Because he had not heard the previous conversation, Trunks naturally did not have much doubt about Vegeta's inquiry, and answered directly: "It's in the mountains in the 1505 area in the west. There is a village next to it. The villagers there found out of."

"I understand." Vegeta nodded and said to Linton, "I'll lend him that guy."

Linton also nodded and handed No. 17 directly to Vegeta. The numbers 17 and 18 are indeed of no use to Linton. Are you talking about living samples? In fact, Asuna already has living samples on hand for research, yes, No. 16 that has not yet been activated.

In the original work, No. 17 and No. 18 also activated No. 16 when they came out. Like them, they are artificial humans with infinite energy. Although their properties are slightly different, what Asuna wants to study is just the infinite energy furnace. In the current situation, the two of them didn't have time to activate No. 16. Naturally, they were taken over by Asuna, who took over Dr. Gro's laboratory, and is probably currently researching it.

Of course, no one noticed what happened to No. 16, including Trunks from the future, because there was no No. 16 in his future.

Therefore, the current No. 17 and No. 18 are indeed of no use. Linton certainly knows what Vegeta wants to do, but he also said that he also wanted to see the complete Cell.

Vegeta naturally took over No. 17, and then accelerated to reach the fallen position of No. 18 over there. He directly grabbed No. 18 with the other hand, and then suddenly accelerated and flew into the sky. , carrying the two of them away from Juechen.

"What's the situation? What is he going to do?" Trunks and others were stunned by the sudden situation. They didn't expect that Vegeta would suddenly take away No. 17 and No. 18 at this time. What was he going to do? Although Trunks was already thinking about whether or not to kill the two of them, he was still thinking about it and hadn't decided yet. And even if he didn't kill them, the two of them must not be out of their sight.

"Go find Shalu." Linton said simply.

"Going to find Cell? Then why did you take No. 17 and No. 18 with you?" Trunks asked.

Linton didn't hide anything. He once again told Trunks and others what he had told Vegeta before. After hearing this, they were shocked.

"What? That Cell is also an android, and the purpose of coming to this era is to devour No. 17 and No. 18 and become complete?" Trunks was shocked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Told me earlier? Why? So that he can stop him?" Linton looked at Trunks and said, "I said, nephew grandson, why do you still think like this? This idea is not good. I told you before, For us Saiyans, using our brains is a very shameful thing. It is our family tradition to be rash in any situation. It is really impossible to be rash, and we will not be rash again after practicing. So when encountering anything, the first thing The reaction is not to stop, but to improve yourself to fight through."

"Huh?" Trunks was slightly stunned.

"For example, now, I have revealed Cell's purpose to you, but so what, you are going to stop it? Forget about Cell, Vegeta can make you get what you want now? You can stop him if you want to. Vegeta? In the final analysis, this is not because you have no strength, so you should think about improving yourself. If you really improve yourself, it won't be a problem for Vegeta or Cell, right?"

"But...but..." I have to say that what Linton said still makes some sense, and Trunks can also listen to it, but according to Linton, that Cell is not a man-eating monster, so let him To become a perfect body, isn’t it like creating a demon with your own hands? Can this be done? Of course, the more important reason is that Trunks doesn't have much confidence in himself now. He is not even a match for No. 17 and No. 18. Can he succeed in this practice?

"Come on, let's go. Uncle, I happen to be free and will take you to practice." Linton said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, I can't understand it at all. Is Vegeta taking numbers 17 and 18 and giving them directly to Cell so that he can become a complete body?" Klin next to him said, "Shouldn't we take advantage of the fact that the opponent is not at his strongest yet? When to destroy the opponent?"

"It's just that you can't understand it, so you are not a Saiyan, so of course you don't understand the romance of us Saiyans." Linton said, "You will understand the general meaning immediately when you look at my nephew, right?"

"Although I can understand it, I don't think it should be done." Trunks said.

"What a good boy." Linton nodded, "But your father has already gone, so it's probably useless for you to stop him now. I don't think you need to worry so much, although Vegeta's current level is indeed not as good as that of a complete Cell has a weak body, but as long as he can break through, he can still win, and he may be able to defeat the opponent directly. So I think you should practice with me. If Vegeta really can't solve it, you can do it. It can also help him wrap things up.”

"This..." Trunks thought for a moment, then nodded, "I understand, please train me."

"Let's go." Linton nodded and said.

"Are you leaving now?" Klin said.

"Where are you going to practice?" Piccolo asked here.

"Temple." Linton said.

"Is that really where it is?" Piccolo nodded, which is not surprising, because Linton trained Vegeta there a few years ago, and of course he knew about it. After thinking for a while, he said: "I'll go with you."

"You want to practice too?" Piccolo asked next to him.

"No, but I also want to improve." Piccolo said, "I am indeed too weak at the moment. Although I have gone through a lot of practice in the past three years, I couldn't even intervene in the battle just now. Now I can improve There is only one way."

"What is it?" Clym asked.

Bick didn't answer, of course Linton knew. Namekians have a relatively simple way to improve themselves, which is to merge with people of the same race and become one person. Their combat effectiveness will increase exponentially, not as simple as one plus one. There is another Namekian on the earth, that is the god. As Piccolo said, it is natural to merge with him.

"Let's go." Piccolo guessed that the other party had guessed it when he saw Linton's expression. Of course, he would not force him and let God make his own decision.

Linton opened the teleportation, and Trunks and Piccolo walked in. Of course, Klin did not follow, but said: "Anyway, I will tell Goku and the others the news here first."

Linton ignored him and walked in directly. Soon the three people appeared in the temple. The god seemed to know the situation and was obviously waiting for them.

"Good morning, let me borrow your training room again." Linton waved directly.

"Please use it as you like." Of course the God had no intention of blocking it. "Now I have upgraded the spirit and time cabin. Staying in it for 24 hours is equivalent to a year."

"What? Is there such a place?" Trunks said in surprise. He was from the future, and he didn't even know that there was such a training place. No wonder Linton was so confident that he could improve.

"But everyone can only go in for 48 hours." God continued, "I remember that you have been there for 24 hours before, and this is the last time you use it."

"Really?" Linton listened casually. Wasn't this setting also eaten afterward?

"As for you..." God said and looked at Piccolo, "I also know what you are here to do."

"As long as you understand." Piccolo said, "I'm not talking nonsense. You can't protect this planet at all now. Why don't you give your life to me. The only person who can handle the current crisis is me."

"What you said makes sense. It is true that I am becoming more and more powerless now, and the enemies that the earth has to face are getting stronger and stronger." The god nodded and said, "Okay, I can promise you to dedicate my body to you. But let me observe the situation.”

"Observe the situation?" Piccolo asked, "What's the situation? Do you want to see if the man named Cellu is really in danger?"

"Yes." God said, "Didn't Vegeta go to fight him? If he wins, the earth will naturally be out of danger. In short, I can give my body to you, but it must be that the earth really has In times of crisis, if Vegeta loses, I will listen to you."

"You coward! Okay, then I'll just wait here. If something irreversible happens, don't regret it." Piccolo said without forcing him.

"Okay, you guys chat first, I'm going to take a nap." Linton waved his hand.

"Huh? Isn't it practice?" Trunks said here.

"Oh, I almost forgot, come on, the shadow clone technique." Linton directly crossed his index fingers to create five clones.

"Damn it, you must be sick in your main body. If I don't do it, the shadow clone will explode!"

"I'm sorry that the shadow clone can't self-destruct." Linton said.

"Your TN is amazing as a real person. I'm on strike for one year. Who has time to stay in there for a year? It's better for you to just sleep outside for a day." The shadow clone roared.

Of course Linton knew about the urinary properties of his shadow clone. He didn't want to stay there for a year, and the shadow clone certainly couldn't think of it either.

"So isn't this divided into five? Can't you play mahjong and your nephew at the same time?" Linton said.

"No! Who can stay in TN? Ask yourself." The shadow clone roared.

"You don't really need to stay for a year, just beat this guy to the second level." Linton said.

"That's it? Do you know how long it took for this guy to reach the second level? If it's not true, you just know it, so I won't do it anyway."

"Hey, the fairy beans here are full, the Saiyans should be improving very quickly." Linton said, "Besides, if it's me, I should know by now that I want to fight. I have one-tenth of me." You guys who have the strength to fight with my grandson nephew should be able to satisfy your cravings."

"Nonsense, just to satisfy your greed? Do you believe it yourself? I want to beat Cellul!" the shadow clone shouted directly.

"Hurry up! My grandson and nephew are stunned when you quarrel with me, okay? Give me some face!"

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