I really can't control myself

Chapter 1750 Invasion

After passing through the space door, the two of them appeared in a passage made of cement walls. There were lights on the top, illuminating the surrounding area in yellow. This looks like a cold architectural style, and Linton looks like it really is the headquarters of the Time Variation Administration.

Obviously there was no one around the place where they appeared, but Linton looked around and noticed the guards around him.

"This is the headquarters of the Time Variation Administration?" Linton asked.

"I'm not lying to you." Sylvie here said, "What are you going to do? Our invasion will be discovered soon. If you really want to deal with them, I actually have a plan."

"Use a lot of space-time bombs to be dropped at random points in time, causing a lot of chaos in the timeline to attract their attention, and then take advantage of the chaos to sneak into the opponent's headquarters, right?" Linton said.

"How...how do you know?" Sylvie was stunned. What Linton said was indeed her plan. She said before that she didn't trust anyone, and no one knew about this plan except herself.

"After all, it's just Loki, and every plan he makes is so cowardly." Linton said, "A person of your level can come up with such a plan."

"You..." Sylvie expressed dissatisfaction, "Then what are your plans? Let me hear them?"

"I heard that this place is a magic-forbidden area, and magic and other things are not easy to use." Linton suddenly talked about other things, waved his hand, and said, "Indeed, even the time stone didn't respond. "

"Magic can't be used?" Sylvie was stunned for a moment, and then he stretched out his left hand. A green light flashed on his hand, but it disappeared very quickly. "It's true, but how did you know? It must be your first time. Come here.”

Linton smiled and did not answer Sylvie's question. He continued to talk about himself: "Unfortunately, the only ones that can be stopped are the forces that exist in this world. They are forces that do not conform to the laws of this world at all. I really don't believe you can stop them." .Didn’t you just ask me what to do if I say something? Hehehe..."

Linton smiled as he spoke. Although she didn't know why, Sylvie always felt that Linton's smile was not very friendly.

"It's time to say hello, let's go." Linton said, throwing Sylvie aside, then clasping his hands together, "Shinra Tenzheng!"

There was a loud "boom" and the whole building shook. Under the huge repulsive force, the surrounding buildings exploded and debris flew everywhere.

At the same time, on the other side of the Time Variation Administration, Loki on the sacred timeline was chatting with an agent from the Time Variation Administration called Mobius.

Yes, Loki still came to the Time Variation Administration and became a time criminal. According to the judge here, Loki should have ended his life by being killed by Thanos in the battle with Thanos, but it was probably due to Linton's influence that Loki chose to use magic to survive. However, doing so naturally changed the sacred timeline, created another branch of time, and created a parallel space, so the people from the Time Variation Administration found him and captured him.

Originally, according to the trial of the court here, Loki would naturally be "cropped", but at this time, the agent named Mobius found the judge and reluctantly spared him. And his purpose is to use Loki to capture Loki.

Yes, the Time Variation Management Bureau also has a headache for the escaped time criminal, Female Loki, but they can't find the other person's whereabouts inexplicably. They have no idea what method the other party used to avoid them. track.

Seeing that there was really no way out, Mobius, the agent in charge of the incident, suddenly came up with a solution. Of course, the person who knows Loki best is Loki himself. In this case, we might as well use Loki to catch Loki, and the Loki in front of us is the time criminal in the time branch that just appeared. Mobius is Stepped in to save him.

In fact, the two sides had already fought once before. It was in Wisconsin in 1985. A team from the Time Variation Administration was ambushed by Sylvie, but when Mobius rushed over with Loki, it was already... It was too late, the other party had already left and captured one of their team members, C20. The other party who captured their people definitely wanted to do something. Now Mobius was very anxious, but he really couldn't find where the other party had gone.

Mobius immediately asked Loki to think of a way and think about where he would hide if it were him. Not to mention that this method is really useful, the person who knows you best is you. Loki spent a little effort to think about it, and finally got the correct answer, which was...hiding at the time when it was about to be destroyed.

Because the Time Variation Administration searches for mutation points, the time and space where the time criminal appears will definitely have some mutation in the sacred timeline, and this can be detected by them. However, the time point when it is about to be destroyed becomes a blind spot, such as a place that is about to encounter the disaster of a volcanic eruption. Even if they do some abnormal time, they will be destroyed immediately afterwards, and the timeline will not have any fluctuations.

After figuring this out, the two immediately began to search for what time and space was about to be destroyed. They did find clues. They had fought before, and the other party left some clues, such as a piece of chewing gum. This chewing gum will only be released between 2047 and 2051, which has narrowed the scope a lot.

While the two were discussing and studying the devastating events that occurred during this period. Suddenly there was a loud "boom" and the whole building shook violently, as if some explosion had occurred.

The location of the two people was not far from the location of the explosion, and they should obviously be somewhere ahead. Due to the impact of the explosion, both Loki and Mobius were knocked to the ground, and the information being investigated was scattered everywhere.

"What's going on?" Loki stood up in panic.

There was a "beep" sound, and red lights lit up all around. Yes, such a big movement naturally triggered an alarm. I only heard the broadcast from the headquarters of the Time Variation Administration saying: "It is discovered that the headquarters has been invaded. The location is on the third floor of Area C. Please prepare for battle and go to meet the intruders. .”

"Intruder? Is this place invaded?" Loki was stunned. "Who is it? Me from another time and space?"

"Area C is just in front of us." Mobius said next to him, and then looked at Loki next to him, "Don't you want to take advantage of this opportunity..."

"No, no, no, we are on the same front now." Loki quickly pointed to his neck and said. Yes, there is a collar around his neck. Of course, it was put on him by the Time Variation Administration. With this thing, he can't do anything he wants. The other party can slow down, pause, and rewind at will. There was no way to resist.

"Anyway, since the other party came here on their own initiative, it might be a good thing." Mobius said, but he was not worried about the appearance of the intruder. In his opinion, the defense force of the Time Variation Administration is still very strong. He just threw himself into a trap.

Now he has acquiesced that the intruder is Sylvie. After all, they only know this one person who is against them. Although it was quite troublesome for Loki to hide, it would be less troublesome if he showed up now.

"Let's go and catch that guy." Mobius said. After all, he was the person in charge of the female Loki's case. Since the other party appeared, of course he had to catch him.

"We?" Loki next to him was stunned for a moment.

"Of course, I am the person in charge." Mobius said.

"But you also saw that the other side has a bomb." Loki said.

"How much do you think he can bring?" Mobius said, "This is just something that wants to cause chaos. He has definitely started to take action now. We will take the opportunity to catch him."

Loki thought about it and felt that it made sense, because if it were him, he would choose methods such as swaying the tiger away from the mountain, and he would definitely not be confrontational. That is not his style. This bomb is probably a means of attracting people. My words may have gone in another direction.

"Let's go first..." As soon as Mobius finished speaking, he suddenly froze. What he wanted to say was to search the nearby passages to see if there was any trace of the other party, but at this moment he saw two people approaching from the front, coming from Area C.

This is very strange. Is this person really coming from the front? He has been capturing female Loki for some time. Based on his understanding of the other party, the other party will definitely not choose to do this. Didn't the explosion just attract attention?

At this time, he also turned his head and looked at the other person. In front of him was a man carrying a woman. Although the two of them had never met before, he was basically sure that the woman was the Loki he was looking for the first time he saw her. Yes, the Time Variation Administration has arrested Loki many times, and he is a little familiar with the guy's outfit, especially the horned crown on his head. He really likes this thing.

But the question arises, who is this man? Mobius looked at Linton with a confused face, not recognizing him at all. He probably works together with the time criminal Loki, but this guy... doesn't seem to be a time criminal at all. I don't remember having any information about him.

"Who are you?" Mobius asked directly.

"It's over." Before Linton could answer, Loki next to him suddenly said with a trembling voice, "It's this guy... It's really over now. At this time, the Mutation Management Bureau may be completely blown away. ”

"Oh? You recognize me." Linton looked at Loki over here. "It seems that it is indeed Loki over here. Long time no see. Why are you kidding me again? Are you standing in front of me to stop me?" Cover me? How about you kowtow to me quickly, or else I’ll take action directly?”

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