I really can't control myself

Chapter 1687 Stealing

"Why is it this time?" Misato Katsuragi here murmured in confusion.

"Captain Katsuragi, is it so early today?" A staff member passed by and saw Misato Katsuragi who was distracted and said hello directly. Of course, Misato Katsuragi here also nodded. A lot of people asked about this today. It seems that she is usually a bit undisciplined.

Yes, she listened to Linton's words, so Misato Katsuragi had already arrived at NERV's headquarters early this morning. After all, a group of apostles were about to invade, so there was no problem in making preparations first. She even wanted to find a reason. For example, if there is a meeting or something like that, first recruit all the staff to avoid panic.

But before that, Misato Katsuragi still had a few things to deal with. The first was the issue of Unit 2. Linton said someone would come and steal Unit 2. When she first heard it, Misato Katsuragi thought this was really nonsense. What kind of thing is Unit 2? Is EVA so easy to steal? This thing is like a nuclear bomb. Why don't you try to steal a nuclear bomb?

But the problem is that Linton said these unreliable words, and what Linton said seems to be nonsense, but generally speaking, it may come true. Katsuragi Misato has some experience of this. So the question comes again, how to steal it? You have to know that something as big as Machine No. 2 is not just stolen. You have to consider the transportation issue.

As for you saying drive away? How is it possible? As I said before, people with insufficient synchronization rates cannot start it at all. Otherwise, why would they select drivers? Do you think it can be started by just asking anyone to drive it? Not to mention anything else, you can't pass the identity authentication alone. There is no information about you in the machine. Do you think you can activate it casually? Although Unit 2 came from the European branch, the unit information currently only contains Asuka's information.

In short, Misato Katsuragi didn't think about driving away at all. As for transport aircraft, the only transport aircraft that could transport EVA was hit and bombed when fighting against the No. 3 aircraft. Of course, the headquarters is also applying for the deployment of new transport aircraft. , but the plane is still in North America and has not come over yet. So how do you steal it, or transport a truck? This is true, but the idea of ​​stealing the truck first...

The more I thought about Misato Katsuragi, the more something was wrong. It seemed that stealing EVA was not very reliable, so Linton was just talking nonsense this time. Thinking like this, she remembered the time Linton mentioned yesterday about the apostles' invasion. Why was it this morning?

Before asking this, Linton asked a very strange question, that is, when will Shinji Ikari leave, and then said that the invasion of the apostles happened this morning. Then this is very strange, why do we need to first ask the time of Shinji Ikari's departure before determining the time of the apostles' invasion?

Misato Katsuragi started to think too much. Could it be that she was transferred here on purpose at this time? Could it be that I didn’t discern Linton’s purpose? She said before that she had never figured out Linton's purpose, but something suddenly occurred to him at this time. Could it be that the other party's purpose was Shinji Ikari?

Yes, he used the excuse of an apostle to get himself to the headquarters, and even considered that he would worry the staff in advance and even sound the alarm, so that no one would care about Shinji Ikari who had run away, and then take the opportunity to abduct him? Thinking about it carefully, Linton seems to have a good relationship with several EVA drivers. Could it be that the target is not the EVA but the EVA driver?

Misato Katsuragi is indeed very thoughtful and has a lot to think about. After all, she couldn't figure out the situation here. It was too nonsense to steal the No. 2 machine, so she began to doubt Linton's purpose.

Of course, it was just nonsense. Misato Katsuragi came to the sealed hangar of Unit 2 very honestly, mainly to check the situation and rule out her own guesses. If there was really no problem, she would go to Lin Not too late.

"Ah, Captain Katsuragi, is it so early?" In the hangar management room, the staff also greeted Misato Katsuragi.

"How late do I usually come?" I had heard such words several times today, which made Misato Katsuragi feel a little embarrassed.

"Captain Katsuragi, are you here?" the staff asked. It was indeed strange for the director of the operations department to come to this management hangar. After all, what was kept here was not combat aircraft, but sealed aircraft.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just came over to take a look." Misato Katsuragi said, "There is nothing wrong with Unit 2."

"What do you mean by the question..." the other party asked strangely.

"..." Misato Katsuragi also knew that her question was inexplicable. It is true that the No. 2 unit is still sealed. Who knows what the problem is. If you want to check it, you must first take the unit out of the seal library. Thinking of this, Misato Katsuragi also laughed a few times, "I mean it's a safety issue. Someone seemed to tell me about rumors about seeing some suspicious people here..."

Of course, Misato Katsuragi was talking nonsense. There was no such report at all. She just casually said that she would raise security issues next, and then take advantage of the situation to increase the vigilance and other operations.

"Suspicious person?" The staff on the other side was stunned, "On our side?"

"Probably, I'm just asking about the situation, haven't you seen it?" Katsuragi Misato asked.

"Ah... I haven't seen anyone suspicious. After all, we are just the hangar department, not an important department..." the other party said.

"Since there is a report, we should pay attention to it and raise the alert level recently, just in case." Misato Katsuragi thought about it and felt that the other party was also confused. She was also very unsure whether it was Linton. After talking nonsense and casually saying a few words, Misato Katsuragi was ready to leave.

However, just when she turned around and prepared to go out, a person walked towards her in the corridor at the door. For some reason, Misato Katsuragi suddenly felt alert when she saw the other party. It was probably because her sixth sense was at work. After all, she was already very alert now.

I looked at the other person carefully. At this time, the other person was wearing a work hat. The brim of the hat just covered most of her face. Now I can only tell that she is a woman. She looks quite young. She should be younger than myself.

Misato Katsuragi had a thought in her mind and shouted directly to the front: "Wait a minute, which department are you from?"

The other party was stunned for a moment and raised his head slightly. Misato Katsuragi finally saw the other person's face. She was indeed a young woman. She looked less than twenty. She even felt like... a high school student? Of course, this is very strange. After all, this is the NERV headquarters. There are originally few female employees, especially in the hangar. She is still so young, she doesn't know that there is such a person?

"Katsugi...Captain?" The other party suddenly smiled, "I'm a little surprised that you appear here."

"Who are you?" Just like what she said before, Katsuragi Misato was already very wary. At this time, her hand immediately touched her waist. Yes, she was armed. After all, she was here to see Unit 2. situation, we made preparations in advance.

However, just as she made the move to draw her gun, Misato Katsuragi suddenly felt something moving behind her. Although she had been trained in special combat, Katsuragi Misato was just an ordinary person after all, and the opponent's physical skills were also very strong. Before she could react, she was hit directly on the back of the neck.

Katsuragi Misato felt her eyes go dark, her consciousness gradually faded, and she fell forward. But before she fell, she saw the person who attacked her from behind, who was the hangar staff who reported to her before.

Of course, Misato Katsuragi also discovered that something was wrong with the previous hangar staff at this time, but it was already too late. After taking this last look, Misato Katsuragi immediately lost consciousness. However, before she fell, she was supported by the girl in front of her, and she fainted in her arms.

"What a pitiful person, he doesn't know anything..." These were the last words she heard the girl say.

She didn't know how long she had been unconscious. When Misato Katsuragi woke up again, she was woken up by the sound of an alarm. When I woke up groggy, all I saw was the flashing red light of the first-level alarm in the room. It was obvious that something had happened.

Misato Katsuragi looked around and found that she was still in the hangar office, and she was actually lying on the sofa. It seemed that the other party was not making things difficult for her, but her weapon was missing, and there was no one else around at this time.

Katsuragi Misato quickly stood up and walked to the window of the hangar office. Looking down, she saw that the door of the sealed hangar below had been opened. Half of the No. 2 unit had been lifted out, and even the insertion bolt was ready. . Next to the insertion plug, a girl with glasses was wearing a combat uniform. It was the girl he met just now.

Did someone really steal EVA? Everyone in Katsuragi Misato was shocked, and the other party actually wanted to drive away directly with EVA Unit 2? is it possible? Why is the other party confident in launching EVA? Considering that the other party has helpers and even sneaked into the headquarters, could it be said that the authentication data of unit 2 has been modified? But that data is not managed by the hangar. Could it be that besides the hangar, there are other people who have also sneaked into the NERV headquarters?

"Stop!" Misato Katsuragi shouted directly from the window to the girl below, "Although I don't know what you want to do, EVA is not something that just anyone can drive. What exactly do you want to do?"

And Makiha here also noticed Misato Katsuragi who woke up, and waved directly towards him: "Are you worried about me? It doesn't matter, I am also an EVA pilot. On your side, Captain Katsuragi, you are not When it comes to my affairs, I did not trigger this alarm. No one except you has noticed our actions. This alarm..."

"Apostle?" Of course Katsuragi Misato also responded.

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