I really can't control myself

Chapter 1747 Searching

"Loki? Are you talking about the Asgardian? I haven't heard that name for a long time." Tony here said.

"To be precise, this guy is not an Asgardian, but forget it." Linton said, "Have these guys not appeared for a long time? When was the last time I saw them?"

"What you said last time was the time with the Kryptonians, but it was only Thor. As for the Loki you are looking for, I really haven't heard his name for a long time." Tony said.

"That's it." Linton nodded. The time with the Kryptonians that Tony was talking about was naturally the time when Linton conducted experiments on world events last time. He did meet Thor, the one who turned into a fat god. At this time, Linton also remembered something. The Loki of this world seemed to have heard Thor say that he was killed by Thanos when Thanos invaded.

Why did Linton want to find Loki? Of course it was because Loki was targeted by people from the Time Variation Administration for some unknown reason. For example, in the original book, there is not only Loki in the main world of the movie, but also Loki in other worlds, such as the old version, the juvenile version, the presidential version, the barbarian version, and even the kind of Loki who is not a human but a crocodile. They were all captured by people from the Time Variation Administration, and most of them were directly cut out and sent to the Land of Nothingness, where they had already formed gangs.

Linton naturally doesn't know the location of the Time Variation Management Bureau now. Unless the other party takes the initiative to find him, otherwise if he wants to find them, Linton's first reaction is to find Loki first. If he finds the other party, he might be there. Possibility to find the Temporal Variation Authority.

But is Loki in this plane really dead? Linton is really not sure about this, because the original work did not explain this, and later there did appear an old Loki who lived to old age through that suspended animation. Who knows whether the Loki in this world is really dead or faked.

However, the more troublesome thing is that it is really troublesome to find Loki now, regardless of whether the other party is alive or not. The reason is that although Linton's aura perception range is very large and can reach the level of interplanetary, this guy is really not on the earth, and he doesn't know which planet he is on. The universe is so big, Linton can't search it all.

This matter is quite annoying, and Linton is a little stuck here. Can we just passively wait for these guys to come to our door now? This was not what Linton wanted.

I have been thinking about what to do, and Quentin Baker and others here have also been dealt with. Tony directly contacted the federal government and asked them to negotiate with London. Of course, the negotiations went relatively smoothly. After that, these people would be extradited back to the United States. As for things like clarification, Tony doesn't need to do it himself. Although Valentina had always been a little unclear about what she wanted to do, it was more pleasant to deal with Tony on behalf of the federal government and leave it to her. There should be no problem handling it.

In short, the problem was solved here, so the three of them naturally opened the door and went back first. However, even though Baker was solved, Tony still felt that the matter was not over yet when he looked at Linton. The matter on Asuna's side had not been solved yet, and it seemed that Linton would not give up casually.

"So you are still thinking about how to deal with the Time Variation Management Bureau, right? It seems that you are in some trouble, or maybe more people can find a solution?" Tony naturally wanted to get involved and said directly.

"Time Variation Management Bureau?" Asuna asked next to her. At this time, the three of them had returned. Of course, Asuna had been waiting in Linton's villa.

"That Baker is a fool. It should be the Time Variation Administration that kidnapped your clone." Linton said simply, "You should know that."

"Although I heard the master say it once, I don't know the specific situation." Asuna said.

"Did your master watch the movie instead of the TV series?" Linton said, "In short, it is an organization responsible for modifying the timeline to prevent the emergence of parallel spaces."

"Revise the timeline?" Tony next to him asked in surprise. Suddenly he felt that this matter seemed really serious. The timeline was revised. "So they can travel through time and space? But they are What criteria were used to trim the timeline?"

"I don't know. It is said that there is something called the Sacred Timeline, and that is the standard. But I don't know exactly what the Sacred Timeline is," Linton said. "Anyway, strange things beyond that timeline will happen." Be eliminated by them to avoid branching events, and try to control things within the scope of the sacred timeline."

"So our current timeline is secretly controlled by the other party?" Tony asked.

"No, on the contrary, it should be in chaos." Linton said, "Because of my existence."

"Huh? Uh... Oh, you are not from this world, so you messed up the timeline." Tony probably understood the meaning, "That's why they took action against you and Asuna?"

"The strange thing is that if they wanted to take action, they should have done it long ago. They can travel to any timeline. If they wanted to take action, I should have met them when I first came here." Linton said, "But the problem is Although the other party has taken action against Asuna, I have never encountered them here, and why now? This is not the first time Asuna has been here. If you want to repair the timeline, go directly to Asuna. Wasn’t it good when Na first came?”

"Then... maybe the target is not Asuna, but what Asuna brought? It's the infinite energy furnace you mentioned. Maybe that thing has too great an impact on the world, so they have to Take action?" Tony thought for a moment and said.

"Baker's side has almost copied it, and I haven't seen them looking for anyone." Linton said, "Besides, there are so many things with infinite energy in this world, and the infinite stones don't say when they will run out of power, right? In the eyes of the Time Variation Administration, this aspect probably won't attract their attention that much. More importantly, I really can't figure it out if the other party doesn't come to me."

"So now you are going to go directly to them, right?" Asuna asked here.

"Of course, originally they didn't mess with me, and I didn't mess with them either, so let's forget about it. But now that they've taken the initiative to mess with me, they still want me to let them go?" Linton said.

"If they can control time, it should be very troublesome. If nothing else, these people are definitely not in this time and space, right." Tony said, "Or forget it, after all, nothing happened to Asuna, right? ."

"Can this be tolerated?" Linton said.

"Anyway, all you've lost is a robot body. I'll make a new one for you," Tony said.

"Hmm..." Linton hesitated for a moment, "No, I can't bear it. It doesn't matter what the loss is. The place must be recovered, otherwise these people will really think that I am easy to bully."

"No..." Tony said that he had a headache. Brother, please stop looking for trouble. It's very troublesome to hear about the Time Variation Administration. If we really fight with them, we don't know what will happen.

"But you can't find the opponent's headquarters now, can you?" Asuna here made the point. "Otherwise, you would have killed them directly."

"Yes, I don't know where the headquarters of the Time Variation Administration is. It could be in a separate time and space. If you want to go there, you must use their people's unique devices." Linton said.

"It's the portal-like thing that Baker mentioned before, right? Now I know, it's a time and space gate, right?" Tony said.

"Well, that thing can not only teleport, but also travel through time and space. Unfortunately, it can only be used in this timeline. It is something similar to a timeline inserter." Linton said.

"So now we can only wait for the other party to come to us?" Asuna said.

"Or seduce the other party to come out on their own initiative." Linton said, "If you directly destroy the entire timeline, the other party should take care of it. But ordinary methods probably won't work. I have done a lot of things to destroy the timeline before, but The other party didn't show up, so it seems we have to do something more thorough, like exploding stars one by one until the other party shows up..."

"Stop it!" Tony yelled directly, "Can't we use a more normal method? Isn't their target Asuna, but they killed just a clone before, right? Now Asuna It has appeared again. If you install that machine again, the other person will appear."

"Will this work? I don't think so," Linton said. "Otherwise, the other person would have appeared from the side while we were talking."

Tony looked to the side and saw that there was indeed no movement. I still didn't understand the other party's purpose, so I thought for a while: "Besides Asuna, is there any other bait?"

"Yes, it's Loki," Linton said.

"That guy? Why?" Tony asked strangely.

"It's not very clear, but that guy is definitely being targeted," Linton said.

"Then we are looking for him now?" Tony asked.

"This guy is not easy to find, because according to Thor, this guy has been strangled to death by Thanos." Linton said.

"Huh?" Tony was stunned for a moment.

"Or it could be fake death," Linton said.

"But...then...how to find them now?" Tony said, "Besides Loki, is there anyone else who is being targeted?"

"As far as I know, there is no... Wait!" Linton suddenly felt a shock when he said this. "I remembered it, and I have a solution."

"Think of it? Are there other people they are targeting?" Tony asked, "Who is it?"

"It's still Loki," Linton said.


"It's just the female version."

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