"Is there really such a thing?" Loki here was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm even a little curious about what it is."

"I believe you will have a lot of time to communicate with him." The old Loki here said, "The one I am more curious about now is indeed this one. I have asked all the Lokis here, only Holy Time Your existence has appeared online. If it is inferred in this way..."

"I am the mastermind behind this, right? Sure enough, they are all Loki, and the conclusions they have reached are really the same." Linton raised his forehead, "And you really believe Hela, right?"

"Then how do you explain that you exist only on the sacred timeline?" Hela said.

"No need to explain." Linton spread his hands and said, "Just you? Just Hela, you want me to explain to you? If you want to do it, just come and bring your brother's army with you. I'm afraid you will add a Isn’t it possible to pile up trash fish?”

"Miscellaneous fish..." Loki next to him directly held his forehead.

"How dare you call the great Askide warrior a bastard?" Loki, the kid here, said unhappily.

"No, no, no, let him speak, let him speak." Loki here said quickly.

"Have you seen it? It always reminds me of the first time I saw you." Linton smiled and said to Loki, "Sure enough, there is still a lot to deal with. Okay, let's call all the Lokis together. , can I give you one hand?"

"I can't bear it anymore, let's deal with this guy together!" Loki, the kid here, yelled, "Tell you, I killed Thor."

"I agree with you this time," said the strong black man next to him.

"Gah." The crocodile on the ground also shouted. Although he didn't understand the meaning, he probably agreed.

"Thor? That guy who was mentally scarred by me and now drinks every day and has turned into a dead house? Can this guy also be used as bragging rights?" Linton said.

"Is that guy still staying at home?" Hela here held her forehead.

"You don't care what that guy is like, anyway, come on!" The kid here, Loki, waved his hand, but the people next to him had no intention of coming on him at all. They just made a gesture of wanting to come on, and they were all there. Wait for others to come first.

"I knew I would do this." Loki next to him held his forehead, "Isn't there a Berserker version of me?"

"Oh oh oh oh..." Just as Loki was saying this, a huge man with a fur hood on the other side took a giant ax and killed Linton directly. come over.

"Really?" Loki was stunned, and suddenly found that there were a lot of people coming from the other side. The leader of them looked quite similar to him. He was probably Loki, but the others were... ...There are all kinds of weird things, maybe they are all me.

"The people over there are also here? It just so happens that everyone joins forces to let this guy feel the bravery of the Asskid warriors!" Loki, the kid here, shouted.

However, before he could finish speaking, Linton pointed in the direction of the barbarian Loki who was rushing towards him. A beam of light shot out from his hand and penetrated directly through the barbarian Loki in an instant, killing him instantly. It turned into ashes. Not only that, the beam of light here penetrated all the way forward, passed over the heads of a group of Lokis over there, and then hit an abandoned city in the distance.

There was a loud "boom" and a huge explosion. The huge city that was in front of me just disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only a huge crater was left on the ground, with sand and dust flying around it. There were strange blue creatures running towards this direction as if they were running for their lives. They were probably frightened into panic and lost their way.

Everyone stared blankly at the city that evaporated instantly. Is this... too exaggerated? In such a casual move, a city was lost?

"Well, this guy is indeed more perverted." Loki, the only one from the Sacred Timeline who knew a little bit about the situation, was the first to come to his senses. After all, he had personally experienced Linton's destruction of Asgard and knew the strength of this guy. , I haven’t seen him for a short time. This guy will probably be even more powerful, but it’s hard to imagine that it will be to this extent. It’s so exaggerated that he was stunned for a long time even if he was mentally prepared.

"You killed my brother!" Hela here suddenly shouted after coming back to her senses.

"One of them," Linton said, "is adopted."

"I...I want..." Hela pointed at Linton, but looked like she didn't know what to do.

"Is there anyone else you want to join?" Linton looked around at Loki who was stunned. "It's rare to be surrounded by Loki's army. Unfortunately, there are a few people. How about you call a few more and I'll give it a try." Killing a thousand people by one person sounds like a strange achievement."

"So this is how Asgard was destroyed here?" Old Loki asked, pointing at Linton.

"Absolutely." Loki held his forehead.

"What idiot brought this guy here?" asked old Loki.


"I knew it!" Old Loki nodded.

"What should we do now? This guy is so strong that he is no longer a human being. Do you want to run away?" Loki, the black man next to him, asked.

"Well, let me tell you guys, that cloud that can eat people you mentioned before seems to be here." Sylvie here suddenly said at this time.

These words attracted everyone's attention, including Linton. Turning to look to the side, sure enough, at the location pointed by Sylvie, a huge purple cloud in the sky was moving towards them. Yes, this cloud seemed to be alive, and it was obviously actively approaching them.

Purple electric light flashed continuously in the middle of the cloud, like the beating heart of a monster. This cloud is not hanging high in the sky, but coming in an overwhelming manner. As he walked, he kept swallowing things on the ground. Things like houses disappeared under the thick clouds in an instant, and he didn't know what happened after they disappeared. The current situation is like a huge black cloud pressing down on the situation, and it is full of depression.

"It's over. There was too much movement here, and Elios noticed it." The child Loki said.

"Is this the man-eating cloud? What the hell?" Loki couldn't help but said, "Is this alive?"

"He is the cleaner here and devours everything sent here." The elderly Loki next to him explained, "This is like a shark tank, Elios is the shark, and we are the dinner."

"You just said you were going to find it?" Loki pointed to the approaching purple clouds and said, "Are you planning to..."

"My points...no, most of my people were swallowed by it, so of course I have to kill it." Linton said.

"I knew..." Loki held his forehead, "But you also saw that this guy is really a cloud. You don't want to chop it into pieces."

"Why are we looking for it?" asked Sylvie next to him. "Does he have anything to do with the person behind the scenes?"

"Is it related to the person behind the scenes?" Hela next to him heard this and came over. "Are you also looking for that guy? The person who sent us here? I will also look for him, if it is really not you. .”

"Hey, you don't want to stay, do you?" Except for Hela, the other Lokis were ready to run away when Elios came over. The elderly Loki here looked at Hela and asked.

"What should we do? If we kill this cloud, will the person behind the scenes appear?" Hela asked Linton.

"Uh... Although there are some problems with the statement, that's pretty much it." Linton said.

"Really?" asked Sylvie next to her.

"This guy is like a guard dog. If you solve it, the door will open, leading to the end of time in the void, where that guy is," Linton said.

"Then defeat it." Sylvie said immediately.

"I have to remind you that I have tried to solve this problem before, but as you can see it has no effect." Hela said, "All my attacks have been swallowed up by the opponent, whether they are physical or magical."

"You can't beat me because you're weak," Linton said. "That argument doesn't apply to me."

"You..." Hela here was obviously angry and wanted to hit someone, but she still stopped her hand, saying that the current situation could not allow internal fighting. Of course, she also knew the actual situation and was not Linton's opponent at all, "So you Is there any way? I can cooperate with you for the time being."

"Method? Cooperation? No need." Linton said, "I don't need to hold back, one person is enough. As for the method? It's not necessary either, just face it head-on."

Just as he was talking, the clouds here had already approached not far in front of several people. At this time, Elios seemed to have noticed a few people waiting for it in front of him. It was probably the first time he saw people who didn't run away after seeing it. He actually seemed a little angry, and the lightning in his body beat even more fiercely.

At the same time, a piece of purple cloud actually poked out, and then the piece slowly changed a little, and actually gathered into something like the head of a canine beast, facing Linton and others. The man made a huge roar that sounded a bit like electromagnetic noise.

"Oh oh oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid." Linton nodded and said.

"It's obviously trying to intimidate us, okay? How can you tell that it's afraid?" Loki said next to him, "Are we really going to confront a guy like this head-on? Do you really have any idea? This doesn't fit in with my style."

"But as long as it suits me." Linton said, "I told you that you don't need to do anything. I came here specifically to find this guy. If you really want to do it... just find a way to survive on your own, because it's so light down there. Even standing on the battlefield is very difficult."

"Huh?" Hela here hadn't understood yet, and was about to retort when Linton's body suddenly flashed with light, and a light-colored ray of light shot out from his body, leading directly to the sky.

"Super Saiyan God..."

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