I really can't control myself

Chapter 1712 Awakening

"What?" No. 20, Dr. Gro, who pressed the switch, suddenly noticed the two people appearing behind him. Of course, he was extremely surprised. He has seen this teleportation ability once before, but you need to know where you are to teleport. How did the other party track your location?

"How did you..."

"Thank you for leading the way." Linton said directly.

This statement obviously showed that the other party had been able to trace his location all along. Dr. Gero looked at Linton in surprise: "You... let me go on purpose?"

"Yeah, I happen to have something I want to ask you for," Linton said.

"Good morning, Dr. Gro." Just when Dr. Gro was panicking and didn't know what to do, a voice from beside him immediately calmed him down. Yes, although the other party has caught up with him and may have planned it from the beginning, No. 17 has already been activated, and the other party has no idea how terrifying this model of artificial man is.

"Hahaha, I don't know what you want, but you're late." Dr. Gero said with a smile, "The 17th has been launched. You are all going to be finished. Let's start with you."

After saying this, Dr. Groo also turned around and said to No. 17 who came out of the experimental cabin: "He is Sun Wukong's partner, kill him!"

"Okay, doctor." No. 17 nodded, but did not take action directly. Instead, he looked at the experimental cabin next to him and said, "There are two people on the other side. Should No. 18 also come out?"


Dr. Gro is still hesitating, but No. 17 here has already walked to the experimental cabin of No. 18, and then directly clicked start. Soon the hatch of No. 18 also opened, and a girl with blond hair walked out.

"You guys actually made your own decisions!" Dr. Gero said nervously.

"The enemy looks more powerful. I'm worried that I won't be able to protect you, Doctor, alone." No. 17 here sounds pretty good at talking.

"Uh... Anyway, you two get rid of them quickly." Dr. Gero pointed at Linton and Vegeta and said.

"Yes." "Yes."

No. 17 and No. 18 both answered at the same time, looking quite obedient. However, in fact, Dr. Gero didn't even notice that the two of them were looking at the controller in his hand. This thing could allow them to stop the machine in an emergency, and they didn't want to go back to the iron can.

These two artificial humans had a very tacit understanding. At this moment, they knew each other's meaning with just one look. Now I can only listen to Dr. Gero for now, but during the battle, I can approach Dr. Gero in the name of protection. Once I have the chance, I can just grab the controller.

After making eye contact, they also looked at the enemy here. Of course they hope that the enemies here can cooperate a little, and they will also create a loophole to allow them to get closer to Dr. Gero.

"Are these two people?" Vegeta has been sizing up No. 17 and No. 18 here. They are indeed very strange guys. They are still out of breath, but they vaguely make him feel threatened. Yes. This is Vegeta's intuitive reminder, but this intuitive reminder is not that strong, at least it is much worse than the level of reminder when fighting Linton before.

Although the two of them are probably quite strong, Vegeta said that he is the most brutal one he has ever seen. No matter how strong you are, can you still defeat the gods?

"Come on." No. 17 here waved to Linton and Vegeta.

"Wait a minute." Linton said suddenly. Several people on the opposite side were stunned. Before they could understand, a portal opened directly on Linton's side.

"No, he needs to call for help!" Dr. Gero shouted anxiously.

"Call a helper? What kind of ability is that? It's not in the information at all." No. 17 said.

"It's an ability similar to teleportation. It's true that it's not in the data, but he can't be allowed to do it," Dr. Gro said.

"Don't worry, it's not what you think. Do you need help to deal with people like you?" Linton said and shouted into the portal: "Are you ready? Hurry up."

"Wait, I'll turn on the camera first." Asuna said as she walked out of the portal. When they saw a man coming out of the portal who didn't even have the same style of painting as them, and who clearly didn't look like a combatant, Dr. Gero and the two androids here were also stunned.

"Is this here?" Asuna quickly looked around, then determined the target, "Over there, it should be the location of the main unit."

"Then go help." Linton said.

"He will be Dr. Glo, right? I've already searched for his photos here." Asuna pointed at Dr. Glo and said, "It's best to keep this person in case there is anything unclear about the information. , you can also ask the designer. And these two are test products, right? It's best to save the samples."

"That's quite a lot to ask of you," Linton said.

Just as he was talking, another head popped out of the portal over there. Linton looked at it and found that it was Bulma.

"Have the androids appeared? Let me... Huh? This is... a laboratory? Wait, are the three over there the androids? You look familiar." Bulma was just curious at first, but When I saw No. 20, Dr. Gro, I suddenly felt like I had seen him before. Because their family is engaged in inventions, they are very familiar with some doctors. She also knew Dr. Gro before.

Of course, she couldn't remember who it was, so she looked at Vegeta and Linton next to her: "Hey, why are there only the two of you, where are Goku and the others?"

"Why did you bring her here?" Vegeta also asked strangely.

"Uh...she wants to see it herself." Linton had forgotten all the things he promised Bulma before, "I said to my nephew-in-law, you have also seen the android, and you will open it soon. Over here Can I go back too?"

"Oh oh oh, it's just the two of you... No, it doesn't matter if you add the three of Asuna." Bulma asked.

"What are you talking about? Do you think I will lose?" Vegeta said unhappily, "Go back quickly."

"I know, I know, it's true." Bulma said and retracted her head.

"You..." The people on the other side were really confused when they saw this situation. Isn't this too casual? There was obviously still fighting here, but the people on the other side couldn't see any sense of tension at all, and even started teleporting. I'm not asking for a helper, but you're looking for someone who's here to visit?

Before they could react, the girl with a strange appearance who came out of the portal at first ignored them completely and walked directly to a machine next to her. She reached out and inserted her finger directly into the main unit.

"What on earth are you doing?" Dr. Gro here couldn't help but ask.

"That girl seems to be a robot." No. 17 here suddenly said, "It's a bit similar to us. She seems to be copying information."

"What?" Dr. Gero was stunned, "Wait a minute, you just said you wanted my things, did you mean they were my research materials? So...the experimental samples you just mentioned are No. 17 and No. 18. I understand. , you want my android technology, right?"

"Huh?" The person who was surprised this time was not No. 17 and No. 18 next to him, but Vegeta here. Yes, even Vegeta doesn't know what Linton is doing here. Didn't he say he was looking for the mastermind behind the scenes? When did he start targeting the opponent's android technology again? He also couldn't figure out why Linton wanted this. With his strength, he didn't need to transform himself.

"Do you really want that technology?" Vegeta asked.

"Yeah, just take it." Linton said.

"Why? Are you planning to... establish some kind of artificial human army?" Vegeta asked.

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Linton asked.

"Of course." Vegeta said.

"Um... do you believe me when I say I want to treat someone to a full-moon wine?" Linton said.

"What does that have to do with android technology?" Vegeta asked.

"This... it's a long story. I can't quite explain how it relates to acquiring this technology," Linton said.

"..." Vegeta looked at Linton with an expression of "Do you think I believe it?" and understood what he meant without saying a word.

"Okay." Linton spread his hands, "But what I said is indeed the truth."

"The mastermind or something, you tricked me?" Vegeta asked.

"I'm really not kidding you. That thing called Shalu really exists. I told you that I just took it." Linton said and pointed to Asuna next to him, "If you don't believe me, ask her .”

"I'm copying the information, please don't disturb me. But according to Cell, there is indeed that thing, and the boss of this article is indeed coming soon." Asuna took the time to say.

"What's the point of asking her? Is there any credibility to what she said? I don't know her at all." Vegeta asked.

"But she is a robot, so she shouldn't be able to lie." Linton said.

"Oh, if I weren't the master, I could lie." Asuna said.

"What do you mean, TN is trying to make trouble at this time?" Linton raised his forehead.

"What's going on with the robot?" Vegeta here also expressed a headache.

"You two guys!" Vegeta had a headache, not to mention Dr. Gero, who had been ignored for a long time. At this time, he was really angry and he just waved his hand, "Kill them. , take action..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly appeared unexpectedly. Yes, while Linton's series of incredible operations attracted Dr. Gro's attention, No. 17 slowly moved to Dr. Gro's side little by little. Just as he said When he said these words, No. 17 suddenly took action and snatched the remote control from Dr. Gero's hand, and hit Dr. Gero's head directly with the other hand, in preparation for a blow. Headshot.

This is indeed a bit unexpected. Let alone Dr. Gero, Vegeta did not expect that No. 17 would suddenly attack one of his own. But someone was already waiting at this time.

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