At this time, the peaceful universe was suddenly broken, and a brilliant beam of light suddenly shot out from the void, running horizontally through the entire space and disappearing at the invisible end. The next second, the entire land of nothingness suddenly exploded, and the entire planet was split from the middle. Half of it remained relatively intact, but the other side was directly shattered into slag.

But regardless of whether it was the good side or the blown side, everything on the surface was instantly thrown out by the impact of the explosion, and was thrown directly into the universe.

The scene instantly turned into chaos. The previous Lokis felt a flash of light, then the ground shook, and the next second they were thrown away by a huge force. Some of them were even torn to pieces on the spot by unknown forces, but more of them were followed by a large number of fragments and were thrown to unknown places.

The Loki body in the sacred timeline was the lucky one. When the huge flash of light appeared, he was also thrown away, but at the same time, he subconsciously grabbed something next to him. He vaguely felt that what he was grabbing was a person's arm. He thought it was Hela standing next to him, but later he saw clearly that it was the female Loki Sylvie who was grasping.

To be honest, it was good to be able to clearly see the people caught in the chaotic situation around them. Hela and others next to them had no idea where they were going. Although the two of them couldn't stand each other's condition for the time being, they had no other choice at this time. They held each other tightly and barely resisted the unknown things flying around them.

Fortunately, the two of them are not ordinary people. After all, they have the physique of an ice giant, which is similar to that of the Asgardian protoss. You must know that Loki can escape danger every time, not only by brains and luck, but also by physical fitness. Loki in the sacred timeline once fell off the Rainbow Bridge and fell into a space-time vortex, where he seemed destined to die, but he survived. Although it was later said that Thanos' men saved him, you still want to wait until someone comes to save him, right?

Due to the chaos around them, the two had no idea where they were thrown. However, after flying for a while, the chaos around them suddenly disappeared, and the two of them seemed to feel tranquility for an instant. Before they could react, the two of them began to fall slowly, and finally stood on a strange ground.

If you say this place is weird, that's because this place does look weird. The two people are now in the center surrounded by a ring-shaped light belt. The huge light belt around them is shining with colorful light. Although they don't know what it is, looking at it feels like it is shocking.

The center of this light belt is where they are, and it looks like a weird-shaped asteroid. The surrounding ground is blue and purple. At first glance, it is surrounded by rocks, and time and space here seem to have stopped. Everything around is particularly quiet. When you raise your head, you can see the magnificent aperture surrounding it. I have to say that the scenery in this place is quite beautiful.

"Where is this?" Loki couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, but it might be the place we are looking for. Look there." Sylvie pointed to the front and said.

Loki looked forward and found a strange castle standing on the top of the purple mountain just in front of them. At first glance, this castle looked like it had been uninhabited for many years and was in disrepair. The surrounding walls already exuded the smell of decay, but for some reason, Loki seemed to feel the same when he saw the castle. The person I want to meet is the feeling inside this building.

Simply using the word "weird" to describe the current situation seems not enough. So, should we go to the castle in front now? Both of them are a little confused.

But at this moment, a voice from the side suddenly sounded: "Oh? Why are you still faster than me, oh? You came here holding your little hand, okay, what happened when I didn't know?"

"Linton?" The two of them turned back at the same time, and then saw Linton walking from behind them. Then when he heard Linton's words, he lowered his head and saw that the two of them were indeed holding hands. They were holding hands together before. When they came down, they were stunned when they saw such a scene, and they didn't let go subconsciously. . But after hearing Linton's words, Sylvie immediately waved her hands and opened her mouth.

"Don't pay so much attention to what I said. I understand everything I said." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Where is this? How did we get here?" Sylvie here asked immediately.

"This should be the end of the timeline." Linton looked around and said, "Of course it's not necessarily true. After all, if they can set up a Time Variation Administration to act, the end of the timeline may be fake. "

"So, the person you are talking about should be the person we are looking for, right?" Sylvie said, then pointed to the castle on the mountain in the distance, "He is right there."

"Probably so." Linton nodded, "Are you going?"

"That guy invited us in?" Loki asked.

"It's possible." Linton really didn't know. He saw that after the explosion in the Land of Nothingness, a huge portal or something appeared in front of him. Through the portal, he could see the castle inside. Naturally, he had nothing to be afraid of. He walked directly through the portal and came here. As soon as he came here, he saw two Lokis, who were still in front of Linton. Linton really didn't know how they got in. He didn't know if they were blown in by the explosion or if someone inside took the initiative to open the door for them.

"Anyway, the only thing left to do now is to meet that person, right?" Sylvie took a breath. She had been hunted by the Time Variation Administration for so many years and had been hiding in hiding. This time she finally found the mastermind behind the scenes. She was There are a lot of accounts to be settled with the other party. Have we finally reached this point?

Indeed, there was nothing else around except the castle. The three of them moved forward and quickly arrived at the gate of the castle. When I walked into it, I found that the castle was indeed shabby. It didn't seem to be a problem if no one had lived in it for hundreds of years, but the three of them vaguely seemed to feel that there was someone inside, maybe it was a sixth sense, or something. What methods did the other party use?

"What to do now? Knock on the door? Or try to sneak in..." Loki asked here.

There was a "bang", and as soon as he finished speaking, Sylvie here kicked the door open. As a result, the door here was open, but a layer of ash fell on it, making it suddenly filled with smoke.

"Ahem...can you...say hello next time." Loki here said while waving.

Of course, after all, the focus is still on the situation inside. It's obvious that the inside of this old castle also looks like an old castle. Looking at the classical decoration style that doesn't even feel inconsistent, this scene without any surprises even makes people feel strange.

There was no one in the hall in front, and it was as quiet as before. At first glance, it seemed like everyone was in the wrong place. However, the three of them walked in anyway, and just as they were about to explore inside, they suddenly "swiped" and something jumped out of the front.

Sylvie and Loki immediately took out daggers and acted vigilantly. Linton didn't react at all. After all, what appeared was not a person, but something similar to a three-dimensional projection. And what was projected was something they had all seen before.

"Miss Time?" Yes, there is an orange cartoon-like thing in front of me. It is the mascot-like assistant of the Time Variation Administration, Miss Time. The whole thing looks like a clock with arms and legs added on. It originally looked quite cute, but now that it appears here, it feels a little weird.

"Welcome to the castle at the end of time. He expressed his great admiration for the hardships you have experienced." Miss Time said.

"He? Who is it?" Sylvie asked immediately. It was obvious that this person was the mastermind behind the scenes.

"You can call him the remnant. After all, he is also the last one left." Miss Time said, "The real master of the Time Variation Administration. He created all this and can control it all. At the end of time, only The ones left behind.”

"The ones left behind..." they both repeated.

"Um, can I ask a question?" Linton suddenly raised his hand and said.

"Okay, I was originally responsible for answering questions." Miss Time here said.

"Since there is an AI smart assistant, why didn't your TN come out when I got the time controller? Do you know that I have been thinking about it for a long time?" Linton yelled directly.

"Uh..." Sylvie and Loki next to them both looked at Linton in confusion. Why are the things you care about so strange at this moment?

Maybe the question was so weird that even Miss Time here was stunned for a moment, and then said: "As an assistant, my job is to help the owner deal with the problem, not to help the user of the instrument. I am not a mobile phone assistant... I Say you don’t have any other questions to ask?”

"If I want to talk to you, do I still need to come here?" Linton said, "The reason why I don't ask anything else is because I basically know that you are here to confuse these two people. Let them return to the original timeline or something like that, but first consider that these two are Loki. They never believe what others say, let alone you who are still enemies. This is not a waste of time. So let’s not Let’s stop this boring thing, let the guy behind you come out, it’s almost time to face me.”

At this point, Linton suddenly paused, and then shouted around: "The remaining people, what a strange name, come out and face me! Kang!"

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