I really can't control myself

Chapter 1739 Processing

"I... to be honest, I haven't thought about it yet..." Ramones hesitated and said. Just when Linton thought that the recent series of events were like a set of combo punches that had stunned the kid, the other party's last words made him stunned for a moment, "That Sudar is also one of the best among our orcs. He is a warrior, much stronger than me, and maybe more suitable to be the emperor of the empire than me... It’s just that he killed my people, and he and I are at odds with each other.”

Linton was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the child emperor probably had a slightly higher level of political literacy because of what he had experienced recently. You can see that what he said is already quite good, but unfortunately it is still a little bit immature. Linton can still easily read the other person's mind.

Yes, why do you want to mention Sudar who initiated the coup, and also name the other party as better than yourself? It is certainly a good thing that the new emperor is strong against the orcs, but they are humans. Who wants to see a powerful neighbor next to them? Ramones obviously meant to say that his side is easier to control. He seems to have understood his situation, and also knows that the human race will not be so kind to help him regain the throne. That is unrealistic. So let’s get straight to the pros and cons.

As for the later statement that he and Sudar were incompatible with each other, of course he was making his position known, and of course Linton believed it. On the one hand, Ramones here can't tell that he is telling lies. On the other hand, at this age, family hatred is simpler and clearer than national justice and the like.

Frustration makes people grow. Looking at Ramones in front of him, Linton suddenly understood that this guy must have seriously thought about coming to the Human Imperial City, but it wasn't that he hadn't thought about it yet. Regarding his growth, the most obvious point is that if you look at the things that said he was weak before, the other party was so anxious that he could even start a war directly, but now he can regard this as a bargaining chip for ZHENG's governance, and frankly admit that he is weak.

To be honest, considering his age, Linton felt that the other party was doing quite well now. It's a pity that the human race and the orc race are basically incompatible with each other. If it falls into their own hands, it will be useless to play such tricks.

"Okay, let's take this guest down to rest first." Linton waved his hand.

Of course Ramones understood the meaning and left with the guard leading the way without any resistance. Linton obviously wanted to discuss what to do with the core ministers next to him. Of course Ramones also wanted to hear it, but he also knew that it was impossible to hear it.

"Lord Sword Master, this is a God-given opportunity." Prime Minister Tyrard said impatiently as soon as Ramones left. Looking at the other party's face, they almost laughed out loud. It's true that they didn't do anything, but the enemy empire was in trouble within itself. That was indeed a bit satisfying.

"Well, let's discuss what to do." Linton waved his hand and said.

Several ministers couldn't wait to start discussing. The emperor of the other party came to their side and was simply at their mercy. Is there anything more satisfying than this? The current situation makes the Madrama Empire feel like meat on the table, at their disposal, and they just need to come up with a good cooking method.

Linton did not participate in the discussion for the time being and listened to the views of several ministers. There are probably two opinions at the moment, one of which is what Linton thought before. Anyway, Ramones is the orthodox emperor. Although he has lost the support of the people, his claim is still there. Using his name to directly help him rise to power and let the other party be a puppet, wouldn't it mean that he would directly control the Madrama Empire?

The ministers on the other side had a different opinion. They felt that the empire did not need to go to the end personally. Didn’t Ramones himself also say that he wanted revenge? The empire would provide some support and let him recruit troops and horses to fight with the current coup d’etat. That one is going to seize the throne. The empire only needs to watch a little, balance the strength of both sides, and let them have a good time. In this way, the Madrama Empire will fall into endless internal friction and let them consume themselves.

It is obvious that the purpose of both methods is to drag the Madrama Empire into an endless abyss. Regardless of whether the Madrama Empire becomes a puppet state or falls into endless internal strife, it is a very beneficial situation for the empire. However, the reason why there are two opinions is that the main difference is on investment and harvest.

Obviously, the empire's investment in establishing a puppet state will be greater, and the empire will have to personally help send troops. Once the army moves, it means money. After the puppet state was established, the orcs experienced this catastrophe, and they had to give them a little development before they could recover their losses. But if you really control the other country, the benefits will obviously be greater.

The other faction is not optimistic about the gains from the orcs at all, saying that the place is really very poor. You can't get much money if you establish a puppet state, so it is better to let them fight themselves. All we need to do here is provide some money and resources, and give Ramones some start-up capital. The investment is not much, and the benefits are certainly not much.

"Okay, stop." After listening to the opinions of both sides for a while, Linton said. The ministers on both sides who were still arguing just now immediately fell silent. They were just offering their opinions, and now it was time for Linton, the decision-maker, to make a decision.

To be honest, the ministers are still somewhat accustomed to the current rhythm. The atmosphere when Linton was the decision-maker was completely different from when Yalan was the leader. Yalan's temperament was much weaker. I asked the ministers for their opinions. Very carefully. You may say that the emperor is Qingming, but the ministers always feel that something is missing.

In fact, after seeing Linton and others, they also figured out that this kind of taste is willful. Yalan really lacks this willful feeling of doing whatever they say. From a national point of view, they certainly know that it would be better for Linton to be emperor. But from their own point of view, of course it would be better for them to have an emperor with a better temperament.

"I'm still leaning towards...what's your name?" Linton pointed at the minister next to him and asked.

"Master Sword Master, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hedru." The minister here immediately stepped forward and said. Of course, it was not just once or twice that Linton couldn't call out the minister's name. The ministers were used to it.

"Oh, that's your opinion." Linton nodded, "It does sound a bit more troublesome to help that boy restore his country, and the investment is high. It makes sense for you to worry about the poverty over there and nothing to gain. But I think, money. Things will come out if you press more. The harvest from the orcs is not high, maybe because they don't know how to develop it? For example, there are many mines in their south, but they haven't developed much themselves, right?"

"Indeed." Prime Minister Tyrard here said. Although he had previously advocated letting them fight internally, he immediately changed the direction and began to support Linton. "There are indeed many undeveloped areas in the southern part of the Madrama Empire. The minerals there are originally iron-producing places, but they don’t have the funds and manpower to develop them themselves. If they can fall into our hands, the benefits will be much greater."

"Besides, if the empire doesn't suffer any consequences, it just pays some money to watch them fight internally. It sounds good." Linton continued, "But is this really a good thing? Have you heard the motto of our Meloway family? ? If there are no external troubles, there must be internal troubles. As time goes by without anything to do, people will be idle and mess with their own people."

Linton paused for a moment before continuing: "The most important thing is that there are problems with the promotion system in the empire. If ordinary people want to climb up, martial arts is the most important part. Peaceful time cannot It lasts too long, otherwise people’s ambition to climb up will be unstoppable. The war on the orc side has been going on for several months now, will it affect the development of the empire? "

"The impact is not big." Tyrad here said immediately, "The empire only dispatched one legion, and the military supplies can fully keep up."

"So I think this kind of consumption can be maintained for a period of time." Linton said, "First help the child regain his country, and then clear out a large number of rebels. The war can last for a period of time, and then a large number of people will be needed to develop it. The resources over there may keep them busy for a while.”

"Your Majesty is wise." Terrad here raised his hands and said. Of course, the names were all wrong, but I don't know why no one in the room corrected him.

"Does anyone have any other opinions?" Linton asked, but although it sounded like an inquiry, there was no inquiring tone at all. This obviously does not mean that if you have other opinions, I will give you a chance to convince me, but that if you have a problem, I can solve the problem for you.

"I will obey your Majesty's will." All the ministers said at the same time.

"Oh, then let's implement this plan." Linton said, "Isn't Esdeath over there a person who likes war and won't be able to come back? Leave the little emperor to her and let her play."

"Yes." Everyone bowed and said.

The tone was quickly set, and the rest was left to the ministers. Yes, Linton is actually interested in resources. It is indeed good to let the orcs consume internal resources, but they have been fighting and no one is mining, and they still need mines. As for the reasons, they sound very reasonable. In fact, if Linton supports the other proposal, he can also give a bunch of reasons that sound very reasonable. So the point is not which one he thinks is reasonable, but what he thinks. Want anything.

This is all on the table, you can do whatever you want. Regarding this matter, Linton had to say that the person who was a little curious was the guy over there who looked like a human spy. I always feel that what the other party wants to do is not finished yet. It is estimated that the other party will do something more next time, but we will talk about it when the time comes.

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