I really can't control myself

Chapter 1682 Reinforcements

"Well, how are Miss Misato and Asuka doing?" Shinji Ikari, who was sitting on Unit 1, asked the contact person on the screen. He also knew that the two went to Matsushiro to conduct experiments on Unit 3 today, but I don’t know the details of the experiment. Now he only knows that there was an explosion over there, and he is worried about the situation of the two of them.

"We are working hard to rescue now." The staff replied in a somewhat official tone, as if they were answering a reporter's question. But in fact, we can't contact them at all, and we really don't know the specific situation. We only know from satellite photos that it has been leveled, and we really don't know the specific casualties.

"But without Miss Misato...combat command..." Shinji Ikari said softly.

"Commander Ikari is now under direct command." the staff member replied.

"Father?" Shinji Ikari was stunned.

"Get ready, we're about to take off." The staff said. It was obvious that Ikari Yuantang didn't want to give a few words of warning before starting.

Ikari Gendo's arrangement here is that Unit 0 is responsible for waiting on the ground in the northeastern part of Shinsan New Tokyo City, preparing to meet the enemy, while Unit 1 is to airdrop directly to the target location and actively attack. On the one hand, this arrangement is because the synchronization rate of Unit Zero has been fluctuating back and forth on the pass line of barely being able to start, and it is now unreliable. On the other hand, the new puppet system has given Ikari Yuantang some confidence.

Because the situation was really urgent and there was no time to prepare, Shinji Ikari here just started the No. 1 unit, and the transport plane flew into the sky. This transport plane was used to transport Unit 2. It could only drop one EVA at a time, so Unit 0 could not follow it and had to wait on the ground.

"After breaking away from the transport aircraft, EVA only has five minutes of activity time. There is no link platform at the expected target combat location. Please pay attention to the time." The staff here reminded.

"Okay, but what I have to deal with is..." Shinji Ikari asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a sudden flash of blue light on the ground in front of him, and a strong explosion could be seen over there from such a distance. Of course, at this time, Shinji Ikari didn't know what was going on over there, so he asked directly: "Then... what is that?"

"Ultra-high energy explosive reaction detected." The staff said.

"What's going on? Why was there a second explosion?" Deputy Commander Dongyue here said strangely, "Could it be that...we are fighting something?"

"Have you received the image?" Ikari Yuantang asked.

"Not yet...wait, what is that?" The staff suddenly screamed. What he was talking about was something that suddenly appeared in the video picture, and this picture came from the picture taken by the camera on the combat transport aircraft that was transporting EVA.

In the picture, a huge white thing suddenly penetrated the clouds from below and came directly in front of the transport plane. When this image was captured, it was already very close to the transport plane.

"This...is this Unit 3?" the staff here shouted in surprise. Yes, although the thing in front of me can barely be recognized as a humanoid, it seems more appropriate to call it a monster. The white body can no longer see the previous mechanical armor. There are a lot of arms on the shoulders, and the abdomen opens to reveal something like a mouth. More importantly, there are now two white ones growing behind it. The fleshy wings actually flew up and were now crashing into the transport plane.

"What? Unit 3?" Shinji Ikari was stunned for a moment and asked directly. He still didn't know that he was going to deal with Unit 3.

The staff here also knew that they were surprised to spill the beans. The commander had specifically told him not to talk too much before, because he knew that Shinji Ikari would be soft-hearted. Sure enough, Shinji Ikari here also immediately asked: "Is that Unit 3? Why did it become like that? Where is the pilot? Is Asuka inside? Is this the enemy this time?"

"It's coming!" However, the staff at this time had no time to answer him. The white monster here had already hit the transport plane directly. "Get out of the way!"

Of course, let the transport plane here dodge, but the transport plane transporting EVA is not a small transport plane, and such a huge aircraft cannot make any dodge movements casually in the air. The next second, with a loud "bang", the transport plane here exploded into a ball of sparks, and the entire front part collided with the No. 3 machine.

All communications with the transport crew here disappeared in an instant, but the good news is that the No. 1 unit above has been started at this time and is on standby, so it can move. Shinji Ikari didn't think much about it, because he didn't have time to think about anything more. He saw a white thing crashing towards him. In the chaos, he actually hugged the thing and was carried up into the sky.

With a "stuck" moment, the cable connected to the transport plane broke directly, and the 5-minute activity time limit appeared. Unit No. 1 here has nothing to do now and is hugging Unit No. 3 tightly. However, at this time, Shinji Ikari here saw a protruding part behind the neck of Unit No. 3 through the influence of EVA.

"Is that the insertion compartment? Is Asuka in it?" Shinji Ikari asked immediately. Although the insertion compartment was completely wrapped, you could still barely see a prominent outline. Shinji Ikari recognized it immediately and asked directly road.

"..." The staff couldn't answer and looked directly at Ikari Yuantang above.

"That's the target." Ikari Yuantang said immediately, "Attack quickly."

"Target? But this...ah..." Before he could finish his words, Shinji Ikari suddenly let out a scream.

"The arm armor has eroded, and it is confirmed that the contamination has reached the 6200th floor." Yes, at this time, the position where Unit 1 was holding Unit 3 suddenly had an erosion reaction, and Unit 1's hands were acting strangely.

"Is it really the corrosive type? It's troublesome." Fuyutsuki Kozeng said.

"The AT position of unit No. 1 has fluctuated, and the synchronization rate is declining!" the staff shouted anxiously.

"No, control the neural connection to 28%!" Fuyutsuki Xingzhi said immediately.

"Wait a minute..." Ikari Gendo said next to him, "Shinji, why don't you fight?"

"Asuka is still up there, dad." Shinji Ikari said painfully.

"You will die if you continue like this." Ikari Yuantang said.

"It doesn't matter...it's better than killing people." Shinji Ikari said.

"Understood." Ikari Yuantang nodded, "Cut off the mental synchronization link between the pilot and Unit 1, and hand over the control to the puppet system."

"However, the puppet system still has many problems, and Dr. Akagi, who is in charge of the puppet system..."

"It will be more useful than the current driver." Ikari Yuantang said, "Immediately execute it."

"Yes." Although the staff at the front were a little reluctant, it was the commander's order after all, so they could only operate and start switching the puppet system.

At this time, Shinji Ikari obviously didn't know what was going on. He was still resisting the erosion. Suddenly, he saw an orange aperture light up next to Unit 1, and then Linton came directly from the aperture. He walked out and landed on top of his No. 1 machine.

"This thing can really reach the sky when I rub it." Linton couldn't help but said, and then looked at the Unit 1 next to him, "Why are you up here too? How did you get up here? Are you also good at flying? "

"Linton...Mr.?" Shinji Ikari didn't recognize Linton for a while. After all, Linton was in Super 2 state now. He had blond hair that stood up, but it was just that his hair had changed color. Shinji Ikari looked at it for a while but still looked at it. came out, "Asuka...is she in there?"

"Yeah, aren't we trying to get her out?" Linton said, "Are you here to help?"

"Of course!" Shinji Ikari said immediately.

"Then you open its AT position, and I will remove the insertion bolt." Linton said.

"Okay, I..." Before Shinji Ikari could finish his words, the entire screen suddenly turned black, and Unit-1 seemed to have suddenly lost control. And Shinji Ikari suddenly felt his body relax, and the painful feeling of being trapped in the dormitory disappeared.

Before he could react, a red light came on in the cockpit. Two robotic arms appeared and jammed the operating handle. A screen lowered and blocked his eyes. What was displayed on the screen was the "Puppet System". .”

"What's going on? What is this?" Shinji Ikari here had a bad premonition and shouted anxiously, "What did you do, dad!"

However, Shinji Ikari's voice could no longer be heard. Linton looked at Unit 1 which suddenly seemed to have shut down: "What's wrong with you? You should take action."

Unit 1 did indeed move, but it was not the normal action as promised. I saw the No. 1 unit here suddenly opened his mouth, grabbed the body of the No. 3 unit with both hands, and with a sudden force, he actually flipped onto the back of the No. 3 unit in the air. Then without saying anything, he directly grabbed the white wings on the back of Unit 3.

"What the hell?" Linton was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly understood what was going on, "Puppet system?"

Of course, the No. 3 unit here also made a move at this time, and a lot of arms on the shoulders began to grab the No. 1 unit, probably trying to grab the opponent from his body. However, Unit 1 here ignored these arms at all. He grabbed the left wing of Unit 3 with his right hand, opened his mouth and bit the other wing, and then shook his head violently.

After "tearing", Unit 1 pulled off one of Unit 3's wings with its bite. It was obvious that in the next moment, the No. 3 aircraft in the air lost its balance and began to rapidly lose altitude.

"What the hell? Are you here to do a disservice?" Linton shouted directly.

"No, it's not me!" Shinji Ikari could hear the sounds outside in the cockpit, but his own voice could only be heard in the command room, "Stop it! Dad! Stop it!"

Linton had no time to care about the crazy Unit 1 here, because he had already touched the back of Unit 3's neck and directly hugged the insertion compartment with both hands.

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