"If I had known that the scenery here was so good, I should have brought Potts and the others here. Morgan has been clamoring to see his brother." Tony stood on the high tower of the Imperial City and looked at the magnificent city around him, reluctantly kept saying.

"Yeah, it's really a pity that Potts didn't come." Yalan, who was holding Xiao Lin Rui next to her, also nodded. She and Potts had a really good relationship.

"Did you get the wrong generation? You are my nephew, this is my son, and your daughter is one generation behind him..." Linton said next to him.

"You really should take advantage of me, right?" Tony here yelled directly.

Of course, Potts's absence was mainly due to safety concerns. Isn't it because someone disappeared during the previous experiment and I don't know where he went. Tony is a scientist himself and understands the principles of this device. He thinks there is no problem. Of course, this is only for him. He is willing to try it by himself, but when his wife and children want to try it, of course he refuses. Yes, even if the probability is one in ten thousand, he will not bet.

"Anyway, I've recorded what's going on here, and I can play it directly to them later." Tony pointed to the small camera above his head and said, "If they really want to come, then I can do it myself. Come up with equipment that is 100% safe.”

Tony has also studied the technology of the quantum elf ball. Of course, compared to things like infinite energy furnaces, this thing is relatively easy to understand. To be honest, he is very confident that he can make a better one. At that time, it would not be too late to bring Potts and the others.

"By the way, you've been taking me around for a long time, won't this delay your work?" Tony suddenly asked, of course, mainly asking about Yalan. Linton seemed very leisurely. This guy wouldn't do anything troublesome according to his temper. But isn't Yalan the queen? Doesn't she need to deal with state affairs?

"Ah? What kind of job? I'm on vacation now." Yalan said, "Oh...I don't want to be an emperor or something. Xiao Lin Rui, you have to grow up quickly so that mom can give you the throne as soon as possible. …”

"Don't scare the child." Linton said next to him.

"..." Tony looked at the two of them speechlessly. With such high-level officials, would this country really not be in chaos? However, it seems to be quite peaceful. At least most of the people below have smiles on their faces, which shows that the country is indeed very stable and harmonious now.

"Speaking of which...is there such a thing in this world?" Tony said suddenly.

"What?" Linton asked.

"Things like dragons." Tony pointed to the camera and said, "Morgan said when I came here that she wanted to see if the dragon looked like the one in the fairy tale book. I think it should look like this. It’s something, right?”

"Yes, I'm working hard at the construction site." Linton said.

"Huh?" Tony was stunned for a moment.

"It's okay. In order not to destroy the child's beautiful dream, I can still keep it cool here. I'll say hello later and maybe perform a drama on the spot." Linton said.

"Uh...then you are so considerate..." Tony said.

"Speaking of which, I can give you one, anyway," Linton said. "It's quite annoying to raise. It's hard to take care of people, eats, drinks, and poops, and bites people all the time..."

"You still want to give me such a troublesome thing?" Tony yelled.

"But he's handsome." Linton said, "Think about it, when your children are in kindergarten, what is the most they can do? Fly a helicopter to and from class? But think about riding a dragon to and from class. , is this comparable? Just to show off, you can tolerate it even if it’s troublesome, right? "

"Uh... it does make sense." Tony here really thought about it. If he could indeed ride a dragon to and from get out of class, how happy would this little Morgan be? I can only imagine how happy she would be. look like. So for the sake of their children’s happiness, isn’t it right for parents to help her with some weird things?

"Can that thing eat people?" Tony asked after thinking for a while.

"Yes." Linton nodded.

"Shut up," Tony said, "Would you prepare something like this for your child as a means of transportation?"

"Yes, even though my child is less than a month old now, slaying a dragon or something should be simple. In a real fight, it doesn't matter who will eat who." Linton said, "Seriously, do you think this is a simple matter? If the dragon takes it away, it may thank you for the rest of its life. If you stay here, I don’t know when it will be played to death by my children.”

"Speaking of which, when Xiao Lin Rui was crying last night, he did launch a light wave and destroyed two houses in the outer city..." Yalan said next to him.

"Are you serious?" Tony here couldn't help but said, "No, are you two parents too big-hearted? Is this how you react to a child less than a month old firing light waves and destroying two houses?"

"Then what can I do? I'm also desperate. If he was older, I could give him a beating and educate him. You see, it's useless to teach him in this situation." Linton spread his hands and said, "Anyway, I'm here for the time being. Set up a defensive barrier in the nursery to check the situation, by the way, it’s already done.”

"Yes, a ninth-level defensive barrier can generally withstand a forbidden spell-level attack." Yalan next to him nodded.

"It doesn't feel like enough, but I have to do this for now. It's really hard to raise children," Linton said.

"I always feel that there is a cross-dimensional gap between your worries and ours." Tony here said, holding his forehead.

To be honest, Tony's arrival did add a lot of fun to the peaceful life. In the next few days, Linton basically took Tony around and recorded the situation in the other world for little Morgan and Potts. Of course Linton's pets, dragons, cushion dogs, brain axes and the like all appear on screen.

Tony actually performed a "drama" about himself fighting a dragon, because it was really interesting to hear, and I guess little Morgan would be very happy to watch it. Of course, Tony also came here wearing nano armor. It was much easier to bring this thing here than it was for her to come here alone.

A few days passed quickly, and the day of the full moon feast arrived. This full moon banquet was obviously quite grand, and the scale was much more exaggerated than when Xiao Lin Rui was born.

In the past few days, the population of the entire imperial city has nearly doubled. Most of them were people who already knew about the prince's birth, and most of them spontaneously rushed to the imperial city to participate in the celebration.

Due to overcrowding, the hotels in the entire Imperial City are already full. Not to mention hotels, even the temporary warehouse-like temporary residences opened are also full of people. Some people are even starting to set up tents outside the city. . It seemed as if a large number of refugees had gathered in the imperial city.

Although everyone came to celebrate, this caused headaches for the ministers. When there is a large floating population, things will happen everywhere. What's more important is that almost all the delegations from various countries have arrived at this time. Let them see such a messy scene in the imperial city, which is detrimental to the national system, so it must be controlled.

In short, as the full moon banquet approaches, the ministers here are very busy. The emperor was on strike at this time, taking care of the children all day without seeing anyone, and the court meetings had been suspended for almost two months. This could not be blamed on her. After all, they knew that there was no one more important than the prince at this time.

Unable to find Yalan, the gang found Linton again. Linton was too lazy to take care of it. To be honest, accompanying Tony to film some "drama" for little Morgan was much more interesting than dealing with state affairs. But what the minister who came to Linton talked about today made him feel a little interesting.

"Messengers from the Madrama Empire? Which group?" Linton asked.

"From the Sudar tribe." The minister of foreign affairs replied.

"Oh? Are they also coming to the celebration?" Linton said a little strangely, "Aren't they here to cause trouble?"

"We are indeed worried that they will cause trouble, so we asked your Excellency if you would like to accept their mission." The minister said.

"There's no need to answer this." Linton thought for a while and said. Yes, the orcs of the Sudar tribe are the tribe that is currently governing the country in the Madrama Empire. Logically speaking, there is no problem for them to send a mission. But hadn't Linton already decided before that he wanted to establish a puppet regime in the Madrama Empire, so he wanted to support the ousted Emperor Ramones.

Since they want to support the original emperor to come back to power, it is naturally impossible to recognize the Sudar tribe that is already in power over there. Therefore, diplomatically, Linton's Holy Empire of Elan calls them rebels and does not recognize them at all.

The mission sent by the other party at this time is quite strange. Now in the eyes of the empire, you are not recognized as a political power. Why are you sending people here? Do you want to make this matter a reality? If they were received, it would mean that the empire recognized the other party's identity, but it was impossible for the empire to admit it at the moment. The two sides had been quite tense before.

The traitor over there who asked to hand over their country, that is, the former emperor Ramones, not only refused to hand over the traitor, but also brought him to recruit soldiers. At first glance, he was ready to support him to continue the war. Will the other side send a mission? Normally speaking, no one who sees such a situation would think that they would still receive them.

"It is true that there is no need to receive them. We originally wanted to reject them." The minister here said, "But an orc named Seder in the mission came to me alone and said that he had some important things that he wanted to discuss privately. Meet the Sword Master."

"Sed?" Linton thought the name seemed familiar. After thinking about it for a moment, he remembered it, "Oh, the guy who betrayed the former emperor and gave me gifts, right? Want to see me? Alone? That's my name. Not Yalan?"

"Yes." The minister nodded.

"Hmm...that business seems interesting, let's meet." Linton thought for a while and said.

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