Time soon came to the next day, which was the day of the full moon feast. Just in the morning, the sound of music rang throughout the city. This was not because the palace was disturbing the people, but because the people had spontaneously started celebrating.

Early in the morning, bars and other places that were supposed to open around noon were already open for business, and for the next three days, they would not close their doors due to changes of staff. Alcohol, music, and dancing could be seen celebrating everywhere in the city. The crowd was really a happier scene than Linton, the father.

Compared to the HIGH people, the banquets and celebrations here at the palace are more solemn. After all, most of them are diplomatic activities. Starting from the morning, Yalan, who had been on strike for a long time, also put on the emperor's attire, hugged Xiao Linrui and began to receive envoys from various countries one by one.

The process is indeed a bit repetitive. Go to the temple, present gifts, receive blessings, chat for a while, return gifts, and change to the next group of people. Although each country's representative time is not very long, it is really difficult to handle the large number of people. After working on it all morning, before the reception was finished, the noon banquet had already begun.

This noon banquet is very important, because the blessing ceremony of the Church of Light is held at noon, and the meal can only be started after the blessing is completed, so everyone is hungry waiting for the church ceremony here to finish.

"Is this this person competing with me for my godson?" Tony here looked at Pope Saint Reno of the Church of Light and said. Yes, it was said before that Tony was going to be Xiao Lin Rui's godfather, but he didn't expect that there would be someone grabbing the business, and that was Pope Saint Reno of the Church of Light.

To be honest, Linton almost forgot about it. After all... he didn't believe in religion at all, and he didn't care at all about godfathers and children. But Tony naturally cares, but Yalan cares even more. In Yalan's view, although she has a good relationship with Tony, the Church of Light is the mainstream faith of the human race after all. She believes in this herself, so it is naturally best for her child to be baptized by the pope of the church.

"This is about the same status as the Pope in the Vatican over there." Although Linton didn't care, he still listened to Yalan on this matter and could only explain it to Tony.

"Even the Pope in the Vatican can't steal my godson." Tony said angrily, but he was just venting his unhappiness. Comparing his feelings, if the Pope in the Vatican was willing to baptize Morgan when she was born, then he definitely wouldn't. It doesn’t matter how good the relationship is if you choose someone else’s. The reason is just four words, for the children.

The process of baptism is quite cumbersome and there are many ritualized procedures. Linton didn't understand anything and could only watch and enjoy. From the entrance at the beginning, to the sacrifice to the gods at the end, and then asking the gods to witness, and then the formal baptism, more than half an hour passed in total. However, only Linton at the scene was really sleepy. Everyone else looked pious, and many of them were so excited that they almost fainted on the spot.

Even Tony, who had been cursing just now, was affected by the emotions at the scene, and it was enjoyable to watch. One thing to say is that from the perspective of ritual sense, this baptism ceremony has almost reached its peak. If the Bright Church did not have this set, it would not attract so many believers. The skills on this page are really good. of.

In short, when the Pope wrapped Xiao Linrui again in the sacred wrapping cloth, the ceremony officially ended. Linton calculated that it took about fifty minutes from beginning to end. Looking at the devout crowd below, what Linton was thinking about at this moment was that Xiao Linrui should not pull off the Pope's head.

Of course, Xiao Linrui was very cooperative during the process, and of course, this cooperation meant sleeping all the time. At present, Xiao Linrui still sleeps for more than ten hours a day. The scene must be kept quiet due to the ceremony, but he has indeed been sleeping. He did not wake up even when several priests here were messing with him, which was considered very cooperative. Otherwise, I would wake up crying and yelling, and I wouldn’t know what to do.

But at the end of the ceremony, something unexpected happened. The ceremony was public. After all, the more people knew about such a good thing as the heir to the empire being baptized by the Pope, the better. The ceremony was also held in the southern central square of the inner city of the main city. Yes, it was the same one that Linton played the lion last time. That's where the King's scene is.

The situation of the surrounding people was similar to that of the time. It should be said that there were more people. Not only was the square full of people, but the streets connecting the square and even the rooftops of the nearby houses were crowded with people. At first glance, it is really a sea of ​​​​people, with heads everywhere, and you may even suffer from trypophobia.

Under such circumstances, when the ceremony was about to end, some noise suddenly came from behind the crowd. Although there were a lot of people at the scene, because it was a ceremony, the scene was relatively quiet. Everyone could hear the obvious screams from over there. It looked like something had happened, but most of the people present Don't even know what's going on.

You can see it more clearly from the high platform above, but you can only get a rough idea. It was obvious that there was some commotion among the crowd over there, but it was too far away to see the specific situation.

Of course Pope St. Reno, who presided over the ceremony, also noticed it, but he was not disturbed. He just looked at it and then continued to complete the next ceremony. He was really very professional in this regard.

Linton also frowned, and Tony next to him tapped his chest. Part of the armor on the head of the steel suit appeared on his body, and then glanced at the crowd over there, probably using it again. The observation equipment in Steel Battle checks the situation.

"It seems like someone is causing trouble. It looks like there are... nine... maybe ten people." Tony said, "Do you want me to handle it?"

"No, you are a guest." Linton said, waving to the person next to him, "Go and have a look."

"..." The person called by Linton here was very unhappy. Yes, this person was one of the saints left behind in the imperial city, the Sword Master Venetogo. As a Saint who had just returned, the current changes in the empire had really stunned him for a long time.

Saint-level people spend most of their time either traveling around or practicing. Saint Veneto didn't expect that there would be such big changes in the country after returning this time. First of all, not to mention that the emperor has been replaced, the one who comes up is still a queen, and the power in the country is obviously monopolized by the Meloway family, which I have never heard of before. This Meloway family was unknown before and was not considered a third-tier noble at all. Why did they suddenly take over the empire?

After understanding the situation a little bit, he discovered that the person who facilitated this incident was Linton in front of him. Of course he had never heard of Linton's name before. If you say that he is a saint, it doesn't matter if he doesn't do anything serious (referring to cultivation), but he deliberately gets involved in politics. This is already too much, but this guy's attitude towards his senior is not good and he looks arrogant. Can he like him?

As a Saint, Saint Veneto's temper would naturally not suppress his, but he did notice something strange, that is, the other Saints stationed there seemed to be... quite... towards the arrogant Linton. Indulgent, this guy has a similar attitude to himself towards several other saints, even those he wants to call senior, but the other saints don't seem to be angry, which is very strange. In his opinion, these people are not such good-tempered.

Because of some doubts, he did not fall out with Linton directly. After all, the attitudes of the other saints were unclear. But Linton's attitude was really unbearable for him. For example, now, what does it mean to treat him as a subordinate? You are a saint, I am also a saint, and I am still your senior. Is it too much for you to send me to work like a servant?

San Veneto said that he was about to explode at that moment, but he still held it back. This time it was mainly a matter of occasion. The baptismal ceremony is still being held. If you want to get angry, you will get angry. This is not only not giving face to the empire, but also to the Light Church. If we don't hold back, there will be too many people offended, even if A saint-level person can't make that many enemies.

Holding his breath, San Veneto decided to look at the situation, but he didn't give Linton a good look. Of course Linton noticed it, but... he really didn't take it seriously. It's just a holy level. You haven't had time to teach me a lesson. How can you still go to heaven?

Of course, they still have saint-level abilities. It only took a few minutes after San Veneto flew over, and the commotion there quickly calmed down. Linton also saw from a distance that some of the surrounding guards had rushed there and isolated an area. The troublemakers should have been eliminated and were currently clearing the area.

A little accident can't stop the ceremony and banquet. Neither the royal family on the stage, the envoys from various countries, nor the people below seemed to pay much attention to such trivial matters. Curious, it was obvious that awareness here was more important.

Finally, the tedious ceremony was over, and the people from the Church of Light temporarily left. Next was the noon banquet. The scene once again switched from the previous solemnity to the celebratory mode. Everyone was celebrating that the prince had become the godson of the Pope and had received the blessing of the God of Light. Everyone raised their glasses and drank.

Of course, after the ceremony, Linton and the others went back to the palace to continue the banquet. There is no such thing as having fun with the people here. The nobles celebrate with the nobles, and the common people celebrate with the common people. It’s true that everyone feels constrained even if we reluctantly get together, so it’s better for everyone to enjoy themselves.

On the way back, a minister hurriedly ran to Linton's side and leaned close to Linton.

"It's too early. Do you want to take action now?" Linton said with a frown.

"No, Lord Sword Master, this is not the person we arranged. Our people haven't taken action yet." The minister said anxiously.

"What?" Linton was stunned for a moment, "Then... someone is really causing trouble?"

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