I really can't control myself

Chapter 1661 Actual Combat

After a few "bang bang bang" sounds, three things that looked like giant ancient city gates suddenly appeared in front of the beam. Before anyone could figure out where these things came from, the beam had already hit the first city gate. .

Along with a loud noise, an explosion occurred directly where the city gate was hit. Soon, a large hole was formed in the middle of the city gate by the high-temperature energy, and the light from this side continued to move forward, quickly hitting the second gate.

The same explosion sounded soon. This time the explosion was slightly smaller, but the second door also had a big hole dissolved in the middle. The light continued to move forward and quickly hit the last rising door again. superior.

The power of the explosion was obviously weakened, but the beam was still in the middle of the dissolving gate, but the dissolving speed was not as fast as the previous two times.

It was indeed a matter of time before the third gate was penetrated, but it also took time for the attack to happen again. Ayanami Rei here immediately raised her hand, and soon a round ball appeared in the palm of her hand, gradually expanded, and then began to rotate.

"Wind Release. Spiral Shuriken." Soon Ayanami Rei here threw the Spiral Shuriken towards the apostle's position, naturally aiming at the opponent's exposed core.

However, at this time, the apostle here also quickly transformed, stopped the attack of the light, and once again transformed into a diamond-shaped cube. At this time, the spiral shuriken flying towards it suddenly seemed to hit something, and exploded with a "bang" in the air.

"The target deployed AT stance and defended against... uh... unknown attacks." The staff in the command room didn't know how to report. In comparison, they could understand the situation on the apostle's side better, Rei Ayanami. Here again, three gates appeared inexplicably, and light balls suddenly started to be thrown. What the hell is going on.

"Is this magic?" In the commander's office above the command room, Ikari Yuantang said in surprise as he looked at the screen.

"It's really incredible." Deputy Commander Dongyue next to him also murmured in shock, "But at present, it seems that it is still a bit troublesome to deal with the enemy..."

It is true that the enemy this time is not easy to deal with, and everyone can see it. At present, it seems that the apostle here can change his form according to the current situation, between the offensive form just now and the defensive form now. The light attack just now was very strong, and the defensive AT position was also very powerful. It was obviously not easy to defeat it.

And now it seems that the opponent will only reveal its S2 mechanism core when attacking, which means that if you want to defeat the opponent, you must let the opponent attack first.

Of course Ayanami Rei on the field could see this. When this diamond-shaped cube is in its state, you can't even see the core position, and the AT stance can protect it. It's quite difficult to penetrate the opponent's defense. If you want to win, it seems now that you have to attract the opponent to take action first.

However, the opponent's attack is very dangerous. The triple Rashomon of my own is obviously unable to block the opponent's beam. Moreover, my own attack was blocked just now, mainly because the flying distance was too long, which gave the apostle time to react and change forms. Defense, so while luring the opponent to take action, he also needs to close the distance.

Thinking of this, Ayanami Rei here crossed her index fingers: "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

There was a burst of white smoke, and soon hundreds of Ayanami Rei suddenly appeared on the scene. This was the solution she came up with. These shadow clones could attract firepower, lure the opponent to attack, and she could also take the opportunity to close the distance.

"Is this really a clone technique?" Misato Katsuragi couldn't help but say after seeing the situation on the screen. This was because she had heard from Linton before that he wanted to teach Rei Ayanami magic. It was to cope with going to school, but it was useless because she successfully asked for leave. Did she really learn it, and there were so many of them.

At this time, Ayanami Rei's shadow clones on the screen also quickly began to disperse. The explosion range of the beam attack just now was not very large. The rapid dispersion should be able to get closer to its main body.

"Well... I can learn chakra and ninjutsu very quickly, but my experience in actual combat cannot be compensated by cheating." At this time, Linton, who was on the building next to him, had been watching Ayanami Rei's battle process. , commented at this time.

Ayanami Rei's ninjutsu learning can only be described as extremely fast, even exceeding Linton's own expectations. The original plan was for her to get started in one week, but unexpectedly, she was already able to do this on the sixth day. This is definitely due to Bengyu.

But of course there are still shortcomings. Ayanami Rei's fighting mind is indeed good, and she should have discovered the form transformation of the apostle, but she is still not familiar with her own skills. In short, she lacks combat experience. The technique of multiple shadow clones is not something that just anyone can use. This thing is a big consumer of chakra. People who are not the kind of people who count chakra in tons will not dare to use this technique.

Spawning shadow clones of hundreds of people at a time, except for families with abnormal physiques like the Senju family or the Uzumaki family, no one would do this. It is such a waste of chakra. Of course, it's probably mainly because I didn't teach her many ninjutsu, and I didn't have any other better way to deal with it.

Linton looked at Ayanami Rei's remaining chakra. She didn't seem to feel that her chakra was obviously not enough. Even if it was as she thought, she could draw the opponent to attack and close the distance at the same time. The remaining chakra is probably not enough to complete the attack.

What's more, the apostle here didn't seem to be prepared to give her this opportunity. At this moment, the apostle here started to change her body again. The whole body shrank, and then this time it turned into a ring shape, and the body became flat. Viewed from above It looked like a radiating sun, and then a purple light shot out from its core, and then suddenly accelerated and turned, directly sweeping towards the surrounding shadow clones.

"What?" Ayanami Rei was stunned for a moment. The other party had previously launched straight-line attacks, but this time it was actually such a sweep. The shadow clone here was quickly swept by the light, and then "bang bang bang" After several explosions, the shadow clone exploded into clouds of white smoke.

Soon the light struck towards her body. Seeing this, Ayanami Rei wanted to use defensive ninjutsu, but then she realized that her chakra was completely insufficient.

Looking at the light sweeping towards her, Ayanami Rei didn't know what to do, but at this moment, a figure appeared directly in front of her.

"Wooden Release. Ranking Technique."

Linton raised his hand, and a strange-shaped wooden shield appeared in front of the two of them. The next second, the light hit the wooden shield directly. Unlike the Rashomon that had just been destroyed, the beam here was indeed It was also burning the wooden shield, but the effect didn't seem to be obvious, and it perfectly blocked the apostle's attack.

"Well..." Linton looked at Ayanami Rei here. Ayanami Rei lowered her head subconsciously, always feeling that her performance was not very good.

"It's not bad, after all, this is the first actual battle, 50 points." Linton said while touching Ayanami Rei's head again. This kind of head-touching seems to have become a habit for him in class recently, and Ayanami Rei here seems to be quite used to it. She didn't resist it at first, but now she seems to be enjoying it.

"The main problem is the use of chakra. You don't have any tailed beast plug-ins here, so the chakra has to be used. But thinking about it, it seems that the ninjutsu taught to you is not suitable in the first place. The shadow clone and the Rasengan are both naruto. The ninjutsu used by that guy who doesn’t need to consider chakra issues at all, I should teach you a few suitable ones later," Linton said.

While class was still going on here, the apostle over there certainly didn't stop either. The light intensity of this range attack was not very high, and it was easily blocked by Linton's Ranking Technique. The other party obviously noticed Linton, and the situation here changed again.

After a burst of transformation, the apostle directly transformed into a shape similar to a five-pointed star. The core position in the middle jumped directly, and there was an obvious movement of accumulating energy.

"There is a high-energy reaction inside the target again, more intense than the previous ones!" the staff in the command room shouted anxiously.

"Do you feel threatened by Linton?" Misato Katsuragi said, "But what that guy said..."

Sure enough, the next second, the apostle here once again sprayed out a strong light, hitting the large shield created by the ranking technique here. The intensity of the light this time was indeed extraordinary. Even the large shield of the Ranking Technique began to vaporize, and intense high temperatures appeared on the surface.

"It's... a bit annoying." Linton also stopped the class and turned directly to look in the direction of the apostle, "At this level, it is mainly to give my students some practical experience to keep you here until now, and you are still jumping up. Right?"

At this time, the previous Ranking Jutsu was already a bit unbearable. Needless to say, the defensive ability of this Ranking Jutsu was even able to block Susanoo's attack, but now it was actually about to be attacked by this apostle's attack. The attack destroyed it, which showed that this apostle was actually quite powerful. However, it was a pity that Linton was the one he encountered.

I saw Linton here raised his hand, stretched out his index finger and pointed directly at the apostle's position, opened his mouth and gestured, making a sound like a gunshot, "Bang."

A beam of light shot directly from Linton's finger, directly pierced through his own ranking technique in front, and quickly collided with the light from the apostle's side. The winner of this light duel was almost instantaneous. Although Linton's beam looked very small, it instantly tore the apostle's beam directly. The opponent's beam seemed to be split from the middle and splashed in all directions. Linton's beam went upstream, separating the apostle's beam and rushing directly towards the opponent's body.

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