The matter with the artificial humans came to an end, and everyone said goodbye and left. Tianjin Fan and Yamucha here expressed their desire to retire. After all, this time made them feel the gap between them. They hardly helped in this incident. Now that they are old, it is time to say goodbye to their identity as martial artists.

Goku and Gohan naturally went back to their homes and continued their lives. Piccolo naturally stayed in the temple and became the new god. Although he always expressed contempt for the gods, he finally became the new gods. As for Klin and No. 18, it seems they are still involved. Obviously, although the wish was not fulfilled, No. 18 was still a little moved by Klin's wish.

As for Linton, of course he has returned to Bulma's house with Vegeta and Trunks for the time being, so there's nothing he can do about it, who calls his nephew his son-in-law? Of course, Trunks just went back to say goodbye. The matter had been resolved, and he was going back to the future world.

"Although it didn't help at all against Cell, with my current strength I should have no problem dealing with No. 17 and No. 18." Trunks said.

"So you see, I didn't lie to you. I really didn't know that a guy of that level could make you worry for so long." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Yes, Mr. Linton." Trunks said gratefully.

"But there's no need to rush back," Linton said. "I just happen to have a lot of free time right now. My nephew, please hold a wedding quickly to cheer me up."

"Wedding? I don't want it." Vegeta here immediately frowned and refused. Indeed, Linton had said before that he and Bulma would hold a wedding, but he really found it troublesome.

"A wedding?" Trunks here was stunned for a moment, "Speaking of which, my mother also said that the most regretful thing was not having a wedding with my father. She didn't care at the time, but when she thought about it later, it was too late. Because my father has passed away..."

"That kind of thing is completely meaningless, I won't do it anyway!" Vegeta here yelled again.

"The objection is invalid. It just so happens that I have nothing to do here. I want to have a meal to kill time. I'll make arrangements quickly." Linton waved his hand and said.

The plot of Dragon Ball should be impossible to advance at the moment, and the next plot will be the Buu chapter a few years later. Of course, things on Linton's side have gone smoothly and can be considered completed. The infinite energy core has been obtained. Now it is just waiting for Asuna here to develop and verify it. It is best to make an experimental product. I am really not in a hurry here, I have to stay for a while and delay the exploration time a little.

"In that case, I'll go back a little later." Trunks here looked at his helpless father Vegeta and said, holding back a smile.

"Go back!" Vegeta here shouted directly.

"Such an interesting thing must be made bigger. By the way, Trunks, invite Sun Wukong and others, and let's make a big one." Linton said enthusiastically.

"Okay Mr. Linton." Trunks nodded.

Bulma's parents were naturally very happy when they heard about Linton's impromptu wedding. After all, it was a lifelong event for their daughter. Although they had given birth to children before, they still felt that something was missing. This time Linton came here as an in-law to catch up on the wedding, which seemed to be a good opportunity.

As the boss of Infinite Capsule Company, Bulma's parents are naturally not short of money, so the wedding can of course be arranged to be more grand. Of course, it can't take too long. After two weeks of preparation, the wedding of Bulma and Vegeta was held grandly.

Of course, Sun Wukong and others also came to attend the wedding, and Sun Wukong's wife Qiqi said that she also had good news to announce, that is, she was pregnant again, and Wukong's second child would be born soon.

"Sun Wukong? There is no big change in the plot." Linton nodded when he heard this. Of course, the biggest difference from the original plot is that Sun Wukong is not dead this time. Of course, I always feel that the world is not dead or not. The difference is that the dead can not only be resurrected, but even if they are dead, they can still talk to people in the world at any time, and they can also ask for leave from time to time to come back and visit.

"Sun Wutian? It's a good name." Sun Wukong happened to be beside Linton here. He nodded when he heard Linton's words and said, "Qiqi, how about our second child be called Sun Wutian."

"Sun Wutian? But...wait a minute, you don't know whether it's a boy or a girl. Wouldn't it be weird if it was a girl named Sun Wutian?" Qiqi said.

"But Linton said it was a boy, so he should be right." Sun Wukong said.

"Is it true? Trunks?" Krillin asked in a low voice to Trunks next to him.

"I don't know. In my future time and space, Mr. Goku has long since died of a heart attack and has no second child." Trunks said.

"It's a boy. I've shown you the Sky Eye. Just call him Sun Wutian." Linton said.

"What does it mean to open the heavenly eye?" Qiqi asked.

"It probably means predicting the future." Klin said next to him.

"Is it similar to the ability to predict your mother-in-law?"

"Yes, that's probably it." Klin nodded.

"I see, is it a boy? Well, mom will teach you well. At least she won't let you become a bad boy like Gohan." Qiqi said.

"Mom, I'm not a bad boy. I told you this is not hair dyeing..." Sun Wuhan next to him said helplessly.

"Ah, here comes the bride and groom."

The wedding started quickly with the appearance of Vegeta who looked helpless and Bulma who looked a little happy. In the past three years, everyone had been quite depressed because they had known in advance that the artificial humans would come. They had to be prepared for the arrival of powerful enemies at all times. This wedding completely relaxed everyone's tense hearts. .

With everyone's blessings, the wedding here ended successfully. Everyone also said goodbye, and of course Trunks and Linton were leaving this time.

Trunks had been leaving a long time ago because he had deliberately stayed until now to attend the wedding. This time he really couldn't wait any longer. At this time, everyone probably understood the concept of parallel space. The future where Trunks is located is already another parallel space, and it is no longer relevant to their world, but when they say goodbye, it is also Blessings came one after another, especially from Bulma.

Although this Trunks is not her Trunks, Bulma still feels that this is her child. Farewell to Trunks at this time is like farewell to the child's mother.

"You must tell your mother when you go back. I attended her wedding." Trunks said with a smile, "She will be very surprised."

"Take care of her too," Bulma said.

"Yeah, I will." Trunks nodded, and then looked under the tree on the other side. Vegeta here didn't come over, but when he saw Trunks looking over, he made a gesture to say goodbye. Trunks also nodded and looked at Linton beside him.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Linton." Trunks said, "I don't know why you don't exist in my time and space. If you did, I think both father and mother would be better off."

"Because I am unique after all." Linton said with a smile, "The laws of time level in this world cannot control me."

"Although I don't understand it very well, but...goodbye, Second Grandpa," Trunks said.

"Goodbye, nephew Sun." Linton nodded.

After boarding the time machine, Trunks here slowly rose into the air, then accelerated and disappeared from everyone's sight. Before everyone could get over the heaviness of saying goodbye, Linton also had to say goodbye.

Yes, the time is almost there. Of course, Linton is also preparing to go back. Asuna's experiment went very smoothly. While preparing for the wedding, Asuna had successfully copied an infinite energy core through Dr. Gro's drawings. She has been working on this infinite energy core for the past few days. Testing of the energy core.

The results of the test are almost as expected. The current output of this infinite energy core is probably similar to what Dr. Gro did. The comparison is of course No. 16, which was used as a test subject. There is almost no difference between what Asuna did and what was inside No. 16. Of course, in terms of stability, there have been no problems with the tests over the past few days.

Of course, now that the thing is in hand, all that's left is to use it in artificial Poké Balls, but the experiments in this area will have to wait until we get back.

Now that all that needs to be done is done, it is of course time to say goodbye.

"Are you in a hurry to do something?" Vegeta said.

Linton said he was in a hurry to go home and have the baby, okay? Of course, I still said casually: "Go and participate in the space war."

"Space war? It sounds much more interesting than staying here. Count me in." Vegeta said.

"Uh..." This made Linton stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Vegeta to say that he wanted to follow. Linton even considered whether to recruit Vegeta as a teammate. Unfortunately, there were no more quotas for his team members. All five were used. The cancellation could not be revoked casually, it had to be done in person.

"You're not qualified yet." Linton said casually, but he didn't refuse completely. If he really wanted to use him in the future, he could get him. After all, he was his most powerful nephew.

"You guy!" Of course Vegeta didn't know what Linton was thinking about and gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do about it, Linton was really much better than him.

"Anyway, I'll say goodbye first, and I'll see you again later." Linton said and disappeared in front of everyone with a flash of white light.

"The exploration progress is 73.5%, and the points obtained are 260,000 points."

"System prompt: Obtain 2,845,000 combat points."

"System prompt: Return safely and get 50,000 points.

"System prompt: You have received a random reward, teleport."

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