I really can't control myself

Chapter 1703 Countermeasures

As a fighting nation, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with having a fight first as a greeting when meeting someone, right? Vegeta here obviously wanted to test his abilities after a period of training, while Linton just wanted to gain some combat points. Although he did not take the mission, he has many other functions of exploration, and he can earn combat points and valuables.

But when Vegeta here was about to step forward, Linton stopped him first. The fighting between the Saiyans was really loud. Linton thought about it and moved to another place. Otherwise, the earth might explode again soon.

As for the place chosen, of course it was also very convenient. When Linton came to this world for the first time, he went to another planet in the universe, which is where he met Vegeta. The indigenous people in that place had basically been slaughtered by Vegeta, so it was a place where it wouldn't matter if it exploded. Linton also directly opened a portal and motioned for Vegeta to follow.

"I see, is this here?" Of course Vegeta followed directly, looked at the surroundings, and knew where this was. "It's true that if you are here, you can relax your hands and feet."

"Come on, let me see how much you have improved in the past few years since I have been away. At least... you are at the level of a Super League player." Linton said with a smile.

"At least?" Vegeta said unhappily, "To be honest, I was very angry with myself for a while. Obviously, as the prince of Planet Vegeta, I should be the strongest Saiyan, but not only It's you, even that low-level warrior Kakarot mastered the Super Saiyan form before me."

"Oh, has Goku still awakened the Super Saiyan?" Linton nodded. Because of his participation, the battle between Goku and Frieza obviously did not exist, but it seems that he still became a Super Saiyan. Man, of course there is nothing surprising about this, after all, that is Sun Wukong, the destined son of this world.

"I just hope that I can become more powerful and keep practicing until one day I reach a bottleneck and cannot make any progress for a long time." Vegeta continued, "Constant self-denial and doubt may be a reflection on myself. The anger grew day by day, and finally one day, when I came to my senses, I had already taken that step unconsciously."

Vegeta said, shaking his hands violently. In the next second, a large amount of energy exploded on his body. Fighting energy gathered on his body visibly, and his hair began to change, turning directly into golden yellow. Yes, at this moment, Vegeta also showed his Super Saiyan form.

"Have you successfully entered the Super League form?" Linton said, "I'm not too disappointed. The basic requirements have been met, but... do you think this is enough?"

"Of course... not enough." Vegeta said, "I understand what you mean. When you ravaged Frieza four years ago, I remember correctly that you were talking about the second form of Super Saiyan, which is transcendence. It can be understood that he has taken the form of a Super Saiyan."

"Yeah." Linton nodded.

"Of course I know that I am not your opponent now that I have only reached this level, but... now I have encountered a bottleneck again. In other words, as long as I cross this step, I can also enter the Super Saiyan 2 form. , and you will be my stepping stone, and your coming back this time is an opportunity for me to take that step." Vegeta said with an arrogant smile.

Linton finally understood what Vegeta meant. This guy was probably stuck at the peak of Super Saiyan 1 and couldn't find a way to break through, just like when he was stuck at the threshold before Super Saiyan. He probably understood his current situation, so he was thinking of ways to find this opportunity, and he happened to appear at this time. This was to prepare himself to be a whetstone.

At present, Vegeta's level is much higher than in the original work. Of course, it is mainly due to his own reasons. He helped him practice and told him the correct way to improve his strength. It's just that it still hasn't met Linton's expectations. It's still a bit slow to break through the second level in the past four years.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand what you mean." Linton nodded, "But it's a pity that you still haven't broken through to Super Saiyan 2 in four years. This progress is indeed a bit slow. Of course, I probably I understand why, after all, the strongest form I showed you before was Super Saiyan Two, you probably think this is the ceiling of Super Saiyan, right?"

"What...what do you mean?" Vegeta was indeed stunned for a moment. He really thought so, but from what Linton meant, it didn't seem to be the case. It sounded like the Super Series was just the beginning.

"As expected, it seems it's time to open your eyes a little more." Linton said, "Have you ever heard of a motto spread by our Saiyan nation? As big as the heart is, the stage is as big as you can see far. Only in this way can you understand your goals better. If you want to use me as a touchstone to break through to the second level, I guess it is impossible. But it is my job as an uncle to open your eyes. Otherwise, you kid, you really are I don’t know how high the sky and the earth are…”

"So what you're saying is that there are other forms above Super Saiyan 2?" Vegeta was not depressed, but was very excited. He has great confidence in his own strength. He is the strongest Saiyan, so he can definitely achieve the above form and become stronger. Of course, he is very excited.

"Want to see it?" Linton said with a smile.

"Of course." Vegeta said.

"Then..." After Linton finished speaking, he also made fists with both hands, "Watch it."

There was a loud "boom", and a huge breath spurted out. All the surrounding plants fell directly towards the outside in a radial shape, completely overwhelmed by Linton's breath. At this time, Linton's appearance also changed. His hair began to gradually lengthen, his eyebrows disappeared and his brow bones were connected together. Yes, he directly entered the super three form.

"This... this is..." Feeling the powerful energy released from Linton, Vegeta was indeed shocked.

"Super Saiyan Three." Linton said, "Although it is not a particularly strong form, mainly because it consumes a lot of breath, crushing it in a short time can basically solve most of the problems. In short ...Are you ready?"

Vegeta understood that this was for him to try the strength of Super Saiyan 3 himself. Although he could already judge the gap between the two from the huge aura intensity, he was not afraid at all: "Come on!"

With a "swish" sound, as soon as the words fell, Linton here disappeared directly on the spot. Although Vegeta was already paying attention, he couldn't keep up with Linton's speed. This was just a simple act without any skills. The crushing speed made it impossible for Vegeta to keep up.

There was a "bang", and when he reacted, Vegeta's chin had already been hit by a blow, and his whole body flew directly to the side, but before he could fly out, Linton hit Vegeta directly with another blow. On the tower's belly. Vegeta here suddenly vomited blood. However, he didn't care about the injury at all. Instead, he raised his hand in the air and aimed his palm directly in Linton's direction. He should have judged Linton's position based on the location of the injury.

I have to say that Vegeta's fighting awareness is still very strong. If there is no energy on both sides, Linton may really not be Vegeta's opponent if he doesn't activate automatic combat in purely hand-to-hand combat. But the problem is that no matter how strong the fighting consciousness is, the current gap between the two sides cannot be made up by this little fighting consciousness.

Linton was much faster than his opponent. Seeing that Vegeta here obviously wanted to launch some beam skills, Linton directly reached out and grabbed the opponent's feet, pulled the opponent up and smashed him to the side. Ground, forcibly interrupting the opponent's skills. Before the opponent could react, he followed up with a kick, kicking Vegeta flatly. He flew close to the ground all the way, rushed out a few kilometers and crashed into a big mountain. until.

"What's wrong? This won't work?" The next second, Linton also teleported and appeared in front of the mountain, shouting towards the inside of a big hole that Vegeta had made.

There was no response from the cave. Just when Linton thought the other party had fainted, there was a sudden flash of light in the cave.

"Afterburner." A huge beam of light shot out from the cave, directly blowing up the entire cave, revealing Vegeta who was releasing his skills inside. It was obvious that Vegeta had no intention of giving up. Although he knew there was a gap in strength, he still wanted to try his best to win. As for what looked like a sneak attack, for Vegeta, he didn't care what the means were, all he wanted was victory.

The sudden special move did surprise Linton. Of course, he discovered the opponent's attack in time, but he had no intention of evading it. He didn't even make any blocking action, and just watched the huge beam of light hit directly. on his head.

With a "bang", Linton's head was slightly shaken, and the beam of light on this side was directly deflected. It was obvious that it did not cause any effective damage to Linton at all.

"What?" Vegeta was stunned again. He was really attacking with all his strength, but there was no reaction at all when he hit Linton?

"The effect is still there." Linton seemed to have seen through Vegeta's mind and said, "Congratulations, you have successfully broken my defense, but this also means that you will experience even more terrifying things next. .”

As he spoke, Linton made a fist. Of course, he was no longer in charge at this time: "The Super Three here is just giving you a brief demonstration. I told you to let you see a higher level, and now it's time for you to see it. See, this is freedom... Wait, it doesn’t seem to be the case, wait a minute, I’ll see what happens first.”

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