I really can't control myself

Chapter 1693 Liberation

"What happened?" Everyone looked at the strange apostle over there. The apostle here was twitching in various ways, but it didn't seem like it had done anything by itself, because it looked like it was in pain. a feeling of.

Just when everyone was confused about what was going on, there was a sudden "poof", and an arm suddenly came out of the apostle's mouth. In an instant, the apostle spurted out a large amount of blood, and the scene became even weirder. .

"It's...Unit-00." The arm that suddenly stretched out from the apostle's mouth was obviously that of Unit-00. Although no one wanted Unit-00 to disappear like this, no one could have imagined the situation in front of them. Actually penetrated directly from the apostle's body?

"It's unbelievable." Looking at this situation, Ritsuko Akagi from the Scientific Research Department here murmured in surprise. It was obvious that the situation behind this was no longer something that could be explained by science.

"Pfft", soon the second arm of Unit 1 also stretched out from the apostle's mouth. Of course, the apostle's mouth was obviously not that big. These two arms were forced out, almost covering his entire face. It was so full.

Although the apostles here are still struggling, it seems to be of no use at all. The two arms stretched out by Unit 1 directly grabbed the two sides of the apostle, and then with a sudden force, there was a "tearing" sound of something being torn, and then a large amount of blood spurted out, and behind the blood , here the figure of Unit 1 slowly emerged from the apostle's body, and a large amount of blood dyed the body of Unit 1 red, making it look mysterious and terrifying.

"Can we still see famous scenes?" Linton's reaction was not that big. After all, such a scene still has a sense of déjà vu. Yes, there is actually such a scene in the original work, but it does not happen in the theatrical version, but the twelfth apostle Night Angel in the TV version. The opponent also swallowed Unit-00, and was also attacked from the inside by Unit-00. If it is torn apart, it can be regarded as the kind of apostle who will die miserably.

Now this retribution seems to be coming to the Angel of Power who has committed evil all the time. It can only be said that this guy can always find a worse way to die, which is probably his innate skill as an apostle.

"Awww..." The No. 1 machine that poked its head out let out a terrifying howl, looking like a wild beast. But what is weird is that at this time, something like an angel's aperture appears on the top of the head of Unit 1, which is emitting a light that even feels a bit sacred. It has a weird feeling of a combination of sacredness and barbarism.

Of course, the tragedy of the Force Angel is not over yet. At this time, Unit 1, whose lower body has not yet fully crawled out, seems to be unable to wait any longer. With its upper body stretched out, it opens its mouth and is torn apart by the Force Angel, and bites it in one bite. This didn't seem to be an attack, because after biting off the opponent's meat, Unit 0 started chewing it, and it even tasted delicious.

"He's...eating the apostle?" Misato Katsuragi said in surprise, covering her mouth.

"So you see, I told you before that this thing is edible, right?" Linton, who was standing next to him, walked up to Misato Katsuragi and said.

"Then you let your cat test the poison... Wait, now is not the time to talk about this, right? What is the thing you want here? You said before that contact with Lilith will not trigger the third impact. What's going on? Tell me clearly." Misato Katsuragi said.

"It's not easy to explain clearly now. One is because I really don't have time, and the other is that I actually don't understand very well." Linton said. As he said before, he has really watched all the dramas like EVA. It's hard for you to explain clearly what the situation is. "What I roughly know is that the thing below is not Adam anyway. It may have been disguised as Adam by SEELE to attract the apostles. The real Adam turned into the apostle during the second impact. Four parts. As for the third impact you mentioned, even if it occurs, it is not caused by the apostles..."

"Who is that?" Misato Katsuragi didn't care about the truth at this time, because after hearing about the third impact, she was more worried about the situation of the third impact, so she asked immediately.

"It." Linton pointed directly at Unit 1, which was still having a meal over there.

"Unit No. 1?" Misato Katsuragi was stunned.

"The third impact was planned from the beginning. Whether it was SEELE or your Commander Ikari, their original purpose was not to prevent the third impact. Do you remember what I said about the human completion plan?" Linton said.

"What did you say...?" Misato Katsuragi was stunned, then looked directly at Gendo Ikari next to her, "Is it true? Commander."

Ikari Gendo didn't answer and looked at Katsuragi Misato indifferently. But there was no need for him to answer directly, Katsuragi Misato already understood the meaning.

"Then what's the point of us fighting against the apostles here?" Misato Katsuragi suddenly said with some collapse, "Is this also your plan? Are we just a part of your plan? Are those who sacrificed their lives? Even Shinji-kun is too ?Answer me! Ikari Yuantang!"

"People don't know why, but they all work hard to understand each other. It is absolutely impossible to fully understand each other. Human beings are such sad creatures. In other words, there is no complete communication between human hearts. Loneliness is the root of mankind's sad destiny. It is on one's own that people come out from God and from the Garden of Eden, and decide their own lonely destiny." I don't know why, Ikari Yuantang, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke at this time There were more, but the conversations seemed to be about philosophical speculative issues.

"Have you really started to stop talking? It's really the style of this film." Linton said helplessly, spreading his hands. Of course, Ikari Yuantang here seems to be talking a lot of tongue twisters, but I can barely understand it. It is relatively normal in this world, such as various inexplicable streams of consciousness in the later stage of the TV version, and a lot of The crowd of people applauding and saying congratulations and the like was hard to understand. You try to understand it, and then you find out later that it's just the director's lack of funds or something like that.

"Now that all this tragic reincarnation is coming to an end, the energy core that makes up EVA is the materialization of the soul. In this final ceremony, we will abandon the container of the body and the seeds of humanity, and our collective wisdom will be directed to dirt. Heaven, this is the plan to complete the human race." Ikari Gendo said and smiled, "And the person who proposed such a plan is your father, Dr. Katsuragi."

"What..." Misato Katsuragi was stunned, "What did you say?"

"At the cost of triggering the second impact, Dr. Katsuragi proved the correctness of his proposal, the human completion plan." Ikari Gendo said.

Katsuragi Misato's whole body was shaken by the second impact... Was that disaster caused by her father's plan? Caused so many deaths around the world just to verify a plan? Misato Katsuragi wanted to deny it, but... what Gendo Ikari said was probably true. Some memories that seemed to have been sealed off when he was a child seemed to be connected in series at this time. Why did he and his father appear in Antarctica? When the second impact breaks out.

"If what you say is true, then I will pay whatever it takes to stop my father's nonsense." Misato Katsuragi said through gritted teeth.

"It's a pity that this is our fate as human beings and we cannot escape it." Ikari Yuantang shook his head, "As humans who have swallowed the fruit of wisdom, there are only two ways to fail. First, those who have swallowed the fruit of life We must choose one of these two outcomes, the annihilation of the apostles, or, secondly, the annihilation of the apostles, taking their place before God and becoming the eternal Son of God.”

"I see, that's why NERV was established to eliminate the apostles, just for their seats?" Misato Katsuragi said, "Does God really care about such humiliation to God? In that case, I believe more in relying on us humans. Strength, move forward with hope.”

"This is a problem of misinterpretation of the truth." Ikari Yuantang said, "You are destined to be disappointed."

"We..." Misato Katsuragi here wanted to argue with Gendo Ikari, but suddenly a gunshot rang out, interrupting the conversation between the two. Misato Katsuragi looked to the side in surprise. The person holding the gun was right next to her. It was Ritsuko Akagi.

Ikari Gendo also looked at Ritsuko Akagi here with some surprise, then looked down at his chest, which was overflowing with blood, and murmured: "You really achieve the goal directly without hesitation, very much like your style. Ritsuko.”

"I learned this from you too," Ritsuko Akagi said, "Are you really just using me? Is my mother like this too?"

"Bang bang" there were two more gunshots. Although Ritsuko Akagi asked a question, she had no intention of listening to the answer. This time, the two shots directly hit her head. Ikari Gendo, who was shot, said nothing. He fell to the ground.

"Ritsuko..." Misato Katsuragi looked at Ritsuko Akagi in surprise. Indeed, she was shocked by the shooting without hesitation.

"The problem now is not that guy." Ritsuko Akagi said calmly, "The real trouble is here..."

Of course Ritsuko Akagi was talking about Unit 1 here. At this time, the condition of Unit 1 was getting more and more wrong. After devouring the apostle, the armor on Unit 1 began to explode, something similar to the core of the apostle began to appear on the chest, and strange things began to appear on the top of his head. Suddenly, a circle-shaped rainbow began to appear. Although I still don’t know what it is, it is obvious that if this continues, the third impact will appear.

"Eva, who is imprisoned in the human form, is restoring his own appearance." Ritsuko Akagi said, "After being freed from the shackles of humans, it will become a being close to a god. When a new life beyond the common sense of this world is born, As a price, the old life will come to an end."

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