I really can't control myself

Chapter 1803 Falling down

"The situation over there doesn't seem to be good." The person who spoke was Lijie Barro. Of course, he had seen the situation over at Valkyrie. Not only him, the current Valkyrie's size is terrifying. This huge body can be seen not only by him, but also by the entire transformed Soul King Palace, such as Hasward, Yas Kim Nakluvar can be seen from here.

Of course they also know about Valkyrie's abilities, especially Hasward, who naturally knows everything about it. What was terrifying was that Valkyrie, which had become so huge, was knocked down time and time again in front of them. They could see clearly that it could be said that it was a life-and-death situation.

"There's some... trouble." Not to mention Valkyrie who was beaten, even the people watching were anxious. They have never seen a Valkyrie transformed to such an extent, but even so, if he is still killed instantly by the opponent, how exaggerated must this enemy be.

Of course, they are also curious about who the golden figure has been killing Valkyrie. Because it was still a bit far away, they could see Valkyrie, but they couldn't see Linton clearly. But after Linton transformed, the bright golden light still made them lock eyes, but they could only see the golden light.

Obviously, there is absolutely no one with the ability in front of me in the information. Are there other people or forces involved?

Seeing this, Hasward naturally couldn't just watch, he had to at least figure out what was going on. Of course, he himself could never leave the Soul King's Palace, no matter what happened, so he immediately brought orders to Nacrovar, Pakaja and others.

At this time on the battlefield, Valkyrie was really unable to resist. This was not just a matter of life and death, his spirit was about to collapse at this time.

When he died at the beginning, Valkyrie here could still speak a little between the two deaths. Although he didn't finish speaking each time, there was still time after all. But now he couldn't say a word, and he just kept dying over and over again.

The reason why he couldn't explain it was that on the one hand, he himself didn't know what to say. On the other hand, the main reason was that practice makes perfect for Linton here. In the past, Linton would always take a slight interval when fighting, but now it seems that he has lost his patience, and there is almost no interval at all.

Valkyrie was speechless, but Linton became more talkative. In the gap between life and death, Valkyrie could still hear Linton's words. Words like "the hand feels worse and worse" and "are you really getting stronger?" made Valkyrie doubt himself a little.

Yes, is he really getting stronger? Theoretically speaking, as long as one's ability is damaged, it can be transformed into one's own strength and become stronger. But the problem is that now that I have been through life and death so many times, why do I still just punch to the ground when facing Linton?

He can tolerate the situation of life and death, after all, his ability has not "died" before, but he is afraid that there will be no hope. Because he knew his ability before, he felt that although Linton was very strong, it was really exaggerated to be able to kill him in an instant. But when his ability was stronger, he didn't have to worry at all. He could just wait and surpass him. But after repeating this death cycle so many times, he began to doubt himself.

Valkyrie naturally doesn't know if there is an upper limit to the growth of his abilities, but he probably still has a default upper limit in his heart, and this default upper limit naturally refers to Yhwach. That means he can't be stronger than His Majesty no matter what.

Of course, it is still doubtful whether Valkyrie is stronger than Yhwach. Although he was indeed given the ability to write the Holy Words by Yhwach, his own power comes from the heart of the Soul King. However, I don’t know if he himself gave him such a psychological hint. In this idealistic world, it may be more important to how big the heart is, how big the stage is. The ability of the holy words given by Yhwach may even become a shackles. .

Of course, the above is not Linton's analysis. He just feels a little anxious now.

He really wanted to see how strong the Valkyrie here could become. He said before that part of the reason he came here was to find someone to have a good fight with, although the people on the scheduled list It's Yhwach, but it doesn't really matter who he is, as long as he can fight. He is indeed intentionally raising Valkyrie bigger now, but... the current situation makes him a little anxious.

Because there is no progress bar for Valkyrie to become stronger, such as how much strength or level it will increase once it dies, Linton's judgment is to cut off a form when it can't be killed by one punch. However, after activating Super Saiyan 1, Linton felt that he should switch to Super Saiyan 2 and Super 3 after playing a few more times, right? But the opponent would be killed no matter how hard he beat him, which made Linton a little anxious.

"No, are you okay here? Can you still become stronger?" Linton said as he continued to beat Valkyrie with punches. I originally thought that this guy's background was not very good, and he would be able to grow up if he was fed more, but now he has no reaction after eating as much as he wants.

As I said before, Linton is not a patient person. Although he doesn't know how hard it is to live and die in Valkyrie, he is quite tired of not gaining weight for a long time.

And just when Linton began to lose patience, the punch thrown from below suddenly showed some different changes. It wasn't that Valkyrie blocked the blow, but that after the punch hit Valkyrie's head, the opponent suddenly stopped moving and fell to the ground without getting up again.

"Huh?" Linton was slightly stunned when he saw Valkyrie lying dead. The continuous repeated operations were interrupted and he didn't react for a moment. Why didn't he get up?

After waiting for a while, Valkyrie's headless body on the ground still didn't respond. Linton frowned and thought for a moment. A green light flashed on his body, and Valkyrie who fell to the ground was resurrected again, but this time it was relying on the power of the time stone.

Of course, Linton had nothing to say. He went up and punched Valkyrie again, and Valkyrie fell to the ground again, but... he didn't get up again.

"What's going on?" Looking at Valkyrie lying on the ground unresponsive, Linton was a little confused as to what was going on. Why isn't it resurrected? The upper limit has been reached? Or did it evolve too quickly and collapse? Linton didn't understand. Why didn't he respond suddenly?

"I see." Aizen, who didn't know when he appeared next to him, looked at Valkyrie's fallen body and said suddenly.

"What do you understand? Do you know why this guy is not resurrected?" Linton asked.

"If my guess is correct, it's because of the density of spirit seeds." Aizen said.

"Spirit density?" Linton asked.

"No matter what, this guy is a Quincy, and Quincy fights by absorbing spirit seeds from the external environment. This will not change at all. Although this guy's ability can continuously cause damage through transformation Become stronger, but the concentration of the surrounding spirit particles still has a limit after all. Even if we are now in the Quincy's reformed lair, the upper limit of his ability to become stronger actually depends on the density of the surrounding spirit particles." Aizen said, "But the above is just my personal speculation."

"So now you suddenly start to make sense again? Energy is conserved?" Linton said speechlessly, "Wait a minute, this guy is not only a Quincy, but also the heart of the Soul King. He must abide by the principles of the Quincy. ?"

"The heart of the Soul King? No wonder I always feel a strange sense of spiritual pressure." Aizen's reaction was not very big, and he looked at Valkyrie on the ground, "Although I don't know if he is the real Soul King. Heart, but if he thinks he is a Quincy, then he is."

"It's not that your combination of materialism and idealism has confused me. Are you trying to create a new philosophical school?" Linton raised his forehead and asked.

"Actually, you don't need to be so entangled. I have said it a long time ago that the power of Death has its limit after all, and the same goes for Quincy. Because of this, something that breaks through that limit is needed." Aizen said, what he said It should be Bengyu. The thing about Bengyoku is pure spiritualism. What you want to achieve depends entirely on your mind. Aizen is probably the kind of person who initially failed in the practical school and then started to practice metaphysics, so he said this way of combining the two.

"How can I struggle with this? It takes a long time, and that's all?" Linton said as he touched Valkyrie's body here, clicked to upload, and a reward prompt of 2.12 million points popped up. ?, "Okay, it smells so good..."

"Hmm, is it enough to just touch it?" Aizen had naturally been observing Linton's actions. Of course, he also saw the other party intentionally touching Valkyrie's body. I had seen Linton touch the Quincy's head before throwing it away before. Two arguments made him reach a conclusion.

"So what kind of observation diary are you doing?" Linton said, "The purpose is..."

"Break through this world." Linton just asked casually, but unexpectedly Aizen answered proactively, "Now that I think about it, my previous thoughts were indeed too narrow, but there is nothing I can do about it. After all, I At the beginning, I could only see this sky and thought it was the limit, but your appearance made me see a new sky."

"Uh... Let me make it clear first, I can't take you away, okay? Do you think you are a guy I can trust?" Of course Linton understood what Aizen meant and said without concealing it.

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