"We now know the control signal segments of these drones. Although we have not deciphered the other party's operation code and obtained the control rights of these drones in reverse, we should be able to find relevant information through the characteristics of these signal segments. It's from the transmitting tower." Tony here said while operating on the computer, "As long as the other party does not change the signal segment controlled by the other party, once the other party uses the drone, I should be able to find the other party's precise position within fifteen minutes... Of course, the premise is that the other party's location is within the London city you mentioned."

"What if the other party changes?" Linton asked.

"Well...this is more troublesome." Tony said, obviously he hadn't thought about it yet. But currently there are not many methods that they can use.

"It doesn't sound very reliable," Linton said.

"Then you have a better idea? Can your clairvoyance only be accurate as far as London?" Tony said, "Didn't you say that magic is omnipotent? Give me a show."

"It can be done, but it's not necessary." Linton said, "The threshold for finding someone to show off is really too low. Simply put, even if you find someone, you still don't feel like you can pretend..."

"Now the other party is making a thing that can blow up the earth. Can you be a little more serious?" Tony yelled directly, "At worst, I will help you shout more honestly later."

"What I mean is that this kind of simple work doesn't cost anything at all, just leave it to the people below." Linton said and pulled directly from the side, the portal opened, and Asuna was pulled out directly by him.

"Miss Asuna?" Peter here was stunned, "Are you okay?"

"No, if you are talking about me before, something must have really happened." Asuna said, "I didn't find her signal here."

"Surely something happened?" Linton asked.

"Yes, the synchronization information signal here is basically covered by the satellite, unless she was taken to some deep underground base that the satellite cannot find. And now the strange thing is that I didn't search. Looking at her backup information, it seems that the incident happened so suddenly that she had no time to make a backup," Asuna said.

"Um...what's going on? What does Miss Asuna mean?" Peter asked.

"You didn't know this guy was a robot?" Linton asked.

"What? Miss Asuna is a robot?" Peter was stunned for a moment, then looked at Tony next to him.

"I knew it from the beginning, didn't I mention it to you?" Tony said.

"Huh? I... um... why didn't anyone tell me?" Peter here touched his head and said, "Then this is Miss Asuna No. 2?"

"Although the name is a bit strange, it's what you think. This is Unit 2. Generally speaking, two people can share information through data transmission, so it doesn't matter if they are the same person. It's just that Unit 1 is missing here. After that, the data could not be transmitted, and we don’t know what happened. We still need to investigate clearly, maybe the body can be salvaged.

After all, there are more than 3 million points. Linton now hopes that the Asuna clone here is just turned off or something. If it is broken, it will be a bit of a loss. It is also because the black shop over there sells it so expensively. These more than 300 The price difference of 10,000 yuan is almost as much as that of an infinite gem.

"Anyway, you tell her the matter again." Linton said to Peter.

"So why did you just bring her here?" Tony next to him held his forehead. He just said it once and immediately said it a second time. Isn't it troublesome at this time of tight time? Of course, Linton said that he almost forgot about her, and only remembered Asuna when he was thinking about work.

Peter didn't complain about anything, and quickly told Asuna the current situation again. Peter spoke very quickly, and often said words that he didn't know what they meant, but Asuna understood them very clearly.

"So in the current situation, this person named Quentin Baker is the number one suspect, right?" Asuna immediately understood the point. Of course, she also wanted to find her spare body. After all, she didn't know if Linton would. One will be replaced, "So now we need to find this guy first before we can ask about the situation."

"So is there any good way?" Linton said.

"Hmm..." Asuna thought for three seconds, "There is indeed a more suitable technique."

"Let's see what is useful." Linton glanced at Tony here, "Come on, tell me what technology my nephew has."

"High-frequency sound wave transmitting and receiving technology." Asuna said.

"Uh...you mean radar?" Tony, of course, knew his stuff and said immediately.

"Well, it's indeed the same principle." Asuna nodded.

"Can this accurately locate a person's location?" Tony looked confused. Of course he understood the principle, but he had never heard of using radar to find people.

"The focus is on the medium that emits high-frequency sound waves. The technology here is to transmit and receive signals through the mobile phones carried by everyone. When the number of mobile phones reaches a certain level, the entire thing will form a 3D stereoscopic image." Sina said.

"Transmitting signals through mobile phones?" Tony was stunned. "You mean to invade people's mobile phones? But on a large scale? Everyone's mobile phones?"

"Oh oh oh, I suddenly understood." Linton understood, "Is this a technology provided by Bruce?"

"Yeah." Asuna nodded.

"Wait a minute, isn't this a technology from The Dark Knight? Bruce over there also has this technology?" Linton asked.

"Well, I found it in the Wayne Group headquarters." Asuna said.

"Oh...it seems that Bruce over there also fucked a clown when he was young." Linton nodded.

"What are you talking about? Who is Bruce? This guy invented this technology?" Tony said immediately, "This is a very unethical technology that directly invades people's mobile phones and infringes on citizens' privacy."

"Well, anyway, if you don't do it, at most the earth will be penetrated and exploded. Compared with the privacy of citizens, the explosion of the earth is nothing more than a trivial matter." Linton nodded and said, "What are you going to do anyway?"

"Done." Tony said immediately.

"Huh? Is this really okay, Mr. Stark? This should be illegal, right?" Peter here understood the meaning and said immediately.

"Then what other way do you have to find that guy?" Tony asked.

"That..." Of course Little Spider had nothing to do.

"Then shut up first." Tony said, "With this technology, there should be no problem with mobile phones transmitting and receiving high-frequency signals. The most important thing is the algorithm."

"I have a complete algorithm here." Asuna said immediately.

"I'm going to prepare the equipment." Tony said.

Several people immediately began to divide the work and cooperate, moving equipment and debugging machines. Asuna's side is now optimizing the algorithm. The most important thing is that the mobile phone system in this world is still a little different from that in DC. If you want to In order to invade and control the mobile phone here, you need to adjust the program slightly. Of course, the algorithm does not need to change much after the invasion is successful, it is all the same.

After an afternoon of preparation, the temporary echo radar system was completed. It was composed of a huge host and a lot of screens. The startup effect was probably similar to that of Batman.

Of course, as before, although it can basically invade all mobile phones in the world, it is obviously still a needle in a haystack. The best thing is to determine a certain range. Of course, the scope has been determined, and it is naturally the London that Linton mentioned.

"Is it in London?" Asuna nodded.

"You don't know?" Linton asked.

"My master didn't tell me about this part of the plot." Asuna said, "Is this person named Quentin Beck also an enemy in the original work?"

"Oh, you really don't know. No wonder your clone was tricked by the other party." Linton nodded, "I don't know if your master didn't watch the second part."

"What second part?" asked Peter next to him.

"It's your second one." Linton said, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain, let's start searching first."

"Start... start." Asuna said and clicked OK. The first trial run was to start the search directly. After waiting for a while, some strange effects began to appear on the screen, a black and white picture without color, like a dotted line diagram, but if you look carefully, you can still see the situation clearly. It is obviously the sound waves around the mobile phone as a medium. Detectable images within the range.

"Then the other party's information." After the information started to be displayed here, Asuna began to enter the other party's information. Because Quentin Baker here worked for Stark Company before, there are a lot of photos, video materials and the like.

There are two main ways to find someone. One is the other person’s appearance, but this is more troublesome to compare. After all, what the mobile phone here scans is a 3D image, and now they only have the other person’s photos and videos. It is possible to match them. There will be errors and it will take a lot of time.

The second and more convenient thing is that there is his audio information here, so as long as the other party speaks, the other party's position can be locked immediately. This method is the fastest, but it requires the other party to speak and there must be a mobile phone nearby.

The search will take some time, and it is not yet certain that the other party is in London. Linton's memory of the plot is correct, but no one can guarantee the changes in the plot.

After searching for a while, a few people were getting a little anxious while waiting. When Tony wanted to get another one to search other cities, suddenly there was a "beep" sound here, and a lot of screens were originally displayed. The screen was suddenly fixed on a picture, it means someone has been found.

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