I really can't control myself

Chapter 1790 Ice Dragon

The huge ice dragon soared into the sky. Of course Linton's A-level witchcraft power was not for nothing. After injecting a huge witchcraft power similar to that of Asakura, what appeared in front of Cangdu was a giant with a body length of more than a hundred meters. The ice dragon, probably because it was made of gaseous water, floated directly in the air as soon as it appeared, just like a real giant dragon.

Such an exaggerated behemoth can be seen by the entire Seireitei. Of course, no one knows what it is. The Shinigami looked very confused, thinking it was the Quincy's ability on the opposite side, and the Quincy on the opposite side was even more confused. Of course, they were sure that no one on their side used such an ability. They also knew the information about the Shinigami opposite, and I've never heard of such an ability, so what's going on there?

"Let's see if it's done!" Linton stood on top of the faucet, with his hands on his hips and his chest raised, and said, "I just said that you can definitely figure out how to use it after a little trial and error. Isn't this amazing?"

"So... why didn't you want to order a normal medium from the beginning? You said that you tried everything in the team building, but the first one actually walked towards the toilet. I will cooperate with you, so you are crazy!" The voice of Hitsugaya Toshiro came from the ice dragon.

"Then I really didn't think of any suitable medium at the time. This was something I suddenly thought of when I was taking a bath before." Linton said, "Anyway, let's take advantage of the following thing first and make a start."

Cangdu below was indeed frightened by the sudden appearance of the giant dragon. He really didn't understand what the thing in front of him was. It was obvious that this was not the Shinigami's swastika. The opponent's swastika was still in his own body. It's in my hand, so what the hell is that thing? Why did Hitsugaya Toshiro suddenly turn into a dragon? Things that were not mentioned at all in the information, and unexplainable situations suddenly appeared in front of him, made him really confused what to do.

"You're welcome, keep going with all your strength." Linton said, "I have to praise Yhwach again for cheating his teammates. I don't know what to think. If the original battle location was Seireitei, these gangs would The Shinigami who protects the Seireitei still have some scruples. Now they suddenly move their hometown to slap people on the face. It sounds quite domineering. In fact, isn't it just telling these Shinigami to hit them casually and don't care about that? Your Seirei Ting has been protected by me, it’s so grand.”

While Linton was muttering, the ice dragon here also opened his mouth. A huge cold air suddenly condensed, and Cangdu, who was controlling Daiguren Hyōrinmaru, was barely able to sense the cold air, and he immediately noticed something bad was going on.

"Edge wall ice formation..." With a wave of his hand, an ice shield appeared around Cangdu. It seemed that he had judged that he could not avoid it and was preparing to defend himself.

But at this moment, there was a burst of killing in the ice dragon's mouth, and then an exaggerated huge beam of light rushed out directly.

With a loud "bang", the beam hit the ground directly, and exaggerated cold air fluctuations spread in all directions along the light. Both the buildings and the ground in front were instantly frozen, and then began to shatter with the breath the next second.

Apparently, even Toshiro Hitsugaya himself did not expect such power. Seeing that something was wrong, he quickly tilted his head. As a result, the light swept from the ground along the position of the tilted head, and then all the swept positions began to freeze. The huge Ice particles began to fly all over the sky, and it looked like it had suddenly snowed.

Of course, this tilt of the head is still useful, at least it avoids Rangiku Matsumoto lying below. If the situation just now continues, the frozen range will soon affect Matsumoto Rangiku's position. However, with such a sweep, Linton doesn't know if it will affect other Shinigami who are fighting around him.

As for Cangdu below, who was swallowed up by the breath for the first time, Linton didn't know how he was doing. The opponent did not trigger automatic combat, and naturally there was no prompt for the end of the battle. What makes the perception of spiritual pressure very inaccurate is that almost everyone here has the ability to hide spiritual pressure. People really have to hide it, like Linton. People who are not very good at using spiritual pressure extension skills are simply not found.

But Linton soon knew the result. They were worried about Matsumoto Rangiku's condition, and the super spirit was quickly relieved. When Linton came to the ground and got closer, he immediately heard the reminder of valuables. Naturally, Cangdu must have at least lost consciousness.

Linton, the subordinate of Yhwach's holy soldiers, has already made sure that these miscellaneous soldiers have no points. He knew before that only those with holy writings can have points, so the valuable item prompted now must be Cangdu.

Sure enough, Linton followed the prompts and looked forward. The location in front of him that was directly hit by the freezing breath had been filled up by huge ice blocks. Yes, the entire ground could not be found, and there was only a huge piece of ice in front of him. Linton also walked to the location where the valuables were displayed. He looked down and saw that the transparency was not enough to see what was inside. He knocked a little and the ice surface below made a "clang-clang" sound. It was a metallic sound, but with Linton's strength, his hand still penetrated the hard ice.

In the frozen remains of something unknown below, Linton got a prompt that he could upload it. Anyway, Linton didn't care what the thing he touched was, as long as he could upload it. Cangdu is no longer recognizable at all, it's all broken into pieces that are no longer human.

As for the points he gave, they were indeed not many. It was only 220,000. It can be said to be the lowest points for valuables at present. This is really not great.

After the upload was completed, Linton also turned to look at Toshiro Hitsugaya behind him. Of course, he was giving first aid treatment to the injured Rangiku Matsumoto. Linton walked over and took a look. Matsumoto Rangiku had a lot of frostbite on his body, but the more dangerous part, the wound on his neck, had been put on by Toshiro Hitsugaya with something similar to a plaster, and it seemed that the bleeding had stopped. Of course it is definitely not an ordinary plaster, it should be something developed by the technical bureau for first aid.

After all, I had my own reminder before. This time the invisible empire's attack was a bit sudden, but Seireitei's preparations had already started. Under normal circumstances, the Shinigami would not carry these things with them, but recently when they patrolled, they were fully prepared and ready to meet the enemy at any time.

Of course, stopping the bleeding will stop the bleeding. The current situation of Matsumoto Rangiku seems to be that it is difficult to even speak, let alone act. Of course, it is impossible to send her to a place like the infirmary in this situation. At present, we either have to watch her here, or we can only send her to a safer place to rest.

"Hey, hey, hey, did you hear that?" While Hitsugaya Toshiro was still doing first aid, a voice suddenly rang in his ears. In addition to him, Linton and Matsumoto Rangiku who were present also heard it.

"It's Tentate Korra, can we make contact now?" Hitsugaya Toshiro said. When the Shadow Realm invaded, the entire Seireitei's communications were instantly cut off. This place is not the Seireitei after all. The spirit children here are completely controlled by the Quincy. It is difficult to communicate under this interference. But now that it's connected, it's probably the Development Bureau doing something. The voice of this call was not familiar to Toshiro Hitsugaya, but Linton instantly recognized it. It was Urahara Kisuke's voice.

"Good afternoon to the captains of the Gotei 13 and vice-captains. I am Urahara Kisuke. Although some people may have heard my name for the first time and are not familiar with me, I would like to introduce myself. , let’s introduce it later when we have time.” Urahara Kisuke’s frivolous voice rang in everyone’s ears. It was obvious that the people he was talking to were not only Hitsugaya Toshiro and Linton, but also all captains and vice-captains. arrive.

"While we are on the phone, there should be a black pill-like thing in your hands. It is a medicine that only people with swastika will react to. Please touch it with your hands, feet, or even the handle of a knife. Just touch it, absorb it from the location where it is touched, and the pill will enter the inside of the soul..." Urahara Kisuke began to explain the function and principle of the drug. Of course, Linton, who had read the original work, did not need to introduce so much. He spoke a little As soon as he mentioned it, Linton had already remembered what it was.

The shadow-invading medicine, according to Urahara Kisuke, is so complicated, but in fact it only has one effect, to regain the swastika. Linton didn't know why this guy was explaining so many principles over there. Does anyone still want to understand the principles of this thing at this time? Can he still understand guys like Zaraki Kenpachi? Just say that with this medicine you can take back the swastika, and you won't be afraid of being robbed in the future. That's it.

"It seems like he wants to teach us something." Linton spread his hands and said, "Anyway, your swastika is back."

"Yes." Hitsugaya Toshiro nodded. When the sky over there was frozen into pieces, his swastika naturally came back, so he came to save people as soon as he released the super spirit body, knowing it in advance. Cang is dead.

"Send this guy to the Technology Development Bureau. It seems that it hasn't been captured yet." Linton pointed to Matsumoto Rangiku on the ground and said.

Hitsugaya Toshiro looked at Rangiku on the ground and nodded. Although Rangiku's current condition is not very good, his life is not likely to be in danger. He cannot take care of the wounded at the moment. Enemies are everywhere, and he, the captain, has no time to rest.

Matsumoto Rangiku couldn't speak and was very weak, but she probably knew what the other person meant by looking at her eyes. In addition to being sorry, I probably also hate myself for being weak.

Of course Hitsugaya Toshiro also felt it, but now he really didn't even have time to comfort him. Standing up and drawing out the sword on his back again, Hitsugaya Toshiro said: "We are surrounded, send the people away quickly."

Linton nodded, picked up Rangju and threw it into the nearby portal. Because through Tentekura, Linton also determined the location of Urahara Kisuke. He should be in the Technology Development Bureau, so just send it to him.

As for the surroundings, there were indeed many people gathered around, probably because of the huge ice dragon that had just attracted their attention. Of course, this was a good thing for Linton.

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