I really can't control myself

Chapter 1732 Preparation

Linton was really stunned for a while when he saw Yalan. Yalan's belly was already very big now, and her whole temperament seemed to have changed significantly. Although he was already the emperor of the empire before, he always felt a little green in appearance, words and deeds. After all, his actual age was only 19 and almost 20, but now, he looks like a very mature person. of women.

It seems that becoming a mother can change a person's temperament to a great extent. Of course, seeing Yalan Linton like this made him realize that he wanted to be a father. For some reason, his heart calmed down a lot.

"Come back?" Yalan asked gently as before.

"Yes, everything is done. I can have a good rest this time." Linton said.

Hearing Linton's words, Yalan here was obviously very happy. What woman doesn't want her husband by her side at this time? Although Yalan didn't say much before so as not to worry Linton. Of course, Linton also knew this, so he calculated the right time to accompany Yalan at this time.

At this time, there is still more than a month left before the due date. Linton is not considered out of town, even though his contribution points are about to meet the conditions for promotion.

Sure enough, the period after that was the most peaceful life Linton had ever lived. Although Linton spent most of the time in the palace, it was difficult for him to stay there according to his personality. But with Yalan by his side, Linton didn't feel too bored looking at her belly. Maybe it was due to the expectation of the future of the man who was about to become a father?

In short, the days did suddenly calm down. Both Linton and Yalan, as well as the empire, were relatively calm. Yalan's eldest sister and second sister are still responsible for supervising the country, and it seems that nothing major has happened recently.

The only big thing that can be said is probably the matter that the Madrama Empire wants to make peace with. Yes, the other party's envoys had all arrived at the imperial city at this time, and many ministers remembered that the empire was still at war, and there was still a war in the southeast.

The reason why many ministers forgot about such a big thing as fighting a war was mainly because the battle was fought so easily. Although some unexpected things caused some turmoil before this war, since the flying city was directly smashed to pieces by Linton, the conspiracy behind it has been hidden again, and there has been no further interference in the war. .

In terms of fighting alone, the current national strength of the Holy Empire of Elan is too strong. Even if the combat effectiveness of a single human soldier is not comparable to that of an orc warrior, the number of armies on both sides is not of the same level. There is even a huge gap in equipment, military supplies, food, and siege equipment. Unless something unexpected happens, the Madrama Empire has almost no hope of winning.

The strange thing is that this battle was started by the other side. To be honest, when the other side came to provoke, many people thought that the other side was involved in a conspiracy. For example, they were just the leader, and there would be other countries later. Come and join in and unite to deal with their Holy Empire of Elan. After all, the current empire is really too strong. Other countries probably don’t want to see such a powerful country standing in the center of the continent and developing continuously.

However, the strange thing is that after this, other countries did not say anything. The Madrama Empire seemed to be really alone, facing the empire's attack alone. To be honest, the empire is well prepared to guard against other countries, and it does not use all its national power to deal with the Madrama Empire, but no other country comes to participate.

I really don’t understand why the Madrama Empire was so excited before and actually dared to take the initiative to provoke. Now that he has been pushed back, he can’t help but want to negotiate a peace. Is it that easy? Yes, when the mission came to the Imperial City, they naturally wanted to negotiate with Queen Yalan, but they were blocked. Although he was accompanied by ministers every day after being sent to the special diplomatic embassy, ​​he did not talk about meeting the Queen and negotiating a relationship at all. He just made excuses to keep them waiting.

The empire is not in a hurry at all, but the one who is anxious now is obviously the Madrama Empire. Now the empire's troops are wreaking havoc in their country's territory, and no one can stop them. Because they didn't want the other side's land at all, the army burned, killed, and looted wherever they could. Every extra day the Madrama Empire lost would be another day.

Of course, the empire does not want to weaken the Madrama Empire, nor does it want the other party's land. Peace must be negotiated, and it does not expect that a broken country like the Madrama Empire can shed much blood. It's impossible to destroy them all directly, and it's not necessary. The main reason for dragging the other party is... to get a lucky draw.

Yes, isn't something big happening in the empire soon? The emperor's heir is about to be born. This matter is much more important than the war with the Madrama Empire, so many ministers forget about the war mainly because of this. It's busy here.

For this unborn child, everyone in the entire empire, from the emperor and ministers to the common people, had high expectations. The current strength of the empire has made the people within the territory very stable. You see, there is still a war here. The lives of the people have not been affected at all. Many people have even forgotten that the war is still going on. There is not even much war tax. pay.

The rising national power also makes the people extremely satisfied. When Yalan succeeded to the throne, many people were still worried about whether the queen could lead the country well, but now the people only hope that such days can last longer. The heir who is about to be born is obviously very important.

Now people all over the country know that the Queen is pregnant and about to give birth. Once the child is born successfully, everyone agrees that the empire will be more stable and powerful. Since the people were looking forward to it, the ministers discussed it privately and decided to have a double happiness.

The empire's martial arts culture was strong. If the empire won a war on the day the prince was born, such news would obviously bring some deification to the newly born prince. At that time, we can brag that the prince is the god of war who has brought victory to the country since he was born. In addition, the Church of Light is now on the side of the royal family. With their propaganda capabilities, the people's hearts will be more stable. How? It’s all good to see.

Therefore, the mission of the Madrama Empire here is in dire straits. No matter how anxious they are, it is useless. If the prince is not born here, it will be useless even if you hang yourself in the post. Fortunately, the envoy from the Madrama Empire here probably got a hint from the minister who received him after staying for a few days, and he obviously also knew the arrangement of the empire.

When a prince is born, the surrender letter here should be used as a birthday gift for the prince. This is undoubtedly a very shameful thing. Although the envoy of the Madrama Empire was very unhappy, how could he not bow his head when he was under the roof? The army of the empire over there is running rampant in their territory, which is really unstoppable. Thanks to the different races on both sides, the empire really couldn't take their land, so it didn't really want to destroy him. Otherwise, their imperial city would probably fall as soon as it fell.

So what should we do now? We can only act with them, otherwise we will really anger the current human empire. Can they really stop them from destroying the Madrama Empire? So now they can only break their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs. A weak country has no diplomacy. They have experienced it firsthand.

There is indeed no major matter in terms of national affairs. The biggest thing is to prepare for the celebration after the birth of the prince. This is not yet a celebration, the birth celebration is of course a must, and the full moon celebration will soon follow. There are also full moon celebrations in this world. Of course, ordinary families will only have a banquet. Of course, it is different here in the royal family. Besides, this child is really important.

As for Linton himself, on the one hand, the construction work of the new city is also proceeding in an orderly manner, and there are no accidents so far. It seems that it is just time to wait. On the other hand, Asuna's research and development of the manned Poké Ball is also going very smoothly.

It had to be said that the child was not born yet, so Linton felt that his child was indeed a lucky person, and everything he did recently seemed to go smoothly. Asuna's test sounds very complicated, and I always thought that it would encounter all kinds of strange problems, but the actual test went surprisingly smoothly, and everything was successful at the first try.

Yes, 27 experiments have been conducted so far, and the success rate of the experiments is as high as 96.2%. Only one unlucky person never came back after being sent to the anti-universe for some reason, and he could not change back. The other 26 people were all After sending it in, it came out safely.

The manned Poké Ball experiment was actually considered a success. Linton didn't want to create something commercial for civilian use, but had to achieve 100% safety performance. With a success rate of 96%, it should be said that my nephew Tony is probably not so unlucky.

"This guy probably traveled to another world to be the protagonist." Linton said casually, "That's all, as long as it works."

"Aren't we going to conduct more tests? This data shouldn't be the final data. There are not enough samples. I think the data can only be of reference value if it is conducted at least 100 times." Asuna said.

"You are really engaged in scientific research." Linton said, "Not so many times, don't you want to go to Marvel? Bring the people here to try. Then the machines over there will be finished quickly. .”

Yes, although the stored thing is only the size of a square elf ball, the machine that turns people into a quantum state is very large, and it is obviously not portable. So to get Tony in, you first have to go to Marvel and then make a machine out of it. Linton just asked Asuna to go by herself.

However, I didn't expect that everything went smoothly. By this time, the invention was completed, and something unexpected happened. They agreed to come back in two days, but when Linton opened the door again two days later, Asuna did not show up.

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