I really can't control myself

Chapter 1626 Information

This situation was not expected by Ragim. Under normal circumstances, this door would only be opened after the guardian himself fell, but now he was still standing.

After a moment of shock, he seemed to suddenly think of something. Yes, the door basically cannot be opened at this time. Even the other ten priests cannot open the door, and the only person who can open the door at this time, Over there is the current elder of their Pachi tribe, Goldba.

Sure enough, as the door opened, a figure appeared at the entrance of the passage. Ragim took a closer look and saw that it was indeed the Great Elder Goldba, but he didn't understand why the Great Elder would appear here.

"Are you actually here?" Goldbar looked directly at Linton.

"Big leader, shouldn't you be guarding the Shaman King at the King's Society?" Ragim asked.

"Someone passed the final battlefield, and I was supposed to be the final barrier of the ceremony, but that person did not open the final door." Goldbar said.

Rajim immediately understood that as the elder of the Pachi tribe, it was his duty to guard the Shaman King's rituals. He had always been by Wang Zhishe's side, that is, Asakura Hao's side to protect him. But Rashaho was knocked down, and the final battlefield was passed. Of course, it was time for him to appear, but Linton, who defeated Rashaho, came here. Did Goldbar come directly?

"But big boss, isn't it more important to protect the Shaman King?" Ragim asked. In his opinion, even if someone breaks through the final battlefield and disappears, Goldba should not leave the King's Palace. Come out and find someone.

"The ceremony is much faster than expected, and now there is only one obstacle." Goldbar said.

"So that's it." Rajim finally understood, which means that the ceremony will be completed in advance, and the Pachi tribe has been monitoring the actions of everyone entering the pyramid. It should be that others have no time to stop the ceremony. Well, they must have been stopped by other priests, and the only threat was from Linton's side.

Goldbar should have understood this, and he himself judged that he was not Linton's opponent, so he was not going to stop Linton at the King's Society, but took the initiative to find Linton in order to delay Time, because the ceremony over there is estimated to be almost completed, just stop Linton from entering the King's Society.

"Understood, big leader, it's just that this guy...may not be as urgent as we thought." Rajim said.

Goldba can only say that he feels this to a certain extent. Otherwise, why didn't Linton choose to enter the King's Society after defeating Rashaho, but came here instead. However, he still said: "The inheritance ceremony of Lord Shaman King is the most important, and there cannot be any carelessness. Come on, Rajim."

Goldba obviously didn't want to bet on what Linton was thinking. Of course, Rajim here also understood what Goldba meant and nodded directly: "Yes, big leader."

The next second, Goldba here suddenly gave a strong lift, and the clothes on his body fluttered. This was obviously a sign of infusing a large amount of witchcraft power.

"This guy..." Daolian next to her certainly felt Goldba's exaggerated witchcraft power. She really didn't expect that this short and frail old man actually contained such exaggerated witchcraft power in his body, and he was very close to La Jim. Likewise, he had no reservations at all and immediately unleashed all his witchcraft power.

"Super spirit body. Big boss!" Soon Goldba's super spirit body appeared in front of everyone. The originally thin old man had grown dozens of times in size. Standing in front of everyone now is a super giant man eight or nine meters tall, with muscles all over his body. He wears an eagle-head-shaped mask on his head, and a huge Indian traditional feather crest dragging behind his head. A round iron ball like a boxing glove. Not to mention his witchcraft power, the aura of this strong man is quite astonishing.

"Beyond the distant time and space, the souls of the previous leaders of the Pache tribe are gathering at this moment." Goldba's voice came from the chest of the giant. If you look closely, there is something like a glass cover on the chest of the giant. And Goldbar is inside, it feels like a cockpit.

"The new king is coming, and no one can stop him. Otherwise, he will be the enemy of our Pachi clan." Goldba continued.

"Is it another Gundam?" Linton looked at it, spread his hands and said.

"This witchcraft power is so amazing." Daolian couldn't help but say, "Even... surpasses the Fire Spirit."

Daolian was right. The witchcraft power of the super-spiritual leader in front of him did exceed that of the fire spirit. Of course, the reason was that the good fire spirit in Asakang did not infuse all of his witchcraft power, and the big leader's side was a one-time use. , if it is defeated once, Goldba will have no magic power left. Of course, he obviously doesn't care about this.

Before the two of them could finish their conversation, the leader of the super-spiritual body came up directly. He jumped up high, slammed down, and swung the iron fists of both hands directly towards Linton. It had to be said that although this thing was big, it was not slow at all.

Daolian was a little panicked and just about to take action, Linton directly held down the opponent with one hand, and then raised the other hand to point upward.

With a "bang" sound, the impact of the collision shook the surrounding air, and the calm lake surface began to become violent. However, Daolian here looked forward, and Linton's raised hand indeed firmly caught the big leader's blow. The completely disproportionate body shapes on both sides made Daolian confused as to how he was able to catch it.

"Stand back." Just when he was dazed, Linton's words woke him up. Dorian immediately noticed the figure next to him and jumped back, but Linton here had no intention of avoiding it.

With a "swish", a sword light flashed. Yes, the figure coming from the other side was naturally Lajim. Originally, the two of them attacked Linton together, and of course Rajim here was always looking for opportunities. Although it was indeed shocking that Linton received the blow from the big leader, Rajim did not waver. At this time, he also cooperated with Goldba's attack and found an opportunity to chop off Linton's head with his sword.

The angle of this sword was very tricky, but Linton not only did not dodge, but instead took a step forward towards Rajim. With just one step, Rajim understood that Linton was even faster than him. With a slight change of shape, his lightsaber immediately followed Linton's figure.

However, although his change of moves was fast, it was still a little late. The next second, Linton directly squeezed the opponent's sword-holding hand with one hand, and before Lajim could react, he exerted a slight force.

There was a "click" sound of bone cracking, and the entire palm of Rajim's right hand exploded. It could be said that it was crushed directly. Huge pain came, but before he could scream, Linton grabbed his neck and pulled him to the side.

There was a "bang" sound, and a blow came from the side. This was the second punch of the super-spiritual leader. The first blow was easily received by Linton, but Goldba did not waver at all. Seeing that Rajim was already restraining Linton, he immediately swung the second blow.

But he didn't expect Linton to simply pinch Lajim, pull him over and block him directly in front of him. Naturally, Goldba couldn't hold back his strength at all, and the punch hit Rajim directly on the back.

Ragim, who was hit hard with a "poof", spurted out a mouthful of blood. This blood spurting became Linton's only dodge skill. He turned slightly sideways to avoid the blood, so as not to make it too dirty. At the same time, Linton waved to the side, and a ball of soul flew into his hand.

Yes, just when he crushed Lajim's palm, of course the opponent's lightsaber also fell. At this time, Ragim's super-spiritual body had also been released, and a soul like a water bird flew out of the fallen lightsaber, and was sucked into Linton's hand again.

Linton frowned slightly after clicking upload. Earned 160,000 points? This...is too little.

After confirming that he had read it correctly, Linton was speechless. This Lajim is actually quite strong in terms of strength, at least better than his brother-in-law Dorian, but is it worth 160,000 points? It is true that the holding spirit of Shiba that I fought before was about the same price, but they have five of them, right? This Lajim only has one, and it is also the same price?

Of course, Linton knew from the beginning that the points for valuable items were not given based on strength. If we had to give a standard, it would probably be based on rarity. Now it seems that the 1.66 million points given by Rashahe, whom he defeated before, gave Linton some illusions. So, the Ten Sacrificial Priests may not be as valuable as he thought? Most of them won't be the same as Rajim here.

Linton didn't even bother to look for them if it was only around 100,000. Even though Linton had just bought a big item and now only had a few million points, after all, they were two people with skills worth hundreds of millions. , you have to spend more than 100,000 points to find it?

Just as he was thinking about it, the super-spiritual leader in front of him followed up with another blow. With a "bang" sound, the water exploded, temporarily blocking Goldba's vision. But before he could see the situation clearly, a voice came directly from his hand.

"How long will it take to get to Asakura?"

Goldba instantly realized that Linton was standing on top of his super spirit body. Just as he was about to make any move, a hand fell directly from above, penetrated the super spirit body and pulled Goldba. Then he was suddenly pulled out of the super spirit body and lifted into the air.

"Ask me again, where is Ma Cang..."

Before Linton finished speaking, several "di-di-di-di" sounds suddenly sounded. Linton looked at the oracle card in Goldba's hand. The sound came from here. He turned around and looked at Daolian and the others next to him, and found that they were also looking at his oracle cards.

Linton lowered his head slightly and looked at the screen of the oracle card in Goldba's hand. There was only one sentence displayed on it, which Linton could understand. It said - "Too small."

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