Over at Matsushiro's testing ground, today's test started very smoothly. Both the test of Unit 3 itself and the inspection of driver Asuka passed quickly. The test of activation without a driver was also successful. Although it could not be started, the data read were normal.

However, it felt like everything was going smoothly, Katsuragi Misato's brows did not relax. At this time, her sixth sense seemed to be reminding her that danger was approaching. She had a bad premonition today, but the feeling became stronger at this time.

The one who felt the same way was Asuka, who was getting ready to get on the plane. After changing into her combat uniform, she also felt flustered inexplicably. Looking at Unit 3 in the distance, Asuka frowned and held the Bengyu necklace tightly in her hand.

Of course, the test would not be canceled because of their feelings. Ten minutes later, Asuka finally sat in the cab, waiting for the insertion bolt to be inserted into the body to activate.

Ritsuko Akagi had just arrived at the testing site not long ago. She could arrange the morning inspection to her subordinates, but she still had to preside over the actual machine startup test herself.

"Start ionizing LCL, pressure is normal."

"Maintain the first incentive state."

"The insertion bolt sensor is working normally, and all data are within the deviation range, Dr. Akagi." The staff nearby reported to Ritsuko Akagi.

"Prepare to start the test, insert it." Ritsuko Akagi took a breath and said.

The insertion bolt was quickly sent into Unit 3's body, and the mind began to connect. In the EVA cockpit, Asuka suppressed her nervous emotions. After all, she also knew that emotions would affect mental synchronization. Subconsciously looking at the broken jade on her chest, Asuka suddenly realized her expression: "It turns out that I can laugh too..."

As soon as she "boarded", the entire cockpit suddenly became dark. A red and black thing in front of Asuka covered the screen in front of her, and then quickly spread toward her.

"What? What is it?" Asuka suddenly felt as if her whole body was floating, and then slowly began to become confused.

"Didi..." A lot of warning prompts appeared in the nearby laboratory at the same time, and the staff shouted anxiously: "The insertion depth exceeds 100, and the concentration of mental pollution has reached the dangerous zone."

"The driver has exceeded the safe depth. If this continues, the driver will not be able to come back!"

"The experiment is terminated, pop out the insertion plug!" Misato Katsuragi next to her immediately shouted, and as the person in charge, she immediately ordered the experiment to be stopped.

"No, the signal is rejected!" the staff next to him said immediately.

"Pop up the link power supply!" Ritsuko Akagi here also said, because in this test, the EVA was not charged and was only connected to the power supply. The internal power supply cannot provide power. In theory, as long as the external power supply is disconnected, the EVA can be used. The aircraft stopped completely.

With a "bang", the power cord was ejected directly. However, what is surprising is that the No. 3 unit here is still moving.

"No, there's a high-energy reaction in Unit 3!"

"What? This is impossible!" Ritsuko Akagi exclaimed.

"The recognition radar reacted... This is impossible, it's blue..." a staff member next to him suddenly exclaimed.

"Could it be..." Ritsuko Akagi looked at Unit 3 on the screen in surprise.

"Apostle!" Misato Katsuragi here also understood. Is this the apostle invading Unit 3? Is this the unexpected situation Linton was talking about? This is really too unexpected.

"Unit 3 is out of control!"

"A super high energy reaction occurred in Unit 3!"

"Contact NERV headquarters..." Misato Katsuragi had just finished saying this, when suddenly a blue light flashed on the No. 3 fuselage in the picture, and huge energy was suddenly released, engulfing the surrounding fixtures and equipment in an instant. The machines spread toward them.

"It's over." This was the first reaction in Katsuragi Misato's mind, because the previous No. 4 unit disappeared together with the No. 2 branch in this way. Looking at the explosion wave coming towards them, Katsuragi Misato had nothing to deal with. The method can be said to be to close your eyes and wait for death.

However, at this moment, an orange halo of light suddenly appeared in front of her. Misato Katsuragi saw this familiar thing, as if she saw hope for a moment.

"Linton! Unit 3..."

Unfortunately, before she could finish her words, the shock wave of the explosion had already hit her, and Katsuragi Misato closed her eyes. There was a loud "bang", and the wind was strong around her, but for a moment, she didn't seem to feel what happened to her people.

Opening his eyes, Linton was still standing in front of him, and there seemed to be some invisible barrier in front of him blocking the explosion. The fan-shaped area behind him was a safe zone, and everything outside the fan-shaped area had been destroyed. The impact of the explosion was completely flattened, and even the surrounding hills had completely disappeared.

The entire laboratory had been completely torn off its roof, turning from indoor to outdoor. Misato Katsuragi quickly looked behind her. Ritsuko Akagi fell to the ground. She quickly squatted down and looked at the opponent's injuries, but with a slight push, Ritsuko Akagi here is already awake, obviously fine.

In addition to the two of them, there were three or four staff members in the laboratory who escaped the explosion behind them. The others and the entire building had completely disappeared, and it is believed that it will be impossible to find them again.

Linton also turned around to confirm Katsuragi Misato's situation. After seeing that there was nothing wrong with her, he turned to look in the direction of Unit 3. Although there was a lot of smoke and dust around now, he was able to lock the opponent's position instantly.

"An Xin... I am a pervert, a scumbag, a demon, a magician, and a scum of the world. I am here to save this world." Linton said calmly.

Before Katsuragi Misato could react, a strange voice suddenly sounded behind her: "Celebrate! This is..."

"Shut up!" Linton shouted directly to cut off Woz's congratulations. "What are you trying to celebrate at this time? This is not a nickname that can be used, no matter how you listen to it, am I okay? It's easy to get a concave shape. Are you here to break my skills on purpose? Get out of here!"

"Huh?" Katsuragi Misato turned her head and saw a figure bowing to Linton and disappearing. This really made her confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Gan, a lifetime of fame was almost ruined in one day." Linton said.

"Hey! You guy, is this the time to cause trouble?" Misato Katsuragi yelled directly, "Asuka is still in Unit 3, and now Unit 3 is completely out of control!"

"I already knew it," Linton said. "Aren't you here to save the situation? By the way, there are souvenirs here. You can eat the melon while I go and solve this matter."

After saying that, Linton directly handed the remaining half of the watermelon to Misato Katsuragi. Misato Katsuragi took it blankly, and then suddenly realized that it was time to eat the melon, but she didn't say anything before she could. , a huge black shadow suddenly appeared behind her, and before she could react, the black shadow grabbed Linton on the ground, pulled him back, and threw him forward, throwing Linton away.

"I..." Katsuragi Misato, who was holding half a watermelon, didn't know what to say, but after Linton arrived, she did feel a special sense of security in her heart, and it did make her who was originally confused seem to have found a backbone.

"We must contact the headquarters immediately." At this time, Ritsuko Akagi stood up anxiously and said, "Are you really going to watch the show with a watermelon in your arms?"

"Such a big movement, the headquarters must have noticed it. All the equipment here is like this, and we will be unable to contact you for a short time." Misato Katsuragi took out her mobile phone and checked. Sure enough, there was no signal, and the surrounding mountains were all closed. It was destroyed, not to mention the mobile phone tower. In this case, they could only wait for the headquarters to come and contact them.

On Linton's side, with a throw of acceleration, he had already caught up with the location of the No. 3 machine. At this time, Unit 3 didn't even notice Linton flying behind him. Of course it had its own goals, and it was heading straight towards the Third New Tokyo City.

Of course, the other party ignored Linton. Linton had no intention of having a good talk with it. He approached Unit 3 and raised his hand to punch it. At the moment of Linton's attack, the No. 3 machine here seemed to have sensed Linton's attack. It turned its head suddenly, and the next second it appeared in an AT position in front of it, obviously trying to block Linton's attack. , but Linton didn't care about the AT position at all, and punched it directly.

There was a loud "bang", and the No. 3 machine here flew out, flying several hundred meters behind parallel to the ground. However, the No. 3 machine here didn't seem to feel any special pain. After flying for a while, he quickly adjusted his posture, turned over in the air and landed directly on his feet, sliding backwards and dragging out a whole ravine. His movements were so flexible that it didn't look like anything. machine.

But as soon as it landed, a huge black figure fell from the sky and hit Unit 3 directly, pressing the opponent to the ground. Linton poked his head out of Susanoo's body and looked directly at the neck of Unit 3.

Yes, Linton didn't use any force at all, and the No. 3 machine wasn't that strong either. It would be no problem for Linton to blow up the opponent with one punch. It couldn't be blocked by any AT position. But the problem is that Asuka is still in the opponent's body, and we have to find a way to get Asuka out before we can start.

I looked at the position of the insertion plug on the back of the No. 3 machine's neck. At this time, the insertion plug was half popped out, but it was stuck by something blue and half flesh and blood, completely stuck. Just when Linton was about to study what this thing was doing, a burst of white energy suddenly burst out from the No. 3 machine, and actually knocked away the Susanoo on it.

Linton was stunned for a moment because he felt a familiar aura: "Beng Yu?"

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