"Hey, why was I the only one who was thrown out of the car?" Linton was standing under a tree at this time, looking at the car hanging on the tree and said.

"Maybe... there's no car door on your side?" Asuna on the other side stretched out her head and answered.

"Shinji-kun, are you okay?" Misato Katsuragi's slightly anxious voice came from the front.

"I'm fine, Ms. Katsuragi." Shinji Ikari checked his body slightly and replied.

"I said, can you get down from the tree first?" Linton said.

"Do you think I don't want to come down?" Misato Katsuragi yelled directly.

There was a "bang". As soon as Misato Katsuragi finished speaking, Linton kicked the tree directly. The car was originally hanging on the tree and was not very secure. With such a shock, it hit the tree with a "bang". on the ground. Of course, I was lucky enough to hit it smoothly and land on all four wheels. However, as soon as it hit the ground, the front bumper and the driver's door of the car fell off, making the whole car look like it was going to fall apart on the spot.

"Oh my God, my car! There are still twelve months of loan payments on this car." Misato Katsuragi yelled directly, but her tone was not that strong. It seemed that she didn't care too much about the car. What is more concerning is the situation on the apostle's side. As she spoke, she took out a telescope and looked at the location of the previous explosion.

The previous explosion formed a very huge crater, which shows that the power of the bomb called the N2 mine is basically similar to that of a small nuclear bomb in terms of lethality. At this time, the center of the crater was obviously still emitting high temperatures, and it looked like the surrounding rocks were melting. However, under this high temperature, Katsuragi Misato clearly saw the huge black figure standing there.

"Sure enough, it's still useless?" Misato Katsuragi wasn't so surprised, but she just felt a little pity, "With the AT position, ordinary weapons can't cause damage to it at all... So what happened to the car door you just opened? Hit it?"

At the end, he suddenly circled back to Linton next to him. Indeed, seeing this scene, Linton's car door attack just now was even more weird. The power of N2 mines has no effect on the opponent. Linton's car door directly penetrates the opponent's entire body, which makes Katsuragi Misato have to be concerned.

"It's not like AT's position means he is invincible. Look, the N2 mine also caused damage to him." Linton said. It is true that the N2 mines slightly burned some of the outer shell of the apostle. At least the apostle is still recovering and did not take immediate action. It also proved to be somewhat effective, but only very small. "Do you think the car door attack I threw is not as good as a mere one?" An N2 mine, right?"

Misato Katsuragi was really speechless when she said this. The N2 mine was just okay. Of course, Linton was telling the truth, but no one could have imagined that it was the truth.

"Anyway, let's go first. Since that thing can still move, it will continue to come here soon." Katsuragi Misato said. As soon as she finished speaking, her cell phone rang. Misato Katsuragi looked at the call, then got in the car and answered the phone.

"Okay, I understand... Hmm... Okay, deputy commander, I know... Wait, I have some things to report here." After saying that, Katsuragi Misato also started the car again. I have to say that this car's The quality was pretty good. Even in its current condition, it could still start. She waved for a few people to get on the bus.

Of course, what Misato Katsuragi is reporting now is probably about Linton and the others. Although the voice is not very loud, Linton can still hear what Linton wants to hear. It's just that Linton didn't care about what the other party reported, he was thinking about the future plan.

First of all, this world is the world of EVA. Linton still remembers things in this world very clearly, and he is basically very proficient in it. But the problem is... remembering clearly doesn't mean Linton understands everything in this world. Sometimes Linton can't figure out the situation because he doesn't remember it, but this world is a strange example, that is, when you read it from beginning to end, you may not understand what it is saying.

Yes, if the plot of EVA is put in a simple way, it is a world where Ultraman wearing a science fiction skin fights monsters. Every time an apostle, that is, a monster invades, then EVA attacks, defeats the monster, and then repeats the process. It sounds simple, but in fact it's just the surface.

The theme of the entire plot is about the relationship between people, so the plot naturally cannot be as simple as fighting monsters, but more about the relationships between characters in the plot. But the problem is that sometimes these things are too hazy and too hazy. It's obscure, and people with high standards don't understand what it means at all. But sometimes it's not obscure. For example, the famous 1-minute freeze-frame scene. You analyze a lot of what themes it shows, and the result is Insufficient funds, what do you say?

This is not the only trouble. Linton now has another point to figure out, which EVA world he is in now. Yes, this is the difference between the world and not just the animated version and comic version, but there is more than one animation, including a TV version and a theatrical version, and the settings between them are quite different. .

The most important setting difference is that the apostles are the apostles, which is also something closely related to Linton.

At present, Linton has tentatively concluded that the valuables in this world are apostles. Although this has not been confirmed yet, Linton estimates that this is the case. That's why when Katsuragi Misato asked Linton if he was dealing with the apostles, Linton answered "probably" because although Linton had guessed about the valuables, it had not yet been confirmed.

But once this speculation turns out to be true, Linton will face a problem, that is, there are a total of eighteen apostles in the TV version, while there are only twelve in the theatrical version. This is a third missing out of thin air. Of course, for Linton It’s just a loss in points. Of course, Linton thought that this was the TV version of the world, so that he could get more points. Now he is still short of points when building a city.

All in all, it's quite troublesome to make a good plan in this world. Even Linton, who has seen all the plots, doesn't know how to start. However, it is a good choice to sneak into NERV first. After all, the apostles' target is Lilith, who they think is Adam under NERV. If you guard there, you don't have to worry about the apostles not coming to see her off.

After thinking about it, Misato Katsuragi's call here has ended. Linton also knew that the person on the other side of the phone was NERV's deputy commander Fuyutsuki Komaso, but the commander-in-chief Ikari Gendo must be next to Fuyutsuki, and this matter must be carried out with his nod.

"Okay, I understand, follow your orders." Misato Katsuragi hung up the phone and looked at the people in the car.

"In short, from now on, the command of the battle has been transferred to us, NERV." Misato Katsuragi said, this is also the main reason why Fuyutsuki called her. The troops that fought the apostles before were not NERV troops, but a coalition formed by the United Nations. However, after the ultimate weapon N2 mines proved to have little effect on the apostles, the operation against the apostles was officially handed over to NERV, and Misato Katsuragi, who was the director of the operations department, naturally received formal orders.

"Is this the department where father works?" Shinji Ikari next to him was concerned about the name of the organization NERV.

"Yes." Misato Katsuragi nodded, hesitated for a moment, but still did not say the current identity of Ikari Gendo, "Anyway, I will take you to see your father now."

"Oh, okay." Shinji Ikari nodded obediently.

"As for you two, considering this situation, you also want to find our NERV, right?" Misato Katsuragi said, "There is no problem in coming back with me now."

"No problem, our Earth Defense Force is here to cooperate with you." Linton said.

"Oh, that's it." Misato Katsuragi continued to chat while driving, "Then your Earth Defense Force is an organization established by which country."

This is not to say that she really believed what Linton said about the Earth Defense Force, but she wanted to find out the information. Although she knew that Linton might talk nonsense, she didn't mean to inquire about the truth. According to any information, these two guys with unknown origins are really too suspicious. Just now, Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki made it clear that he has never heard of any organization called the Earth Defense Force. It is absolutely nonsense. Now Misato Katsuragi is just testing.

"Huaxia..." Linton said lightly.

"Huh?" Katsuragi Misato was stunned. She really didn't expect this answer. You said it was nonsense. At least you gave her a more reliable answer to confuse her, but Hua Xia... this is not pure nonsense. .

Of course, Linton also knew why Katsuragi Misato reacted this way. Although the events in this world were set after 2015, when the author of the original work created this script, it was at the end of the 20th century. At that time, no one could have imagined that China would take off to that level in the next ten years or so. Therefore, in this world, China cannot be said to be unknown. It can only be said that it has nothing to do with the development of the plot. Even in the United Army that just appeared, China did not have any participation and had no share in it.

So at this time, Linton's statement that he was from an organization established in China sounded a bit nonsense to Misato Katsuragi, and she didn't even know what to ask next.

There was a slight silence in the car, but the silence was soon broken because they arrived at the place. Misato Katsuragi's car drove into a place that looked like an underground garage. Soon the car began to sink. After passing through a long elevator descent area, an open underground world suddenly appeared in front of her.

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