unfortunately, before waiting for a while, the results came out from Parkas' side, and its spiritual pressure had completely disappeared. Hathward has never been able to catch Linton's spiritual pressure. Although Linton has spiritual pressure, trying to catch the spiritual pressure sometimes fails. It can be said that the opponent is very good at concealing spiritual pressure. Of course, Linton actually doesn't have to hide it deliberately. It can be revealed when he is using it, and it cannot be detected when he is not using it, because when he is not using it, his spiritual pressure is just magic value.

Of course, even if Linton's spiritual pressure cannot be found at this time, he still knows that the opponent's next target is the Spirit King's Palace. Hasward took a breath and prepared to wait for Linton's arrival.

But before that, Hasward looked at Uryu Ishida again. Yes, Hasward basically already knows this guy's plan. After all, he is also one of the people who "has omniscience and omnipotence". In fact, Hasward originally didn't care about Uryu Ishida's little plan, and His Majesty must have known about his plan, but it didn't matter, the Lord didn't care, because it was useless, but now something unexpected happened, and that was Linton.

The reason why they were wary of this sudden appearance of this person was that they could not see his future, and of course they could not see the future that he would influence.

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