This situation was indeed beyond Nimeiya Wang Yue's expectation. Until now, he had never encountered anything that Sheafushi couldn't cut. When forging this Zanpakutō, Nigeya Wangue tried countless materials to make a scabbard for it, but the final answer he got was...impossible. There is absolutely nothing that can block the sheathed blade.

However, Linton actually blocked it? Or with one finger? This really made Ermeiya Wang Yue a little confused. How on earth was this done?

"Your knife is pretty good, but its weakness is... it's too physical." Linton suddenly said, "It's infinitely sharp... At its maximum, it's as good as a single-molecule knife. It sounds pretty good, but now When everyone is doing magic, you suddenly come up with such a "reasonable" thing, you are just asking for your own death. Just like me, blocking your knife with one finger, if you ask me what the principle is, I I don’t know, this is magic, what is reasonable.”

Linton really couldn't explain why he was able to block it. But Sun Wukong also did the same thing back then, blocking Trunks' sword with one finger. Trunks's sword can kill Frieza and his father, the overlord of the universe, with one blow. It has a combat power of over 100 million and can be solved with one blow, but it was easily blocked by Goku.

Linton used the same method, gathering Qi on his fingers to catch the attack from Wang Yue. However, he was really not sure whether he could block the attack. After all, the nature of the knife was different. But what does it matter even if you can't block it? Calculate the position of the knife. Even if this blow penetrates, it will cut off the left half of Linton's body. With a snap of his fingers, he can reverse time. Linton can still show off, but now he doesn't. After all, Linton simply chose Plan A.

Ermeiya Wang Yue was stunned when he heard this, then quickly withdrew the knife, then changed his posture and stabbed forward. This time it seemed that he wanted to try a thrusting attack.

Linton didn't know if he didn't believe in evil, but he didn't care. The moment Ermeiwu Wang Yue took action, Linton took a step forward, waved his right hand lightly, and heard a crisp "ding" sound. The sheath in Ermeiwu Wang Yue's hand suddenly broke into pieces. Two cuts.

"..." Looking at the broken knife in his hand, Ermeiya Wang Yue could not recover for a moment. This sword has reached the point where the scabbard cannot be found, and the material itself is naturally quite exaggerated. However, Linton just waved his hand gently and actually broke his blade directly? This is a bit too exaggerated.

Of course, it was not as simple as Ermeiya Wang Yue saw. Linton's finger also directly passed through the sheathed blade at the moment of intersection, cutting off "something" on it. And this something refers to the thread of death.

The ability of the Death Eye can see the thread of death in all creatures and objects and cut it off. As long as the concept of death exists in an object, the line of death can be seen. So will the Zanpakutō die? Of course he would. Linton could clearly see the thread of death on the sheathed sword.

With a slight stroke, the blade here broke instantly. But before Wang Yue of Ermeiya came back to his senses, Linton grabbed the flying half of the blade and made a light stroke towards the front.

Ermeiya Wang Yue's body suddenly froze in place, and the next second, a crack appeared from his neck, and a large amount of blood rose into the sky. Ermeiya Wang Yue rolled his eyes and fell directly to the ground. .

The confrontation between the two only lasted for two rounds. Erkawu Wangyue attacked, but Linton blocked it. Then Linton directly counterattacked the second attack. It can be said that it happened in an instant, so it was not until Ermeiya Wang Yue fell to the ground that the remaining few people reacted.

Shutara Senjumaru who was right next to her stepped forward instantly, but just as she took a step, Linton had already flashed in front of her and stopped her in the next second. Before Shutara Senjumaru could be surprised by the opponent's speed, A broken sword penetrated directly through her chest and passed through her heart.

"Pfft." Shutara Senjumaru here spat out a mouthful of blood and fell forward, but Linton happened to hold him up.

Although he didn't know why the other party was holding him up, at this moment, Shutara Senjumaru's remaining consciousness controlled the puppet-like robot hand behind it. Just when he was about to do something on Linton, Linton suddenly stepped back. He leaned up, hugged Shutara Senjumaru and threw him on his back in a German style, landing on his face.

There was a loud "bang", the ground shattered, and huge cracks began to appear around it.

The location where everyone is at this time is the Wo Dolphin Hall of the Soul King Palace. This place is actually on five floating disks above the Soul King Palace. These five floating disks are actually the "fiefdoms" of the five members of the Zero Squadron, with their palaces on top.

The one they were in now was directly smashed by Linton's back throw just now. It seemed that the whole thing was about to break and fall down, but it was supported by the huge wooden cage around it. The cage was like a barrier, holding up the broken disk and sealing all the people inside.

This should also be the purpose of the other party setting up the wooden cage. They had already judged that such a situation would happen from the beginning, so they restricted Linton here first, otherwise the Spirit King Palace would be greatly damaged. It's just that Linton can enter and exit at will from the beginning. It can teleport and someone can trap it. These people are afraid that Linton will run away, and Linton is also afraid that they will run away.

Because the wooden cage supported the foundation, this side did not completely collapse. However, Shutara Senjumaru, who suffered a fall from his back, never got up again. Linton waved his hand and the valuables were obtained again. Her and Nimaiya Wang Yue’s points are 510,000 and 1.16 million respectively. Yes, Linton didn't expect that the two pieces of Ou Yue were actually worth so much. I don't know why they were twice as valuable as the other two. Maybe it was because he was the inventor of the Zanpakutō?

I checked my store list and found that Zanpakuto Forging Technique did appear. Maybe this is the more valuable one? Of course, Linton has no interest in buying it, so why not just buy it ready-made?

In a simple confrontation, three of them fell down in an instant. Basically, it only took a few rounds. Looking to the side, Hikifune Kiryu's current situation seemed to be looking bad even before Linton took action. Linton also knew the general reason. This huge wooden cage was maintained by the other party's spiritual power. Although Linton felt that it was useless, they felt that it was still very useful. They were always consuming spiritual pressure, which led to a great consumption of Hikifune Kiryu.

Of course, Hikifune Kiryu himself was not that weak, so maintaining a cage of this level would have been no problem. But the problem is that Hikifune Kiryuu just cooked a lot of food, which consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

Hikifune Kiryu's ability can usually store spiritual power in her body similar to the ability to store fat, and the reason why the food she cooks is delicious is because those foods are rich in spiritual pressure. Every time she cooks, It will also consume a considerable part of the spiritual pressure stored in her body, so her body will suddenly lose weight.

Hikifune Kiryu is still in a slender state. After cooking, she has no time to replenish her consumed spiritual energy. It may be because of this that she has been maintaining the cage beside her and has not chosen to attack head-on.

Linton just glanced at her and did not choose to deal with her directly. Turning his head, Linton looked at the commander of the army, Ichibei, who had been sitting over there. The other party didn't take action all the time. After taking care of three people by himself, the other party still sat on the ground and watched, even smiling. Linton estimated that the other party was just observing his abilities. This should also be the tactics of the Zero Division.

"Then do you see anything?" Linton slowly walked up to Ichibei, the commander of the army, and asked.

"Well done, human." Ichibei, the commander of the army here, slowly stood up, and then his face suddenly changed, from the smiling state just now, to a ferocious and twisted look, probably just now It's his original character. Despite his friendly appearance, he is actually a violent person.

"You are indeed very dangerous for being able to deal with the three of them so easily. It seems... I can't keep you, so I can only... kill you." Ichibei, the commander of the army, said with a smile, but this This time's smile was much more distorted.

As he spoke, the other party also took out a huge brush-like thing from nowhere, and then drew a line in front of himself, then took two steps back, and also drew a line in the back of himself.

"Let's deal with you in this area." Ichibei, the commander of the army, said in a self-conscious manner, "By the way, be careful as I crush your throat."

"To be honest, if I didn't know your ability, I might be bluffed by you." Linton said calmly, "But once I know, you will only be pretending here now." It just seems ridiculous.”

"Oh? What do you mean, do you know what I am capable of?" The look on the soldier's head, Ichibei, clearly showed that he did not believe Linton's words.

"Let me guess, your next sentence is..." Linton said normally, and suddenly a huge palm pushed out, knocking Linton's whole body away with a "bang". Yes, the commander of the army here, Ichibei, actually didn't pay much attention to Linton's words. He was just looking for another opportunity to attack. Now that he saw Linton over there and didn't know what to say, he naturally saw the right time to launch an attack. .

At the same time as he was knocked away, the soldier of the main unit, Yibingwei, ducked and was already above Linton. Just as he was about to continue taking action, he heard Linton's next words.

"With the Thousand Miles Sky Palm, whatever is hit will undoubtedly be blown thousands of miles away. That's what you want to say, Ichibei, the commander of the army." Linton said with a smile.

For a moment, the action of the military commander, Ichibei, was stagnant.

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