"Although...I don't know what happened, but Mr. Satan seems to have performed the magic of rebirth. This is magic, it should be magic!" The host here reluctantly explained, "Sure enough, Mr. Satan had performed magic before. He said that he was fully prepared for this competition. It seems that he took the time to learn magic. Now there is nothing Cellul can do. Even if he secretly uses bombs, he will not be able to deal with Mr. Satan!"

"What rebirth magic?" Mr. Satan here obviously didn't understand what happened, but he was also quite nervous. "Forget it, although I don't know what the situation is, let's talk about the game first. You Guys, come down! Don’t think there’s nothing I can do if you’re flying in the air, I’ll use my fist wind to knock you down!”

Mr. Satan didn't know how to attack with fist style at all, he was just fooling Salu casually. He thought that the other party would be frightened by him and dare not stay in the air.

Of course, Shalu would not be fooled like this. Let alone being fooled, Shalu didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. Seeing that Mr. Satan was on the field now, Shalu knew that it was just Linton who was fighting against him. Mr. Satan has now become the "little brother" sent by Linton. This is a problem Linton has set for himself. It probably means that you can't even solve my little brother and you want me to end up?

Unhappy as it was, Shalu really started to think seriously. What happened to what you just saw? It didn't feel like rebirth. Instead, it gave him a strange feeling, as if... the time around him had gone backwards... This should be Linton's ability. If it was true, how should he deal with it?

Shahlu was thinking here. Mr. Satan here saw that the other party ignored him and did not come down. He also had a headache. After thinking about it, he threatened again: "I'm warning you again, if you are still up there, I will use my sure-kill shot. Once I use this sure-kill shot, you will not even have a chance to survive." Tell you, I just waved my hand like this..."

Mr. Satan indeed waved his hand as he spoke, but he was just showing off, not even really taking action. However, what he didn't expect was that the moment he waved, the situation around him changed. He saw a sudden gust of wind blowing around him, and the terrifying wind pressure rushed directly into the air, as if he had really caused a storm with just one hand.

At this time, Cellulo in the air had no time to care about this. Before the violent wind caused by Mr. Satan arrived, he had already been hit. Yes, no one knows when it hit him in the stomach. Shahlu was alert this time, but he really didn't see it at all. When he found out, he had already been hit, and the huge force pushed him away. It flew out in the air, and because of the timing, it seemed like it was blown away by the strong wind caused by Mr. Satan.

"What?" Of course, such an inexplicable situation obviously made everyone froze in place again. If the situation just now was due to an accident and no one paid attention, this time everyone was watching with concentration, and still no one noticed. Didn't see anyone doing anything except Mr. Satan on stage. Piccolo was doubting his own judgment. Could it be that this guy really did it?

"Ahhh... beautiful... a beautiful blow. Mr. Satan here must have used a new special move to attack Cell. Everyone saw that this blow directly caused a hurricane, which knocked Cell in the air. It was blown away. Mr. Satan, what is this special move?" The reporter here also approached the stands and asked.

"Huh? Huh? This is me... oh oh oh." Of course Mr. Satan himself didn't react for a long time. He subconsciously looked at his hand and then waved it slightly. Yes, he had no idea what was going on, but... he should have done it, otherwise who else would? In short, I don’t know why I awakened my superpower.

"Yes, this is my new special move. The name is...Hurricane Slam! By the way, it's called Hurricane Slam. How about it? This is a new special move I specially developed in recent days in order to cope with this competition. It's Not very strong?" Mr. Satan said, posing to show off his muscles.

"Too... too strong, Mr. Satan." The reporter really believed it, and was even more excited than Mr. Satan himself. "Did everyone in the audience see it? This is the strength of the world champion. It is simply beyond imagination. We will definitely win. Yes. What happened to the magic that Mr. Satan just resurrected?"

"What resurrection magic?" Mr. Satan himself still didn't understand what was going on.

"That one just now...ah, that monster hasn't lost yet, and he's here again." The reporter was about to ask, but found that the game was not over yet. Yes, although Cell over there was knocked away, he still did not touch the ground and still stopped in the air. Now he has slowly floated back to the top of the ring, looking at Mr. Satan here unhappily.

Yes, although I knew it was Linton who was causing trouble, this bug was too annoying. Linton is now fighting with him. The existence of this guy is an insult to himself. I didn't want to pay attention to this bug at first, but after Linton chose him, he had to become a dead bug.

"Come down quickly. If you don't come down, I'm going to hit you with hurricane force again. Come down and die!" Mr. Satan continued to yell at Sarul crazily when he saw him coming back.

Shahru here raised a hand directly, aiming in the direction of the ring below, and then the aura on his body began to increase. This time he was going to take action for real. He also wanted to see what was going on at Linton's side to confirm his previous guesses.

"No, he wants to destroy the earth!" Sun Wukong here began to get nervous. With Cell's strength, if he hit the surface with a single blow, the earth would basically be GG, and his current blow is aimed at the lower position. , which is quite bad.

Sun Wukong wanted to step forward to stop him, but it was too late to activate it now. At this time, Sun Wukong did not know the teleportation skill. Just when he was about to move forward, Cellu's blow had already Take action.

There was a loud "boom", and a beam of light shot out from Cellul's hand and directly hit the ring below. In just an instant, the arena here completely disappeared, including Mr. Satan above. If there was some blood foam left from the previous blow, there was not even ashes left this time.

As for the location of the ring, all that's left now is a big, bottomless hole, and the entire ring can't be found at all.

"It's over!" Several people here exclaimed. Their first reaction was that the earth was over. This blow was definitely aimed at detonating the earth's core. However, strangely, after waiting for a while, the earth here did not explode, and there was not even a slight vibration reaction.

"Don't worry, I just think this arena is useless, so I just removed it." Shahru here said, "It would be a pity if such a game ended out of bounds. After that, the entire land will be a battlefield. Victory The only choice is surrender or death."

"Huh..." After hearing Cell's words, the people on Sun Wukong's side breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Cell here didn't destroy the earth.

"Don't worry, I don't want to destroy the earth now. That would take away a lot of fun." Shalu said and looked at Linton. "Your puppet is broken. Come down in person."

"Really?" Linton still had no intention of moving, but pointed in the direction of the big hole in the ring, "Can you take a closer look?"

Hearing these familiar words, Shalu suddenly had a bad feeling. As expected, when he turned around, an even more exaggerated situation appeared here than before. The big hole he had just dug was actually "filled" back by himself at this time, and a large amount of soil seemed to grow out of the ground.

Then the exploded arena began to repair itself, and soon the fragments flew back from all directions, gradually taking shape from ashes, and turned into a intact arena again.

Of course, Mr. Satan has also recovered in the ring. This time, the opponent has transformed directly from ashes back to a human, and he still looks like a creature of the void. Of course, after rebirth, Mr. Satan was still confused and had no idea what was going on.

Of course he felt something, but it was so unreal that he felt as if he was dreaming. He didn't feel any pain when he turned into gray for a moment, but the real feeling of switching between human form and gray form was not that great.

"Um...ah? Did you attack just now?" Mr. Satan looked at Cell in the air and asked, "What exactly happened?"

"Mr. Satan! It's so great!" At this time, a reporter shouted frantically, "What kind of magic is this? Not only did you reborn yourself, but you also restored the entire arena. This is simply a miraculous skill. ah!"

"Huh? What's going on?" Mr. Satan was really confused. What about rebirth and recovery in the arena?

"This is your second sure kill, isn't it?" the reporter asked with a microphone in his hand, looking expectant, and motioned to the photographer behind him to close the lens.

"No...that's right, this is the second special move I learned before!" Mr. Satan was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know what was going on, but he still accepted it. "Don't worry, everyone, this Shahru will definitely die, because I have prepared a lot of special moves for him!"

"Oh oh oh oh, that's too strong, Mr. Satan!" The reporter's voice was so high that he shouted with excitement.

"How is this done?" Sun Wukong here couldn't understand at this time and asked the people next to him.

"Yeah, what did you do?" Klin also asked.

"It doesn't look like recovery, but more like... going back in time." Piccolo speculated, "I believe Cell here can also see it. Look at his expression..."

Shalu did see it and just verified it. At this time, his expression was very serious. He looked at Linton and said, "Very good. You can do this. Let me see how far you can do it!"

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