"This... what on earth is this..." Before Linton's transformation was completed, several people here were already speechless in surprise. Yes, unlike the androids, they could feel the changes in Qi during Linton's transformation. It was precisely because they could feel it that they were surprised, because at this time, the Qi condensed on Linton's body was no longer scary. Such simple words can describe it.

"What is that...?" At this time, even Sun Wukong, who had just taken the medicine far away in his home, felt this exaggerated aura. In his current situation, he was very weak and could not use his aura to sense it. There is no way to use it, but such an obviously powerful aura does not need to be perceived at all. It can directly make you aware of its existence like a loudspeaker.

Then a beam of light shot directly into the sky, and the sky seemed to be torn apart. There was even a reaction similar to an aurora. It was probably because the earth's magnetic field could not withstand such aura being disturbed. The light beam slowly turned into the shape of a flame, slowly gathered in, and finally gathered on a person.

At this time, the fighting spirit on Linton's body was like a burning flame, and his hairstyle had not changed much, except that it was dyed with a layer of red. Of course, the fighting spirit on his body was also dyed red, making it look like his whole body was burning.

Of course, at this time, Linton looked like a burning sun to the people next to him. The fighting spirit on his body was really terrifying, so terrifying that they couldn't even think of resisting. Such a gap It's not something that can be made up for by martial arts or willpower. Just like what he said, now they realize what it means to be completely different from the same level of existence.

"Huh... actually... it really succeeded." Linton himself was surprised to see his transformation. Yes, this transformation is Super Saiyan God, or simply called Super Saiyan Red. Of course, this was Linton's first time trying it.

Why should he try this? Of course it's because he has tried Super Saiyan Blue before and knows how to use it. Battle Girl has already transformed into an even more exaggerated Super Saiyan Blue before, but that was a seller's show, and he didn't know how to do it at all, and he couldn't try it out. Then Linton thought about it, and it seemed that he wanted to Go step by step, don't skip levels like a battle girl.

The difficulty of transforming into a Super Saiyan God has been mentioned before. According to the original setting, five righteous Saiyans must condense their righteous hearts into one righteous Saiyan. You have to complete such a ritual to change. Linton doesn't know what a heart of justice is. Let's not talk about whether he has one. The definition of a heart of justice in this world is probably not universal.

Originally, Linton had no idea how to get this inexplicable thing, but now the good news is that someone has already completed this most difficult step for him. Yes, Battle Girl has successfully turned into Super Saiyan Blue. Since it has become Super Saiyan Blue, it is natural that she can also change into Super Saiyan Red. This is a prerequisite skill.

And if you can already change, there will naturally be no need for any unclear rituals the second time. So although Linton doesn't understand how the battle girl turned into Super Sailor Blue, he should follow the change. Achievable.

This is also true. Linton transformed directly and successfully on the first try. Although he did not directly jump to Super Saiyan Blue, he at least took one step. Linton himself was also excited. It was not because the transformation was successful. After all, Battle Girl had transformed into Super Cyber ​​Blue. He also used his own body to transform, which meant that he could transform himself and the hardware was up to standard. . But I just became a super star. If I insist on it, the software is not up to standard.

He was mainly happy because his guess was correct. Yes, when Linton bought the limiter before, he was thinking about whether he could save himself more money after spending 100 million points to buy it. Now you can see the effect. You probably don’t need to buy Saiyan Bloodline A level now.

Even though I had become Super Sailor Blue before and had activated the Self-Free Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, there was still a difference from buying skills. If you buy the skill, you should be able to use it directly. The difficulty of using it is not as troublesome as watching the seller's show before. But now that the transformation is successful, it means that you really don't need to buy it. This saves a billion points. ah.

For the first time, Linton felt that he had made a lot of money. Although not a cent of the money went into his pocket, it felt like he had made a lot of money and had taken advantage of System Ji. What's more, after the transformation, a strong sense of self-confidence and a strong fighting spirit poured into Linton's heart. This was probably the call of the Saiyan blood. Linton could also feel this feeling when he transformed into Super Blue before because he was a fighting girl, but it was relatively slight, but this time the feeling was so real.

"What... what form is this?" Trunks looked at Linton here. According to his feeling, it felt like he was staring directly at a sun. Linton's energy at this time was really too strong. Exaggerated. He came from the future, so why didn't he know that there was such a transformation? Can a Saiyan become like this?

"Super Saiyan God." Linton said calmly, "The name of this transformation."

"Super Saiyan God..." Several people nearby murmured.

"Is this the form beyond Super Saiyan?" Trunks asked.

"Huh?" Linton looked at Trunks here in a daze, and then said with a smile, "Young people, don't be too ambitious, they say you don't understand anything. Super Saiyan like you My transformation is just the beginning. I am no longer at that level. If I have to say it, it is beyond the super Saiyan form. I have to fold it several times and I am afraid of biting my tongue. That kind of thing.”

"What are you stacking here?" Vegeta beside him couldn't help but said, "This form is not as good as the blue one last time."

Yes, as Vegeta who has personally experienced Super Saiyan Blue, of course he can still feel it. Although the form of this Super Saiyan God is also very exaggerated, it is still not as good as the last Super Saiyan Blue form. Of course There's really nothing wrong with that.

"It's so noisy. Do you need to drive that kind of thing to fight this kind of thing?" Linton yelled unhappily. The reason for being unhappy is because he can't activate Super Sailor Blue yet. Of course, he can't explain anything to Vegeta, so he can only feel unhappy on his own.

"Then there's no need for this." Vegeta said, "Super Saiyan Two is more than enough to deal with them."

After the real fight, Vegeta also made a very correct judgment. Yes, he already understood the strength of these androids. It is true that Super Two is more than enough to deal with them. Although he has not reached the level of Super Two, he There is no problem in dealing with them, it just takes a little more time. Once you reach the level of Super 2, you should be able to crush them.

Of course, this was not what Linton was unhappy about at all, and he shouted directly: "Shut up, if you can, change yourself and let your son see it. Isn't this to show him the potential of the Saiyans and help him regain his confidence? , you are a weakling who hasn’t even broken through to the second level yet."

"You guy!" Vegeta was also upset by Linton's words. Of course, he was mainly angry with himself. Vegeta has always been very upset about himself. Why has he not been able to break through to Super Saiyan 2 in so much time? Linton has already run to a place where he can't see. He has always defeated him before. Linton regarded him as his target. He was the strongest Saiyan. If he couldn't do it, he had to catch up immediately.

Thinking of this, Vegeta also looked at his opponent in front of him. I have to say that although I have a great advantage now, it is not a complete crushing. If I want to quickly deal with the opponent, I still need at least a super transformation. In this case, have a good fight with the opponent, and maybe you can find an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Yes, in the battle with Linton a few days ago, although Linton was killed with one blow, it does not mean that there was no gain at all. On the one hand, he saw the direction of the Super Saiyan's future transformation, which was a gain in knowledge. On the other hand, Vegeta, who was already at his peak, felt the opportunity for a breakthrough. He might have been affected by the aura of Super Saiyan Blue. After all, it seems to be talking about some kind of divine energy. Of course, Linton himself doesn’t know. On the other hand, when a Saiyan recovers from near death, his strength will become stronger, which also makes him feel that he is one step away from breaking through.

But it is really difficult to take this step. Now Vegeta is also looking at the enemy in front of him to see if he can find this opportunity.

At this time, Android No. 18 here suddenly opened his palm towards Vegeta and fired a Qigong wave directly at the opponent. Yes, although she is an artificial human, she was born through human transformation. In essence, she is still a human being. Therefore, in the subsequent plot, she can not only get married but even have children, so of course she can also use Qi.

Of course Vegeta noticed it. He could dodge and his speed was definitely enough, but he chose to fight directly in order to find opportunities for breakthroughs in the battle and push himself to the limit.

There was a loud "bang", and Vegeta raised his hands to defend himself. He was pushed back a few meters by the beam, but after the smoke and dust dissipated, he did not suffer any substantial damage except for his hands being burnt black.

"Only to this extent? Then I will be very disappointed." Vegeta said with a smile, and what he said was true. He really hoped that his opponent would be stronger.

Although No. 18's attack was easily blocked, her expression did not change at all, and she kicked off her feet and rushed forward again.

But the battle here is relatively normal. The battle between No. 17 and Linton on the other side is a bit distorted.

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