I really can't control myself

Chapter 1685 Follow-up

"...In short, your current situation is a bit like you and the apostle have merged..." Inside the NERV headquarters, Ritsuko Akagi, the head of the first branch of the scientific research department, was trying hard to explain the current situation to the confused Asuka. Of course it was an explanation, but the actual situation was that even after a comprehensive inspection, she didn't know how she did it.

From a scientific point of view, Asuka's current situation does not look like she has fused with an apostle. The physical examination data also looks like a normal human being. However, as we all know, humans do not have an AT position, so the previous one Part of the Nine Apostles must have been integrated with Asuka, but how to integrate is indeed a big problem.

If you say fusion, just fuse. From now on, Asuka's personality is the main body. It doesn't look like it has been eroded by the apostle at all. It looks like the apostle gave his power directly to Asuka. To be honest, that's it. The fusion is perfect, and even Ritsuko Akagi feels that it has the flavor of a work of art. But the problem is... this is too unscientific. How is it done? Is there anything special about Asuka? Why can it be perfectly integrated with the apostle?

"So that's it, the Bengyu experiment?" At this time, in another corner, Linton, the only one who knew the situation, was explaining the reasons for all this to Asuna, who was also in the scientific research department. The only person in this world besides Linton who knows the use of Bengyu is of course Asuna who came with him. Of course, Linton did not say hello to Asuna during the Bengyu experiment. Bengyu was redeemed only after he came to this world. , and Asuna has been busy with her own research and did not participate.

It was only after seeing Asuka's situation that Asuna asked what the situation was. Of course, Linton didn't need to hide it from her and told her directly. Of course, he also asked Asuna to help check the situation. After all, he was just guessing. He probably knew that the matter was related to Bengyu, but he was not 100% sure.

Judging from the current series of inspection reports, Asuka's non-human parts can't be found anywhere on her body, or where they appear. It's impossible to tell if they are placed in a crowd of people. Even the detector that detects the apostle shows The reactions were all orange, not the apostle's blue. Of course, Linton knew these results from Asuna.

The good news is that Asuka has acquired superpowers inexplicably. From now on, it seems that she can use the AT stance with almost no side effects. But the bad news is... Asuka may not be able to drive EVA in the future.

Yes, it's probably impossible for NERV to let such a bomb that they don't know whether it will explode be placed in their base, and let her drive an EVA. That would be too dangerous. It is now known that there is a part in her body that is fused with the apostle. Although the examination cannot detect it, it is impossible to pretend that it is not there. The actual example of Unit 3 is already in front of us. What if Asuka is allowed to drive another EVA and is eroded by the Ninth Apostle again?

Of course, NERV won't say clearly that you should never think about driving EVA in the future. After all, Asuka's mood needs to be stabilized. What NERV wants to do most now is probably to imprison this precious specimen and study it carefully. Otherwise, don't think about anything else. Why I didn't take action was of course due to the difficulty of capturing.

Yes, if they forcefully break up, Asuka herself, the uncertain factor in merging with the apostle, will be very troublesome, and even more troublesome will be Linton's side.

Through previous surveillance and Misato Katsuragi's report, NERV actually knew the situation between Linton and Asuka. So they are 99% sure that if they really take action against Asuka, Linton will intervene and the matter will be difficult to handle.

What's even more troublesome is that NERV itself has no cards to play. After all, the trump cards they had before, namely EVA, are now more or less problematic.

Unit No. 3 has already exploded, Unit No. 2 is still sealed, and the pilot was Asuka before. Even if you want to choose a new one now, it is not that fast and there is no way to use it. As for Unit Zero, Ayanami Rei's recent state is really bad. The synchronization rate has always been at the lowest level that can be started, and it seems that an accident will happen at any time.

Shinji Ikari, who used to be the best driver and had the highest synchronization rate, now also has problems. To put it simply, he just doesn't want to do it anymore.

This aspect is similar to the situation in the original work. Unit 1, which was controlled by the puppet system, also went crazy and attacked Unit 3. However, the difference is that Unit 3 mutated due to the influence of Bengyu, resulting in a level of strength It was much stronger than in the original work, so Unit-01 did not tear it apart directly, but it was forced against Shinji Ikari's will. Even during the process, Shinji Ikari begged his father to stop, and Yuantang Ikari did not respond at all. This behavior still completely angered Shinji Ikari.

From Linton's point of view, I can certainly understand Shinji Ikari's reaction. You wrote a letter and asked me to come to Third New Tokyo City to ask me for something, but when you came here, you suddenly asked me to drive EVA. I reluctantly accepted this setting, but suddenly you said that you had developed a puppet system to replace me, so why not burn the donkey and burn the bridge? I was just a tool tester before intelligent driving. Now that the puppet system has come out, am I no longer important?

The so-called expectations are as great as the disappointments. Shinji Ikari had expectations for his father before, and wanted to do something to gain his father's approval, but the puppet system completely negated all his efforts. It can be said that Ikari Gendo pinched his face and told him that I am more Trust the machine to operate, not you.

Under such a blow, Shinji Ikari immediately became autistic. The first thing I said after getting off Unit 1 was, "I will never fly something like this again." Obviously, for such a situation, Shinji Ikari's choice is to escape, rather than to prove that I am more useful than the intelligent system. This is of course also due to his character. When encountering pain, he will get out of the way first.

Of course, Ikari Yuantang is definitely not used to him. Why are you still staying at NERV? Just get out of here. And Shinji Ikari's answer here was probably to just get out of here, without any hesitation at all. At this time, Yuantang Ikari here probably had some blind confidence in the puppet system, or felt that he did not need to compromise with Shinji Ikari. Not only did he have no intention of retaining him, he even ordered the cancellation of Shinji Ikari's driver information on the spot.

After talking to Ikari Yuantang, Ikari Shinji was completely disappointed. He decided to leave the Third New Tokyo City. As for the apostle's destruction of the world, he didn't want to worry about it. Let's destroy it quickly. He was tired.

At this time, the only person who wanted to retain Shinji Ikari was probably Misato Katsuragi. She also told Linton about the current situation of Shinji Ikari. Her original intention was probably to ask Linton to help find a solution, but Linton originally didn't want to care about this matter.

"Is this really a parent-teacher meeting?" Linton said with a smile. In the current situation, he and Misato Katsuragi are like two parents taking care of their own children respectively. Then there is something wrong with Misato Katsuragi's family. He came to discuss what to do, "You can't think of a solution on your own. I'm very busy here too. One of my two can breathe fire, and the other is working hard to breathe laser..."

"So I said I can't spray laser light at all!" Asuka yelled directly next to her. Yes, after two days of examinations, Asuka here is now considered "discharged". She was fine to begin with and has been cooperating with the examinations for the past two days. As I said before, there is no way for NERV to fall out now, and in the end they can only let people go. Of course, there must be surveillance and the like.

They didn't tell Asuka not to drive EVA in the future, they simply said they would observe the situation before making any decisions. But Asuka is not an idiot. She can probably guess some of the current situation, but contrary to her own expectations, Asuka found that her disappointment was not that great.

Of course, she vaguely guessed the reason. Looking at Linton beside her who was causing trouble for her, this should be the answer. She originally drove EVA to find a place to stay, but now, has she found it? To be honest, Asuka herself is not sure. She has never experienced such a thing, but she has to say that she feels quite good now.

"No, how do you know you can't spray laser light without trying it?" Linton said, "To put it bluntly, you should be able to use the apostle's abilities after merging with the apostle. The apostle seems to be the best skill. It's just laser spraying, you should try it..."

"I'm a human! Not an apostle!" Asuka yelled directly, refusing to admit that she had merged with the apostle.

"Don't run away from reality. Now that you have accepted your past self, try to accept your current self as well." Linton said.

"I don't care, even if you say Po Tian, ​​I won't spray laser light." Asuka said.

"How many arms are there? What about super-speed regeneration and the like?" Linton asked.

"Ahhhh...shut up! You just want me to lean towards the monster, right?" Asuka yelled.

"..." Misato Katsuragi here looked at the noisy two people, held her forehead and said, "Okay, I admit that there are quite a lot of things in your family, but I always feel that most of the things in your family are You did it yourself."

"Hey, you're making a false accusation." Linton said, "I'm working very hard here, at least it's much more reliable than NERV's."

"Yes, yes, I know you just saved the world." Misato Katsuragi said casually.

"No." Linton said suddenly, "I haven't saved the world yet. I just saved her before. The next scene will be about saving the world, okay?"

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