I really can't control myself

Chapter 1794 Destruction

At this time, Rokusha Kensai and Hobashiro Juro, who had been knocked away before, had already freed themselves. They were now zombies, which was different from their normal state. They did not feel pain and did not care too much about themselves. Due to his physical condition, he basically chose to forcefully pull out his body, and then rushed to Giselle's position as soon as possible.

Similarly, from the rear, a large number of Death God members also caught up and surrounded them from all directions. But at this moment, all the zombie-turned-death gods suddenly stopped moving at the same time, and then fell forward one after another due to kinetic energy, as if they suddenly lost control in the air.

They were indeed out of control, because at the target location they were rushing to, Hitsugaya Toshiro's sword had already cut through Giselle's body. As he said, although the knife cut from the left shoulder to the right waist, such an exaggerated wound almost split Giselle in two, not a drop of blood came out of Giselle here. Because at the same time he was struck, the blood in his body was completely frozen almost instantly.

At this time, Giselle, who was separated from top to bottom, was wrapped by ice cubes from the inside out, but the ice cubes barely supported the separation of his upper and lower body. Hitsugaya Toshiro, who had dealt this terrifying blow, slowly retracted his sword and exhaled softly.

"Damn it!" the little girl next to her, Lily Toto, shouted slightly out of control. She didn't know how deep her relationship with Giselle was, but she was standing nearby and took action, and the other party killed Giselle right in front of her. When Seer was hacked to death, even though he was not himself, it was no different from slapping himself in the face.

In an instant, her newly elongated mouth suddenly stretched again, and the front end became larger again, but before she had time to take action, Linton pulled hard and swung to the side, throwing Li Totuo away. go out.

"Not bad, nephew, it's neat and tidy." Linton looked at the cross-dressing man who turned into two halves, also known as ice sculptures, "Okay, the remaining few are none of your business. Let's go and see these useless guys first. Is there any way to save this guy?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro was probably ready to continue fighting, but he actually stopped when he heard Linton say this. Yes, the Death God members who had just been controlled were now all lying on the ground, their lives and deaths unknown, including the two captains. Hitsugaya Toshiro had noticed before that many of them had injuries on their bodies, and some looked very serious. It was probably because they were in a zombie state just now that they could move. If they were ignored now, their lives might be in danger at any time.

There shouldn't really be any problems if we leave this to Linton. Hitsugaya Toshiro now has acquiesced that Linton is a monster, and I really can't imagine what it would be like for him to lose to these guys. With a slight nod, Hitsugaya Toushiro rushed towards the spot where Rokusha Kensai and Hobashiro Juro just fell with a quick step.

Linton looked to the side. Li Toto, who was thrown out, was directly caught by a figure rushing out of the smoke and dust from behind. The person who came was none other than Minina, the fierce pink-haired girl. At this time, light wings also appeared behind the opponent. It has ordinary wings, and at the same time, there is a star-shaped thing like a halo on the head. This is obviously the state of the complete holy body. It seems that through just one blow, it has been known that it must use all its strength.

"Put me down, Minnie." Li Toto also opened the Holy Body at this moment, and also grew small wings from his back and flew up. Minina put down Li Toto and rushed straight towards Linton without changing her acceleration. She pulled her right hand back, and the muscles of her right arm suddenly expanded wildly, becoming a whole circle bigger.

"Power?" If Linton remembered correctly, this Minina's holy text ability is P, which is POWER. She is obviously a powerful player. Judging from the opponent's soaring muscle mass, this punch seems to be quite powerful. But speaking of strength... Have you ever seen a Saiyan be more afraid of anyone than this one?

Linton also clenched his fist, and punched Minina who was attacking. There was a muffled "bang" sound, and terrifying air pressure accompanied by vibrations appeared from the position where the two fists collided, and then a Seconds later, Minina's strong arm covered with muscles suddenly exploded, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

This blow seemed to have stunned Minina. It was obvious that she did not expect that her best blow and Linton's collision would have such a result. Looking at her exploded right arm, she even lost her mind for a moment. I didn't react, or I didn't know how to react at all.

"So you still don't understand what this special combat power means?" Linton's words made her suddenly regain a little sense and turned blankly in Linton's direction, "What your father Youhabach means is that people like you If you see the miscellaneous soldiers, don’t come up to see me off, just run away, do you understand?”

Before Minina could react, Linton raised his other hand, pinched Minina's neck, and pulled Minina's neck with one force, tearing her head and ribs apart. A large amount of blood spattered everywhere again. , which made Litoto, who originally wanted to follow Minina and rush up from behind, froze in place when she saw this situation.

After uploading and gaining points, Linton threw the half of the body in his hand, and then immediately looked at Li Toto who had stopped the car behind him. The moment she was targeted by Linton, a sense of fear suddenly wrapped around Li Toto's body. She almost didn't think about it and subconsciously jumped back, actually escaping directly from Linton's position.

It's just that the people here have just started and haven't even turned their heads. Linton has already appeared directly in front of where she wants to escape. This is not teleportation, just a simple acceleration. This is not something she can keep up with. speed.

"You are so obedient as expected. When I asked you to run, you really ran..." Linton was not in a hurry to take action. After all, the little girl in front of him... was still a little reluctant to be ruthless.

"Thunder Javelin!" The moment Linton stopped, a bolt of lightning from the side struck Linton. Although it was a bit sudden, the speed of thunder and lightning was indeed as fast as an instant strike, but Linton still raised his hand and directly grasped the incoming thunder gun.

"So, as I said, I am the God of Thunder. This kind of trick is useless." Linton turned his head and looked to the side. Sure enough, it was Jadis who had just been knocked away. At this time, the opponent's abdomen was obviously seriously injured. It was still bleeding. It was caused by his own attack just now. However, the Quincy seemed to have some skills that could temporarily ignore his own injuries. He probably relied on this to attack again. Come on.

"Really?" Jadis gritted her teeth and smiled, when a figure suddenly appeared behind Linton. It turned out to be Bambietta, whose legs were torn off by Linton. Of course, because the opponent can fly, he can barely move, but in this state, he is obviously at the end of his strength.

"Critical hit!" With a wave of her wings, a large number of explosive spheres poured down towards Linton. It seems that Jadis has really not forgotten her ability. The attack just now was just a feint to attract him, mainly to cover the rear. Bambietta's actions.

It's a pity that no matter how good the tactics are, it still means nothing if the person you encounter is Linton. Linton didn't even turn his head, he just snapped his fingers, and all the explosive balls flying towards him suddenly slowed down in the air, and then all stopped in the air. Before anyone could recover, the explosive balls suddenly returned to their original path. Flying back, how did he appear from Bambietta's wings just now, and how did he retreat now?

"Well, it's not a matter of whether you can deal damage, but a matter of too much smoke..." Linton turned to Bambietta, who didn't know how to react, and said, "And although I don't have to worry too much about the gang lying on the ground. Guy, but my nephew is very annoying..."

"It's good that you know!" Hitsugaya Toshiro's voice did come from the side. He was using the return path to provide temporary treatment to Rokusha Kensai and Hobashi Rojuro. The injuries of the two were indeed very serious and they could not be treated at all. hold up. Of course, Hitsugaya Toshiro, who is a top student in all subjects, would still answer the question. It's not strong, but it's enough.

The next second, Linton suddenly picked up the thunder and lightning javelin in his hand and held it hard. A large amount of lightning blessed the javelin, causing the thunder and lightning javelin to expand in a full circle visible to the naked eye. Under the illumination of the electric light, Linton at this moment looked more like a thunder god than Jadis next to him.

Aiming at Bambietta, who was probably still thinking about what happened just now, Linton suddenly took action. It was also a throwing action, and the super giant thunder javelin swept directly towards Bambietta's position.

Similarly, the flying speed of this thunder and lightning is not something that ordinary people can react to. Linton can react because he is a Saiyan, Bambietta... Anyway, the next second is the scene of her being hit by the thunder and lightning javelin. Linton took advantage of the situation and made an empty grab towards Bambietta's position. The All-Things Heavenly Cause activated, and what he sucked into his hand felt like a piece of carbon with only half a human shape.

Of course, no matter what it looks like, as long as it can be uploaded.

"I will definitely kill you, death penalty!" Just after uploading the valuables, the next one was sent up by himself very consciously. She probably used her tricks to kill Bambietta. Jadis here was already furious. She rushed straight to Linton's position as if she had lost her mind. She didn't know when two pistols in the shape of a gun appeared in her hand. It's Lightning's knife. Is he preparing to kill himself with melee combat?

"Jadis! Don't come here!" Seeing such a scene, even Li Toto next to her knew that she was giving away someone's life, so she was so anxious that she didn't even call the other party's nickname. But it was obvious that Jadis was indeed in a state of dementia at this time and could not stop shouting at all. She came to Linton very quickly and slashed at Linton with both swords.

"Pfft", the sound of flesh and blood splattering, was certainly not Linton's. The opponent's attack really hit Linton's shoulders. Linton didn't dodge or defend, he just... didn't break the defense. Linton's blow penetrated directly through Jadis's body. After all, the opponent did not have the Thunder Fruit, nor could it be elementalized. Even if it could, Linton was still armed.

Withdrawing his hand, Linton looked at Li Toto, the only one still standing. He was just standing there, as if he couldn't react to the series of situations just now: "What's wrong, kid, how do you want to die?"

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