"What does it mean to just give Ma X Teng a gift?" Linton, who had just returned, couldn't help complaining. There were no surprises in other aspects, and my mission had been completed, but this random reward was too perfunctory.

It’s not like there are no good things in the EVA world. There will even be space battleships in the later stages. Although Linton often boasts that he wants to participate in the space war, he still doesn't have a space battleship. Why don't you give one as a gift? What the hell is a penguin as a gift? Do you want to remind yourself to replenish your membership?

In short, this is the second living creature sent by the system, and it is still a real living creature. Last time it was the Two-Tailed Mata Brigade, that thing was considered a tailed beast after all, but this time the penpen was a real creature.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, this thing is considered rare. After all, Linton can't buy live animals directly in the system. Although there are bloodlines, skills, and items in the store, there is no place to buy pets, so it seems that the only way to get such things is through random rewards.

The things produced by the system are still different from ordinary living creatures. The most important thing is that they can be summoned by oneself across dimensions. For example, Linton can use psychic skills to summon Erwei Mataru, but other dogs in the family can Dragons and the like won't work. Theoretically, this penguin should be able to be summoned across dimensions, but... this thing doesn't have any combat effectiveness.

"We have more business partners, and we can even consider opening a store." Linton looked at PENPEN who had just come out and was checking the surroundings, and couldn't help but said, "This thing shouldn't shed any hair, take it back to Yalan Let’s play.”

The place they came back was still in the underground laboratory. Without Linton saying anything, Asuna and her clone here had already started sharing information among themselves.

"I see, there should be no problem with the quantum storage solution of anti-universe compilation." Asuna said, "We need to test whether we can use anti-universe channel compilation in this world to get out the previously stored data."

"Wait a minute... I suddenly feel a little dangerous here." Linton said, "You can do this kind of test that requires nuclear bomb explosion level energy below the palace. If it fails, won't my whole family go to heaven?"

"Although the energy is indeed that great, even if it fails, the way the energy is released cannot be equivalent to the way a nuclear bomb explodes." Asuna said, "You know the conditions required for an explosion. The current test should not cause That's dangerous. But considering that you may be worried, you can also change the test location."

"No, it sounds like you have already chosen the location?" Linton asked.

"Well, for example, in the new city you are building, a second laboratory can be built there." Asuna said.

Asuna had really thought about it, but Linton thought about it and found that there would be no problem in building a laboratory in the new city. Although he had previously said that he was going to grant the title to his unborn child, it was only in name. His child would not really live there, and there was a very high possibility that the child would directly inherit the throne. At that time, that city also became directly under the jurisdiction of the royal family. In short, it didn't matter if the city over there was bombed directly after handing in the mission.

"Then you...go to the design laboratory over there first. This experiment will be done there. And I'm afraid that if you really blow up the city and I won't be able to deliver the task, you can do this experiment while I'm here. That way If it explodes, I can still restore it." Linton said.

"Okay." Asuna nodded.

"By the way, how long will I be away this time?" Linton asked.

"41 days." Asuna here replied immediately. Her clone also exists in the main world. After returning, the two parties can share information to know how long she has been away. It is a very convenient timing function.

"Only 41 days?" Linton was stunned for a moment. He tried his best to delay this time, but he was obediently waiting for the apostle to come to the door. He had no intention of accelerating the plot. Because this task originally had 120 cycles, Linton originally planned to delay it for a long time, so that he would be on vacation when he came back.

This time I came back early because I had a new goal, but I didn't expect that only 41 days had passed. It was still early before the birth. It seemed that I had to go out again, otherwise the rest period would not be enough.

That’s OK, we need to make a trip to Longzhu. But this is enough time to complete a mission. Do you want to take on a mission?

Linton was a little greedy. After all, he had almost collected the contribution points here. Yes, he was about to be promoted. This level was indeed troublesome. If he hadn't been unable to participate in PVP, it probably wouldn't have been that troublesome. But without anyone else, Linton could only force himself through the tasks one by one. It was not easy. Contribute to the present.

But after thinking about it, I decided not to add more anxiety to myself, so I decided not to take on the task. After all, it would be a major event in my life, and I didn’t want to worry about not being able to complete the task if I didn’t.

There is no need to wait for the refresh mission, Linton can start directly this time. But now that he's back, of course Linton should go directly to say hello to Yalan. This trip to Linton still takes more than 2 months, and it must be used up to give me exactly three months of vacation when I come back next time, so there is no rush at all.

We haven't seen her for more than a month, and Yalan's belly is indeed more exaggerated here, which makes Linton feel a little panicked. Now Yalan's walking will be affected, but her spirit seems to be good, at least there should be no symptoms of prenatal depression.

Of course Yalan was also very happy to see Linton: "Didn't you say you were going out for a long time this time?"

Because Linton's previous mission cycle was four months, of course he had greeted Yalan in advance, but now that he has returned in more than a month, Yalan is indeed a little surprised. But after the surprise, she immediately asked: "The mission didn't go well? Did it fail?"

"No, I still have some free time during the mission. Come back and bring you a gift." Linton said.

After saying that, Linton also directly took out the penpen. Seeing this thing, Yalan's eyes lit up: "What is this? Is it a creature from the world you went to this time?"

"Oh, is there no such thing in this world?" Linton said. It is true that penguins have not been seen in the main world, but this thing is not something they can see in the temperate zone here. "In short, it is just a pet. It really has no combat effectiveness. Pets, just for fun."

"Gah?" Penpen here probably understood the current situation, and raised his wings like a hand to greet Yalan. Yes, Penpen's IQ is still very high. Although it has no fighting ability, it can understand human speech. It can even take a bath and read a newspaper by itself. It doesn't require much care, so it is a very convenient pet.

"So cute!" Yalan seemed to be unable to resist such a cute thing, and immediately said, "What does it eat?"

"Uh... Generally speaking, penguins eat fish, but this guy... just find something and let him choose it. He will understand," Linton said.

"Yeah." Yalan nodded. Anyway, he found a pile of food and let him choose what he likes. After all, they are the royal family. They will get whatever they want, and they will definitely not starve it. "Is his name called Penguin?"

"No, this bird species is called penguin, and its name is penpen." Linton said.

"Penpen... doesn't sound nice, but forget it. Please give me some advice, Penpen." Yalan looked very happy, "Then I will try to make you something to wear. It just so happens that I have been there recently. I learned a lot about sewing..."

Although this random reward has no practical use, Linton feels that it is quite good when looking at Yalan's happy face.

After staying in the main world for a few days, Linton was ready to set off again. I've been here for a few days mainly waiting for Asuna's anti-universe channel test here. The laboratory over there doesn't need any special decoration anyway. Linton can just do it casually and put the equipment in and it will work. , so Asuna quickly started testing.

The test went very smoothly, and there was no danger of a nuclear bomb explosion. In terms of energy, 17 level 7 magic crystals were used to provide energy. The anti-universe channel was successfully opened in this world, and the quantum data was successfully translated. The previous Yasi Na took out the information stored in her.

Of course, this information is useless, because Asuna herself has come back and no longer needs this information, but it proves that this world can open an anti-universe passage. Of course, the 17 level seven magic crystals consumed also prove that it is indeed necessary to obtain unlimited energy to do the next things, otherwise it will not be able to withstand it at all. This magic crystal is the strategic reserve resource of this world. Even the seventh level is not low, but it cannot withstand such consumption.

Speaking of magic crystals, it’s not just about consuming magic crystals. When Linton went to find Yalan the next day, Yalan said that Penpen had tried all the things he planted, and his favorite thing to eat was actually magic crystals. Linton was stunned when he heard this. What is this penguin planning to do? Evolve into a monster?

It is true that Warcraft eats magic crystals and absorbs the energy of the magic crystals to strengthen its own magic crystals. But Penpen is not a Warcraft. There should be no magic crystals in his body. Nothing will happen if he eats this. But the actual observation seems to be fine. Although it has not been seen to release magic such as breathing fire, it has not died suddenly, and what it eats now is just low-level magic crystals. There are many of these in the palace, and there is no shortage of them. Let it eat well, this little money is equivalent to paying the membership fee.

Having said that, after the successful experiment, the only thing missing from the quantum elf ball now is infinite energy, and Linton is also ready to get it.

There was no mission this time, and Linton only made some preparations. Of course Asuna still wants to go with her this time, and it seems that her goal is not just the infinite energy of artificial humans. She said that she is also very concerned about capsule technology, because it is also a technology similar to quantum storage, but it cannot pretend to be alive. It's just a thing, but you can refer to it to see what technology the other party uses, and maybe you can improve your current design again.

In short, the preparations were completed quickly, and with a flash of white light, Linton set off again.

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