I really can't control myself

Chapter 1654 Attack again

"Optics captures unusual objects."

"E-747 also confirmed the target."

"The analysis category is blue, confirmed to be an apostle." The voice of the staff and Ritsuko Akagi came from the communicator in the car.

"All personnel, initiate first-level combat preparations." Misato Katsuragi, the captain of the combat team, immediately ordered.

At this time, Misato Katsuragi and Linton had returned to the car. Of course, they also called Rei Ayanami and Shinji Ikari, who had just had a lesson. Of course, schools can no longer continue with classes. Alarms have gone off, and teachers are organizing students to evacuate.

"What's wrong with your face?" Misato Katsuragi couldn't help but ask as soon as she saw Shinji Ikari coming to join them. Indeed, Shinji Ikari's face was a little red now, and he felt as if he had been punched by someone.

"I bumped into it." Shinji Ikari replied casually, turning his eyes away.

Obviously what he said was not the truth, but Misato Katsuragi did not continue to ask about the current situation. The apostles over there were here, and she had to rush back to the headquarters to take command. There was nothing to say. As soon as Shinji Ikari got into the car, Misato Katsuragi stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the nearest entrance to the underground base.

"This apostle comes quite often." Linton couldn't help but say, yes, this apostle always seemed to appear a little earlier than he remembered, and he didn't know if it was his. caused by influence.

"We don't know where those things appear from, nor when they will arrive, so we must be prepared at any time." Katsuragi Misato is not surprised by this.

The nearest entrance to the base is not very far from the school, probably because of the emergency situation. Since the pilots are all studying in this school, the distance here is probably only a few minutes. Misato Katsuragi directly swiped the pass, and after the vehicle entered, it was directly connected to the conveyor belt to the NERV headquarters, and the people and the vehicle were sent to the headquarters.

At this time, first-level combat equipment has been issued. Sirens similar to air raids are everywhere in New Tokyo. People who are skilled have already gone to refuges, and the city has begun to transform.

The tall buildings in the center of the city began to sink, and defensive facilities such as defensive artillery began to appear on the surrounding mountains. Fortunately, this time the apostles gave them a lot of preparation time, and unlike last time, NERV was in charge of the command from the beginning, which is naturally more effective. Last time, it was the League of Nations troops who were in charge. After resisting, the N2 mine explosion was ineffective before command was handed over to NERV.

When Misato Katsuragi and others rushed to the command room, everyone else was already there. Indeed, it was work time, and most of them were at the base. Only Misato Katsuragi was outside because she had to go through transfer procedures.

"How is the situation?" Misato Katsuragi got into work very quickly and asked directly to the staff in front.

"The image of the apostle has been captured and displayed on the big screen." The person in front replied.

Sure enough, a new picture appeared on the big screen soon. It was a piece of red sea, and a huge thing like a floating whale was moving forward. If you look carefully, you can see that this thing is long and tall. It looks a bit like a shrimp, with two large pincers on the front and a bunch of limbs that look like gastropods on the belly.

"The current position is over the Pacific Ocean, with coordinates 00X1.42C3. It is expected to reach the sky above New Tokyo City in 31 minutes." The staff here reported.

"This thing..." Misato Katsuragi's first feeling when she saw the apostle was fear, the fear that humans have towards unknown monsters. This thing is indeed long and quite penetrating.

"It exudes the aura of a weakling." However, the second half of the sentence added by Linton next to him said completely the opposite meaning.

"Hey, don't make trouble at this time." Misato Katsuragi said.

"It does look like a Pipi shrimp." Linton said, "A guy like this... I don't know how it tastes..."


"I'm not kidding. Last time I met a huge octopus monster. Although it didn't look like much, it tasted so inexplicably good that I didn't even enjoy the dragon meat feast." Linton said, " With that kind of experience, I think long seafood-like things might taste OK.”

"Shinji-kun, go get ready." Misato Katsuragi decided to ignore Linton's nonsense for the time being and said to Shinji Ikari next to her.

"It should be easy to handle if I take action here." Linton said.

Katsuragi Misato still didn't answer, because of course she had just contacted Commander Ikari. The answer to the apostle's response plan this time was to let Shinji Ikari be mainly responsible for fighting against the apostle.

Linton may not be joking. Not only Misato Katsuragi, but also Gendo Ikari knows this. He should really be able to deal with the apostle this time. However, letting Shinji Ikari come was their final decision.

There are two reasons. One is that Ikari Yuantang does not believe Linton at all. Currently, they have no idea what the purpose of this guy is, and they have not found any origin of Linton at all. This kind of person who appears out of nowhere is naturally a person who is completely uncontrollable. Compared with EVA, which is completely in his hands, of course he prioritizes the power in his own hands. You said you asked Linton to take action. If he had any malicious intentions, even if he didn't, he helped beat up a few apostles and then walked away. So let Shinji Ikari try it first. If he can solve the problem, let him solve it. It can be regarded as training. .

The second reason is even more important now, that is, NERV must prove its worth. Yes, isn't the purpose of NERV's establishment just to deal with the current situation? If NERV hadn't come to fight the apostles, would this organization still be necessary to exist? Ikari Yuantang needs NERV to reflect its importance in order to facilitate their future plans, so even if Linton offers to help, they must take the initiative.

You must know that NERV is not an independent organization, there is SEELE behind it. In fact, SEELE had already questioned Ikari Gendo about this matter after the previous battle, so this time Ikari Gendo specifically ordered Misato Katsuragi to let Unit 1 attack first.

In fact, SEELE didn't have such a strong idea to find Linton. The reason was the same. They didn't know Linton's background or his purpose. Compared with Linton, the NERV in their hands is obviously easier to use, and it is their own strength. It's just that they didn't think about whether Ikari Yuantang had any ideas of their own.

Fortunately, the performance of Unit 1 was pretty good before. Although it was subdued by Linton in the end, its advantage was still obvious when facing the apostles. Currently, they still see Plan E. As for Linton, they didn't even think of talking to Linton before the other party's investigation came out.

However, neither Ikari Yuantang nor SEELE considered Ikari Shinji's situation here. After all, in their view, Ikari Shinji was just a tool driver. But in fact, Shinji Ikari's heart is in a mess right now. So many messy things have happened in the past two days since he came here. He originally came to see his father, but in the end he just met him from a distance and let him go as soon as he opened his mouth. He went to drive a strange robot to fight the enemy. He was so confused that he was immediately pulled into the cab again.

According to the original plan, EVA's dispatch this time should be at least looser than last time. Last time, the enemy was on top of them before they were dispatched urgently. This time, Katsuragi Misato is planning to have EVA dispatch in advance and be prepared first to wait for the enemy. Get close and launch a sudden attack, a plan similar to an ambush.

However, what he didn't expect was that the original preparation directly turned into a toddler class for Shinji Ikari. It took Shinji Ikari five minutes to learn how to use EVA to walk. As for operating firearms, he still didn't understand how. What's going on, the apostles over there have already arrived.

Yes, at this time, they could already see the apostle directly on the sea from a distance. After receiving the order, Shinji Ikari immediately hid behind the stretched partition in the city, holding in his hand the Hands-on rifle.

"Wait for the opponent to get close, aim at the weak spot in the middle of the opponent, and pull the trigger, can you do it?" Misato Katsuragi said to Shinji Ikari.

"Aim, shoot...aim, shoot..." Shinji Ikari repeated several times as if he was under self-hypnosis, "Yes, Miss Katsuragi."

Although she knew that Shinji Ikari's situation must be very confusing now, Misato Katsuragi had nothing to do because she only had this card in her hand. Yes, she originally brought Ayanami Rei back, thinking that she might be able to get Unit Zero to fight this time, but the problem was that it didn't work. Although the pilot has recovered from his injuries, Unit Zero is not yet. The last test was because Unit Zero suddenly lost control and Rei Ayanami was injured. Now Unit Zero has not been repaired on the one hand, and it has not been unsealed on the other. There is no Ikari. According to the commander's order, Unit Zero is temporarily unable to attack.

Although Ayanami Rei is also on standby, she is still on standby on the ground and has not even entered the posture cabin. Seeing this, Misato Katsuragi also knew that Commander Ikari probably wanted Unit-0 to deal with the enemy alone.

"Here we come." Just as he was thinking about it, the apostle here had already approached the city. This time he was a flying apostle, and he entered the city much faster than the one who came before.

"Get ready..." Misato Katsuragi watched the apostles approach all the way. Sure enough, the target was still directly above their base. Of course, Unit 1 was also ambushing there, "Do it!"

Shinji Ikari's reaction was quite fast. He appeared directly from the bunker and fired wildly at the apostle. However, the shooting accuracy was obviously not very good. He shot out a lot of smoke, but not many bullets hit the core.

The apostle here was very calm. His two claws suddenly drooped, and then two red ribbon-like things suddenly protruded from the top of the claws, and he waved forward like a twitch.

The red ribbon penetrated directly through a large number of buildings in front and the baffle in front of Unit 1 as a bunker. The next second, the rifle in Unit 1's hand was cut off. Seeing that it was about to hit him, Shinji Ikari rolled to the ground to dodge in Unit-001. He actually dodged it, but at this time, the cable connecting Unit-001 was directly cut off.

Red lights immediately lit up in the cockpit and command center of Unit 1, and a five-minute countdown timer began to count down automatically.

"The external cable is cut off, but the internal power supply can still operate for 4 minutes and 55 seconds!" the staff immediately shouted.

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