I really can't control myself

Chapter 1671 Orbital War

"A few minutes ago, the Mauna Kea Observatory (in the Hawaiian Islands) captured the target and is calculating its orbit."

"The third surveillance satellite optically captured the target, and the maximum proportion was output on the screen." In the NERV command room, Misato Katsuragi, who had just arrived after hearing the alarm, received various emergency messages.

Looking at the screen, what is displayed on the screen is a black sphere with a rather strange state. Various twisted patterns are mixed in the middle of the sphere, which is said to be from meteorites and looks more like some kind of biological creature.

The bad premonition was indeed correct. This thing was obviously not a meteorite, but an apostle. The moment she saw the other party's appearance, Katsuragi Misato was already sure, but she didn't expect that the other party would choose to attack from outside the earth this time, and at this time.

Yes, this time happened to be the time when their commander-in-chief, Ikari Yuantang, was away. Not only Ikari Yuantang, but also deputy commander Fuyue was away. The two of them should have gone to space, but they didn't explain what they were going to space for this time, but it was obvious that they couldn't make it back in time.

What's even more troublesome is that they couldn't contact the Commander-in-Chief's spaceship before. Once again, they thought it was electromagnetic interference or something like that, but now they know the real reason. After the apostle appeared, the powerful AT position was like a black hole, even interfering with the trajectory of light. It is probably because of this that their connection with the sky was temporarily interrupted.

"Then the landing target of this thing is... nine times out of ten, it will be here." Katsuragi Misato also asked and answered her own questions.

Sure enough, the staff next to him answered immediately: "According to MAGI's calculations, 99.99% of the target's landing location is the NERV headquarters, which is here. Based on the current speed, the explosion damage caused by the fall is estimated to be 420,000 meters in diameter and 420,000 meters deep. Up to 15,000 meters."

"The Third New Tokyo City will be completely evaporated." Ritsuko Akagi said next to her.

"Is the commander still unable to contact you?" Misato Katsuragi asked.

"Due to the appearance of the apostles, the radio waves leading to space have been interfered with, and we are still unable to contact them."

"Am I the only one who can make the decision now?" Misato Katsuragi said. It is true that she, the captain of the combat team, is the temporary commander here. "Notify the ZHENG government that NERV has issued a special declaration D-17, all within a 120 kilometer radius. All personnel are evacuated.”


Fortunately, the apostles found out earlier this time, and they had plenty of time to evacuate the people. The ZHENG government officials basically didn't need to say hello to them. They had already started running away when they realized something was wrong.

The work of evacuating the people was carried out in an orderly manner, and the Third New Tokyo City had already turned into an attack mode. The remaining problem was how to formulate a combat plan.

Obviously by the time this thing falls, it will be too late. While the work of evacuating people here is being carried out, the war department has been meeting to formulate plans. The best way is to intercept in the space phase. However, conventional weapons have of course been tried. N2 aviation thunderstorms are very suitable for this. The thing is completely ineffective. If you want to deal with the apostle, you still need the power of EVA.

However, EVA currently does not have any air combat equipment, and of course it cannot fly. As for long-distance attacks, because the apostle's AT position is so strong that it can distort light, it is really impossible to accurately hit the target. Various proposals were put forward by the staff of the Operation Department, and then rejected by each other. In the end, everyone looked at Katsuragi Misato, who had been silent. After all, she was the commander-in-chief now.

Of course, Misato Katsuragi has been thinking about the battle plan. At this time, she already has a bold idea in her mind, but if she says it, she will be scolded by Ritsuko Akagi next to her. Of course, it seems that there is no other way now. We can't just run away, we can only go head-on.

"I have something to mention..." Misato Katsuragi was just about to explain her battle plan when a portal suddenly opened next to her and Linton walked out of it.

In fact, NERV already knew about the portal, and Linton had no intention of hiding it from them anyway. Although they didn't feel anything strange about the way Linton appeared, they were still a little wary of the purpose of Linton's appearance at this time.

"Can you please stop causing trouble at this time?" Misato Katsuragi held her forehead and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Isn't this the appearance of an apostle? No matter what, our Earth Defense Force can be regarded as your NERV partner, right? Of course we should come to help at this time." Linton said with a smile.

"Really? How are you going to help? Does your Earth Defense Force have weapons to fight in space? The apostle is still in space now." Misato Katsuragi said.

"There are no space weapons. After all, our Earth Defense Force is not originally engaged in technology." Linton said, "But it's just a big meteorite. Who doesn't know how to deal with it?"

"Big meteorite? Then you should take a look at it." Katsuragi Misato said.

"Okay." Linton nodded immediately. Misato Katsuragi suddenly felt something bad, but before she could say anything, Linton put his hands together, and Susanoo appeared on his body, directly blowing the combat department's The ceiling was broken through. Fortunately, the space in the command room was quite large, but it was just a broken ceiling, so nothing serious happened.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Misato Katsuragi shouted directly at Linton. To be honest, she was still a little panicked. After all, Linton's purpose was unknown. If Linton suddenly became violent and dealt with them NERV, this was Something big is going to happen. The apostles over there haven't been dealt with yet. If the headquarters here is attacked again, they won't have time to deal with the apostles who will be left behind.

"Tianzhi Zhenxing." Linton didn't answer. Katsuragi Misato directly clasped her hands together. Susanoo behind her also clasped her hands together. The people next to her only felt like a warm breath coming from their lips. Scanning his body, it looked like Linton had done something, but there didn't seem to be any obvious reaction afterwards.

"I said you..." Misato Katsuragi was about to ask, but a warning sound of "didi-didi" suddenly came from the main screen of the command room next to her.

The staff here had been attracted by Linton before. Now they turned back to the screen to look at it and immediately said: "We found a non-flying object in orbit and are quickly approaching the target."

"What? What is it?" Misato Katsuragi came to the command room outside in an instant and asked anxiously.

"The Fourth Monitoring Satellite provides optical images..." Another image soon appeared on the big screen, and everyone was shocked when they saw it.

"Really... a meteorite?" Yes, a huge meteorite on the screen is moving at high speed, approaching quickly from the far side of the screen. The monitoring satellites in space are now near the apostles, which means that this meteorite is approaching the apostles in space.

"Calculating the orbit, the meteorite has a 99.99% chance of colliding with the apostle." The staff member said in surprise.

"Where did this meteorite come from? Why did it suddenly appear in low-Earth orbit?" Ritsuko Akagi asked.

"I don't know. I've never seen it before. It appeared suddenly, like magic." A staff member replied. It is true that if such a large meteorite appeared in low-Earth orbit, they would have issued an alarm long ago, but now it was suddenly observed.

"Magic?" Misato Katsuragi suddenly froze when she heard this, and then everyone in the command room also reacted and looked directly at Linton next to her.

"What did you do?" Misato Katsuragi asked immediately.

"So I said there's no need to make a fuss, it's just a meteorite." Linton said.

"It's too much to summon meteorites or something..." Misato Katsuragi was really speechless. Just as she was about to say something, the words of the staff next to her brought her attention back again.

"The meteorite is about to collide with the target, 5, 4, 3..."

Everyone turned to the screen. Although the meteorite thing was really hard to believe, dealing with the apostles was the focus at the moment, so could the meteorite be effective? The optical image was also aimed at the apostle at this time, waiting for the result.

There was a "bang", and sure enough, when the countdown reached 0, the huge meteorite directly hit the huge black ball in space. At the moment of the collision, it was obvious that a huge AT stance appeared on the apostle here, and then the huge meteorite exploded directly under the powerful impact, breaking into a lot of fragments in an instant.

However, the apostle here was not completely fine. Although he did appear to be fine on the outside, he was obviously affected by the huge impact and turned to one side.

"Report the situation!" Katsuragi Misato shouted immediately.

"The trajectory of the target's fall has changed, the destination has been revised and is being recalculated!" the staff shouted in surprise.

"Is this...avoided?" Ritsuko Akagi said.

It is certainly a good thing to be able to avoid a frontal impact, but another bad news soon followed: "The meteorite fragmented, and the fragments were affected by gravity and were about to fall into the earth. Preliminary calculations show that at least 300 fragments will be able to pass through the atmosphere, roughly The crash location was central North America."

"Oops!" Misato Katsuragi said immediately, which meant that North America was about to receive a meteor shower.

However, this was not the worst news. Immediately, the staff here shouted again: "The target is adjusting its orbit. The orbit is corrected and calculated again. Oops, the end of this orbit is still here."

"Damn it, is it really alive?" Misato Katsuragi said as she smashed the wall next to her. Although the apostles were temporarily allowed to yaw, the other party immediately made adjustments. After all, they were not dealing with real meteorites, but living apostles.

"It's quite powerful." Linton also said, "Okay, if one doesn't work... try it ten times and see how long you can last."

Linton said and was about to take action again. Misato Katsuragi next to him heard Linton's words and shouted directly: "Stop!"

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